

Mar 26th, 2015
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  1. # # # # # # # # # # #
  2. # Options #
  3. # # # # # # # # # # #
  5. options:
  6. prefix: &8[&9Efekty&8]&7
  7. tlo: 160:15
  9. # # # # # # # # # # #
  10. # Command #
  11. # # # # # # # # # # #
  13. command /Efekt:
  14. aliases: efekty, efect
  15. permission: admin
  16. permission message: Juz niedlugo! :D
  17. trigger:
  18. wait 2 ticks
  19. open chest with 3 rows named "&8» &9&lEfekty &8«" to player
  20. wait a tick
  21. # # # # # #
  22. format slot 0 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  23. format slot 1 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  24. format slot 2 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  25. format slot 3 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  26. format slot 4 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  27. format slot 5 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  28. format slot 6 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  29. format slot 7 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  30. format slot 8 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  31. format slot 9 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  32. format slot 10 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  33. # # # # # # # # # #
  34. # Efekty GUI #
  35. # # # # # # # # # #
  36. format slot 11 of player with 1 water bottle named "&7Efekt &cSila I &7na &95 &7minut" with lore "&7Koszt &95 &7blokow emeraldow" to close then run "addefekt %player% 1"
  37. format slot 12 of player with 1 water bottle named "&7Efekt &cSila I &7na &915 &7minut" with lore "&7Koszt &915 &7blokow emeraldow" to close then run "addefekt %player% 2"
  38. format slot 13 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  39. format slot 14 of player with 1 water bottle named "&7Efekt na &9Niewidzialnosc I &7na &93 &7minuty" with lore "&7Koszt &94 &7bloki emeraldow" to close then run "addefekt %player% 3"
  40. format slot 15 of player with 1 water bottle named "&7Efekt na &9Niewidzialnosc I &7na &910 &7minut" with lore "&7Koszt &98 &7blokow emeraldow" to close then run "addefekt %player% 4"
  41. # # # # # #
  42. format slot 16 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  43. format slot 17 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  44. format slot 18 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  45. format slot 19 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  46. format slot 20 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  47. format slot 21 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  48. format slot 22 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  49. format slot 23 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  50. format slot 24 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  51. format slot 25 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  52. format slot 26 of player with 1 {@tlo} named "&7" with lore "" to close
  53. # # # # # # # # #
  54. # Koniec GUI #
  55. # # # # # # # # #
  59. # # # # # # # # # # #
  60. # Add Effect #
  61. # # # # # # # # # # #
  63. command /addefekt [<player>] [<text>]:
  64. trigger:
  65. if sender is console:
  66. if arg 2 is "1": # Sila I x1
  67. if player arg has 5 block of emerald:
  68. remove 5 emerald blocks from player arg's inventory
  69. remove strength from player
  70. wait a tick
  71. apply Strength to the player arg for 300 seconds
  72. send "{@prefix} &7Otrzymales &9Sile I &7na 5 minut !" to player arg
  73. broadcast "{@prefix} &7%player-arg% kupil efekt &cSila I&7 na 5 minut!"
  74. else:
  75. send "{@prefix} &cNie posiadasz 5 blokow emeraldu!" to player arg
  76. stop
  77. if arg 2 is "2": # Sila 1 x2
  78. if player arg has 15 block of emerald:
  79. remove 15 emerald blocks from player arg's inventory
  80. wait a tick
  81. remove strength from player
  82. apply Strength to the player arg for 900 seconds
  83. send "{@prefix} &7Otrzymales &9Sile I &7na 15 minut !" to player arg
  84. broadcast "{@prefix} &7%player-arg% kupil efekt &cSila I&7 na 15 minut!"
  85. else:
  86. send "{@prefix} &cNie posiadasz 15 blokow emeraldu" to player arg
  87. stop
  88. if arg 2 is "3": # Niewidzialnosc 1 x1
  89. if player arg has 4 block of emerald:
  90. remove 4 emerald blocks from player arg's inventory
  91. wait a tick
  92. remove invisibility from player
  93. apply Invisibility to the player arg for 180 seconds
  94. send "{@prefix} &7Otrzymales &9Niewidzialnosc I &7na 3 minuty !" to player arg
  95. broadcast "{@prefix} &7%player-arg% kupil efekt &9Niewidzialnosc I&7 na 3 minuty!"
  96. else:
  97. send "{@prefix} &cNie posiadasz 4 blokow emeraldu" to player arg
  98. stop
  99. if arg 2 is "4": # Niewidzialosc 1 x2
  100. if player arg has 12 block of emerald:
  101. remove 12 emerald blocks from player arg's inventory
  102. wait a tick
  103. remove invisibility from player
  104. apply Strength to the player arg for 600 seconds
  105. send "{@prefix} &7Otrzymales &9Niewidzialnosc I &7na 10 minut !" to player arg
  106. broadcast "{@prefix} &7%player-arg% kupil efekt &9Niewidzialnosc I&7 na 10 minut!"
  107. else:
  108. send "{@prefix} &cNie posiadasz 12 blokow emeraldu" to player arg
  109. stop
  111. else:
  112. send "{@prefix} &cTa komende moze wykonywac tylko konsola!" to player arg
  113. stop
  115. # # # # # # # # #
  116. # End Of Skript #
  117. # By #
  118. # Mroczny337 #
  119. # # # # # # # # #
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