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Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. Fun to be with, occasionaly secretive. easily consoled, honest. sometimes tactful(unsureaboutit). Friendly and approachable. Concerned about other people's feelings. Sometimes unpredictable( or not?). forgiving, but never forgetting, tho not revengeful. caring and loving and totally love to be loved. treating other people equally, love everyone the same, except of ones i hate or ones i date obv. judging people through my own observations, rather than taking someone's opinion for something. often lost in thoughts about people i used to know. on my own i never go out looking for friends, with timek friends just poof and appear and i'm like :O wow a new friend. not aggressive unless provoked, and when provoked, it will be really, really bad experience. not as easy to hurt(unlike in that pic) but takes time to get back on the track
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