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Aug 11th, 2013
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  1. ; Lines starting ; (semicolons) are commented out.
  2. ; That is, they do not affect the code and are here for demonstration purposes only.
  3. ; ----------------------------------
  5. ; HOWTO: Adding more disks
  6. ; ----------------------------------
  7. ; Adding more disks is a pretty straightforward process. Follow the following steps to turn
  8. ; this 2 disks skin into a 3 disks skin. You can then extend it even further as you wish.
  9. ;
  10. ; 1) Create a new variable called disk3=X: directly below disk2=D: in the [Variables] section
  11. ; 2) Create a copy of the [measureTotalDisk2] and [measureUsedDisk2] sections
  12. ; 3) Rename the copied sections to [measureTotalDisk3] and [measureUsedDisk3], respectively.
  13. ; Also change Drive=#disk2# to Drive=#disk3#
  14. ; 4) Create a copy of the [meterLabelDisk2], [meterValueDisk2], and [meterBarDisk2].
  15. ; Rename all Disk2's in the copied sections to Disk3.
  16. ; 5) Now we need to change the Y= values to adjust height. Change Y= under [meterLabelDisk3]
  17. ; to Y=80 (calculated by adding 20 to the Y= value of previous meterLabel).
  18. ; Then change Y= under [meterBarDisk3] to Y=92 (calculated by adding 20 to the Y= value of previous meterBar).
  19. ; 6) Save the file as '3 Disks.ini'. Now right-click on the Rainmeter tray icon and select
  20. ; 'Refresh All'. Now go activate the '3 Disks.ini' skin and enjoy! :)
  22. [Rainmeter]
  23. ; This section contains general settings that can be used to change how Rainmeter behaves.
  24. Author=poiru
  25. AppVersion=2003000
  26. Update=1000
  27. Background=#@#Background.png
  28. ; #@# is equal to Rainmeter\Skins\illustro\@Resources
  29. BackgroundMode=3
  30. BackgroundMargins=0,34,0,14
  31. Logging=0
  32. SkinPath=C:\Users\Jacob\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\
  34. [Metadata]
  35. ; Contains basic information of the skin.
  36. Description=Displays disk usage.
  37. License=Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0
  38. Version=1.0.0
  40. [Variables]
  41. ; Variables declared here can be used later on between two # characters (e.g. #MyVariable#).
  42. fontName=Trebuchet MS
  43. textSize=8
  44. colorBar=000,255,0,255
  45. colorText=000,255,000,255
  46. disk1=C:
  47. disk2=D:
  48. disk3=G:
  50. ; ----------------------------------
  51. ; MEASURES return some kind of value
  52. ; ----------------------------------
  54. [measureTotalDisk1]
  55. ; This measure returns the total disk space
  56. Measure=FreeDiskSpace
  57. Drive=#disk1#
  58. Total=1
  59. UpdateDivider=120
  61. [measureUsedDisk1]
  62. ; Returns inverted value of free disk space (i.e. used disk space)
  63. Measure=FreeDiskSpace
  64. Drive=#disk1#
  65. InvertMeasure=1
  66. UpdateDivider=120
  68. [measureTotalDisk2]
  69. Measure=FreeDiskSpace
  70. Drive=#disk2#
  71. Total=1
  72. UpdateDivider=120
  74. [measureUsedDisk2]
  75. Measure=FreeDiskSpace
  76. Drive=#disk2#
  77. InvertMeasure=1
  78. UpdateDivider=120
  80. [measureTotalDisk3]
  81. Measure=FreeDiskSpace
  82. Drive=#disk3#
  83. Total=1
  84. UpdateDivider=120
  86. [measureUsedDisk3]
  87. Measure=FreeDiskSpace
  88. Drive=#disk3#
  89. InvertMeasure=1
  90. UpdateDivider=120
  92. ; ----------------------------------
  93. ; STYLES are used to "centralize" options
  94. ; ----------------------------------
  96. [styleTitle]
  97. StringAlign=CENTER
  98. StringCase=UPPER
  99. ;StringStyle=BOLD
  100. StringEffect=SHADOW
  101. FontEffectColor=0,0,0,50
  102. FontColor=#colorText#
  103. FontFace=#fontName#
  104. FontSize=10
  105. ;AntiAlias=1
  106. ClipString=1
  108. [styleLeftText]
  109. StringAlign=LEFT
  110. ; Meters using styleLeftText will be left-aligned.
  111. StringCase=NONE
  112. ;StringStyle=BOLD
  113. StringEffect=SHADOW
  114. FontEffectColor=0,0,0,20
  115. FontColor=#colorText#
  116. FontFace=#fontName#
  117. FontSize=#textSize#
  118. ;AntiAlias=1
  119. ClipString=1
  121. [styleRightText]
  122. StringAlign=RIGHT
  123. StringCase=NONE
  124. ;StringStyle=BOLD
  125. StringEffect=SHADOW
  126. FontEffectColor=0,0,0,20
  127. FontColor=#colorText#
  128. FontFace=#fontName#
  129. FontSize=#textSize#
  130. ;AntiAlias=1
  131. ClipString=1
  133. [styleBar]
  134. BarColor=#colorBar#
  135. BarOrientation=HORIZONTAL
  136. SolidColor=255,255,255,15
  138. ; ----------------------------------
  139. ; METERS display images, text, bars, etc.
  140. ; ----------------------------------
  142. [meterTitle]
  143. Meter=STRING
  144. MeterStyle=styleTitle
  145. ; Using MeterStyle=styleTitle will basically "copy" the
  146. ; contents of the [styleTitle] section here during runtime.
  147. X=100
  148. Y=12
  149. W=190
  150. H=18
  151. Text="Disk"
  152. ; Even though the text is set to Disk, Rainmeter will display
  153. ; it as DISK, because styleTitle contains StringCase=UPPER.
  155. [meterLabelDisk1]
  156. Meter=STRING
  157. MeterStyle=styleLeftText
  158. X=10
  159. Y=40
  160. W=190
  161. H=14
  162. Text="#disk1#\"
  164. [meterValueDisk1]
  165. Meter=STRING
  166. MeterStyle=styleRightText
  167. MeasureName=measureUsedDisk1
  168. MeasureName2=measureTotalDisk1
  169. X=200
  170. Y=0r
  171. ; r stands for relative. In this case, the Y postition of meterValueCPU is 0 pixels
  172. ; below the Y value of the previous meter (i.e it's the same as in meterLabelCPU).
  173. W=190
  174. H=14
  175. Text="%1B/%2B used"
  176. ; %1 stands for the value of MeasureName (measureUsedDisk1 in this case).
  177. ; %2 stands for the value of MeasureName2.
  178. NumOfDecimals=1
  179. AutoScale=1
  180. ; Because disk measures return the free/used space in bytes, we must use AutoScale=1 to
  181. ; automatically scale the value into a more readable figure.
  182. LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["#disk1#\"]
  183. ; Open #disk1# on click
  185. [meterBarDisk1]
  186. Meter=BAR
  187. MeterStyle=styleBar
  188. MeasureName=measureUsedDisk1
  189. X=10
  190. Y=54
  191. W=190
  192. H=1
  194. [meterLabelDisk2]
  195. Meter=STRING
  196. MeterStyle=styleLeftText
  197. X=10
  198. Y=60
  199. W=190
  200. H=14
  201. Text="#disk2#\"
  202. LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["#disk2#\"]
  204. [meterValueDisk2]
  205. Meter=STRING
  206. MeterStyle=styleRightText
  207. MeasureName=measureUsedDisk2
  208. MeasureName2=measureTotalDisk2
  209. X=200
  210. Y=0r
  211. W=190
  212. H=14
  213. Text="%1B/%2B used"
  214. NumOfDecimals=1
  215. AutoScale=1
  217. [meterBarDisk2]
  218. Meter=BAR
  219. MeterStyle=styleBar
  220. MeasureName=measureUsedDisk2
  221. X=10
  222. Y=74
  223. W=190
  224. H=1
  225. [illustro\Disk]
  226. Active=0
  227. WindowX=0
  228. WindowY=0
  229. ClickThrough=0
  230. Draggable=1
  231. SnapEdges=1
  232. KeepOnScreen=1
  233. AlwaysOnTop=0
  235. [meterLabelDisk3]
  236. Meter=STRING
  237. MeterStyle=styleLeftText
  238. X=10
  239. Y=80
  240. W=190
  241. H=14
  242. Text="#disk3#\"
  243. LeftMouseUpAction=!Execute ["#disk3#\"]
  245. [meterValueDisk3]
  246. Meter=STRING
  247. MeterStyle=styleRightText
  248. MeasureName=measureUsedDisk3
  249. MeasureName3=measureTotalDisk3
  250. X=200
  251. Y=80
  252. W=190
  253. H=14
  254. Text="%1B/%2B used"
  255. NumOfDecimals=1
  256. AutoScale=1
  258. [meterBarDisk3]
  259. Meter=BAR
  260. MeterStyle=styleBar
  261. MeasureName=measureUsedDisk3
  262. X=10
  263. Y=94
  264. W=190
  265. H=1
  266. [illustro\Disk]
  267. Active=0
  268. WindowX=0
  269. WindowY=0
  270. ClickThrough=0
  271. Draggable=1
  272. SnapEdges=1
  273. KeepOnScreen=1
  274. AlwaysOnTop=0
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