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Jun 3rd, 2015
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  1. Aeron: We are not killing them.
  2. Rosenkov: ... how stupid can you get?
  3. Gloria Leighton: So... What yer sayin' is y'didn't fink this through an' just grabbed 'em fer th' hell of it.
  4. Luc Pavanil: I took the option that gave us the most options, I think.
  5. Aeron: We can -- We can barter, maybe.
  6. Aeron: Maybe we can get Johannes back.
  7. Diana Rosengard: Did you just say that the man's pregnant...
  8. Gloria Leighton: Stranger fings've happened.
  9. Rosenkov: <*Still slowly crawling towards Diana.*>
  10. Diana Rosengard: <*frowns!*>
  11. Luc Pavanil: <*Luc shifts his arm off of his eyes and peers at the girl!*> ...yeah.
  12. Luc Pavanil: It's what he's saying too.
  13. Diana Rosengard: Boys can't get pregnant.
  14. Kale Minerva: wife...
  15. Gloria Leighton: *Puts a companionable foot on Rosenkov's back*
  16. Gloria Leighton: I approve.
  17. Rosenkov: ACK!
  18. Kale Minerva: ...not me...
  19. Luc Pavanil: ...pretty much pregnant.
  20. Gloria Leighton: Awright so, gel what was in Danarium, did y'wanna stay there?
  21. Luc Pavanil: Me..?
  22. Rosenkov: <*Ceaseless wriggling.*>
  23. Luc Pavanil: Well, uh...
  24. Gloria Leighton: Is you a gel, Pavvo? No. Th' little one over there.
  25. Aeron: ...
  26. Diana Rosengard: You can't kill em that's not what heroes do...
  27. Gloria Leighton: We ain't.
  28. Luc Pavanil: ...ain't heroes or ain't killing..?
  29. Gloria Leighton: Well, both fer me.
  30. Aeron: Valentina's to stay with the woman from the house.
  31. Luc Pavanil: <*He looks down dully at Kate, lips smacking.*>
  32. Luc Pavanil: ...not killing, yeah.
  33. Aeron: She's --- She's still there.
  34. Luc Pavanil: Want t'get her back.
  35. Gloria Leighton: Celia. Take off yer hood, I can't make tits nor tats've you two wif 'em on.
  36. Luc Pavanil: Valentina and Johannes for the two of these.
  37. Luc Pavanil: Do you think it'll fly..?
  38. Aeron: ...Maybe.
  39. Aeron: They might think Johannes a higher bid item, though.
  40. Rosenkov: ... you idiots think we're worth squat?
  41. Luc Pavanil: It'd also be calling that Danarium's got him as a hostage.
  42. Gloria Leighton: Yeah nah we ain't gettin' th' nerd, an' they don't know who th' other one is.
  43. Rosenkov: Queen's not gonna trade with terrorists that attack guards for doing their jobs.
  44. Rosenkov: You got a guard and a street rat. Nice fuckin' job.
  45. Gloria Leighton: 'E's right.
  46. Luc Pavanil: <*He rubs a hand over his face.....*>
  47. Aeron: Right - She'll just get her husband or her dog to kill us, right?
  48. Aeron: Because Danarium is sooo righteous.
  49. Gloria Leighton: But yeah, gel. Were y'there because y'wanted t'be, or did they make y'stay?
  50. Aeron: And sooo just.
  51. Gloria Leighton: An' listen, no-knees. Listen t'the girl, yeah?
  52. Rosenkov: And what makes you think YOU're any better than us, eh blondy!?
  53. Aeron: I'm not forcing someone to marry a girl ten years younger than him.
  54. Aeron: I haven't threatned to burn down the fucking city!
  55. Rosenkov: You just fucking attacked a bunch of guards doing their fucking jobs!
  56. Diana Rosengard: Ummm Danarium is the bad guys.
  57. Kale Minerva: No...but a family is being forced to go without a father...
  58. Rosenkov: And how do YOU know that!?
  59. Rosenkov: <*Pointing at Diana. Wriggling intensifies.*>
  60. Aeron: Do you honestly think Danarium is in the right in everything they've been doing?!
  61. Luc Pavanil whispers something.
  62. Rosenkov: You ain't answered my question, blondy!
  63. Aeron: Do you have -that much- brain damage?!
  64. Kale Minerva: <*nods at Luc*>
  65. Celia Rosengard: <*takes off her hood, still a bit frazzeled*>
  66. Luc Pavanil whispers something.
  67. Diana Rosengard: You guys kidnapped children and cheated in tournaments.
  68. Rosenkov: That doesn't justify attacking guards in the middle of broad daylight!
  69. Rosenkov: Or using them as a ransom.
  70. Diana Rosengard: We're not just gonna let ourselves get arrested and kidnapped as well!
  71. Rosenkov: Considering YOU stole Celia from Danarium, that means YOU started this mess!
  72. Celia Rosengard: She didn't... steal me. She rescued me.
  73. Diana Rosengard: You stole her from Byson first dummy.
  74. Kale Minerva: -You guys.- Don't lump me in as a kidnapper. Or someone who fought unfairly in a pointless sparring contest.
  75. Celia Rosengard: You guys stole me!
  76. Aeron: Tell me -- What do you think of King Lucas Silvertongue telling Johannes... Bookman that if he even steps foot outside of Danarium, Byson will be razed to the ground?
  77. Aeron: After he got FOURTH PLACE.
  78. Aeron: In the tournament.
  79. Rosenkov: That's not my fucking concern. I'm just a guard.
  80. Kale Minerva whispers something.
  81. Aeron: For a corrupt city.
  82. Rosenkov: That took kids off the streets, gave them food, shelter and jobs.
  84. Rosenkov: Okay, how 'bout this hotshot.
  85. Luc Pavanil: ...come a war and you'll be on the other side of the line, you know.
  86. Rosenkov: What makes every other city in Valmasia better.
  87. Aeron: Not killing people because they look at you wrong.
  88. Rosenkov: And when did that happen?
  89. Kale Minerva: This is why I miss living in the Isthmus.
  90. Luc Pavanil: ...yeah, what even happened to that place?
  91. Rosenkov: Are you actually gonna feel fucking pity for yourself, Mr. Father?
  92. Rosenkov: Show some fucking back bone! The Isthmus was EATEN by a fucking YOKAI.
  93. Kale Minerva: Ose burned it down.
  94. Rosenkov: The same YOKAI that Byson is AIDING.
  95. Aeron: They AREN'T!
  96. Rosenkov: And HE has eaten and killed hundreds, if not THOUSANDS.
  97. Aeron: Have you ever even SEEN Byson?!
  98. Kale Minerva: I'm aware of what Ose did. You act as if I weren't there...
  99. Aeron: The Queen is good!
  100. Aeron: She hates violence!
  101. Rosenkov: Okay Blondy, I want you to look me straight in the eye.
  102. Celia Rosengard: The Queen is really nice.
  103. Rosenkov: And tell me that what you're doing right here, right now, Is just and righteous.
  104. Aeron: She was raised by him --- But she's not a product of him-!
  105. Rosenkov: <*Slowly trying to turn to look at Aeron. Only getting more bloodied up in the process.*>
  106. Rosenkov: And how do you know THAT!?
  107. Kale Minerva: Pity wouldn't be the correct term.
  108. Diana Rosengard: Geez you're kinda dumb...
  109. Rosenkov: And yer fuckin' brain dead.
  110. Aeron: Taking you may not have been Jut. But -- You were about to keep Diya and Celi hostage in Danarium again.
  111. Aeron: Don't tell me you weren't.
  112. Kale Minerva: Watching my home burn down...watching Isthmus turn to ash...seeing the families I grew up perish over nothing...yes, Ose has warranted my hatred, but these people are not Ose.
  113. Diana Rosengard: I dunno why we captured you two that was kinda dumb too...
  114. Rosenkov: Oh, yes, because let alone to roam the town with a hot warm meal every day and a roof to stay in is totally tartamount to kidnapping.
  115. Rosenkov: Because letting two young children go out into the wilderness is definitely such an amazing idea.
  116. Aeron: They were living fine in Byson with their grandfather!
  117. Aeron: They're not orphans!
  118. Diana Rosengard: You captured my mum too she's like... thirty at least...
  119. Rosenkov: And who's your mother, eh!?
  120. Kale Minerva: <*sighs*>
  121. Diana Rosengard: I don't really wanna talk to you anymore mister you're crazy.
  122. Rosenkov: And you broke my kneecaps and kidnapped a girl. Welcome to the party.
  123. Rosenkov: Well.. one kneecap. And it fuckin' hurts.
  124. Aeron: We kidnapped two men, actually. Unless there's something you're not telling us in which case you live your life, man.
  125. Rosenkov: Not like telling you that she snuck into Danarium and already attacked our guards for a kidnapping will do anything.
  126. Celia Rosengard: <Mom is thirty?>
  127. Kale Minerva: If allowed...I could heal your knee...but the recovery process would be more painful that the initial break.
  128. Diana Rosengard: <*idk sister i never asked*>
  129. Celia Rosengard: I'm not kidnapped...
  130. Celia Rosengard: I'm unkidnapped.
  131. Aeron: She -didn't want to be in Danarium because she lives in Byson-.
  132. Aeron: Did Boss break your skull, or your knee?
  133. Rosenkov: Is my forehead bleeding to you?
  134. Rosenkov: <*It is.*>
  135. Luc Pavanil whispers something.
  136. Aeron: You have no excuse for being such a goddamn idiot.
  137. Rosenkov: And you have no excuse for attacking people doing their job and kidnapping them.
  138. Kale Minerva: <*crawls to chair and starts healing self*> <this is...pointless>
  139. Aeron: We've kinapped less than half of what you people have.
  140. Diana Rosengard: You asked how come Danarium is the bad guys and when we said why you said you're just a guard...
  141. Diana Rosengard: So how come you keep whining about how Danarium are good guys...
  142. Rosenkov: ...
  143. Rosenkov: <*Voice going hoarse from too much screaming. Tirednesss from bloodloss kicking in. Can't keep resisting for much longer.*>
  144. Rosenkov: Tell me this. Have you witnessed Ose's rampage first hand? What he does. What he can do?
  145. Aeron: Ose is not the topic at hand.
  146. Aeron: The corruption of Danarium is.
  147. Rosenkov: Corruption that stems from actions made by someone. And who do you think that someone is?
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