
Jymaru's Fucking Calendar Project Document

Nov 3rd, 2014
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  2. Teams
  3. Team Better Friends (Michael and Ray)
  4. Achievement Hunter
  5. Rage Quit
  6. Birthdays
  7. Jack Patillo
  8. Chelsea Atkinson
  9. Burnie Burns
  10. Chris Damarais
  14. RoosterTeeth:
  15. Captain Dynamic
  16. Grifball
  17. Teams
  18. Team Angry Fat (Michael and Jack)
  19. RWBY
  20. White Trailer (First appearance of Weiss)
  21. Birthdays
  22. Aaron Marquis
  23. Gus Sorola
  24. Stefanie
  27. MARCH
  28. RoosterTeeth
  29. Lazer Team
  30. Teams
  31. Team Neighborhood Watch (Gavin and Michael)
  32. Achievement Hunter
  33. This is...
  34. AHWU
  35. Game Night
  36. VS
  37. RWBY
  38. Black Trailer (First appearance of Blake and Adam)
  39. Birthdays
  40. Meg Turney
  41. J.J. Castillo
  42. Kyle Taylor
  43. Dustin Matthews
  44. Jason Saldaña
  47. APRIL
  48. RoosterTeeth
  49. Red vs Blue
  50. RT Shorts
  51. Teams
  52. Team Aqua/Team Wet (Gavin and Kerry)
  53. Team Go Fuck Yourself (Geoff and Ray)
  54. Team Anti-Dynamite/Team Solo/Team Oxymoron (Ryan, Ray, and Jack)
  55. Achievement Hunter
  56. Game Time
  57. Trials Files
  58. Birthdays
  59. Griffon Ramsey
  60. Miles Luna
  62. MAY:
  63. RoosterTeeth
  64. The Patch
  65. Teams
  66. R&R Connection (Ryan and Ray)
  67. Team OG2 (Geoff and Kerry)
  68. Team Countdown (Geoff, Michael, and Ray)
  69. Achievement Hunter
  70. Let's Play Minecraft
  71. Full Play
  72. Play Pals
  73. Countdown
  74. Let's Play GTA
  75. Birthdays
  76. Kerry Shawcross
  77. Ashley Jenkins
  78. Megan Castro
  79. Blaine Gibson
  80. Gavin Free
  83. JUNE
  84. RoosterTeeth
  85. 1-800-MAGIC
  86. Supreme Surrender
  87. Spoilercast
  88. Teams
  89. Plan G (Gavin and Geoff)
  90. Team Trial and Error (Gavin and Jack)
  91. Team Same Voice (Jack and Ryan)
  92. Team Skull (Michael and Jack)
  93. Achievement Hunter
  94. Coming Soon
  95. Game Kids
  96. RWBY
  97. Yellow Trailer (First appearance of Yang, Junior, Melanie, and Militia)
  98. Birthdays
  99. Jeremy Dooley
  100. Matt Bragg
  101. Adam Ellis
  102. Geoff Ramsey
  103. Monty Oum
  104. Kathleen Zuelch
  107. JULY
  108. RoosterTeeth
  109. RWBY
  110. Happy Hour
  111. RT Animated Adventures
  112. Achievement Hunter
  113. Teams
  114. Galacitc Alliance/Team Space (Gavin and Michael)
  115. Team Magnum Dong (Ryan and Geoff)
  116. Intergalactic Alliance (Ryan and Jack)
  117. Team Crazy Mad/Team Not Dead/Team Rubbish/Team Ginge (Michael and Ryan)
  118. Team The Best... Around/Team Comes Into Work/Team RGR (Ryan, Gavin, and Ray)
  119. Team Lanyards (Gavin, Michael, and Kerry)
  120. RWBY
  121. Premiere Season 1
  122. First appearance of Roman (Season 1)
  123. First appearance of Glynda and Ozpin (Season 1)
  124. First appearance of Jaune (Season 1)
  125. First appearance of the Shopkeep (Season 1) (fucking fight me)
  126. Premiere Season 2
  127. First appearance of Neptune (Season 2)
  128. First appearance of Ironwood (Season 2)
  129. First Appearance of Tukson (Season 2)
  130. Birthdays
  131. Barbara Dunkelman
  132. Rebecca
  133. Eddy
  134. Michael Jones
  135. Samantha Ireland
  136. Kara Eberle
  137. Patrick Rodriguez
  140. AUGUST
  141. RoosterTeeth
  142. iBlade
  143. RT Comic
  144. RT Recap
  145. Screen Play
  146. The Know
  147. RTX
  148. Teams
  149. Team Hole (Gavin and Ryan)
  150. Team Hole (Gavin, Geoff, and Ryan) (I don't know it's listed twice on the wiki file your complaints to them)
  151. Achievement Hunter
  152. MegaCraft
  153. Imaginary Achievements
  154. RWBY
  155. World of Remnant
  156. First appearance of Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren (Season 1)
  157. First appearance of Team SSSN (sans Sun and Neptune) (Season 2)
  158. First appearance of Neo (Season 2)
  159. Birthdays
  160. Nathan Zellner
  161. Adam Baird
  162. Shannon McCromick
  163. Yvonne
  167. RoosterTeeth
  168. Social Disorder
  169. PANICS
  170. Teams
  171. Team Last Picked (Gavin and Burnie)
  172. Team OPTP (Gavin and Barbara)
  173. Team No Name (Michael and Ray)
  174. Team USA (Gavin, Geoff, Michael, Jack)
  175. Team Nice Dynameat (Gavin, Michael, and Jack)
  176. Team Same Voice & Big Nose (Gavin, Ryan, and Jack)
  177. Team Crazy Mad and Gavin/Team Crazy Mad Insane (Gavin, Ryan, and Michael)
  178. Team Will Win/Team 2 Unique (Gavin, Ryan, Michael, and Gus)
  179. Achievement Hunter
  180. Fails of the Weak
  181. Five Facts
  182. RWBY
  183. First appearance of Team CRDL (Season 1) ("But Jymaru they appeared before that!" I don't fucking care that we saw them in The First Step be quiet)
  184. First Appearance of Peter Port (Season 1)
  185. First appearance of Team CFVY (Season 2)
  186. First appearance of Zwei (Season 2)
  187. Birthdays
  188. Jeff Yohn
  189. Lindsay Jones
  190. Jon Risinger
  191. Ray Narvaez Jr.
  192. Joel Heyman
  193. Peter Sorensen
  194. Roman Lopez
  195. Matt Hullum
  196. Anna Hullum
  199. OCTOBER
  200. RoosterTeeth
  201. The Strangerhood
  202. Teams
  203. Team Frenzy (Gavin and Gus)
  204. Team OG (Geoff and Jack)
  205. Team Limobob (Michael and Jack)
  206. Team Fucking Kicking Ass Over Here (Geoff and Michael)
  207. Team Four Eyes/Team Glasses/Team Ray-Y-vin/Team 2 (Gavin, Ryan, and Ray)
  208. Team Always Funny (Geoff, Michael, Ryan, and Ray)
  209. Achievement Hunter
  210. Let's Build
  211. How To: with Joel and Adam
  212. GO!
  213. RWBY
  214. First made public for the first time (October 10, which is now RWBY day)
  215. First appearance of Oobleck (Season 1)
  216. First appearance of Sun (Season 1)
  217. First appearance of Penny (Season 1)
  218. First appearance of Perry (Season 2) (I like Perry shut up)
  219. First appearance of "Lady Grimm" (Season 2)
  220. Birthdays
  221. Sarah
  222. Arryn Zech
  223. Caleb Denecour
  224. Daniel Fabelo
  225. Jordan Cwierz
  229. RoosterTeeth
  230. Slow Mo Guys
  231. Immersion
  232. The Gauntlet
  233. Ten Little Roosters
  234. X-Ray and Vav
  235. Past Cast
  236. Nature Town
  237. RT Life
  238. Teams
  239. X-Ray and Vav (Gavin and Ray)
  240. Team Lads (Gavin, Michael, Ray, and Lindsay)
  241. Team Gents (Geoff, Ryan, Jack, and Kerry)
  242. Achievement Hunter
  243. Things To Do In...
  244. RWBY
  245. Red Trailer (First appearance of Ruby)
  246. First appearance of Cinder ("But Jym-" shut the fuck up) (Season 1)
  247. First appearance of Emerald and Mercury (Season 1)
  248. Birthdays
  249. Shane Newville
  250. Kdin Jenzen
  251. Maggie
  252. Mike Huemmer
  255. RoosterTeeth
  256. A Simple Walk Into Mordor
  257. RT Podcast
  258. RT Sponsor Cut
  259. Teams
  260. Team Love and Stuff (Gavin and Ryan)
  261. Team Nice Dynamite (Gavin and Michael)
  262. Achievement Hunter
  263. Achievement HORSE/PIG/HUNT
  264. A Look Back At...
  265. Pajamachievements
  266. Birthdays
  267. Clayton de Wet
  268. Ryan Haywood
  271. Unknown Birthdays
  272. Patrick Mark Salazar
  273. Brandon Farmahini
  274. Gray G. Haddock
  275. Emily McBride
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