
SGDQ SotC notes

May 25th, 2015
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  1. #1 Valus: During this fight there's one cutscene that I can move my character in. While in the cutscene Valus' face is close enough to the ground to reach so I do a mostly blind jump and hopefully grab his face/chest. From there I'm able to climb from there to where the sigil is without having to climb his back which saves about 40 seconds.
  3. #2 Quadratus: This one is mostly intended in this category because of your spawn-point in this category. A major timesaver is getting a plant between his horn and the thing sticking out of his head but close enough to the sigil so that the hitbox of the sigil stretches just barely far enough for me to stab it. Getting that is really finicky but saves a lot of time because his shake cycles are really long.
  5. #3 Gaius: Right from the start I shoot his stomach sigil with arrows so that I can skip having to do an extra stab if I can get enough damage in. After his sword hits the ground I set myself up to jump over the bracer. It takes weird timing but getting it saves you from having to bait out an attack on the center of the platform to break the brittle bracer. When I'm on top of the bracer I cling to the arm because certain shakes colossi do are determined by your position on them, so by clinging to the arm, I'm baiting out the arm shake which leaves the other sigils vulnerable to free stabs. I do this for both the stomach and head sigil but with the head sigil there's a little bit of waiting involved.
  7. #4 Phaedra: This one is pretty self explanatory. You're not supposed to be able to jump off the back of his leg like that but it's just a matter of timing.
  9. #5 Avion This is another pretty self explanatory fight. The physics on this bird are different than any other colossi in the game so it takes a while to get used to. I will try the wing to wing jump if luck serves me right.
  11. #6 Barba: This is another simple fight, but it has a really cool jump from the arm to the head. The back sigil on this one is super dumb.
  13. #7 Hydrus: Normally you're supposed to stab all three electric tendril things but you can go right past the first two. Oh and you can roll underwater for some reason which makes it go by a lot faster but often results in accidental jumps or falling(?) off the colossus.
  15. #8 Kuromori: This one is fun. At the start I whistle to grab his attention and then line myself up to roll out of the window without falling using the texture on the wall and another window outside. How long he stays on his back for is determined by how high he fell from so if you wait for him to reach the top it's an easy one-cycle every time.
  17. #9 Basaran: This fight starts out with RNG in this category but is 100% consistent in any%. I need him to try and shoot me right at the beginning in order for the move I want him to do to be lined up right. If all goes well I should be able to reach his side, fall onto his leg(if necessary), and from there jump to his back. After getting to his sigil I hang around on his back so that he'll leave the cave. When he's inside the cave it's next to impossible to stab him.
  19. #10 Dirge: This one can be one-cycled but it's very precise. The damage done to his eye is what makes it possible. I need the amount of damage on the first sigil to be just enough to kill him after I stab the second sigil but not enough that the first sigil is depleted(and triggering the second cycle). I do two medium stabs and one full stab to get the right amount of damage but it's difficult to judge the circle and have the timing to do it properly so I may have to improvise with the amount of damage I do on each stab. This one-cycle is tough.
  21. #11 Celosia: This one is mostly normal except that usually you have to drive him of the edge of the cliff using the torch, but I can bait him to charge at me and then pick up the torch while he's near me and I'm near the cliff to get the same result but faster.
  23. #12 Pelagia: This fight has two cycles and the second is the same as the first. Each time you bait him out to shoot you. Then he'll usually duck underwater so he can jump up and during that you can get jump to the top of his head with good timing.
  25. #13 Phalanx: This one has a one-cycle similar to Dirge but it's way easier. I do a full stab and an almost full stab for the first two sigils and I do two full stabs on the last one. It's pretty lenient on what damage you need to do.
  27. #14 Cenobia: Usually you have to climb each column and have the colossus knock it over so you can get to the next one. I go straight to the last column and jump on and off the colossus so I can reach the last column that's necessary to defeat it. It's one of my personal favorites.
  29. #15 Argus: This one is weird. I cling to his leg from the first attack this colossus does and from there get to the center of the belt. That's the hardest part of the fight because the leg is really finicky to stand on and jump off. From the center of the belt I charge a jump to the right and with the right timing I fling myself to his chest. The fight is normal from there on.
  31. #16 Malus: For the last colossus you're meant to go into each trench and follow a very specific path to dodge the lazer things he shoots at you. I don't go through any trenches(except for the last one if the timing is off on the way) and take a very unintended path to the colossus. Once on the colossus I shoot an arrow that triggers the colossus to bring his arm down much earlier than he's supposed to. From his arm I'm able to jump to his chest and make my way to the top of his head where the sigil is.
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