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May 31st, 2016
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  1. Bragging u live in Canada until Isis attacks your scared asses. And America has to attack someone FOR YOU to protect YOUR democracy.
  4. I wish I was born in the days of settlement and the Wild West. Some people are just too soft for this world. Just think how peaceful things would be if justice were old school like the good old days of poker, brothels, and pocket pistols. Piss someone off, get shot. Pull a gun, get killed. People were much more mannerful back then when instead of catching hands you caught lead. Now a days people will sue for u cracking them in their smart mouth. I think making us more civilized with all these laws made us soft. Now, when evil comes about u rely on people to Zoom to u with lights flashing, then they have to even find the active shooter. When it could be so much more simple.. Criminals will be criminals. Give everyone a gun and watch how fast things chill out with the odds are higher of u being killed before u can execute said evil deed. Than doing it then having time to commit suicide as countless innocent people lay dead at your feet. THEn the police show up. Then the papers. "Oh it was such a tragedy". Yeah.. No. It's easy yet time consuming to get a ccw. People who want them, Pursue the process. Many people do want them and are responsible but just don't know how to start it up. Get references, the paper work. Finger print process. All that comes with responsibly owning a gun. The more legally owned guns, in the population the better! Law abiding citizens will continue being just that. While criminals , when they decide to act out. Can swiftly be the nail that gets hammered down. Legally and morally
  5. I pray the day comes where when a maniac acts out, you also hear about the citizen who eliminated said threat. By engulfing in his legal right to carry a weapon. Real tired of hearing about all this violence and the pussy kills himself, or runs off and gets arrested soon after. I would much rather have positive light shinned on guns.
  7. "Today John Doe went to ____ with the intention of killing anyone on his path. That's when Mister Jenkins, a gulf war veteran and legally registered weapon holder saw the threat and the gun being drawn on public. He swiftly unloaded 3 shots into the assailant, eliminating the threat".
  9. We haven't heard that on the news but it's bound to come. And what foot will congress / politicians have to stand on to throw a lamp shade over this break through beam of light from reality? They won't. They'll change their tune quick!
  11. "Weapons are great! That's their purpose. Self defense. Not everyone is a psychopath. Anyone can commit a heinous act of crime, and when this happens. Through proper education education and the permit process. There will be civilians in their legal right to put a stop to the act before it has a chance to be committed!"
  13. This isn't a long shot from happening. Some day some idiot will do a horrible crime , or attempt one. In the wrong place at the wrong time. He will be the only victim you read about in the paper or see the face of on the news. Much much more appealing than seeing 7 dead college kids and a few professors. This is why I carry every day. I always have and I always will. When I get bored I go to friends and shoot the hell out of it. It's always on me. I pray the day never happens that I need to protect someone, but if I do. I won't hesitate to do the right, the legal thing. Eliminate the threat. Save lives. The days of "the right to bear arms versus a tyrant government" is over. This isn't the revolutionary war. The real threat is criminals. Psychopaths. Mentally ill people, depressed people even. Who want to commit suicide but are too afraid. So thy go to q public place, and kill someone. So death by the police when they arrive is inevitable as soon as they aim their weapon at arriving law enforcement.
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