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  1. (WIP)
  9. [center]Officer Rank Ladder/Commissioned - UFSAF
  11. [img][/img]
  13. The Three Skulls typically decorate any officer's pauldrons. The higher the rank, the more detail goes into it. The Three Skulls are typically thought to be a representation of experience and willpower along with skill.[/center]
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  18. Chief Minister: The Chief Minister has the highest jurisdiction in military if they wish it. They can exert their influence without question, and nearly instantly. The Chief Minister is the head of the military when active in that sense when they wish to be.
  20. Praetorian: A Praetorian is considered an extension of the leader's will. They act with his jurisdiction and power wherever they go. A Praetorian is able to take forcible command of any part of the military with good reason. Their loyalty is unquestionable. They are considered to be among the deadliest elite fighting forces of Ebonian culture, formed by former Emperor Kahrlmiran Atum Sum Nihilan.
  22. Chief General of the United Feudalistic States Armed Forces (CGUFSAF): The CGUFSAF is the chief rank that controls the majority of the UFS actively. The current CGUFSAF is Fane Dracul. They can only be over-ridden via the Praetorians.
  24. Field Marshals: Field Marshals hold the most senior appointments, and often control large units and are almost always on a foward operations base.
  26. Lieutenant General: Lieutenant Generals command command formations of Corps size and other groups in the UFS and overseas, and hold very senior staff appointments in the Ministry of Defence and other headquarters, and hold senior staff appointments in the Ministry of Defence and other headquarters.
  28. Major General: Major Generals command formations of division size and the training areas in the UFS, they are usually veterans not wanting a higher position.
  30. Brigadier Captain: Brigadier Captains can command a brigade or be a director of operational capability groups such as a director of staff. They usually accompany senior staff officers, or can substitute as field commanders from a major base of operations.
  32. Colonel: Colonels are interesting. Typically they serve as staff officers between field commands at battalion/brigade level. It is the lowest of the staff ranks and they are the principle operational advisors to senior officers.
  34. Lieutenant Colonel: Lieutenant Colonel typically command units of up to six-hundred fifty soldiers, containing four or five sub-units. They are responsible for the overall operational effectiveness of their unit in terms of military capability, welfare and general discipline. Typically a two-year appointment.
  36. Major: Promotion to Major follows between eight to ten years service. Typically a Major will be given command of a sub-unit of up to one-hundred twenty officers and soldiers with responsibility for their training, welfare and administration both in camp and on operations, as well as the management of their equipment.
  38. Captain: Captains are normally made second-in-command of a sub-unit of up to one-hundred twenty soldiers. They are key players in the planning and decision-making process, with tactical responsibility for operations on the ground as well as equipment maintenance, logistic support and manpower.
  41. Lieutenant: Lieutenant is a rank typically held for up to three years. They normally command of a platoon or troop of around thirty soldiers, but with experience comes increased responsibilities. They also have the opportunity to gain specialised skills outside their unit. This is the second-lowest rank in the officer ladder.
  43. Second Lieutenant: The Second Lieutenant rank is the lowest rank next to the simple Officer Cadet. Second Lieutanant is the first rank held on commissioning. It is normally held for up to two years, during which time they complete special to arms training relevant to their unit. Afterwards they are responsible for leading up to thirty soldiers in a platoon or troop, both in training and on operations.
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  47. [center]Non-Commissioned Ranks of UFSAF
  49. [img][/img]
  51. The Rosy Skull is usually on all uniforms of the UFSAF. It is thought to represent honor for the fallen, as well as honor and valor.[/center]
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  54. Warrant Officer Class One (Regimental Sergeant Major): The most senior soldier rank in the British Army, typically reached after eighteen years of outstanding service. WO1s are the senior advisors of their unit's Commanding Officer, with leadership, discipline and welfare responsibilities of up to six-hundred fifty officers and soldiers and equipment. They are generally referred to by their parenthesis name.
  56. Warrant Officer Class Two (Company Sergeant Major): This is a senior management role focussing on the training, welfare and discipline of a company, squadron or battery of up to one-hundred twenty soldiers. WO2s act as senior adviser to the Major in command of the sub-unit and may also be selected for a commission as an officer. They are generally referred to by their parenthesis name.
  58. Staff Sergeant: After a few years as a Sergeant promotion to a Staff Sergeant may follow. This is a senior role combining man and resource management of around one-hundred twenty soldiers, or even command of a troop or platoon.
  60. Sergeant: Sergeant is a senior role of responsibility, promotion to which typically takes place after twelve years depending on ability. Sergeants typically are second in command of a troop or platoon of up to thirty-five soldiers, with the important responsibility for advising and assisting junior officers.
  62. Corporal: After six to eight years, and depending on ability to lead, promotion to Corporal typically follows. In this rank additional trade and instructor qualifications can be gained. Corporals are given command of more soldiers and equipment such as tanks and guns.
  64. Lance Corporal: Promotion to Lance Corporal may follow after Phase 2 Training or after about three years as a private. Lance Corporals are required to supervise a small team of up to four soldiers called a section. They also have opportunities to specialise and undertake specialist military training.
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  69. [center]Commissoned Ranks of UFSN
  71. [img][/img]
  73. The Swamp Skull decorates any officer's pauldrons the same as Ground Infantry commissioned officers. It is thought to represent how many times one has avoided the same fate, a watery tomb.[/center]
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  77. [center]UFSN Flag Officers[/center]
  80. Chief Admiral of The United Feudalistic States Navy (CATUFSA): The CATUFSA is a rank reserved only for wartime or ceremonies, much like CGUFSAF. The current CATUFSA is Rythler Dirus. They command entire campaigns of war and all the aspects based in the water associated with it.
  82. Admiral: The Admiral rank is reserved for the highest flag officers of the navy's commissioned officers.
  83. They hold the most high-level appointments, and usually command entire fleets, massive chunks of The Navy, an Admirality, armada, or fleets.
  85. Vice Admiral: Vice Admiral is a senior naval flag officer rank, equivalent to lieutenant general and air marshal. A vice admiral is typically senior to a rear admiral and junior to an admiral. They usually command Battle Fleets or Fleets.
  87. Rear Admiral: Rear admiral is a naval commissioned officer rank above that of a commodore and captain, and below that of a vice admiral. It is generally regarded as the lowest of the "admiral" ranks, which are also sometimes referred to as "flag officers" or "flag ranks." They are junior to Vice Admirals, and senior to a commodore.
  89. Commodore: Traditionally, commodore is the title for any officer assigned to command more than one ship at a time, even temporarily, much as "captain" is the traditional title for the commanding officer of a single ship even if the officer's official title in the service is a lower rank. As an official rank, a commodore typically commands a flotilla or squadron of ships as part of a larger task force or naval fleet commanded by an admiral.
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  93. [center]Senior Commissioned UFSN Officers[/center]
  95. Captain: Captain is the name most often given in English-speaking navies to the rank corresponding to command of the largest ships. The rank is equal to the army rank of colonel. A Captain is to be referred by rank and name if they are on another ship in command of another Captain, or if they are an XO, in which case they are to be called XO's.
  97. Commander: A Commander is junior to a Captain or senior to a Lieutenant Commander. A Commander in the Imperial Navy is above the rank of lieutenant commander, below the rank of captain, and is equivalent in rank to a lieutenant colonel in the army. A commander may command a frigate, destroyer, submarine, aviation squadron or shore installation, or may serve on a staff.
  99. Lieutenant Commander: Lieutenant Commander is a commissioned officer rank in many navies. The rank is superior to a lieutenant and subordinate to a commander. The corresponding rank in Ground Infantry is Major, and in the Imperial Air Force and other is Squadron Leader.
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  103. [center]Junior Commissioned UFSN Officers[/center]
  105. Lieutenant: A lieutenant is junior to a Lieutenant Commander and senior to a Sub-Lieutenant. They usually aid the ship captain or senior officers with staff issues, administration, or resource management. They are the highest of the Junior Commissioned Officers.
  107. Sub-Lieutenant: A Sub-Lieutenant, is considered a subordinate officer, meaning they are not actually fully commissioned, but in the last phases of training to become fully commissioned. They usually assist Lieutenants on the ship with tasks and management.
  109. Ensign: An ensign is a junior officer that is eligible to join the newly formed Imperial Marines, formed at The Westfield Military Academy in New Jersey. They may either continue on the path of the Imperial Navy, or they may be selected by a Marine scout and inducted to the Academy's Marine program.
  111. Midshipman: A midshipman is an officer cadet or a commissioned officer of the junior-most rank, in the Imperial Navy, they are enroute to becoming an Ensign. The Westfield Military Academy is known for its ability to produce amazing midshipmen and Ground Infantry officers, as well as Air Force officers and NCOs.
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  115. [center]Non-Commissioned UFSN Ranks
  117. [img][/img]
  119. The Crying Skull, is thought to represent the magnitude of one's job, even if they are not paid or given much recognition for it. The sand is to represent one's connection to land still, a mythical warrior belief of the Ebonian culture.[/center]
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  123. Chief Petty Officer: In spoken references, chief petty officers may be addressed as "chief" but are never addressed as "sir." Advancement to chief petty officer in the Imperial Navy not only carries requirements of time in service, superior evaluation scores, and specialty examinations, but also carries an added requirement of peer review. A chief petty officer can only advance after review by a commissioned officer board.
  125. Petty Officer: The modern petty officer dates back to the Age of Sail. Petty officers rank between naval officers (both commissioned and warrant) and most enlisted sailors. These were men with some claim to officer rank, sufficient to distinguish them from ordinary ratings, without raising them so high as the sea officers. Several were warrant officers, in the literal sense of being appointed by warrant, and like the warrant sea officers, their superiors, they were usually among the specialists of the ships's company. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that the title derives from the Anglo-Norman and Middle French "petit", meaning "of small size, small, little."
  127. Leading Seaman: Leading seaman is a junior non-commissioned rank or rate in some navies, particularly those of the Empire. They are the second-most junior rank of non-commissioned officers. They generally supervise small areas such as engineering when a Petty Officer or Chief is not present.
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  131. [center]The UFSM
  133. [img][/img]
  135. The Reaper, is used to symbolize the Marines aren't in the mood or don't have time for your sh*t. They are one of the most elite Imperial forces, and utilize a mix of Ground Infantry and Navy equipment. They board ships, or are deployed by the UFSN when the UFSAF is unavailable. They were formed by Westfield Director Chieko Stefania. Sometimes however, they are used as Special Forces or elite fighting men and women of the Empire from support of the navy, utilizing the navy's speed to move quickly and deploy hard.[/center]
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  139. [center]Commissioned UFSM Ranks[/center]
  141. Chief Commander of The United Feudalistic States Marines (CCTUFSM): The CCTUFSM is the commander-in-chief of the Marines, aiming to revive them into a surgical strike much like the fallen USA's Marines. The current CCTUFSM is Isabella Nymori.
  143. Brigadier-General: The Brigadier-General rank is reserved for the five-most highest officers in the Marines. One of them is always at least commanding an operation with the Marines in it. They are the highest and most senior officers in the Marines.
  145. Colonel: The Colonel mainly manages and oversees the Major and lower ranks. They aid with massive resource management, and with specialist roles. They however, hold very little say in the way of command, making them a more morale and inspirational rank.
  147. Lieutenant-Colonel: The Lieutenant-Colonel is junior to Colonel and the Brigadier-Generals. They have a more hands-on touch with the Marines. The rank of lieutenant colonel is often shortened to simply "colonel" in conversation and in unofficial correspondence. A lieutenant colonel is typically in charge of a battalion in the army.
  149. Major: Majors are typically assigned as specialized executive or operations officers for battalion-sized units of three hundred to twelve hundred soldiers. They are not particularly hands-on, and generally command and send orders from an outpost of some kind.
  151. Captain: Captains are the most senior hands on commissioned officer for the marines. They take orders from the Majors and relay them through the unit. They generally command specialized squads, two to ten at a time.
  153. First Lieutenant: The First Lieutenant is a specialized second officer within the unit, and help the Captains command the squads. They are junior to a captain, and senior to the Second Lieutenants. They oversee resource management within the squad and generally fight with them.
  155. Second Lieutenant: The Second Lieutenant generally is in the squad with the First Lieutenant incase the First Lieutenant, or even Captain, is found incapable or unable to do their orders and tasks at hand. They are essentially 'vices.'
  157. Ensign: Ensigns are the freshest of the UFSAF Commissioned officers. They generally bear a small flag in their chest pocket, and are recruited from any UFSAF branch there is, or may apply through the rigorous training the Marines go through directly with enough credentials.
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  161. [center]Non-Commisioned UFSM Ranks[/center]
  163. Sergeants: Sergeants make up the majority of the non-commissioned Imperial Marine ranks, and are pretty much there for training or other tasks. They are ocasionally found in battle directly with Captains or other officers.
  165. Corporals: Junior to Sergeants, they pretty much keep the micromanagement of the squad up. They also are the most commonly non-commissioned officer found in a firefight.
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  170. [center]Commissioned UFSAG Ranks
  172. [img][/img]
  174. UFSAG's symbol is pretty much the same. They really don't have time or are in the mood to deal with their enemies, but they deal with them efficiently. This is a testimony to their effectiveness.[/center]
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  178. Grand Marshal of The United Feudalistic States Air Guard (GMTUFSAG): The GMTUFSAG, is once again, a rank reserved for war time or ceremony. They command entire campaign sections of The Air Force. The current GMTUFSAG is Hikaro Shotoi.
  180. Chief Air Marshal: The Chief Air Marshal rank is held by two people, one for the Eastern Hemisphere, the other for the Westerm Hemisphere. They manage entire chunks and assets of the Air Force, and are some of the most highly educated, intelligent, and formidable people on the planet.
  182. Air Marshal: Officers in the rank of air marshal typically hold very senior appointments such as commander-in-chief of an air force or a large air force formation. Officers in the ranks of air chief marshal and air vice-marshal are also referred to generically as air marshals. Occasionally, air force officers of marshal rank are considered to be air marshals.
  184. Air-Vice Marshal: The rank of Air Vice-Marshal is immediately senior to the rank air commodore and immediately subordinate to the rank of Air Marshal. They command Wings or Groups of the UFSAG.
  186. Air Commodore: In the present-day UFSAG, Air Commodores typically hold senior appointments within groups, acting directly in support of the air officer commanding. Air Commodores may also command Wings or Groups when an AVM is not present.
  188. Group Captain: Group Captain ranks above wing commander and immediately below air commodore. The name of the rank is the complete phrase, and is never shortened to "captain." Group captain is the rank usually held by the station commander of a large UFSAG station.
  190. Wing Commander: Wing Commander ranks immediately above squadron leader and immediately below group captain. In the early years of the UFSAG, a wing commander commanded a flying wing, typically a group of three or four aircraft squadrons. In current usage a wing commander is more likely to command a wing which is an administrative sub-division of a station. A flying squadron is normally commanded by a Wing Commander but is occasionally commanded by a Squadron Leader for small units. In the Air Training Corps, a wing commander is the officer commanding of a wing.
  192. Squadron Leader: In these cases a squadron leader ranks above flight lieutenant and immediately below wing commander. A flying squadron is usually commanded by a wing commander, with each of the two flights under a squadron leader. However, ground-operating squadrons which are sub-divisions of a wing are ordinarily commanded by a squadron leader. This includes squadrons of the IAF Regiment and Westfield Air Squadrons.
  194. Flight Lieutenant: Flight Lieutenant ranks above flying officer and below squadron leader. The name of the rank is the complete phrase; it is never shortened to "lieutenant." Instead, aircrew flight lieutenants are typically experienced pilots (or weapons system officers) without command of other personnel. However, ground flights which are administrative sub-divisions of squadrons are ordinarily commanded by flight lieutenants and these can range in size from a few specialist non-commissioned personnel to fifty or more personnel for engineering or other manpower intensive roles. Flight lieutenant is the most common rank in the UFSAG; nearly half of all UFSAG officers hold this rank.
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  198. [center]Non-Commissioned UFSAG Ranks
  200. Sergeant: A Sergeant is generally in the command of a Flight Element, when a Junior Officer is unable to be there. The Sergeant rank is the second-most Junior NCO.
  202. Corporal: A Corporal is the junior-most NCO rank, and they command small Flight Details.[/b][/center]
  204. [center][b][i][u]Airforce - United Feudalist States States Air Guard, based in Wellington[/i][/u]
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  207. UFS Symbol:
  209. [img][/img]
  211. UFSAG [i]PrimoGenitor[/i]-class Airship - Based off the Republic-designed [i]Arche[/i], the PrimoGenitor Airship is the pinnacle of air warfare. Armed with a sohpitsticated array of onboard ships such as Cassowaries, F-35s, A-11s, and two AC130s, the ship is also equipped with a graphene hull, making it a very tough prototype ship. The ship itself is equipped with Thresher cannons, causing a pinpointed explosions where they hit, an array of GAU-8 Avenger Rotary Cannons, and GIAT-30 HE Rounds. It is also equipped with SABOT bombs, or Specialized Artillery Bullet of Objectional Tactics, causing a small blast of plasma wherever they explode. Currently, compared to the 11 CVN Aircraft Carriers, only two PrimoGenitors are in service and prototype stage.
  213. [img][/img]
  217. A-11 Viper - Characterized heavily off the A-10 Warthog, this jet is a low flying air-to-ground attacker much like the F-35. It is equipped with two GAU-8 Avenger Rotary Cannons, using powerful twin scramjet engines. The A-11 itself is also equipped with two GIAT-30 cannons for dogfighting, and like the A-10, SAM defenses can't even target it. The bullets are thirty milimetres and may pack a nasty surprising punch. It can be equipped with Hellfire missiles or AIM-92 Stingers.
  219. [img][/img]
  221. AC130 Stinger II: General Characteristics
  222. Contractor: Lockheed
  223. Power Plant: Four Allison T56-A-15 turboprops
  224. Speed: 300 mph
  225. Ceiling: 28,000 feet
  226. Maximum Takeoff Weight: 155,000 pounds
  227. Range: 2,500 nautical miles; limited by crew duty day with air refueling
  228. Crew: Two pilots, two combat system officers, flight engineer, two special mission aviators
  229. Armament: Precision Strike Package (PSP) - 30mm GAU-23/A cannon and SOPGM (Standoff Precision Guided Munitions) ie.GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb and the AGM-176 Griffin missile
  230. Date Deployed: MC-130W with PSP November, 2010
  231. Unit Cost: AC-130W, $110 million.
  233. [img],fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/aklcgjuw4n5s3hlxp7kj.jpg[/img]
  235. AC130 Ghostrider: The AC-130J is a highly modified C-130J aircraft that contains many advanced features. It contains an advanced two-pilot flight station with fully integrated digital avionics. The aircraft is capable of extremely accurate navigation due to the fully integrated navigation systems with dual inertial navigation systems and global positioning system. Aircraft defensive systems and color weather radar are integrated as well. The aircraft is capable of Air Refueling with the Universal Air Refueling Receptacle Slipway Installation (UARRSI) system. To handle power requirements imposed by the advanced avionics and aircraft systems, the AC-130J is equipped with 60/90 kilo volt amp generators that provide increased DC electrical output. In anticipation of IR countermeasure installation, it is provisioned for LAIRCM installation.
  238. Additionally, the AC-130J is modified with a precision strike package, which includes a mission management console, robust communications suite, two electro-optical/infrared sensors, advanced fire control equipment, precision guided munitions delivery capability as well as trainable 30mm and 105mm weapons. The mission management system will fuse sensor, communication, environment, order of battle and threat information into a common operating picture.
  240. General Characteristics:
  241. Primary Function: Close air support and air interdiction with associated collateral missions
  242. Builder: Lockheed Martin
  243. Power Plant: Four Rolls-Royce AE 2100D3 Turboprops
  244. Thrust: 4,591 shaft horsepower
  245. Wingspan: 132 feet 7 inches (39.7 meters)
  246. Length: 97 feet 9 inches (29.3 meters)
  247. Height: 38 feet 10 inches (11.9 meters)
  248. Speed: 362 knots at 22,000 feet
  249. Ceiling: 28,000 feet with 42,000 lb payload
  250. Maximum Takeoff Weight: 164,000 lbs
  251. Range: 3,000 miles
  252. Crew: Two pilots, two combat systems officers, and three enlisted gunners
  253. Armament: Precision Strike Package (PSP) - 30mm GAU-23/A cannon; 105mm cannon and SOPGM (Standoff Precision Guided Munitions) ie. GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb and the AGM-176 Griffin missile
  254. Unit Cost: $109 million
  257. [img][/img]
  261. UFS Crowned Cassowary/Scourge Raptor: Named after the African Eagle and the vicious Cassowary, it is commonly nicknamed the Scourge Raptor due to its large size and often intimdating arsenal and design. Mixing the lightweight Dassault Rafale, F-22, and Sukhoi 36 airframes into one, an extremely formidable jet is created. Combining radar-absorbent material, an array for R-77/AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, infrared and electromagnetic sensors, it uses three-dimensional thrust vectoring along with a scramjet engine. It uses agility and height to slam down into an enemy and tear them apart. It also comes with an internal array of flares and MBDA Meteor Missiles. It uses two GIAT-30 cannons to attack with precision, and has a sophisticated jamming suite.
  263. [img][/img]
  265. UFS F-22 Raptor: This multi-purpose fighter is replacing the relatively young STYGIAN-class gunship. Utilizing a stealth based design, this fighter is able to attack ground emplacements, using vectoring to aid in dogfights, as well as using a unique cone to help locate enemy aircraft without detection. Uses VTOL/STOVL.
  267. [img][/img]
  269. P-8A Poseidon: The P-8A Poseidon is an aircraft designed for long-range anti-submarine warfare; anti-surface warfare; and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions. It is capable of broad-area maritime and littoral operations. A derivative of the Next-Generation 737-800, the P-8A combines superior performance and reliability with an advanced mission system that ensures maximum interoperability in the future battle space.
  271. [img][/img]
  273. V-22 Osprey: The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is an Ebonian multi-mission, tiltrotor military aircraft with both a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL), and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capability. It is designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. It can also be repurposed to act as a gunship.
  275. [img][/img]
  277. E-2D Advanced Hawkeye: The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is a game changer in how the Navy will conduct battle management command and control. By serving as the "digital quarterback" to sweep ahead of strike, manage the mission, and keep our net-centric carrier battle groups out of harms way, the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is the key to advancing the mission, no matter what it may be. The E-2D gives the warfighter expanded battlespace awareness, especially in the area of information operations delivering battle management, theater air and missile defense, and multiple sensor fusion capabilities in an airborne system.
  279. Some of the many new features of the Advanced Hawkeye are
  281. A completely new radar featuring both mechanical and electronic scanning capabilities
  282. Fully Integrated "All Glass" Tactical Cockpit
  283. Advanced Identification Friend or Foe System
  284. New Mission Computer and Tactical Workstations
  285. Electronic Support Measures Enhancements
  286. Modernized Communications and Data Link Suite
  288. These and other new developments incorporated into the E-2D ensure
  290. True 360-degree radar coverage provides uncompromised all-weather tracking and situational awareness
  291. Open architecture compliant, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)-based hardware and software enables rapid, cost-wise technology refresh for consistent leading-edge mission tools
  292. A true FORCEnet enabler - A force multiplier through network enabled capability, Advanced Hawkeye is the gateway to Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael G. Mullen's vision for a "1,000-ship navy."
  293. Multi-mission flexibility ranging from command and control through missile defense to border security
  295. With a two-generation leap in radar sensor capability and a robust network enabled capability, the Advanced Hawkeye will deliver critical, actionable data to joint forces and first responders. These advances provide warfighters with the necessary situational awareness to compress the time between initial awareness and active engagement.
  297. [img][/img]
  299. C-17 Globemaster III: The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III is a large military transport aircraft. The C-17 commonly performs strategic airlift missions, transporting troops and cargo throughout the world; additional roles include tactical airlift, medical evacuation and airdrop duties.
  301. [img][/img]
  303. F-35 Lightning II: The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is a family of single-seat, single-engine, all-weather stealth multirole fighters undergoing testing and final development by the Empire. The fifth generation combat aircraft is designed to perform ground attack, aerial reconnaissance, and air defense missions. The F-35 has three main models: the F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant, the F-35B short take-off and vertical-landing (STOVL) variant, and the F-35C carrier-based Catapult Assisted Take-Off But Arrested Recovery (CATOBAR) variant.
  305. [img][/img]
  307. UFS F-35 JSF (Joint Strike Fighter): This jet was designed for three branches of the Republic Armed Forces, made for the Navy, Sacellium Attack Forces, and otherwise, this jet is designed stealthily and uses JDAM-guided bombs in league with F-22's to help it destroy ground targets, the JDAM system helping it reduce collateral damage.
  309. [img][/img]
  311. UFS Purger Bomber/BLH-NG2: Utilizing powerful and highly combustible gasses, the BLH's speciality is total destruction, rapidly dropping bombs to destroy an enemy. Being unmanned and travelling hypersonically at Mach 10, this jet is based off the old Imperial Krakatoa Bomber, it is able to store around 2500 lbs of power or 100 LOCAAS missiles. It was designed with the aid of Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, and Norman Grumman.
  313. [img][/img]
  315. The Champ - CHAMP, which renders electronic targets useless, is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat a target.
  317. During the test, the CHAMP missile navigated a pre-programmed flight plan and emitted bursts of high-powered energy, effectively knocking out the target's data and electronic subsystems. CHAMP allows for selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against numerous targets during a single mission.
  319. [img][/img]
  321. UFS Fire Scout: An unmanned helicopter designed to survey an area or deliver lightning strikes, it utilizes a quiet design, five-bladed main rotor system, Hellfire Missiles, Viper-Strike Laser Guided Missiles, and an APKWS system.
  323. [img][/img]
  325. UFS RAH-66 Comanche: A manned stealth helicopter, smaller, and more quiet than most, if not all helicopters in existence, using a five-bladed rotor. Utilizing radar-cross section and radar-absorbent material, using two XM301 cannons and six AGM-114 Hellfire Missiles, it also stores twelve AIM-92 Stinger Missiles. Drawing in air and pushing its thermal signature behind it rapidly thanks to its ramjet design, this helicopter is designed with the Fire Scout to deliver success after the F-22 and F-35 wrap up. Very agile. Able to control missiles or other small, unmanned vehicles.
  327. [img][/img]
  329. UFS LOCAAS (Low-Cost Automated Attack System): Laser radar allows this self-guided missile to take pictures in real-time thanks to the imagery, either to be used for surveillance, carrying one warhead, and small, able to be guided in massive swarms.
  331. [img][/img]
  333. UFFS RQ-180: The RQ-180 addresses a need for conducting penetrating ISR missions into defended airspace, a mission that was left unattended with the retirement of the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird in 1998. It is equipped with an AESA radar and passive electronic surveillance measures, and may be capable of conducting electronic attack missions. The RQ-180 shows a shift from UAVs that operate in permissive environments, such as the RQ-4 Global Hawk and MQ-9 Reaper, to ones that can perform missions in contested airspace. It is larger, stealthier, and has a longer range than the RQ-170 Sentinel which has previously been used for those types of missions. The RQ-180 is believed to be about the size of the Global Hawk, which weighs 32,250 lb (14,630 kg), and have similar capabilities of endurance (24 hours) and range (1,200 nmi (1,400 mi; 2,200 km)). This is much more than the RQ-170's endurance of 5-6 hours. It has superior all-aspect, broadband radar cross-section reduction features compared to previous stealth aircraft such as the F-117 Nighthawk, F-22 Raptor, and F-35 Lightning II. The airframe has superior aerodynamics to give better range, endurance, and service ceiling. Using aperture radar to pierce weather systems, it also uses a scramjet engine. Flies at 60,000 ft (18,288 m). Equipped with an ARGUS sensor.
  336. [img][/img]
  339. UFS/BAE Taranis: The first UCAV, Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle. A semi-autonomous unmanned warplane, the Taranis is designed to fly intercontinental missions, and will carry a variety of weapons, enabling it to attack both aerial and ground targets. It will utilise stealth technology, giving it a low radar profile, and it will be controllable via a quantum network of satellites of the TER. It is equipped with two scramjet engines, two GIAT-30 HE round cannons, two internal missile bays, a sonic emitter, and a synchrotron radiation beam that delivers focused, high power radiation. It is equipped with ARGUS sensors. Even a Cassowary jet has had a hard time finding one of these in test flights.
  341. [img][/img]
  343. UFS Vulture: Drones aren't usually able to stay in the air for as long as we'd like them to. The RAG introduces the Vulture program. The Vulture program introduces to all aircraft the solution of multiple photovoltaic cells and fuel cells. This allows the craft and drones to draw power indefinitely, and allows drones to stay in an area for at least five years.
  345. [img][/img]
  348. [i][u]Engineering Corps.[/u][/i]
  349. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  352. Scramjet Engine: All aircraft now use ramjet or rather, scramjet engines, using supersonic or hypersonic speeds to reach areas in a few minute, this engine allows the craft to soar easily over 9000 miles and allow a bomber to reach its destination, or the previously mentioned raptors, to do their work easily.
  354. [img][/img]
  356. MDWUCM: Modular Disc-Wing Urban Cruise Munitions: Robotic drones in development by the Air Force, designed for short flights into difficult to reach areas, packed with armour-piercing explosives that can detonate all at once or be dispersed over a range. These are to hit enemy bases from RAH-66 Comanches or Global Hawks for example. Image reference is really just a metallic frisbee that's black.
  359. HELLADS Weapons System: The High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System, the goal of the HELLADS program is to develop a 150 kilowatt (kW) laser weapon system that is ten times smaller and lighter than current lasers of similar power, enabling integration onto tactical aircraft to defend against and defeat ground threats. With a weight goal of less than five kilograms per kilowatt, and volume of three cubic meters for the laser system, HELLADS seeks to enable high-energy lasers to be integrated onto tactical aircraft, significantly increasing engagement ranges compared to ground-based systems.
  361. [img][/img]
  363. MAHEM: Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munitions. Explosively formed jets (EFJ) and fragments and self-forging penetrators (SFP) are used for precision strike against targets such as armored vehicles and reinforced structures. Current technology uses chemical explosive energy to form the jets and fragments. This is highly inefficient and requires precise machining of the metal liners from which the fragments and jets are formed. The Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition (MAHEM) program offers the potential for higher efficiency, greater control, and the ability to generate and accurately time multiple jets and fragments from a single charge. The MAHEM program will demonstrate compressed magnetic flux generator (CMFG)-driven magneto hydrodynamically formed metal jets and SFP with significantly improved performance over EFJ. Generating multiple jets or fragments from a single explosive is difficult, and the timing of the multiple jets or fragments cannot be controlled. MAHEM offers the potential for multiple targeted warheads with a much higher EFJ velocity, than conventional EFJ/SFP. This will increase lethality precision. MAHEM could also be packaged into a missile, projectile or other platform, and delivered close to target for final engagement.
  366. ArcLight Missile: The ArcLight program is to develop a high-tech missile based on the booster stack of the current RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 and equipped with a Hypersonic glide vehicle capable of carrying a 100-200 lb (45-90 kg) warhead. The configuration would allow ships carrying the ArcLight missile to strike targets 2,300 miles (3,700 km) away from the launch point. The missile would replace the aging Tomahawk (missile) and could be fired out of the standard vertical launchers available on many surface ships. Additionally, the ArcLight missile would be capable of launch from air and submarine assets capable of carrying the BGM-109.
  368. [img][/img]
  370. Yamata-no Orochi Missile: The Orochi missile's warhead is composed of eight carbyne shrapnel containers containing eight tons of the shrapnel. The shrapnel itself is only barely stabilized by being inbetween two magnetic fields, keeping it swirling and away from sitting still and exploding. The missile itself is usually launched from a base and is an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking anywhere in the world. It launches into low orbit using VASIMRs, the VASMIRS using generous amounts of power given by the graphene saltwater generators to ascend quickly, before turning down and aligning with the target, re-engaging VASIMRs and slamming into the target with a massive amount of force and speed before spraying its liberal amount of shrapnel.
  372. [img][/img]
  374. [/b][/center][center][b][i][u]The United Feudalist States Navy, based in Canberra[/i][/u]
  375. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  376. UFSN Symbol:
  378. [img][/img]
  381. UFSN Marines: Trained specifically for boarding or dealing with boarding, these marines are on all ships and are trained with the ferocity of Special Forces from the Liberation Program. They wear armor the same as a UFSAF trooper, but are able to specialize in ship warfare compared to the UFSAF's general effectiveness in all fields.
  382. [img][/img]
  384. Vindicator-Class Destroyer: This ship is based off the Japanese Yamato-class Destroyer, and displaces the water so much it causes a tsunami if still, making a necessity for all Ebonian ports to have large metallic walls go up when this thing is deployed. Its armor is extremely tough, and it has high anti-aircraft capabilities, as well as deadly armaments of cannons, fast speed, and missile silos to destroy its enemies with rapid-fire from far away.
  386. [img][/img]
  388. Thanatos-class Interceptor: Designed for heavy firepower, heavy armor, advanced hacking and top speeds, the Interceptor is an all-say within naval warfare. It is designed to take incoming radar signs and modify them to look like a small fishing boat. It uses a graphene hull and a sophisticated array of SABOT launchers on its side for heavy armor, while it uses HE Carbyne for lightly armored ships.
  390. [img][/img]
  392. AOL: Amphibious Offensive Lander: This vehicle is pure armor, with one turret on the top, it is made to survive anything, but have zero capability of returning fire and move about as fast as a debiliatated snail.
  394. [img][/img]
  396. UHAC: Ultra Heavy-Lift Amphibious Connecter. Used to lift heavy vehicles or ordnance to shore, these are usually deployed in the basis in which a ship cannot readily supply. In addition to greater hauling capacity, the UHAC will also increase launch range to some 200 nautical miles, and will be able to carry three main battle tanks ashore, each weighing some 60 tons.
  398. [img][/img]
  400. Ebonian CVN 21-Class Aircraft Carrier: Developed in light of the island of Japan joining the Republic, the aircraft carrier uses an electromagnetic aircraft launch system and contains some helicopters and LOCAAS swarms internally. It uses an AN/SPY-3 Radar to detect missiles and other ships in a large radius. It uses RIM-162 Evolved SeaSparrow Missiles (ESSM) for defense, and can contain up to one-hundred aircraft excluding the five internal helicopters and one-hundred, very small LOCAAS self-guided missiles. It uses a nuclear reactor for power and has radar-absorbent material.
  402. [img][/img]
  404. Independence-class LCS (Littoral Combat Ship): Using a Bismarck trimaran hull with graphene underlay, this is an unusual type of ship designed for shore use. Armed with 120mm cannons internally, five EXOCET missiles, and able to deploy ten aircraft from its back, this ship is designed to defend areas like Japan's coast or the shore of Romania. It can also store two RAH-66 Comcanches. It also uses RAM to be avoided by radar. Equipped with DREAD turrets.
  406. [img][/img]
  408. Freedom-class LCS: Using the same armor as the Independence class, this ship is designed for missile launches while the other is not. Containing two RAH-66 Comanches and a swarm of LOCASS missiles, this ship also has a trimaran design. It also is able to launch around forty RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missiles (RAM). Also uses RAM to avoid radar. Uses DREAD turrets.
  410. [img][/img]
  412. Ebonian M80: Used to patrol rivers or be littoral, this ship is designed to avoid radar and quickly intercept a target with its pentamaran hull. Using DREAD turrets and ADS systems, it is designed to help the CRF and the Navy at the same time. It can carry troops for landings as well.
  414. [img][/img]
  416. The Seawolf class is a class of nuclear-powered fast attack submarine. Seawolf submarines are larger, faster, and significantly quieter; they also carry more weapons and have twice as many torpedo tubes, for a total of 8. The boats are able to carry up to 50 ArcLight cruise missiles for attacking land and sea surface targets. As in all nuclear submarines, the load out of equipment, weapons and crew affects available excess buoyancy and thus operational parameters. The boats also have extensive equipment to allow for littoral, or shallow water, operations. The class uses the more advanced ARCI Modified AN/BSY-2 combat system, which includes a new, larger spherical sonar array, a wide aperture array (WAA), and a new towed-array sonar. Each boat is powered by a single S6W nuclear reactor, delivering 45,000 hp (34,000 kW) to a low-noise pump-jet.
  418. [img][/img]
  420. The Montana-class battleships were planned as a successors to the Yamato class, being slower but larger, better armored, and having superior firepower.
  422. This one is long.
  423. Displacement: 65,000 long tons (66,040 t) (standard);
  424. 70,965 long tons (72,104 t) (full load)
  425. Length: 920 ft 6 in (280.57 m)
  426. Beam: 121 ft 0 in (36.88 m)
  427. Draft: 36 ft 1 in (11.00 m)
  428. Propulsion: 8 × Babcock & Wilcox 2-drum express type boilers powering 4 sets of Westinghouse geared steam turbines 4 × 43,000 hp (32 MW) – 172,000 shp (128 MW) total power
  429. Speed: 28 kn (32 mph; 52 km/h) maximum
  430. Range: 15,000 nmi (17,000 mi; 28,000 km) at 15 kn (17 mph; 28 km/h)
  431. Complement: Standard: 2,355
  432. Flagship: 2,789
  433. Armament: 12 × 16-inch (406 mm)/50 cal Mark 7 guns
  434. 20 × 5-inch (127 mm)/54 cal Mark 16 guns
  435. 10–40 × Bofors 40 mm anti-aircraft guns
  436. 56 × Oerlikon 20 mm anti-aircraft cannons
  437. Armor: Side belt: 16.1 inches (409 mm) tapering to 10.2 inches (259 mm) on 1-inch (25 mm) STS plate inclined 19°
  438. Lower side belt: 7.2 inches (183 mm) tapered to 1 inch (25 mm) inclined 10°
  439. Bulkheads: 18 inches (457 mm) forward, 15.25 inches (387 mm) aft
  440. Barbettes: 21.3 inches (541 mm), 18 inches (457 mm) (aft)
  441. Turrets: up to 22.5 inches (572 mm)
  442. Decks: up to 6 inches (152 mm)
  443. Aircraft carried: 3–4 × F-22, AWACS, F-35.
  444. Aviation facilities: 2 × aft catapults.
  447. [img][/img]
  449. H-44 Series Ship:
  451. The H-44 is from a series of H class battleship starting from H-39 to H-44 which were an ascending order from weaker to stronger. Meaning H-44 was the strongest of all other H-class.It is essentially a larger version of Bismarck class battleship. Due to the outbreak of World War II in September 1939, none of the ships were ever built. Only the first two of the H-39 ships were laid down. What work that had been accomplished was halted, the assembled steel remained on the slipway until November 1941, when the Oberkommando der Marine ordered it be scrapped for other purposes. Contracts for the other four "H-39" type ships had been awarded, but no work was begun on any of them before they were canceled. None of the subsequent designs progressed further than planning stages. This is until the Hegemony picked it up. It utilizes a mix of the [i]Montana-class[/i] anti-air armaments as well.
  453. Displacement: 131,000 t (129,000 long tons; 144,000 short tons)
  454. Length: 345 m (1,131 ft 11 in)
  455. Beam: 51.5 m (169 ft 0 in)
  456. Draft: 12.7 m (41 ft 8 in)
  457. Propulsion: 12 × MAN 9-cylinder diesel engines
  458. Speed: 30.1 knots (55.7 km/h)
  459. Range: 20,000 nautical miles (37,000 km) at 19 knots (35 km/h)
  460. Armament: Main: 8 × 50.8 cm (20.0 in) guns
  461. Secondary: 12 × 15 cm (5.9 in) guns
  462. 16 × 10.5 cm (4.1 in) guns
  463. AA/Anti Air: 28 × 3.7 cm (1.5 in) guns
  464. 40 × 2 cm (0.79 in) guns
  465. Torpedoes: 6 × 53.3 cm (21.0 in) torpedo tubes
  466. Aircraft carried: 4–9 F-22, AWACS, F-35.
  467. Aviation facilities: 2 catapults
  469. Belt: 12.6"
  470. Bulkheads: 8.7"
  471. Deck: 6.7"
  472. Turret Face: 14.1"
  473. Barbettes: 13.4"
  474. Conning Tower: 13.8"
  476. [img][/img]
  478. MMCE Frigate: The Multi-Mission Convoy Escort frigate is based off LCS designs. To become a frigate, the modified LCS will have Mk 38 25mm machine guns, the Multi-Function Towed Array detection system, a torpedo decoy and the Raytheon SeaRAM Anti-ship missile defense system to conduct anti-submarine and surface warfare simultaneously, as well as improved armor and signature management for self-protection. The ship will also have a surface warfare capability enhancement package, will will include Mk 50 30mm guns and rigid-hull inflatable boats for visit, board, search and seizure missions.
  480. [img][/img]
  483. RRAD Zumwalt: The Rapid Response Attack Destroyer Zumwalt is a new class of Zumwalt that is stealth destroyer. It is able to move quietly and undetected by enemy fleets, only to emerge with a fiery entrance of ArcLight missiles, Global Hawk strikes, and other deadly weapons. It is able to disengage by releasing a Champ signal, EMPing the enemy fleet and leaving them defenseless.
  485. [img][/img]
  486. [/b][/center][center][b]
  488. Commonly abbreviated GIGN for Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale.
  490. They are equipped for certain jobs, but are the most brutally trained in the world. Most commonly, they prefer the Tavor due to its firepower.
  493. Their usual equipment consists of the close range HK G36, medium range Steyr AUG, and long rang Tavor, TDI Kriss Super Vector and P90, UTAS UTS-15 Bullpup Tactical Shotgun, AA12 Tactical Shotgun, FNH FNS, as well as two ZT0160s and a Barret or L115A3, and a set of fragmentation, concussion, and nine-banger grenades. They come equipped with the Future Force Warrior Program, using MR-fluid body armor with a thin graphene underlay to minimize explosive damage. (See bottom)
  495. Established in 1988, this group is the most elite unit and is heavily classified. Training techniques go from enhanced interrogation techniques, foreign insertion, assassinations, aerial insertion, search and rescue, search and destroy, and other methods. One must endure a forty mile walk while wearing 100 lbs of gear and complete it in twenty hours. GIGN is capable of completing missions on the ground and in the air and water, as well as surviving in the wilderness alone or in small groups.
  497. The unit is said to place special focus on survival skills, often breaking protocols by increasing this training in this area by an additional two-thirds, forcing soldiers to spend three to four months in difficult environments such as forests, mountains, deserts and grasslands with no man-made shelter or food.
  499. This unit is equipped with various “high-tech” equipment including unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicle (UARV), individual explosion devices and handheld laser dazzling weapons. Every soldier from this unit must be able to run five kilometers bearing heavy equipment in under 25 minutes, complete a 400-meter obstacle course in under one minute and 45 seconds, throw several hundred grenades over at least 50 meters each time, and perform 100 push-ups in a minute.
  501. This unit is specialised in target locating and indicating, airborne insertion, sabotage and offensive strike, and emergency evacuation. The unit was also used to experiment with various new concept equipments and tactics, including the digitised army soldier system and high-mobility land weapon platforms.
  503. GIGN Logo:
  504. [img][/img]
  506. GIGN Operatives:
  507. [img][/img]
  509. Future Force Warrior (Not a suit): Nett Warrior
  511. Nett Warrior – named after Col. Robert B. Nett – replaced Land Warrior. Future Force Warrior was a futuristic research project with real deliverables folded into the Nett Warrior program. Situational awareness including the Rifleman Radio on every soldier, helmet-mounted display (similar to a HUD), location and Physiological Status Monitoring were the basic building blocks being implemented in increment 1.
  513. Headgear Subsystem
  515. The Headgear Subsystem was the situational awareness hub of the system. It was intended to include integrated tactical processing by providing maps, routes, and data with a 180° emissive visor display, high bandwidth wireless communications, microelectronic/optics combat sensor suite that provides 360° situational awareness, and integrated small arms protection.
  517. Combat Uniform Subsystem
  519. Described as "Survivability Central", was intended to contain a trio of layers, "the Protective Outer Layer, the Power Centric Layer, and the Life Critical Layer."
  521. Warfighter Physiological Status Monitor Subsystem
  523. WPSM was intended to be an on-board physiological and medical sensor suite that would collect and monitor information regarding vital signs such as body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, hydration and stress levels, sleep status, body positioning and workload capacity of the warrior. If necessary, the WPSM can notify medics and commanders if the soldier has been wounded or has become fatigued.
  525. Microclimate Cooling System
  527. The Microclimate Cooling System, built into the Life Critical Layer, would have been a network of narrow tubing to provide heating or cooling to the soldier, up to 100 watts.
  529. Power Subsystem
  531. The Power Subsystem, built into the Power Centric Layer, would be fed by a graphene-saltwater battery pack. Polymeric nanofiber battery patches embedded in the headgear and weapon provide back-up power for three hours.
  533. Listed under the Power Vision in the Advanced Technology Demonstrator, the current specifications ask for 24-hour autonomous individual operation and 72-hour continuous autonomous team operations, with a high density, low weight/volume, self-generating/re-generating, reliable, safe power source.[/center][/b]
  534. [b][center][u][i]Ground Infantry - United Feudalist States Armed Forces, based in Lae[/b][/i][/u][b]
  535. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  536. UFSAF Symbol:
  538. [img][/img]
  540. All vehicles use ADAPTIV Cloaking System.
  542. UFSAF Soldier: UFSAF soldiers wear a silicone carbide and boron carbide-alloy with ceramic plating at the front in its armor, Darwin Spider Silk with liquid MR body armor underneath, allowing them mobility and ultimate protection. They are usually equipped with an AA-12 Tactical Shotgun, an XM25 'Punisher,' an HK416 Rifle, and an Ebonian M&P Pistol. Equipment varies on speciality and misison, ie: snipers, demolition, etc.
  544. [img][/img]
  546. UFSAF Brute: Central Response Force Brutes earn their name from using relatively new tactics to the field. Replacing the Justicars, the USFAF Brute packs heavier armor, usually leading point in a NSSAF squad with a riot shield and stun staff. They wear graphene armor with direct silicone carbide and boron carbide alloy underneath, making them a deadly and heavily armored force.
  547. [img][/img]
  549. TALOS Soldier: Commonly nicknamed the Carnuficina Division, or Iron Warriors for their armor and often aggressive and agonizing tactics and the time they spend toying with their enemies, these soldiers use the new TALOS Power Armor Suit, highly experimental. With the suit's capabilities, it allows them to use a wide arrange of sights, along with a mechanized exoskeleton to move quickly and stronger, as well as a temperature system for their bodies inside the graphene metal suit. It is powered by a small engine. They see nearly any threat and can call upon Global Hawk strikes for aid.
  551. [img][/img]
  553. MK2 TALOS Soldier: Due to the amazng success of the first mark, the UFSAF has now developed the secondary phase of the project. By fusing some of the machine into the body, they have made the suit less heavy and reduced the need to be cured. These soldiers often have little to nothing to lose in their previous lives, and are almost never seen outside their suits. They have an advanced trophy system and upgraded ceramic armor for explosives.
  555. [img][/img]
  557. MK3 TALOS Soldier: The second mark proved even better, and the NSSAF has added onto it. It has created the Mark Three design. Utilizing a special MR-liquid spider silk mixed armor with a graphene underlay, this metal has experimental nanobots to readout vitals with ease to an operator somewhere else. They can move extremely fast despite the weight, and are thirty times what the normal soldier is. Their weaponry can be attached to them, and the suit is sealed to protect against the environment, gasses, or viruses. Soldiers often use very bulky versions of it for maximum protection, generals also adorn this armor.
  559. [img][/img]
  563. [u][i]Armor[/u][/i]
  564. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  566. JLTV: Joint Light Tactical Vehicle: JLTV takes a holistic approach to providing the best protection possible in our new JLTV. The unique, patented hull design dissipates blast effects, providing MRAP-levels of protection, while our adjustable ride height places occupants farther away from potential blasts, which increases survivability. Internally, our isolation floors, shock-absorbing seats and restraint harnesses provide significantly higher levels of protection than have ever been available in a vehicle this size. Utilizing an Iron Curtain, it also protects the gunner with a new 'hood' meaning a shooter will have no chance to kill the gunner, as the gunner uses an electronic interface, below the gun, to fire it. The windows are almost always sealed as well, laser radar mapping out everything.
  568. [img][/img]
  572. MBT E1 Terminator Tank: Used to replace the aging RATT, the E1 Terminator Tank is a hybrid of technologies of other tanks. It uses a thermal masking system with internal fire extinguishing, along with radar-absorbent material. It uses ceramic-aramid armor to protect itself, all over it. The tank utilizes a trophy system to destroy projectiles, also utilizing the Iron Curtain design. Utilizing a laser radar, it has a gunner with an armored circle around it, going over the head as well, finally, it bears depleted uranium under the ceramic-aramid armor along with a 145mm rifled gun, and a 120mm smoothbore gun. It utilizes a Titan Industires RAD-5 engine and power source to allow it to move fast, also allowing it to classify as a 'light tank.' Only one type of cannon can be equipped at any given time.
  574. [img][/img]
  576. Tank Destroyer/Lightning War Tank: The Steelblade Tank: The Steelblade Tank utilizes an explosive reactive armor along with electric reactive armor, a relatively new development in the field of tank armor. This armour is made up of two or more conductive plates separated by some space or by an insulating material, creating a high-power capacitor. In operation, a high-voltage power source charges the armour. When an incoming body penetrates the plates, it closes the circuit to discharge the capacitor, dumping a great deal of energy into the penetrator, which may vaporize it or even turn it into a plasma, significantly diffusing the attack. The frontal engine protects the crew even moreso, and the 2A46 125mm tank gun is automated, controlled in the front by the crew. A secondary feature is that some of these tanks can equip the 2A36 Giatsint-B tank gun, allowing even more firepower. They can launch ATGMs. It uses an automated MG3 turret for anti-personnel. Titan Industires' RAD-7 Discharge Engine powers it.
  578. The Steelblade features a new target and sensor package, including an active electronically scanned array radar suite derived from a fighter jet, enabling the Steelblade to track multiple targets simultaneously and provide automatic ballistic solutions to the gunner. The commander has day, night, and thermal optics in a remote system.
  580. It uses a laser radar and a nuclear reactor to move fast, making it a pioneer in tank development. The Hell's Hammer and Raider project were cancelled in favor of the Steelblade tank.
  582. [img][/img]
  584. Fellhammer Super-Heavy Tank:
  586. The Fellhammer possesses a powerful set of armaments. The standard Fellhammer complement includes a turret-mounted Demolition Gun, also known as the , which includes a coaxial AUGUR Repeater Gun (fires high velocity slugs at a massive rate of fire), three sets of twin-linked XM301 cannons (one sponson-mounted set on either side, and one turret-mounted on the front hull slope), two turret-mounted laser cannons on either side, mounted directly above the side sponsons, and lastly, a fixed-forward hull-mounted Earthbreaker Cannon. This totals eleven weapon barrels of various sizes and roles, giving full coverage in all arcs. Likewise, it uses electric reactive armor, making it a very hard target to kill with the graphene covering. One would have better luck possibly distracting it or gettint it stuck.
  588. Luckily, the apperance of a Fellhammer is only accompanied by a massive operation, leaving the large things to gather dust.
  590. [img][/img]
  593. Ebonian Hornet: Under the Ebonian GXV-T Program, it has made an armored vehicle able to quickly traverse the terrain, strike fast, and be nearly undetectable. GXV-T’s technical goals include the following improvements relative to today’s armored fighting vehicles:
  594. The GXV-T program provides the following four technical areas as examples where advanced technologies could be developed that would meet the program’s objectives:
  595. Radically Enhanced Mobility – Ability to traverse diverse off-road terrain, including slopes and various elevations; advanced suspensions and novel track/wheel configurations; extreme speed; rapid omnidirectional movement changes in three dimensions.
  596. Survivability through Agility – Autonomously avoid incoming threats without harming occupants through technologies such as agile motion (dodging) and active repositioning of armor.
  597. Crew Augmentation – Improved physical and electronically assisted situational awareness for crew and passengers; semi-autonomous driver assistance and automation of key crew functions similar to capabilities found in modern commercial airplane cockpits.
  598. Signature Management – Reduction of detectable signatures, including visible, infrared (IR), acoustic and electromagnetic (EM). It is armed with one turret and four internal mid-range missile bays.
  600. [img][/img]
  602. [u][i]Artillery[/u][/i]
  603. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  605. The ATMOS (Autonomous Truck Mounted Howitzer System) is a computerised 155mm self-propelled artillery system produced by Elbit Systems. It is a light, long-range, highly mobile artillery system addressing the critical requirements of today's land forces. The modular design of the ATMOS allows for integration on variety of qualified in-service trucks.
  607. The system integrates the most advanced 52 calibre round with a range of 41km. It can fire at an intense rate of five rounds per minute when fed by auto loader.
  609. The ATMOS artillery system is equipped with inbuilt electronic suite offering increased fire power and accuracy. It can be mounted on any 6x6 or 8x8 in-service high mobility trucks with a modified protected cabin and special layout.
  611. [img][/img]
  613. The KRAB 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH) was developed by a joint Ebonian research project. The howitzer is intended to destroy batteries of artillery and anti-aircraft missiles, command posts, as well as enemy fortifications and mechanised detachments.
  615. The artillery system integrates a 155mm/L52 howitzer firing all standard CRF 155mm ammunition. It is also fitted with ZZKO TOPAZ fire-control system, 12.7mm machine gun, and smoke grenade launchers. The KRAB can destroy the targets within the range of 40km with an intense rate of fire of six rounds per minute.
  617. The artillery system is powered by a S12-U water cooled, turbocharged diesel engine developing a maximum power of 625kW at 2,000rpm. The maximum speed of the howitzer is 60km/h, while the range is 650km with full fuel tanks.
  619. [img][/img]
  621. CAESAR 155mm Howitzer
  623. CAESAR is an effective self-propelled artillery system produced by Nexter Systems to deliver direct fire, counter-battery fire and coastal defence in support of motorised, mechanised and armoured units. It is capable of firing all standard CRF 155mm ammunition.
  625. The system has a rate of fire of six rounds a minute and can fire Extended Range Full Bore (ERFB) ammunition for 42km and rocket shells for a maximum distance of over 50km.
  627. The armoured cab of the CAESAR offers level 2 STANAG 4569 protection, while a new cab with levels 2a and 2b mine and improvised explosive device (IED) protection is also available. The artillery is mounted on a 6x6 truck chassis and can be air-lifted by a C130 aircraft in a single load.
  629. [img][/img]
  631. The DONAR artillery gun module from Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) is a highly advanced 155mm howitzer based on the ASCOD 2 infantry fighting vehicle chassis supplied by General Dynamics European Land Systems (GDELS) with an Ebonian contract.
  633. The DONAR system takes the traditional artillery doctrine to a new level by incorporating fully automatic firing module on highly mobile platform. The 35t system carries a combat load of up to 30 projectiles and 145 charges. It can fire can fire six rounds a minute for a maximum range of more than 40km, which can be increased to over 56km with the use of higher range munitions.
  635. The armoured cabin protects the two-man crew against small arms, artillery splinters, mortar munitions and NBC threats. The module is equipped with hybrid inertial navigation and GPS, automatic fire control system, as well as auto tracking and correction features. The DONAR system can travel at a top speed of over 60km/h for a maximum range of 500km.
  637. [img][/img]
  639. The Dragon Fire 120 mm heavy mortar was a private venture by TDA Armaments that was picked up by the Hegemony for its EFSS (Expeditionary Fire Support System) requirement. It is a fully automated mortar capable of using rifled or smoothbore 120 mm ammunition. Like all mortars, it is a high-angle-of-fire weapon used for indirect fire support. Dragon Fire is also expected to be effective in a counter-battery role.
  641. [img][/img]
  643. [i][u]Ground Infantry Engineering Corps.[/u][/i]
  644. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  646. Metal Storm Series: This focuses on rapid-fire weapons of destruction.
  648. A minigun turret with a belt of separate firing chambers also exists.
  650. The Multi-shot Accessory Under-barrel Launcher (MAUL) is an electronically fired, 12-gauge shotgun for use as an accessory weapon to a range of weapons, such as the M4 or M16 rifle, or as a stand-alone 5 shot weapon, providing a range of lethal (buckshot and slug) and non-lethal (blunt impact, door breaching, and frangible) munitions, all preloaded in 5 round "stacked projectiles" munition tubes.
  652. Metal Storm has created a 36-barreled stacked projectile machine gun, boasting the highest rate of fire in the world. The weapon demonstrated a firing rate of just over 1 million rounds per minute for a 180-round burst of 0.01 seconds. Firing within 0.1 seconds from up to 1600 barrels (at maximum configuration) the gun claimed a maximum rate of fire of 1.62 million RPM and creating a dense wall (0.1 m between followup projectiles) of 24,000 projectiles.
  654. The 3GL is a semi-automatic grenade launcher with 3 grenades per magazine. Users can fire 3 grenades without reloading. It can be attached to weapons via RIS rails.
  656. [img][/img]
  658. [img],fl_progressive,g_north,h_358,q_80,w_636/18s046fhpijckjpg.jpg[/img]
  660. Iron Curtain: The Iron Curtain system utilizes a radar and optical sensor array to detect incoming threats such as RPGs or small arms fire, and neutralizes it with a laser, deployed at a tenth of a second to slice the detonator of the device away, leaving the vehicle unharmed.
  662. [img][/img]
  664. Exoskeletons: These are commonly given to Brutes, Medics, and primary and secondary squad leaders to aid with ground forces, they are outfitted with exoskeletons, allowing them to carry their equipment much easier, or over-turn vehicles, or overpower melee combatants easily while wearing their armor or protecting wounded/civilians. This allows them a near superhuman prowess. It also allows them to move supplies faster and easier.
  666. [img][/img]
  668. Ebonian Glove: Environments may usually shape the form of war. Heat in the Middle East, cold in other areas. The glove is placed around the hands, which grip a metal cone. The hot blood's temperature is directed into the cone while cool water helps the heat go down, the cold blood being shot back to the heart. This is done in reverse in cold conditions.
  670. [img][/img]
  672. UFSAF Wasp: A micro-air vehicle, containing all the normal features a regular commerical airliner has, weighing in at less then a pound. It is equipped with multiple cameras, and is unmanned. It will either go to a rally point or self destruct if orders are lost. It marks sniper positions, returns, and the sniper is killed or avoided.
  674. [img][/img]
  676. NSSAF Gazer: Using a fan, and weighing four pounds, this device can hover and store, using multiple cameras to locate IEDs, explosives, or other dangers to troops. This also allows it to locate usually invisible substances such as gunpowder in the black of night. It is used to locate threats and enemy positions alongside the Ebonian Wasp, also a micro-air vehicle.
  678. [img][/img]
  680. Laser Avenger: A cannon that can be used to take down incoming aircraft. The Empire and Boeing was able to shoot a drone out of the sky with the mounted laser, even though it’s not particularly high-powered. It cooked the remote-controlled aircraft using a somewhat feeble 1-kilowatt beam.
  682. [img][/img]
  684. SIMARGL Defense Platform: Armed with two GAU-8 Rotary Avengers along with HE and AP rounds that cycle as the device sees fit, an array of AMRAAMs and Hellfires, and housed in a titanium housing, this turret is generally ball shaped (picture for base reference), and seems to show a very high level of self-actuality to its survival and prioritizes targets appropiately.
  686. [img][/img]
  689. [/b][/center]
  691. Veronique Delamore Harristara Alostoron.
  693. High Executor Vy'shak.
  695. High Executor Kyron.
  697. High Executor Leseu.
  699. Lord Amathion.
  701. Cabiri - Automated AI with malicious programming.
  703. VX - Transmission AI that oversees communication.
  705. Kahrlmiran Atum Sun Nihilan.
  707. Lady Archfyrl.
  709. 'R.'
  711. Solarious.
  713. Highlord Dirus Vykoth.
  715. Grandmaster Lysandros.
  717. Grand Inquisitor Taladrel Nymori.
  719. High Wrathcaster Vironith Zimth.
  721. Chief Admiral Hikaro Marokin.
  723. [b]1312, Marienburg.[/b]
  724. Teutonic Knight Harvis Dirus slowly paced across the stone, plated gauntlets together in a pray position. His eyes were closed, as the helmet gleamed light from the torches of the catacombs. It was horrible, the Knights Templar was just ordered as Vox in excelso, by ordered of the damnable French King Phillip. The Knights Hospitaller was faring well, the papal bull of ad providam having turned most of the Knights Templars' assets to them. Grand Master Jacques de Molay and Geoffroi de Charney, Preceptor of Normandy, were burned at the stake.
  725. Harvis slowly moved over to the letter he had dropped on the floor, picking it up.
  726. [i]Dear Friend Harvis,
  727. I hope this letter finds you in the greatest of health, for the Knights Templar are most certainly not. I shall start from the beginning, unto which this horrible calamity against our Lord God began. In 1305, the new Pope Clement V, based in Avignon, France, sent letters to both the Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay and the Hospitaller Grand Master Fulk de Villaret to discuss the possibility of merging the two Orders. Neither was amenable to the idea, but Pope Clement persisted, and in 1306 he invited both Grand Masters to France to discuss the matter. De Molay arrived first in early 1307, but de Villaret was delayed for several months. While waiting, De Molay and Clement discussed criminal charges that had been made two years earlier by an ousted Templar and were being discussed by King Philip IV of France and his ministers. It was generally agreed that the charges were false, but Clement sent the king a written request for assistance in the investigation.
  728. According to some historians, King Philip, who was already deeply in debt to the Templars from his war with the English, decided to seize upon the rumors for his own purposes. He began pressuring the Church to take action against the Order, as a way of freeing himself from his debts. Upon the date of Friday 13th, 1307, King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested. The arrest warrant started with the phrase: "God is not pleased. We have enemies of the faith in the kingdom." Who but the avaracious pawn of the devil himself could levy such lies against the Templar? Claims were made that during Templar admissions ceremonies, recruits were forced to spit on the Cross, deny Christ, and engage in indecent kissing; brethren were also accused of worshiping idols, and the order was said to have encouraged homosexual practices. Follower of the Old Testament, apparently.
  729. The Templars were charged with numerous other offences such as financial corruption, fraud, and secrecy.Many of the accused confessed to these charges under torture, and these confessions, even though obtained under duress, caused a scandal in Paris. The prisoners were coerced to confess that they had spat on the Cross: "I, Raymond de La Fère, 21 years old, admit that I have spat three times on the Cross, but only from my mouth and not from my heart." The Templars were accused of idolatry and were suspected of worshipping either a figure known as Baphomet or a mummified severed head they recovered, amongst other artifacts, at their original headquarters on the Temple Mount that many scholars theorize might have been that of John the Baptist, among other things. Pope Clement then issued the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae on 22 November 1307, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets.
  730. Pope Clement called for papal hearings to determine the Templars' guilt or innocence, and once freed of the Inquisitors' torture, many Templars recanted their confessions. Some had sufficient legal experience to defend themselves in the trials, but in 1310, having appointed the archbishop of Sens, Philippe de Marigny, to lead the investigation, Philip blocked this attempt, using the previously forced confessions to have dozens of Templars burned at the stake in Paris. We have sailed away from France, to the Indies, where we will be safe in secrecy. Lady Ebonara of House Alostoron has arranged for the king to think us dead, I will arrive at her manor in the Indies, the place known as Crowsclaw, within a few fortnights. I have sent a letter to our brothers in the Hospitaller and we will plan to liberate Brother-Knight Albain of House Xeruth, and to find our contact, Tyrovi Amathion within the streets of Paris. We will liberate as many as we can, and the good Lady may cover our tracks with the blessing of God Himself.
  731. Regards, my good friend,
  732. - Knight of the Knights Templar, Jori Archfyrl.[/i]'
  733. Knight Harvis slowly dropped the letter, and exited the catacombs.
  734. "Prepare our available ships for the Indies!" He shouted loudly, with a renewed vigor.
  735. The silver cross beneath his armor even seemed all the more holier.
  737. ------------
  739. [b]1320, Crowsclaw, The Indies[/b]
  740. The heat was stupidly unbearable, along with the humidity. Jori took off his helmet, wiping his beard and face clean of sweat before fitting it back on. The other Knights had opted to stay in the comfort of the ship, save for his brothers in arms, Algoron and Viromore.
  741. "When do we, and do pardon the crassness, reach this damnable manor, brother?" Algoron demanded.
  742. Viromore, ever devout in his faith, only smiled beneath his helmet.
  743. "Whenever God's will demand it!" He said with a joking undertone.
  744. Jori shook his head in bemusement at the two, almost polar opposites. One devout to a fault even after Friday the 13th, the other, not so much.
  745. Soon a great manor crested the rise of a hill, along a river. The manor itself was an almost pitch black inlaid with deep crimson, an unusually pale woman sitting on the massive porch of the place.
  746. The three soon jogged got to the river and its bridge, passing over it as the stream rushed by in blue languidity.
  747. "Lady Ebonara." They all almost remarked in unison, tired beyond belief, save for perhaps, Viromore.
  748. The Lady rose slowly, courtseying to the three of them.
  749. "Before." She said, raising a finger. "Before you decide to thank me beyond what even words God can bestow, do not. There will be time for praising the Lord later, my friends. My son received your letter, sent to the Hospitaller, and is already here. No one knows how long the time since all of you were together for the worse." She said in an effluent English accent, sharp to a point.
  750. "There are drinks inside. I believe Knight Harvis is to arrive soon, though true to his nature as a German, will be fashionably arriving."
  751. The Lady sat again, watching as the sun began to descend, and the three entered.
  752. Knight Dorom Alostoron looked as the three entered, shaking their hands and patting their backs.
  753. "A shame what has happened now, after the Crusades. Tell me though, precisely, Jori. How in the name of our good Lord and whatever deity may be unto the wind, do you plan to sneak into Paris, break out Albain and his friends, find the little thief that is Tyrovi, and get back to here without dying?"
  754. Dorom sighed.
  755. "Yet no matter how insane the plan I'll still say yes. We may not rescue all from the clutches of Phillip, but we can rescue many. I'll avoid fighting the French if I can."
  756. Jori looked at Algoron and Viromore, who had removed their helmets, and then removed his, shrugging off the heavy plate armor.
  757. "We won't act like men of God."
  758. ----------
  759. Harvis slowly got off the ship that landed at the port, stretching and shaking his head. The storms they had encountered were not pleasant, but they had made it.
  760. "Barov, Zaro, with me!" He shouted, moving quickly with the two knights to Crowsclaw, night now blanketing the area with an eerie beauty.
  761. "Guten nacht, Lady Ebonara." He said, approaching the steps, a bit winded with his companions.
  762. "Apologies for being late."
  763. The woman simply smiled thinly, and rose, courtseying the three new arrivals again.
  764. "Go on, they'll need you."
  765. Harvis, Barov, and Zaro entered, likewise shrugging off the heavy armor and sitting around the table.
  766. Alogorn, Viromore, Jori, and Dorom all looked at them peculiarly.
  767. "So how do we rescue our comrades?" Zaro asked gruffly, not one for pleasantries when time demanded other things from him.
  768. Viromore slowly rose.
  769. Took off his cross gently, and laid it on the table, on the pile of others.
  770. "We must not be men of God or even related to the Orders in France." Dorom explained cooly.
  771. "If anything, we must be totally and emotionally detached to act as the guards, and get out alive. Also...we're stealing a ship."
  772. Harvis, Zaro, and Barov all looked at eachother for a moment, totally silent, then three crosses hit the table.
  773. "Then let's move." Jori said, rising, and they donned their armor, and went to their ships.
  774. To sail for France.
  776. ------------
  778. [i]1327, Paris, France[/i]
  779. The ships entered port, the group of seven quietly leaving the haggard looking ships, looking like highway men who had managed to get their hands on Templar gear, walking around the streets rather quietly. Soon, a small pebble gently knocked Barov's helmet, the seven quickly turning to the source.
  780. A grimy face poked out of the helmet, an unruly shock of black hair falling over Tyrovi's face.
  781. "You walk like a noble." Tyrovi remarked cheerfully, the unusually perceptive girl sat on the ground.
  782. "Come on now, a patrol will be comin round soon. But you all need a ship don't you? And a plan."
  783. The seven entered the ramshackle "house" of Tyrovi, who stared at them a good long while before Zaro grew agitated.
  784. "Tyrovi." He said sharply, in a German accent.
  785. "Right, right. Anyways. There is a ship in port, called the [i]La Republica[/i]. Good strong ship. Fast, too. The prison Albain and your companions are in would be right inside that ship. Stored like slaves on a trip, the king thinks the jails are too good for em."
  786. The seven looked at eachother, and then at Tyrovi.
  787. "Well Tyro." Viromore began in a slightly teasing tone to her nickname.
  788. "We do need a little bit of a lockpicker."
  789. Tyrovi's natural grin widened.
  790. "But you need a bath first." Alogorn remarked, tossing some coins at her.
  791. Tyrovi blinked slightly, looking at the preposterous amount of coins.
  792. "You give me what must appear to be a fortune of coins for someone like me, want me to go on an incredibly dangerous journey with you towards a brig to rescue Knights Templars, and don't expect me to run off?"
  793. She let a pause hang over the group.
  794. "Absolutely crazy."
  795. "I'm in."
  797. --------------
  798. [i]The Very Next Day[/i]
  799. The group of now eight strong, were quite ready with their generous donation of armor and weapons from some French patrol. Tyrovi, a bit too small for armor, though they did give her a dagger.
  800. The [i]La Republica[/i] sat in the water, a monster of a ship to behold with its sails folded down.
  801. Harvis stopped the group.
  802. "Alright. In five minutes, we're going to go in, and take out the French. Don't kill them, just toss them over the side or knock em out. Viromore, Barov, you two will guard Tyrovi if she needs to lockpick something. Alogoron, Dorom, you're going to take command of the ship and prepare to take us out of port. Viromore, myself, and Jori will go for Albain and the others. When we're done, or you see some very angry Frenchmen, take us out."
  803. They all nodded, save for Tyrovi who was staring at the ship, and a bit annoyed and the leather armor.
  804. "How do you all even wear armor? It's....ugh."
  805. This earned a chuckle, before they all moved up and to the ship.
  806. Tyrovi moved to the entrance of it, carefully picking the lock and letting it creak open.
  807. A surprised French sailor looked at the seven knights, who promptly knocked him out.
  808. Eventually, Viromore, Jori, and Harvis made it to the brig carefully.
  809. Albain and some other knights, were bound in chains to the wall, apart from eachother, some guards conversing.
  810. Barov casually walked over to them.
  811. "Hello." He said simply, before slamming their heads together.
  812. Barov grabbed the keys, unchaining the knights.
  813. (Fast forwarding)
  814. [i]1334, Crowsclaw, the Indies[/i]
  815. The exhausted knights slowly stepped off the ship, the ever energetic Tyrovi soon running off towards Crowsclaw, where Lady Ebonara simply courtseyed once.
  816. "Welcome to Crowsclaw, little one."
  817. The knights, now nine with Albain and Tyrovia (unoficially), moved to the table.
  818. Dorom sat, taking off his armor.
  819. Harvis sat, taking off his.
  820. Alogoron followed, as did Viromere.
  821. Jori did the same.
  822. Barov and Zaro, likewise.
  823. Albain ended the action with Tyrovi, who lifted the leather armor off herself as Albain placed his helmet down.
  824. Dorom cleared his throat.
  825. "It's clear now, that the age of knights has ended. We may no longer hold praise to God."
  826. Even Viromere seemed in agreement with this.
  827. "We must remain detached from ourselves, lest we be struck weak again like this by men like Phillip."
  828. "We must strive to attain a greater perfection."
  829. Lady Ebonara entered the room, sitting on the sidelines.
  830. "A greater pefection to be almost godlike and surreal than our fellow man. Wall ourselves out from showing emotion of any kind, lest it is the kind of the Devil. To only build such a greater wall."
  831. "Hereby, on this day, I, former Knight Hospitaller Dorom Alostoron thus decree, the foundation of a new order. An order, that will serve to truly protect its own till its last dying breath. Be they German, English, or French. Be them nobleman, worker, knight, soldier, or even a thief."
  832. Harvis grinned, nodding at Tyrovi who was positively beaming.
  833. "From this day forth." Dorom drew his blade, placing the tip to the center of the table, the others doing the same, Tyrovi placing her dagger on it.
  834. "Let the Order..."
  835. Dorom blinked slightly, looking at Lady Ebonara.
  836. "The Order of Ebonia, be formed."
  837. The Ebony Republic, was born.
  838. Crowsclaw, still stands, to this day.
  839. The Alostoron family, plagued by a generational madness in former Chancellor Alostoron and more prominently, and Veronique Delamore Harristara Alostoron, leader of Los Zetas.
  840. Albain Archfyrl's legacy, stands to be House Archfyrl, producing a line of strong military men and women, an Empress in Zirana, and Councilor.
  841. Harvis Dirus' legacy lay in House Dirus, a house with massive power, producing strong military leaders and officers, engineers, scientists, and a leader in Highlord Vykoth.
  842. House Amathion rose from Tyrovi's would-be unremarkable name, becoming a political powerhouse and charitable house of strong military heritage placing pride in close combat.
  843. House Xeruth became a political powerhouse as well, adopting those who came from unsavory backgrounds, and a civil giant.
  844. Barov would start the tradition of shadowy intrigue of Ebonians.
  845. Zaro attributed to the tradition of being punctual, almost rude to the point of it.
  846. Alogoron started the tradition of keeping the people learned and intelligent.
  847. Viromere made sure the tradition of suppressing emotion, was in check.
  848. Back in the Crusades, the origins of The Order of Ebonia began, named after Lady Ebonara for her tremendous efforts. The band became known as the Ebon Rose Order, attributing to TER's favorite rose.
  849. In 1334, November 16th, The Ebony Republic was set in stone.
  850. The Order of The Ebon Rose died peacefully and respectively.
  851. This knowledge is kept within the depths of the Palace of Wolfsgrad, in Os.
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