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Jun 2nd, 2015
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  1. package Domain;
  3. import java.util.*;
  5. import Utils.MyException;
  6. import Utils.Pair;
  8. public class AlgorithmNewman<T> extends Algorithm {
  9. private Grafo Graf;
  10. private double Infinit;
  11. private int Size;
  12. private int Limite;
  13. //private HashMap<String, Integer> edgeBW;
  14. private HashMap<T,LinkedList<T>> padres;
  15. private HashMap<T,HashMap<T,Integer>> edgeBW;
  16. private HashMap<T, HashMap<T,HashMap<T,LinkedList<T>>>> camino;
  17. private HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>> Acut;
  18. private AlgorithmEntrada Entrada;
  19. private AlgorithmSortida Sortida;
  21. public AlgorithmNewman(Grafo g, int limite) throws MyException {
  22. Limite = limite;
  23. Infinit = Double.MAX_VALUE;
  24. Graf = new Grafo(g);
  25. Size = Graf.obtenerNumVerts();
  26. //edgeBW = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
  27. edgeBW = new HashMap<T,HashMap<T,Integer>>();
  28. camino = new HashMap<T, HashMap<T,HashMap<T,LinkedList<T>>>>();
  29. padres = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  30. Acut = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  31. }
  33. public AlgorithmNewman() {
  34. Graf = null;
  35. Infinit = -1;
  36. Size = -1;
  37. Limite = -1;
  38. edgeBW = new HashMap<T,HashMap<T,Integer>>();
  39. Entrada = null;
  40. Sortida = null;
  41. camino = new HashMap<T, HashMap<T,HashMap<T,LinkedList<T>>>>();
  42. Acut = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  43. padres = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  44. }
  46. @Override
  47. public void execute(AlgorithmEntrada ae, AlgorithmSortida as) throws MyException {
  48. Entrada = ae;
  49. Sortida = as;
  50. Graf = Entrada.obtenirGraf();
  51. Size = Graf.obtenerNumVerts();
  52. Limite = 7;
  53. Infinit = Double.MAX_VALUE;
  54. padres = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  55. start();
  56. Sortida.afegirComunitats(generarSortida());
  57. }
  59. public Vector<Vector> generarSortida() throws MyException{
  60. HashMap<Integer, Vector> ret = new HashMap<Integer, Vector>();
  61. int c = 0;
  62. Vector vs = Graf.obtenerVertices();
  63. HashMap<Object, Boolean> vist = new HashMap<Object, Boolean>();
  64. for (Object v : vs) vist.put(v, false);
  65. Queue<Object> pq = new PriorityQueue<Object>();
  67. for (Object vi : vs) {
  68. if(!vist.get(vi)){
  69. pq.add(vi);
  70. ++c;
  71. }
  72. while(!pq.isEmpty()){
  73. Object u = pq.poll();
  74. if (!vist.get(u)){
  75. Vector ve = ret.get(c);
  76. if (ve == null) ve = new Vector();
  77. ve.add(u);
  78. ret.put(c, ve);
  79. vist.put(u, true);
  80. Vector a = Graf.obtenerAdyacencias(u);
  81. for (Object va : a) {
  82. pq.add(va);
  83. }
  84. }
  85. }
  86. }
  87. return new Vector(Arrays.asList(ret.values().toArray()));
  88. }
  89. public void start() throws MyException{
  90. int i = 1;
  91. Boolean b = false;
  92. int tam = Graf.obtenerNumVerts();
  93. Vector<T> vs = Graf.obtenerVertices();
  94. while(i < (double)Math.sqrt(tam)){
  95. for (T o : vs) {
  96. for (T d : vs) {
  97. if (b){
  98. if(calrecalcular(o,d)){
  99. reduir(o,d);
  100. buscarcamins(o,d);
  101. beetweeness(o,d);
  102. }
  103. }
  104. else{
  105. b = true;
  106. HashMap<T, HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>> hash1 = new HashMap<T, HashMap<T,LinkedList<T>>>();
  107. HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>> hash2 = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  108. if (!camino.containsKey(o)) camino.put(o, hash1);
  109. LinkedList<T> padrel = new LinkedList<T>();
  110. padrel.add(d);
  111. hash2.put(d, padrel);
  112. hash1 = camino.get(o);
  113. hash1.put(d, hash2);
  114. camino.put(o, hash1);
  115. buscarcamins(o,d); // arestas con los caminos mas cortos
  116. beetweeness(o,d);
  117. }
  118. }
  119. }
  120. cut();
  121. ++i;
  122. }
  123. }
  124. private void reduir(T origen, T Final){
  125. T node;
  126. LinkedList<T> l = new LinkedList<T>();
  127. l.add(Final);
  128. while (!l.isEmpty()) {
  129. node = l.pollFirst();
  130. LinkedList<T> adjace = new LinkedList<T>();
  131. if (padres.containsKey(node)){
  132. adjace = padres.get(node);
  133. }
  134. HashMap<T, Integer> aux = new HashMap<>();
  135. LinkedList<T> Set = new LinkedList<T>();
  136. T nn;
  137. while(!adjace.isEmpty()) {
  138. nn = adjace.pollFirst();
  139. Set.add(nn);
  140. if(edgeBW.containsKey(node)){
  141. aux = edgeBW.get(node);
  142. if(aux.containsKey(nn)){
  143. Integer pes = aux.get(nn);
  144. pes = pes - 1;
  145. if (pes > 0.0) {
  146. aux.put(nn, pes);
  147. edgeBW.put(node, aux);
  148. }
  149. }
  150. }
  151. if(edgeBW.containsKey(nn)){
  152. aux = edgeBW.get(nn);
  153. if(aux.containsKey(node)){
  154. Integer pes = aux.get(node);
  155. pes = pes - 1;
  156. if (pes > 0.0) {
  157. aux.put(node, pes);
  158. edgeBW.put(nn, aux);
  159. }
  160. }
  161. }
  162. if (!nn.equals(origen)) {
  163. l.add(nn);
  164. }
  165. }
  166. padres.put(node, Set);
  167. }
  168. }
  169. private void buscarcamins(T origen, T Final) throws MyException{
  170. Vector<T> vs = Graf.obtenerVertices();
  171. HashMap<T, Double> d = new HashMap<T, Double>();
  172. for (T v : vs) d.put(v, Infinit);
  173. HashMap<T, T> p = new HashMap<T, T>();
  174. HashMap<T, Boolean> vist = new HashMap<T, Boolean>();
  175. for (T v : vs) vist.put(v, false);
  176. Queue<Pair<Double, T>> pq = new PriorityQueue<Pair<Double,T>>();
  177. pq.add(new Pair<Double, T>(0.0, origen));
  178. d.put(origen, 0.0);
  179. vist.put(origen, true);
  180. while(!pq.isEmpty()){
  181. Pair<Double, T> tmp = pq.poll();
  182. T u = tmp.Second;
  183. Vector<T> a = Graf.obtenerAdyacencias(u);
  184. for (T t : a) {
  185. Double peso = Graf.obtenerPesoArco(u, t);
  186. if (vist.get(u)){
  187. if (d.get(t) > d.get(u) + peso){
  188. LinkedList<T> pad = new LinkedList<T>();
  189. pad.add(u);
  190. padres.put(t,pad);
  191. pq.add(new Pair<Double, T>(d.get(t), t));
  192. d.put(t, d.get(u) + peso);
  193. }
  194. else if(d.get(t) == (d.get(u) + peso)){
  195. LinkedList<T> pad = padres.get(t);
  196. pad.add(u);
  197. //TODO mirar si se auto actualiza
  198. }
  199. }
  200. else if(!vist.get(u)){
  201. vist.put(u, true);
  202. if (!t.equals(Final))pq.add(new Pair<Double, T>(d.get(t), t));
  203. d.put(t, d.get(u) + peso);
  204. LinkedList<T> aux = new LinkedList<T>();
  205. aux.add(u);
  206. padres.put(t, aux);
  207. }
  208. }
  209. }
  210. }
  212. private void beetweeness(T origen, T Final) throws MyException{
  213. HashMap<T, HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>> hash1 = new HashMap<T, HashMap<T,LinkedList<T>>>();
  214. HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>> hash2 = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  215. LinkedList<T> padrel = new LinkedList<T>();
  216. LinkedList<T> pq = new LinkedList<T>();
  218. pq.add(Final);
  219. while(!pq.isEmpty()){
  220. T u = pq.poll();
  221. if(padres.containsKey(u))padrel = padres.get(u);
  222. LinkedList<T> aux = new LinkedList<T>();
  223. while(!padrel.isEmpty()){
  224. T t = padrel.poll();
  225. aux.add(t);
  226. if (edgeBW.containsKey(u)) {
  227. HashMap<T,Integer> ebi = edgeBW.get(u);
  228. if (ebi.containsKey(t)){
  229. Integer BW = ebi.get(t);
  230. ebi.put(t, BW+1);
  231. }
  232. else{
  233. ebi.put(t, 1);
  234. }
  235. }
  236. else{
  237. HashMap<T,Integer> ebi = new HashMap<T, Integer>();
  238. ebi.put(t, 1);
  239. edgeBW.put(u, ebi);
  240. }
  241. if (edgeBW.containsKey(t)) {
  242. HashMap<T,Integer> ebi = edgeBW.get(t);
  243. if (ebi.containsKey(u)){
  244. Integer BW = ebi.get(u);
  245. ebi.put(u, BW+1);
  246. }
  247. else{
  248. ebi.put(u, 1);
  249. }
  250. }
  251. else{
  252. HashMap<T,Integer> ebi = new HashMap<T, Integer>();
  253. ebi.put(u, 1);
  254. edgeBW.put(t, ebi);
  255. }
  256. }
  257. padres.put(u, aux);
  258. hash1 = camino.get(origen);
  259. hash2 = hash1.get(Final);
  260. hash2.put(u,aux);
  261. camino.put(origen,hash1);
  264. }
  265. }
  267. private void cut() throws MyException {
  268. int max = 0;
  269. HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>> eliminats = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  270. Acut = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  271. for (T o : edgeBW.keySet()) {
  272. HashMap<T, Integer> aresta = new HashMap<>();
  273. aresta = edgeBW.get(o);
  274. for (T d : aresta.keySet()) {
  275. LinkedList<T> Aux = new LinkedList<T>();
  276. int aux = aresta.get(d);
  277. if(aux > max){
  278. Acut = new HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>>();
  279. Aux.add(d);
  280. Acut.put(o, Aux);
  281. max = aux;
  282. }
  283. else if (aux == max) {
  284. if(Acut.containsKey(o) || Acut.containsKey(d)){
  285. if(Acut.containsKey(o)){
  286. Aux = Acut.get(o);
  287. Aux.add(d);
  288. Acut.put(o, Aux);
  289. }
  290. else if(Acut.containsKey(d)){
  291. Aux = Acut.get(d);
  292. Aux.add(o);
  293. Acut.put(d, Aux);
  294. }
  295. else{
  296. Aux.add(d);
  297. Acut.put(o, Aux);
  298. max = aresta.get(d);
  299. }
  300. }
  301. }
  302. }
  303. }
  304. for (T o : Acut.keySet()) {
  305. LinkedList<T> eliminat = new LinkedList<T>();
  306. LinkedList<T> cutset = new LinkedList<T>();
  307. cutset = Acut.get(o);
  308. while(!cutset.isEmpty()){
  309. T d = cutset.poll();
  310. eliminat.add(d);
  311. if(Graf.existearco(o, d)){
  312. Graf.eliminarArco(o, d);
  313. }
  314. edgeBW.get(o).remove(d);
  315. edgeBW.get(d).remove(o);
  316. }
  317. eliminats.put(o, eliminat);
  318. }
  319. }
  321. Boolean calrecalcular(T origen, T Final) {
  322. Boolean trobat = false;
  323. HashMap<T, LinkedList<T>> Set = new HashMap<>();
  324. for (T o : Acut.keySet()) {
  325. if (trobat) break;
  326. LinkedList<T> l = Acut.get(o);
  327. LinkedList<T> r = new LinkedList<T>();
  328. while (!l.isEmpty()) {
  329. T d = l.poll();
  330. r.add(d);
  331. Set = camino.get(origen).get(Final);
  332. if(Set.containsKey(o)){
  333. LinkedList<T> Aux = Set.get(o);
  334. if (Aux.contains(d)) {
  335. camino.get(origen).get(Final).clear();
  336. trobat = true;
  337. }
  338. }
  339. if (Set.containsKey(d)) {
  340. LinkedList<T> Aux = Set.get(d);
  341. if (Aux.contains(o)) {
  342. camino.get(origen).get(Final).clear();
  343. trobat = true;
  344. }
  345. }
  346. }
  347. Acut.put(o,r);
  348. }
  349. return trobat;
  350. }
  352. public String obtenerGrafo(){
  353. return Graf.toString();
  354. }
  356. public String printarComunidad() throws MyException{
  357. HashMap<Object, Integer> n2c = new HashMap<Object, Integer>();
  358. int c = 0;
  359. Vector vs = Graf.obtenerVertices();
  360. HashMap<Object, Boolean> vist = new HashMap<Object, Boolean>();
  361. for (Object v : vs) vist.put(v, false);
  362. Queue<Object> pq = new PriorityQueue<Object>();
  364. for (Object vi : vs) {
  365. if(!vist.get(vi)){
  366. pq.add(vi);
  367. ++c;
  368. }
  369. while(!pq.isEmpty()){
  370. Object u = pq.poll();
  371. if (!vist.get(u)){
  372. n2c.put(u, c);
  373. vist.put(u, true);
  374. Vector a = Graf.obtenerAdyacencias(u);
  375. for (Object va : a) {
  376. pq.add(va);
  377. }
  378. }
  379. }
  380. }
  381. return n2c.toString();
  382. }
  384. }
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