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Backtrace Security

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Mar 16th, 2012
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  1. <rooster> Tell me what you told him.
  2. <omg> <omg> just get zeekill to use his BR roots to hit mossad's IP for 20 hours and i'll make sure you and zeekill are free to stroll along with no more interference from "external" parties
  3. <omg> <omg> or if you want just 8 hours
  4. <omg> <omg> enough to have reporters verify Mossad's tango down
  5. <omg> i'll make sure Interpol doesn't get a red notice on him
  6. <rooster> why.
  7. <omg> his little panda security stunt and with #antisec hacking the site is what will get his ass hauled by SUPO to Spain
  8. <omg> this is what i call leverage
  9. <omg> <omg> do you know it wasn't Sabu's idea to tell Anarchaos to deliver the emails?
  10. <rooster> yes, i know abou that.
  11. <omg> that was my work, along with other stupid Anonymous false operations such as
  12. <omg> #opcartel, #opglobalbackout
  13. <rooster> Yes, that's fine. i know
  14. <rooster> about all of that.
  15. <rooster> i want to know
  16. <rooster> why.
  17. <rooster> not only, why did you do it.
  18. <rooster> why are you now
  19. <rooster> telling people.
  20. <omg> <omg> i'm one of those horned rimmed guys sitting behind a desk in DC dreaming of ways to manipulate Anonymous for UK's and USA's purpose :)
  21. <rooster> if this is true.
  22. <rooster> give me contact information.
  23. <omg> Anonymous never had leadership that's why it was so easy in the last 6 months
  24. <omg> tell your handlier in NYC
  25. <omg> he'll know
  26. <omg> FBI plays by the books
  27. <rooster> alright. i'll be in touch then.
  28. <omg> however guys like me in counter intelligence don't
  29. <rooster> you'd be surprised.
  30. <omg> oh i know
  31. <omg> don't worry :) i have friends in JTTF
  32. <omg> i assume your magneto's handlier?
  33. <omg> if so call up Philip Selton in DC he's a good friend of my
  34. <omg> tell him 'B' is up to his old tricks
  35. <rooster> i'll look into that. that's what i needed in the first place.
  36. <rooster> Thanks.
  37. <rooster> im working on something of my own, it's a bit in your department, but i need to talk to someone official about it.
  38. <omg> trying to mitigate the Strafor email damage unfortunally
  39. <omg> did you see the assesment?
  40. <rooster> no i did not.
  41. <omg> ask CT in NYC
  42. <omg> they have it
  43. <omg> Senate Intelligence Committee will have a briefing on it next week
  44. <rooster> oh, i don't go to that. i have someone who gives me things i request.
  45. <omg> prob above your clearance level
  46. <omg> anyways you know about their little group's HTP right?
  47. <rooster> not really. but i'm interested.
  48. <rooster> what can you tell me?
  49. <omg> apparently in an attempt to SE, one of their guy's zeekill ran a SYN+ACK ddos against
  50. <rooster> oh, the mossad ddos.
  51. <rooster> done with brazil roots, right?
  52. <omg> yep
  53. <omg> from what i gather it's prob CDN servers
  54. <omg> with the bandwidth that was pumped to the site
  55. <omg> the site is on a tier 1 backbone provider with about 1gbs of total speed
  56. <omg> their little gang has some serious bandwidth
  57. <rooster> i guess so. would have to be a good amount to take out something on t1
  58. <omg> haha much faster from what i guess Mossad has
  59. <omg> think it's on a OC-24
  60. <rooster> well, most public sites are on small servers isolated from anything important
  61. <omg> onto a STM-64 uplink
  62. <omg> dunno but what that anonyroot idiot hit CIA's site was pretty high too. The uplink pipe for DC's link was a OC-24
  63. <omg> guys in DS&T had to rotate the public ip three times
  64. <rooster> these guys are persistent fuckers, aren't they?
  65. <omg> well it depends
  66. <omg> most are idiots
  67. <omg> their Anonymous-OS already has a sudoder backdoor
  68. <omg> i think the offical dl count is close to 34K now
  69. <rooster> that was well known
  70. <rooster> and obvious
  71. <omg> about their HTP group from what's read from previous intel reports. It was a splinter group that formed after the HB Gary hack
  72. <omg> they previously use the irc
  73. <omg> and apparently the group rotates irc servers monthly
  74. <rooster> i'll be right back.
  75. <omg> figured i should give it a try and try to use their crazy members to try and mitigate the next wikileaks release
  76. <omg> one of them did a quick demo yestoday and was able to bring down Mossad's site
  77. <omg> *yesterday*
  78. <omg> btw you know Israel already caught that 0xOmar kid right?
  79. <omg> it's embarrassing to see Israel able to catch a hacker weeks after an intrusion, while we don't have CERN teams cyber readiness level to react quickly enough to large scale attacks
  80. <rooster> back, sorry i have two other people relaying information to me.
  81. <rooster> reading, sec.
  82. <rooster> hes the israeli, right?
  83. <rooster> no
  84. <rooster> the saudi?
  85. <omg> they caught him in SA
  86. <rooster> yea, the saudi.
  87. <omg> tracked him through credit card purchases
  88. <rooster> yes, i remember when he pastebinned some ccs
  89. <omg> it takes about 2 weeks min to just get a search warrent your whitecollar depts + SS with the DOJ for a simple id theft
  90. <rooster> Yes, i know.
  91. <rooster> fraud isn't just a slap on the wrist.
  92. <omg> yes
  93. <omg> and it's a constant battle
  94. <omg> with DOJ versus state level id theft charges
  95. <omg> though it's good to know cybercrime is monitering hardchats
  96. <rooster> yeah, there are eyes on a lot of different places right now
  97. <omg> that's good, though i'm prob the only guy in my agency trying to figure how to not mess things up with current investigations :)
  98. <rooster> if you can disclose, who are you with?
  99. <omg> sorry i cannot
  100. <rooster> understandable
  101. <rooster> just, personal curiosity.
  102. <omg> just contact SSA Selton
  103. <omg> he'll understand
  104. <rooster> right.
  105. <omg> but i'm not with you guy's at the Bureau
  106. <omg> in fact because of the sealed DOJ docket's, I didn't even know about Xavier Monsegur being a CI
  107. <rooster> Should have, it was actually leaked a while back.
  108. <rooster> also i'm with the bureau, i have to state that if you return this back to anyone.
  109. <omg> i had track down one of your contractors Backtrace to confirm it two months ago in Jan
  110. <rooster> i have a position similar to you.
  111. <rooster> just so that's clear.
  112. <rooster> i don't want break any laws while doing my job.
  113. <omg> i just don't want to mess up any existing investigations
  114. <omg> i thought everything is need to know. Regardless everyone has TS clearance, but certain things such as knowing who is an CI is a need to know
  115. <omg> at the Bureau
  116. <rooster> again, i'm not with the bureau, i do what you do.
  117. <rooster> and it is all need to know
  118. <rooster> but if you look closely
  119. <rooster> you can find out a lot on your own
  120. <omg> <rooster> also i'm with the bureau, i have to state that if you return this back to anyone.
  121. <rooster> hah. wow.
  122. <rooster> that is a typo.
  123. <rooster> meant to say not. i apologize.
  124. <omg> i'm with DS
  125. <omg> of the DOS
  126. <rooster> ah.
  127. <rooster> ive interacted with the bureau
  128. <omg> i'm the guy responsible for mitigating damage caused by Jeremy Hammond sending the Strafor emails to Wikileaks
  129. <rooster> hammon, sounds familiar.
  130. <rooster> um
  131. <rooster> what does he run
  132. <rooster> he runs something, i think.
  133. <omg> Anarchaos aka crediblethreat aka Hack This Site founder
  134. <omg> btw did you ever use the nick moop?
  135. <rooster> there are a few people
  136. <rooster> that use that nick
  137. <omg> my suggestion work with Jennifer Emick with Backtrace
  138. <rooster> i've not worked with backtrace directly, but i've chatted to hubris before.
  139. <omg> i've been helping Hubris aka david with some "special projects" such as injecting fake Anonymous operations such as #opcartel
  140. <rooster> i understand about injecting fake ops, like a honeypot
  141. <rooster> but opcartel
  142. <rooster> was too far
  143. <rooster> lives could have been at risk
  144. <omg> not really, only Barret Brown's
  145. <omg> the goal of #opcartel was to get CISEN into iranserv
  146. <omg> and understand the leadership structure resulted in the recent Interpol South American arrests
  147. <omg> and anonworld
  148. <rooster> ah, so you're planting fake ops, to infiltrate.
  149. <rooster> smart.
  150. <omg> #opglobalbackout was a response by that anonyroot's idiot ddos of
  151. <omg> so the NSA could argue for stronger monitering + domestic intelligence
  152. <omg> inject stories such as:
  153. <rooster> so is that new internet monitoring bill related at all to OpDarknet?
  154. <omg> opdarknet?
  155. <rooster> also
  156. <rooster> i dont tink
  157. <omg> no it's because of the constant threat of China
  158. <rooster> there is any validity
  159. <rooster> in that pastebin
  160. <omg> + guys like pr0f_srs's dump of the SCADA system
  161. <rooster> i understand SCADA system dumps.
  162. <rooster> how does china play into that?
  163. <omg> and a simple ddos to is enough to invoke the "terrorism" arguement
  164. <rooster> anything is enough to invoke the terrorism card
  165. <rooster> it's so vague, it can be thrown around until it sticks.
  166. <omg> when you have critical US infracture such as a Water Pump Facility, or your Intelligence Agency being under attack?
  167. <rooster> why do you think the reason for monitoring the occupy movement, and various protesters was under a counter-terrorism effort?
  168. <omg> how do you think Counter-Intelligence feels?
  169. <rooster> i think they would feel like they need to step it up.
  170. <rooster> and that's where you come in, correct?
  171. <omg> yep
  172. <omg> been doing the injections and manipulation of Anonymous' agenda at the sidelines to push for stronger FBI + NSA prescence
  173. <omg> not everyone in DSS agrees with me
  174. <omg> but when the head of the FBI + NSA is making these arguements to the National Security Council
  175. <omg> ^-- Director
  176. <omg> i've said i've did a good job in the last 5 months :)
  177. <rooster> opcartel, an globalblackout were well recognized, i guess that means you're right
  178. <omg> i'm not involved with Intelligence gathering of Occupy
  179. <omg> it's the boys that are with DHS
  180. <omg> then again they over-react to everything
  181. <rooster> nor am i, but i've a few contacts of mine are.
  182. <omg> shit like Anonymous hackers fucking up train lines?
  183. <omg> yea... DHS your idiots
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