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a guest
Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. scripts/modindex.lua(85,1) ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  3. Reset() returning
  4. focus lost
  5. QueryServerComplete no callback
  6. scripts/components/volcanomanager.lua(129,1) VolcanoManager stop
  7. focus gained
  8. focus lost
  9. focus gained
  10. Could not find anim [OUTOFSPACE] in bank [OUTOFSPACE]
  11. scripts/components/builder.lua:497: calling 'SetRotation' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  12. LUA ERROR stack traceback:
  13. =[C]:-1 in (method) SetRotation (C) <-1--1>
  14. scripts/components/builder.lua:497 in (method) DoBuild (Lua) <406-517>
  15. self =
  16. magic_bonus = 0
  17. buffered_builds = table: 0x54c1130
  18. CanBuildAtPoint = function - @../mods/workshop-356043883/modmain.lua:409
  19. MakeRecipe = function - @../mods/workshop-600807969/modmain.lua:43
  20. jellybrainhat = false
  21. recipes = table: 0x1b2dadd0
  22. ingredientmod = 1
  23. custom_tabs = table: 0x1b2dae30
  24. bonus_tech_level = 0
  25. accessible_tech_trees = table: 0x169d2120
  26. inst = 100017 - warly (valid:true)
  27. obsidian_bonus = 0
  28. ancient_bonus = 0
  29. recipe_count = 129
  30. current_prototyper = 101255 - researchlab2 (valid:true)
  31. science_bonus = 0
  32. recname = pumpkin_lantern
  33. pt = (-18.86, 0.00, 6.58)
  34. rotation = nil
  35. recipe = table: 0x1bb40bd0
  36. buffered = false
  37. wetLevel = 0
  38. prod = 117453 - pumpkin_lantern (valid:true)
  39. scripts/actions.lua:857 in (field) fn (Lua) <855-861>
  40. act = Build nil Recipe:pumpkin_lantern (valid:true)
  41. scripts/bufferedaction.lua:20 in (method) Do (Lua) <17-33>
  42. self (valid:true) =
  43. recipe = pumpkin_lantern
  44. options = table: 0x1bbe97a0
  45. action = table: 0x55b6aa0
  46. doer = 100017 - warly (valid:true)
  47. onsuccess = table: 0x1bb25e60
  48. distance = 1
  49. onfail = table: 0x1bb25e80
  50. pos = (-18.86, 0.00, 6.58)
  51. scripts/entityscript.lua:1073 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1063-1086>
  52. self (valid:true) =
  53. GUID = 100017
  54. inlimbo = false
  55. brain = --brain--
  56. sleep time: 0.00
  57. Priority - READY <FAILED> ()>0.00
  58. >Parallel - READY <FAILED> ()>0.00
  59. > >Hold LMB - READY <FAILED> ()>0.00
  60. > >ChaseAndAttack - READY <READY> ()>0.00
  61. >ChaseAndAttack - READY <FAILED> ()>0.00
  63. AnimState = AnimState (0x1bbe0fd0)
  64. Light = Light (0x1b2e9410)
  65. age = 0
  66. LightWatcher = LightWatcher (0x1be800a0)
  67. profile = table: 0x1203e370
  68. inherentactions = table: 0x119e2530
  69. spawntime = 0
  70. CanExamine = function - @scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:527
  71. HUD = HUD
  72. Transform = Transform (0x1bbb8a70)
  73. event_listening = table: 0x20624830
  74. bufferedaction = Build nil Recipe:pumpkin_lantern (valid:true)
  75. children = table: 0x1beb2440
  76. entity = Entity (0x1bb49240)
  77. DynamicShadow = DynamicShadow (0x168dcf10)
  78. prefab = warly
  79. updatecomponents = table: 0x1b21b7b0
  80. name = MISSING NAME
  81. Soak = function - @scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:529
  82. sg = sg="wilson", state="idle", time=0.00, tags = "idle,canrotate,"
  83. persists = false
  84. talker_path_override = dontstarve_DLC002/characters/
  85. MiniMapEntity = MiniMapEntity (0x1bbad860)
  86. event_listeners = table: 0x20631ea0
  87. brainfn = table: 0x3c59cc0
  88. OnLoad = function - @scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:540
  89. OnSave = function - @scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:537
  90. soundsname = warly
  91. pendingtasks = table: 0x1bb2a610
  92. Physics = Physics (0x1bbcf6f0)
  93. AddLevelComponents = function - @scripts/prefabs/player_common.lua:79
  94. components = table: 0x1bb9c270
  95. SoundEmitter = SoundEmitter (0x1bb99980)
  96. scripts/stategraphs/SGwilson.lua:1957 in (field) ontimeout (Lua) <1954-1958>
  97. inst = 100017 - warly (valid:true)
  98. scripts/stategraph.lua:471 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <457-501>
  99. self =
  100. timeout = 2.3242070452889
  101. tags = table: 0x1b570170
  102. mem = table: 0x119d9190
  103. statemem = table: 0x1b571b50
  104. currentstate = table: 0x13850800
  105. timelineindex = 1
  106. timeinstate = 0
  107. sg = Stategraph : wilson
  108. inst = 100017 - warly (valid:true)
  109. bufferedevents = table: 0x52e3db10
  110. lastupdatetime = 30.433334920555
  111. statestarttime = 30.433334920555
  112. laststate = table: 0x1383dc30
  113. prevstate = table: 0x1383dc30
  114. dt = 0.86666671186686
  115. startstate = table: 0x1383dc30
  116. scripts/stategraph.lua:528 in (method) Update (Lua) <520-54
  117. CURL ERROR: <url> malformed
  118. scripts/mainfunctions.lua(849,1) scripts/components/builder.lua:497: calling 'SetRotation' on bad self (number expected, got nil)
  119. LUA ERROR stack traceback:
  120. =[C]:-1 in (method) SetRotation (C) <-1--1>
  121. scripts/components/builder.lua:497 in (method) DoBuild (Lua) <406-517>
  122. scripts/actions.lua:857 in (field) fn (Lua) <855-861>
  123. scripts/bufferedaction.lua:20 in (method) Do (Lua) <17-33>
  124. scripts/entityscript.lua:1073 in (method) PerformBufferedAction (Lua) <1063-1086>
  125. scripts/stategraphs/SGwilson.lua:1957 in (field) ontimeout (Lua) <1954-1958>
  126. scripts/stategraph.lua:471 in (method) UpdateState (Lua) <457-501>
  127. scripts/stategraph.lua:528 in (method) Update (Lua) <520-548>
  128. scripts/stategraph.lua:124 in (method) Update (Lua) <108-147>
  129. scripts/update.lua:126 in () ? (Lua) <73-139>
  131. scripts/frontend.lua(723,1) SCRIPT ERROR! Showing error screen
  132. QueryServerComplete no callback
  133. Force aborting...
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