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Feb 27th, 2015
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  1. Basic information on server management
  2. I'm going to teach you the minimum of the knowledge you will need to know while administrating OmegaRealm and other servers if you want.
  3. Things I will most likely go through:
  4. ⦁ Screen commands
  5. ⦁ FTP/SFTP
  6. ⦁ Decision making
  7. ⦁ Lilypad
  8. ⦁ Linux/machines
  9. ⦁ OmegaRealm's Servers
  10. ⦁ Spigot/Plugins
  12. Basic Commands
  13. Screens:
  14. ⦁ screen -ls (Lists running screens)
  15. ⦁ screen -x (Attatch to screen)
  16. ⦁ screen -X -S (name) kill (Kills screen when not attatchable)
  17. ⦁ CTRL + A + D This exits the screen safely, do not just close mremoteng
  18. ⦁ CTRL + [ (This command enables copy mode which allows you to scroll up with arrow keys)
  19. ⦁ CTRL + C (This will stop the screen. avoid using this shortcut. If you want to use it, type stop in the screen and then wait for the "RESTARTING IN 5 SECONDS" Then CTRL + C. Avoid using this
  20. Other commands you will need to keep hold of:
  21. If you attatch to a screen and it says something is running on that port or you cannot attatch to the screen run this command:
  22. ⦁ pgrep java | xargs pwdx (This command will list all java processes. If you see something like "9070: /home/minecraft/hub" twice then you need to kill them both.
  23. ⦁ To kill a java process type kill -9 Process number. In this case 9070. So "kill -9 9070"
  24. ⦁ Lilypad screen crashed/broken? Type "halt", sudo ./connect-linux-amd64 or sudo ./proxy-linux-amd64 in the screen and wait for it to restart.
  25. ⦁ htop (This will show you the servers status' and such, the percentages of cpu usage, ram usage and near enough everything you need to make sure the servers are running smoothly)
  26. Server won't restart (Can't bind to port)
  27. Okay so this basically means its crashed and created a duplicate screen. What you're going to do is kill the duplicated java process.
  28. 1. pgrep java | xargs pwdx
  29. 2. It will look like this However - There will be two of the same screen under hub for example. Kill both of them processes, it will 1, restart the server, 2, kill the duplicate process.
  30. 3. To kill a java process, do kill -9 <process ID> An example of a process id on the screenshot example is kill -9 1815 (Which is the hub java process)
  31. 4. Once you have done this, it should fix the issue and the server will restart.
  32. Has a screen disappeared?
  33. The screen has crashed, all you need to do is remake the screen and get it running again.
  34. 1. screen -S <name>
  35. 2. Go through the files until you're in the directory which holds the start up file. cd filename (e.g. cd hub or cd lilypad, cd proxy)
  36. 3. start the server back up again: sh (If its lilypad, scroll down)
  37. FTP/SFTP:
  38. FTP:
  39. ⦁ To upload a file from your computer then Download an FTP client such as filezilla
  40. ⦁ Connecting to our servers with FTP involves using SFTP
  41. ⦁ To connect with SFTP add the machines to your Filezilla with the site manager button in the top left corner. (It looks like a globe with a computer)
  42. ⦁ Change the Protocol Option from FTP to SFTP and Logon type from anonymous to normal
  43. ⦁ Enter in the login information and there you go. SFTP will just show the same stuff you see in ssh but easier to understand to the untrained eye.
  44. SFTP:
  45. ⦁ This is transfering files from one server to another through ssh.
  46. ⦁ To connect from one server to another type "sftp user@ip" It will then prompt you for the password. Enter it and you are connected to sftp.
  47. ⦁ E.G Connecting through sftp from Node 1 to Node 2 you would log into node 1 and type "sftp minecraft@"
  48. ⦁ Running commands such as ls and cd will run them on the node that you are connected to. In this case Node 2
  49. ⦁ To run commands on the server you originally connected to (Node 1) Run the command with l in front of it. E.G. lls lcd
  50. ⦁ put and get are the only real commands you need to know for ssh. Say I want to get a zip of the hub world from node 1 onto node 2 then you would 'put'. This will then start transfering the files in between the machines.
  51. If you want to know more sftp commands then go to this link:
  54. Decision making:
  55. As an admin, you are expected to make quick decisions. Same with Moderator, making a decision upon a punishment is a thing, however as an Admin, the decisions are not as much ingame. There will be times where you will be alone without another experienced admin. Here I'm going to say a few things, give a couple of examples, and generally a few tips with this topic.
  56. You may hit a situation where a screen is broken, when you connect to it, its frozen. The simple decision you need to make is kill the screen (kill -9 processnumber).
  57. Another situation is there might be a lag issue, you know a plugin is causing it. Don't take the plugin away. Contact another Admin, preferably Mike, discuss it and have the issue resolved.
  58. As Admin, you also have the power in your hands to suggest a staff promotion/demotion/new helper. Here you need to be very careful, as you may be effecting the server massively with who and what you're doing with them. Make sure when you come up with the decision, you have thought it through very much, the benefits and such.
  59. That's about it for decision making, just get other admins opinions of the choice too at times.
  61. Lilypad:
  62. Lilypad is what allows our servers to connect to each other. It also holds the players connections.
  63. Connect or proxy crash, all you need to do is the following.
  64. 1. Connect to the screen (screen -x proxy/connect)
  65. 2. ---- If you can connect to the screen, skip to step 5 ----
  66. 3. Screen has crashed, you need to make a new one. screen -S proxy/connect
  67. 4. cd lilypad, cd proxy/connect
  68. 5. Connect: sudo ./connect-linux-amd64 Proxy: sudo ./proxy-linux-amd64
  70. Linux/Machines:
  71. For OmegaRealm machines, we use Debian. Simple as that, we don't use others such as CentOS/Ubuntu.
  72. Linux is the best machine/server type to run Minecraft servers on, its the fastest one, also holds a lot more basic commands over Windows server machines.
  73. With the machines, you can use "sudo" to do commands which it blocks you from doing.
  75. Here I don't need to leach too much about Linux and machines in terms of OmegaRealm's servers as Mike has the root access for the machines and he's the one who preinstalls everything for machines before they are ready for Minecraft servers.
  77. Some commands you will need to know are here:
  79. You may kill a screen by accident, you will need to start the screen again and navigate through the files, then start the server back up.
  81. ⦁ cd <file name> (goes to the file "cd hub", this will take you to the file containing hub things, then you could do "cd plugins", then you're inside the plugins file within the hub etc etc)
  82. ⦁ mkdir <file name> (This creates a new directory)
  83. ⦁ ls (this will list the files within the file you're in)
  84. Say I am connected to node 1 and I want to install a plugin in hub. I would run the command cd hub/plugins then install it from there.
  85. To download a plugin, get the link adress by right clicking the link in your web browser and clicking "Get link address"
  86. Then run the wget command and the link. E.G. If I want to download Spigot then
  87. wget
  88. ⦁ You can also install things by using "aptget mysql", this will install mysql, so you can have it on your machines. This can also be done for a million and one other things.
  89. If there is any more information you need on this, message me and just ask.
  90. I will be teaching you how to install things onto machines (e.g. Java and such)
  93. That's all I can really think of right now, If you have any other questions, message me, Mike, Car or Bec, we should be able to help.
  94. Here are some other useful links.
  99. OmegaRealm's Servers
  100. Basic info (What it runs on how it runs):
  101. Linux OS: Debian
  102. JAR type: Spigot 1.7.9 (At the time this was written)
  103. Lilypad: GoLily
  104. Uses screens instead of mark2 etc. (apt-get screen) to install screens
  105. DDoS protection: Intreppid
  106. Hosting: Beastnode
  108. Servers under what nodes
  109. Node 1: Hub, Build server, Lilypad connect & proxy 1
  110. Node 2: Creative, Factions & John's recording server
  111. Node 3: Arcade & proxy 2
  112. Node 4: Skyblock, KitPVP, SkyWars & Callan's recording server
  113. Node 5: Paintball hub and game servers & proxy 3
  114. Node 6: Universe 1 & 2
  115. Node 7: Prison & Fall-back hub
  117. Spigot/Plugins
  122. ### Still updating ###
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