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a guest
Jul 7th, 2015
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text 203.46 KB | None | 0 0
  1. IniRead, Firststart, Einstellungen.Ini, Optionen, Friststart
  2. If (%Firststart% = ERROR)
  3. {
  4. MsgBox, 64, Hitman-Binder, Herzlich willkommen beim Hitman-Binder. Da dies der erste Start ist werden nun alle wichtigen Daten konfiguriert. Wir bitten dich, dass du Geduld zeigst und den Keybinder nicht schließt! Sollten Fragen bezüglich des Keybindersystems bestehen legen wir dir ans Herz, dass du dich bei Piedro_Miller oder Matthew.Upton meldest.`n`nViel Spaß wünschen wir dir!
  6. IniWrite, 0, Einstellungen.Ini, Optionen, Friststart
  7. {
  8. FormatTime, FirstLogin ,, dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
  9. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Kills
  10. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Deaths
  11. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Killstreak
  12. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTNähe
  13. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTFerne
  14. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTGesamt
  15. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTGeld
  16. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayCounter
  17. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Gehalt
  18. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Abgaben
  19. IniWrite, 0, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayZeit
  20. IniWrite, 0, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutoLicht
  21. IniWrite, 0, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutoLock
  22. IniWrite, 0, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutomotorOff
  23. IniWrite, 0, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, ErsteHilfeSchutz
  24. IniWrite, 0, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, BabaSprüche
  25. IniWrite, %FirstLogin%, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, FirstLogin
  26. IniWrite, None, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, LastLogin
  27. IniWrite, ~, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Hotkeybelegung.ini, Hotkeys, Hotkey%A_Index%
  28. }
  29. }
  30. IfNotExist, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder
  31. {
  32. FileCreateDir, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder
  33. TrayTip, Hitman-Binder, Hauptordner wurde erstellt, 1,
  34. }
  35. IfNotExist, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Logo
  36. {
  37. FileCreateDir, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Logo
  38. TrayTip, Hitman-Binder, Bilderordner wurde erstellt, 1,
  39. }
  40. IfNotExist, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Logo\Logo.png
  41. {
  42. URLDownloadToFile,, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Logo\Logo.png
  43. TrayTip, Hitman-Binder, Logo.png wurde erfolgreich gedownloadet, 1,
  44. }
  45. IfNotExist, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Logo\Background.jpg
  46. {
  47. URLDownloadToFile,, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Logo\Background.jpg
  48. }
  49. IfNotExist, Gebaudekomplex.Ini,
  50. {
  51. UrlDownloadToFile,, Gebaudekomplex.Ini
  52. TrayTip, Hitman-Binder, Gebaudekomplex.Ini wurde soeben gedownloadet, 1,
  53. }
  54. IfNotExist, API.dll
  55. {
  56. MsgBox, 48, Fehlermeldung, Fehler: Die API.dll konnte nicht ermittelt werden. Sie wird nun gedownloadet. Bitte eine gültige Internetverbindung weiterhin tragen!
  57. URLDownloadToFile,, API.dll
  58. Sleep, 2500
  59. FileGetSize, API_size, API.dll, k
  60. if(API_size < 486)
  61. {
  62. MsgBox, 16, Exception At Address: 0x0040FB80`n`nEs ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.`nDer Keybinder wird nun beendet.
  63. ExitApp
  64. }
  65. MsgBox, 64, API.dll, Erfolg:`nDie API.dll konnte gültig und fehlerfrei heruntergeladen werden.`nHitman-Binder.exe wird nun neugestartet.
  66. Reload
  67. }
  69. Version = 1.7
  71. CheckURL =
  72. NeueVersion := UrlDownloadToVar(CheckURL)
  73. if(Version < NeueVersion)
  74. {
  75. MsgBox, 64, Update Version %NeueVersion%, Ein neues Update steht Dir zur Verfügung. Möchtest du das Update starten?
  76. FileMove, Hitman-Binder.exe, old_RPG-Binder.exe, 1
  77. URLDownloadToFile,, Hitman-Binder.exe
  78. if(API < NeueAPI)
  79. {
  80. FileMove, API.dll, old_API.dll, 1
  81. UrlDownloadToFile,, API.dll
  82. }
  83. BatchFile=
  84. (
  85. start Hitman-Binder.exe
  86. )
  87. FileDelete, Update.bat
  88. FileAppend, %Batchfile%, Update.bat
  89. Run, Update.bat, hide
  90. ExitApp
  91. }
  94. #ifWinActive GTA:SA:MP
  95. #SingleInstance, force
  96. #Persistent
  97. #UseHook
  98. #NoEnv
  99. DownloadBin(url, byref buf)
  100. {
  101. if (!DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "wininet") || !(h := DllCall("wininet\InternetOpen", "str", a, "uint", 1, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")))
  102. return 0
  103. c := s := 0
  104. if (f := DllCall("wininet\InternetOpenUrl", "ptr", h, "str", url, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0, "uint", 0x80003000, "ptr", 0, "ptr"))
  105. {
  106. while (DllCall("wininet\InternetQueryDataAvailable", "ptr", f, "uint*", s, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0) && s>0)
  107. {
  108. VarSetCapacity(b, c+s, 0)
  109. if (c>0)
  110. DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &b, "ptr", &buf, "ptr", c)
  111. DllCall("wininet\InternetReadFile", "ptr", f, "ptr", &b+c, "uint", s, "uint*", r)
  112. c += r
  113. VarSetCapacity(buf, c, 0)
  114. if (c>0)
  115. DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &buf, "ptr", &b, "ptr", c)
  116. }
  117. DllCall("wininet\InternetCloseHandle", "ptr", f)
  118. }
  119. DllCall("wininet\InternetCloseHandle", "ptr", h)
  120. return c
  121. }
  123. UrlDownloadToVar(URL, UserAgent = "", Proxy = "", ProxyBypass = "") {
  124. pFix:=a_isunicode ? "W" : "A"
  125. hModule2 := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "wininet.dll")
  126. AccessType := Proxy != "" ? 3 : 1
  127. io := DllCall("wininet\InternetOpen" . pFix
  128. , "Str", UserAgent
  129. , "UInt", AccessType
  130. , "Str", Proxy
  131. , "Str", ProxyBypass
  132. , "UInt", 0)
  133. iou := DllCall("wininet\InternetOpenUrl" . pFix
  134. , "UInt", io
  135. , "Str", url
  136. , "Str", ""
  137. , "UInt", 0
  138. , "UInt", 0x80000000
  139. , "UInt", 0)
  140. If (ErrorLevel != 0 or iou = 0) {
  141. DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule2)
  142. return 0
  143. }
  144. VarSetCapacity(buffer, 10240, 0)
  145. VarSetCapacity(BytesRead, 4, 0)
  146. Loop
  147. {
  148. irf := DllCall("wininet\InternetReadFile", "UInt", iou, "UInt", &buffer, "UInt", 10240, "UInt", &BytesRead)
  149. VarSetCapacity(buffer, -1)
  150. BytesRead_ = 0
  151. Loop, 4
  152. BytesRead_ += *(&BytesRead + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
  153. If (irf = 1 and BytesRead_ = 0)
  154. break
  155. Else
  156. {
  157. Result .= SubStr(buffer, 1, BytesRead_ * (a_isunicode ? 2 : 1))
  158. }
  159. }
  160. DllCall("wininet\InternetCloseHandle", "UInt", iou)
  161. DllCall("wininet\InternetCloseHandle", "UInt", io)
  162. DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule2)
  163. return % result
  164. }
  166. API_ERROR_NONE := 0
  180. PLAYER_STATE_DEAD := 55
  181. CALLBACK_HEAL := 0
  182. CALLBACK_ARMOR := 1
  194. PATH_API := RelToAbs(A_ScriptDir, "API.dll")
  195. hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, PATH_API)
  196. ReadMemory_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ReadMemory")
  197. WriteMemory_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_WriteMemory")
  198. GetBasePointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetBasePointer")
  199. GetCommandLine_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCommandLine")
  200. GetLastError_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastError")
  201. SetLastError_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SetLastError")
  202. SendChat_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SendChat")
  203. ShowGameText_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ShowGameText")
  204. AddChatMessage_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_AddChatMessage")
  205. ShowDialog_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ShowDialog")
  206. IsDialogOpen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsDialogOpen")
  207. GetLastDialogId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastDialogId")
  208. GetLastDialogType_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastDialogType")
  209. BlockChatInput_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_BlockChatInput")
  210. GetChatLine_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetChatLine")
  211. GetChatLineFromFile_func:= DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetChatLineFromFile")
  212. IsChatOpen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsChatOpen")
  213. GetScreenSizeX_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetScreenSizeX")
  214. GetScreenSizeY_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetScreenSizeY")
  215. GetCurrentWeatherId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCurrentWeatherId")
  216. GetZoneName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetZoneName")
  217. GetCityName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCityName")
  218. GetZoneNameByCoords_func:= DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetZoneNameByCoords")
  219. GetCityNameByCoords_func:= DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetCityNameByCoords")
  220. GetMarkerPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetMarkerPos")
  221. GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap")
  222. GetMapMarkerPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetMapMarkerPos")
  223. FindGroundZForPosition_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_FindGroundZForPosition")
  224. WorldToScreen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_WorldToScreen")
  225. ScreenToWorld_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_ScreenToWorld")
  226. RegisterTextBind_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_RegisterTextBind")
  227. UnregisterTextBind_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnregisterTextBind")
  228. UnregisterAllTextBinds_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnregisterAllTextBinds")
  229. TextBindTimer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_TextBindTimer")
  230. IsMenuOpen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsMenuOpen")
  231. GetPlayerId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerId")
  232. GetPlayerName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerName")
  233. GetServerIp_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetServerIp")
  234. GetServerPort_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetServerPort")
  235. GetPlayerCPed_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerCPed")
  236. GetPlayerHealth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerHealth")
  237. GetPlayerArmor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerArmor")
  238. GetPlayerMoney_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerMoney")
  239. GetPlayerWanteds_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWanteds")
  240. GetPlayerPosition_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerPosition")
  241. IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint")
  242. IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D")
  243. IsPlayerInAnyInterior_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInAnyInterior")
  244. IsPlayerFrozen_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerFrozen")
  245. GetPlayerWeaponSlot_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponSlot")
  246. GetPlayerWeaponId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponId")
  247. GetPlayerWeaponName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponName")
  248. GetPlayerWeaponClip_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponClip")
  249. GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip")
  250. GetPlayerWeaponState_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerWeaponState")
  251. GetPlayerState_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerState")
  252. GetVehicleId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleId")
  253. GetVehiclePointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehiclePointer")
  254. GetVehicleModelId_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleModelId")
  255. GetVehicleModelName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleModelName")
  256. GetVehicleModelNameById_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleModelNameById")
  257. GetVehicleType_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleType")
  258. GetVehicleHealth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleHealth")
  259. GetVehicleRadioStation_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleRadioStation")
  260. GetVehicleRadioStationName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleRadioStationName")
  261. GetVehicleFreeSeats_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleFreeSeats")
  262. GetVehicleSpeed_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleSpeed")
  263. GetVehicleFirstColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleFirstColor")
  264. GetVehicleSecondColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleSecondColor")
  265. GetVehicleColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleColor")
  266. GetVehicleColorRGB_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleColorRGB")
  267. GetVehicleColorARGB_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetVehicleColorARGB")
  268. IsPlayerInAnyVehicle_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInAnyVehicle")
  269. IsPlayerDriver_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerDriver")
  270. IsPlayerPassenger_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerPassenger")
  271. IsVehicleSeatUsed_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleSeatUsed")
  272. IsVehicleLocked_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleLocked")
  273. IsVehicleSirenEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleSirenEnabled")
  274. IsVehicleHornEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleHornEnabled")
  275. IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled")
  276. IsVehicleEngineEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleEngineEnabled")
  277. IsVehicleLightEnabled_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsVehicleLightEnabled")
  278. IsPlayerInCar_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInCar")
  279. IsPlayerInPlane_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInPlane")
  280. IsPlayerInBoat_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInBoat")
  281. IsPlayerInTrain_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInTrain")
  282. IsPlayerInBike_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_IsPlayerInBike")
  283. SetCallbackPointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SetCallbackPointer")
  284. UnSetCallbackPointer_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnSetCallbackPointer")
  285. SetListenCallback_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_SetListenCallback")
  286. UnSetListenCallback_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnSetListenCallback")
  287. UnSetListenCallbackAll_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UnSetListenCallbackAll")
  288. UpdateServerData_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_UpdateServerData")
  289. GetPlayerNameById_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerNameById")
  290. GetPlayerIdByName_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, hModule, Str, "API_GetPlayerIdByName")
  291. ReadMemory(addr, size, ByRef data)
  292. {
  293. global ReadMemory_func
  294. VarSetCapacity(data,size)
  295. res := DllCall(ReadMemory_func, UInt, addr, UInt, size, StrP, data)
  296. return res
  297. }
  298. WriteMemory(addr, size, data)
  299. {
  300. global WriteMemory_func
  301. res := DllCall(WriteMemory_func, UInt, addr, UInt, size, Str, data)
  302. return res
  303. }
  304. GetBasePointer(dll)
  305. {
  306. global GetBasePointer_func
  307. res :=DllCall(GetBasePointer_func, Str, dll)
  308. return res
  309. }
  310. GetCommandLine(ByRef line)
  311. {
  312. global GetCommandLine_func
  313. VarSetCapacity(line,512,0)
  314. res := DllCall(GetCommandLine_func, StrP, line)
  315. return res
  316. }
  317. GetLastError()
  318. {
  319. global GetLastError_func
  320. res:=DllCall(GetLastError_func)
  321. return res
  322. }
  323. SetLastError(error)
  324. {
  325. global SetLastError_func
  326. res := DllCall(SetLastError_func, Int, error)
  327. return res
  328. }
  329. SendChat(msg)
  330. {
  331. global SendChat_func
  332. res := DllCall(SendChat_func, Str, msg)
  333. return res
  334. }
  335. ShowGameText(str_Text, int_Time, int_Style)
  336. {
  337. global ShowGameText_func
  338. res := DllCall(ShowGameText_func,Str , str_Text, Int, int_Time, Int, int_Style)
  339. return res
  340. }
  341. AddChatMessage(int_Color, str_Text)
  342. {
  343. global AddChatMessage_func
  344. res := DllCall(AddChatMessage_func, Int, int_Color, Str, str_Text)
  345. return res
  346. }
  347. ShowDialog(style, caption, text, button)
  348. {
  349. global ShowDialog_func
  350. res := DllCall(ShowDialog_func, Int, style, Str, caption, Str, text, Str, button)
  351. return res
  352. }
  353. IsDialogOpen()
  354. {
  355. global IsDialogOpen_func
  356. res := DllCall(IsDialogOpen_func)
  357. return res
  358. }
  359. GetLastDialogId()
  360. {
  361. global GetLastDialogId_func
  362. res := DllCall(GetLastDialogId_func)
  363. return res
  364. }
  365. GetLastDialogType()
  366. {
  367. global GetLastDialogType_func
  368. res := DllCall(GetLastDialogType_func)
  369. return res
  370. }
  371. BlockChatInput(block)
  372. {
  373. global BlockChatInput_func
  374. res := DllCall(BlockChatInput_func,UChar,block)
  375. return res
  376. }
  377. GetChatLine(id, ByRef line)
  378. {
  379. global GetChatLine_func
  380. VarSetCapacity(line,256,0)
  381. res := DllCall(GetChatLine_func,Int,id,StrP,line)
  382. return res
  383. }
  384. GetChatLineFromFile(id, ByRef line)
  385. {
  386. global GetChatLineFromFile_func
  387. VarSetCapacity(line,256,0)
  388. res := DllCall(GetChatLineFromFile_func,Int,id,StrP,line)
  389. return res
  390. }
  391. IsChatOpen()
  392. {
  393. global IsChatOpen_func
  394. res := DllCall(IsChatOpen_func)
  395. return res
  396. }
  397. GetScreenSizeX()
  398. {
  399. global GetScreenSizeX_func
  400. res := DllCall(GetScreenSizeX_func)
  401. return res
  402. }
  403. GetScreenSizeY()
  404. {
  405. global GetScreenSizeY_func
  406. res := DllCall(GetScreenSizeY_func)
  407. return res
  408. }
  409. GetCurrentWeatherId()
  410. {
  411. global GetCurrentWeatherId_func
  412. res := DllCall(GetCurrentWeatherId_func)
  413. return res
  414. }
  415. GetZoneName( ByRef str_ZoneName)
  416. {
  417. global GetZoneName_func
  418. VarSetCapacity(str_ZoneName, 32)
  419. res := DllCall(GetZoneName_func, StrP, str_ZoneName)
  420. return res
  421. }
  422. GetCityName( ByRef str_CityName)
  423. {
  424. global GetCityName_func
  425. VarSetCapacity(str_CityName, 32)
  426. res := DllCall(GetCityName_func, StrP, str_CityName)
  427. return res
  428. }
  429. GetZoneNameByCoords(x, y, ByRef str_ZoneName)
  430. {
  431. global GetZoneNameByCoords_func
  432. VarSetCapacity(str_ZoneName, 32)
  433. res := DllCall(GetZoneNameByCoords_func, Float, x, Float, y, StrP, str_ZoneName)
  434. return res
  435. }
  436. GetCityNameByCoords(x, y, ByRef str_CityName)
  437. {
  438. global GetCityNameByCoords_func
  439. VarSetCapacity(str_CityName, 32)
  440. res := DllCall(GetCityNameByCoords_func, Float, x, Float, y, StrP, str_CityName)
  441. return res
  442. }
  443. GetMarkerPos(ByRef x, ByRef y, ByRef z)
  444. {
  445. global GetMarkerPos_func
  446. res := DllCall(GetMarkerPos_func, FloatP, x, FloatP, y, FloatP, z)
  447. return res
  448. }
  449. GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap(ByRef x, ByRef y)
  450. {
  451. global GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap_func
  452. res := DllCall(GetLastMousePosOnMenuMap_func, FloatP, x, FloatP, y)
  453. return res
  454. }
  455. GetMapMarkerPos(ByRef x, ByRef y)
  456. {
  457. global GetMapMarkerPos_func
  458. res := DllCall(GetMapMarkerPos_func, FloatP, x, FloatP, y)
  459. return res
  460. }
  461. FindGroundZForPosition(x,y)
  462. {
  463. global FindGroundZForPosition_func
  464. res := DllCall(FindGroundZForPosition_func, Float, x, Float, y, "Cdecl float")
  465. return res
  466. }
  467. WorldToScreen(worldX, worldY, worldZ, ByRef screenX, ByRef screenY)
  468. {
  469. global WorldToScreen_func
  470. res := DllCall(WorldToScreen_func, Float, worldX, Float, worldY, Float, worldZ, FloatP, screenX, FloatP, screenY)
  471. return res
  472. }
  473. ScreenToWorld(screenX, screenY, ByRef worldX, ByRef worldY, ByRef worldZ)
  474. {
  475. global ScreenToWorld_func
  476. res := DllCall(ScreenToWorld_func, Float, screenX, Float, screenY, FloatP, worldX, FloatP, worldY, FloatP, worldZ)
  477. return res
  478. }
  479. RegisterTextBind(str_TextBind, float_PosX, float_PosY, float_PosZ, float_Radius, int_Delay, int_Loop, int_GroupId, int_isChild, int_Timeout)
  480. {
  481. global RegisterTextBind_func
  482. res := DllCall(RegisterTextBind_func, Str, str_TextBind, Float, float_PosX, Float, float_PosY, Float, float_PosZ, Float, float_Radius, Int, int_Delay, Int, int_Loop, Int, int_GroupId, Int, int_isChild, Int, int_Timeout)
  483. return res
  484. }
  485. UnregisterTextBind(int_TextBindId)
  486. {
  487. global UnregisterTextBind_func
  488. res := DllCall(UnregisterTextBind_func, Int, int_TextBindId)
  489. return res
  490. }
  491. UnregisterAllTextBinds()
  492. {
  493. global UnregisterAllTextBinds_func
  494. res := DllCall(UnregisterAllTextBinds_func)
  495. return res
  496. }
  497. TextBindTimer(int_TextBindSleep)
  498. {
  499. global TextBindTimer_func
  500. res := DllCall(TextBindTimer_func, Int, int_TextBindSleep)
  501. return res
  502. }
  503. IsMenuOpen()
  504. {
  505. global IsMenuOpen_func
  506. res := DllCall(IsMenuOpen_func)
  507. return res
  508. }
  509. GetPlayerId()
  510. {
  511. global GetPlayerId_func
  512. res := DllCall(GetPlayerId_func)
  513. return res
  514. }
  515. GetPlayerName(ByRef szName)
  516. {
  517. global GetPlayerName_func
  518. VarSetCapacity(szName,25)
  519. res := DllCall(GetPlayerName_func, StrP, szName)
  520. return res
  521. }
  522. GetServerIp(ByRef szHost)
  523. {
  524. global GetServerIp_func
  525. VarSetCapacity(szHost, 30)
  526. res := DllCall(GetServerIp_func, StrP, szHost)
  527. return res
  528. }
  529. GetServerPort()
  530. {
  531. global GetServerPort_func
  532. res := DllCall(GetServerPort_func)
  533. return res
  534. }
  535. GetPlayerCPed()
  536. {
  537. global GetPlayerCPed_func
  538. res :=DllCall(GetPlayerCPed_func)
  539. return res
  540. }
  541. GetPlayerHealth()
  542. {
  543. global GetPlayerHealth_func
  544. res := DllCall(GetPlayerHealth_func)
  545. return res
  546. }
  547. GetPlayerArmor()
  548. {
  549. global GetPlayerArmor_func
  550. res := DllCall(GetPlayerArmor_func)
  551. return res
  552. }
  553. GetPlayerMoney()
  554. {
  555. global GetPlayerMoney_func
  556. res := DllCall(GetPlayerMoney_func)
  557. return res
  558. }
  559. GetPlayerWanteds()
  560. {
  561. global GetPlayerWanteds_func
  562. res := DllCall(GetPlayerWanteds_func)
  563. return res
  564. }
  565. GetPlayerPosition(ByRef flo_posX, ByRef flo_posY, ByRef flo_posZ, ByRef flo_Rotation)
  566. {
  567. global GetPlayerPosition_func
  568. res := DllCall(GetPlayerPosition_func, FloatP, flo_posX, FloatP, flo_posY, FloatP, flo_posZ, FloatP, flo_Rotation)
  569. return res
  570. }
  571. IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(flo_posX, flo_posY, flo_posZ, flo_posRadius)
  572. {
  573. global IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint_func
  574. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint_func, Float, flo_posX, Float, flo_posY, Float, flo_posZ, Float, flo_posRadius)
  575. return res
  576. }
  577. IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D(flo_posX, flo_posY, flo_posRadius)
  578. {
  579. global IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D_func
  580. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D_func, Float, flo_posX, Float, flo_posY, Float, flo_posRadius)
  581. return res
  582. }
  583. IsPlayerInAnyInterior()
  584. {
  585. global IsPlayerInAnyInterior_func
  586. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInAnyInterior_func)
  587. return res
  588. }
  589. IsPlayerFrozen()
  590. {
  591. global IsPlayerFrozen_func
  592. res := DllCall(IsPlayerFrozen_func)
  593. return res
  594. }
  595. GetPlayerWeaponSlot()
  596. {
  597. global GetPlayerWeaponSlot_func
  598. res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponSlot_func)
  599. return res
  600. }
  601. GetPlayerWeaponId(int_WeaponSlot)
  602. {
  603. global GetPlayerWeaponId_func
  604. res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponId_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot)
  605. return res
  606. }
  607. GetPlayerWeaponName(int_WeaponSlot, ByRef str_WeapName)
  608. {
  609. global GetPlayerWeaponName_func
  610. VarSetCapacity(str_WeapName, 32)
  611. res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponName_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot, StrP, str_WeapName)
  612. return res
  613. }
  614. GetPlayerWeaponClip(int_WeaponSlot)
  615. {
  616. global GetPlayerWeaponClip_func
  617. res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponClip_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot)
  618. return res
  619. }
  620. GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip(int_WeaponSlot)
  621. {
  622. global GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip_func
  623. res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponTotalClip_func, Int, int_WeaponSlot)
  624. return res
  625. }
  626. GetPlayerWeaponState()
  627. {
  628. global GetPlayerWeaponState_func
  629. res := DllCall(GetPlayerWeaponState_func)
  630. return res
  631. }
  632. GetPlayerState()
  633. {
  634. global GetPlayerState_func
  635. res := DllCall(GetPlayerState_func)
  636. return res
  637. }
  638. GetVehicleId()
  639. {
  640. global GetVehicleId_func
  641. Result := DllCall(GetVehicleId_func)
  642. return Result
  643. }
  644. GetVehiclePointer()
  645. {
  646. global GetVehiclePointer_func
  647. res := DllCall(GetVehiclePointer_func)
  648. return res
  649. }
  650. GetVehicleModelId()
  651. {
  652. global GetVehicleModelId_func
  653. res := DllCall(GetVehicleModelId_func)
  654. return res
  655. }
  656. GetVehicleModelName(ByRef str_VehicleName)
  657. {
  658. global GetVehicleModelName_func
  659. VarSetCapacity(str_VehicleName, 32)
  660. res := DllCall(GetVehicleModelName_func, StrP, str_VehicleName)
  661. return res
  662. }
  663. GetVehicleModelNameById(int_VehicleId, ByRef str_VehicleName)
  664. {
  665. global GetVehicleModelNameById_func
  666. VarSetCapacity(str_VehicleName, 32)
  667. res := DllCall(GetVehicleModelNameById_func, Int, int_VehicleId, StrP, str_VehicleName)
  668. return res
  669. }
  670. GetVehicleType()
  671. {
  672. global GetVehicleType_func
  673. res := DllCall(GetVehicleType_func)
  674. return res
  675. }
  676. GetVehicleHealth()
  677. {
  678. global GetVehicleHealth_func
  679. res := DllCall(GetVehicleHealth_func)
  680. return res
  681. }
  682. GetVehicleRadioStation()
  683. {
  684. global GetVehicleRadioStation_func
  685. res := DllCall(GetVehicleRadioStation_func)
  686. return res
  687. }
  688. GetVehicleRadioStationName(ByRef str_RadioName)
  689. {
  690. global GetVehicleRadioStationName_func
  691. VarSetCapacity(str_RadioName, 32)
  692. res := DllCall(GetVehicleRadioStationName_func, StrP, str_RadioName)
  693. return res
  694. }
  695. GetVehicleFreeSeats(ByRef int_SeatFL, ByRef int_SeatFR, ByRef int_SeatBL, ByRef int_SeatBR)
  696. {
  697. global GetVehicleFreeSeats_func
  698. res := DllCall(GetVehicleFreeSeats_func, IntP, int_SeatFL, IntP, int_SeatFR, IntP, int_SeatBL, IntP, int_SeatBR)
  699. return res
  700. }
  701. GetVehicleSpeed(float_SpeedMult)
  702. {
  703. global GetVehicleSpeed_func
  704. res := DllCall(GetVehicleSpeed_func, Float, float_SpeedMult)
  705. return res
  706. }
  707. GetVehicleFirstColor()
  708. {
  709. global GetVehicleFirstColor_func
  710. res := DllCall(GetVehicleFirstColor_func)
  711. return res
  712. }
  713. GetVehicleSecondColor()
  714. {
  715. global GetVehicleSecondColor_func
  716. res := DllCall(GetVehicleSecondColor_func)
  717. return res
  718. }
  719. GetVehicleColor(ByRef int_ColorFirst, ByRef int_ColorSecond)
  720. {
  721. global GetVehicleColor_func
  722. res := DllCall(GetVehicleColor_func, IntP, int_ColorFirst, IntP, int_ColorSecond)
  723. return res
  724. }
  725. GetVehicleColorRGB(int_Color, ByRef uint_ColorRGB)
  726. {
  727. global GetVehicleColorRGB_func
  728. res := DllCall(GetVehicleColorRGB_func, Int, int_Color, UIntP, uint_ColorRGB)
  729. return res
  730. }
  731. GetVehicleColorARGB(int_Color, ByRef uint_ColorARGB)
  732. {
  733. global GetVehicleColorARGB_func
  734. res := DllCall(GetVehicleColorARGB_func, Int, int_Color, UIntP, uint_ColorARGB)
  735. return res
  736. }
  737. IsPlayerInAnyVehicle()
  738. {
  739. global IsPlayerInAnyVehicle_func
  740. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle_func)
  741. return res
  742. }
  743. IsPlayerDriver()
  744. {
  745. global IsPlayerDriver_func
  746. res := DllCall(IsPlayerDriver_func)
  747. return res
  748. }
  749. IsPlayerPassenger()
  750. {
  751. global IsPlayerPassenger_func
  752. res := DllCall(IsPlayerPassenger_func)
  753. return res
  754. }
  755. IsVehicleSeatUsed(int_SeatId)
  756. {
  757. global IsVehicleSeatUsed_func
  758. res := DllCall(IsVehicleSeatUsed_func, int, int_SeatId)
  759. return res
  760. }
  761. IsVehicleLocked()
  762. {
  763. global IsVehicleLocked_func
  764. res := DllCall(IsVehicleLocked_func)
  765. return res
  766. }
  767. IsVehicleSirenEnabled()
  768. {
  769. global IsVehicleSirenEnabled_func
  770. res := DllCall(IsVehicleSirenEnabled_func)
  771. return res
  772. }
  773. IsVehicleHornEnabled()
  774. {
  775. global IsVehicleHornEnabled_func
  776. res := DllCall(IsVehicleHornEnabled_func)
  777. return res
  778. }
  779. IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled()
  780. {
  781. global IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled_func
  782. res := DllCall(IsVehicleAlternateSirenEnabled_func)
  783. return res
  784. }
  785. IsVehicleEngineEnabled()
  786. {
  787. global IsVehicleEngineEnabled_func
  788. res := DllCall(IsVehicleEngineEnabled_func)
  789. return res
  790. }
  791. IsVehicleLightEnabled()
  792. {
  793. global IsVehicleLightEnabled_func
  794. res := DllCall(IsVehicleLightEnabled_func)
  795. return res
  796. }
  797. IsPlayerInCar()
  798. {
  799. global IsPlayerInCar_func
  800. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInCar_func)
  801. return res
  802. }
  803. IsPlayerInPlane()
  804. {
  805. global IsPlayerInPlane_func
  806. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInPlane_func)
  807. return res
  808. }
  809. IsPlayerInBoat()
  810. {
  811. global IsPlayerInBoat_func
  812. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInBoat_func)
  813. return res
  814. }
  815. IsPlayerInTrain()
  816. {
  817. global IsPlayerInTrain_func
  818. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInTrain_func)
  819. return res
  820. }
  821. IsPlayerInBike()
  822. {
  823. global IsPlayerInBike_func
  824. res := DllCall(IsPlayerInBike_func)
  825. return res
  826. }
  827. SetListenCallback(int_Id)
  828. {
  829. global SetListenCallback_func
  830. res := DllCall(SetListenCallback_func, Int, int_Id)
  831. return res
  832. }
  833. UnSetCallbackPointer()
  834. {
  835. global UnSetCallbackPointer_func
  836. res := DllCall(UnSetCallbackPointer_func)
  837. return res
  838. }
  839. SetCallbackPointer(int_Id)
  840. {
  841. global SetCallbackPointer_func
  842. res := DllCall(SetCallbackPointer_func, Int, int_Id)
  843. return res
  844. }
  845. UnSetListenCallback(int_Id)
  846. {
  847. global UnSetListenCallback_func
  848. res := DllCall(UnSetListenCallback_func, Int, int_Id)
  849. return res
  850. }
  851. UnSetListenCallbackAll()
  852. {
  853. global UnSetListenCallbackAll_func
  854. res := DllCall(UnSetListenCallbackAll_func)
  855. return res
  856. }
  857. GetCallbackHealParams(ptr_HealStruct, ByRef iOldHeal, ByRef iNewHeal)
  858. {
  859. ioldHeal := NumGet(ptr_HealStruct+0, "int")
  860. inewHeal := NumGet(ptr_HealStruct+4, "int")
  861. }
  862. GetCallbackArmorParams(ptr_ArmorStruct, ByRef iOldArmor, ByRef iNewArmor)
  863. {
  864. ioldArmor := NumGet(ptr_ArmorStruct+0, "int")
  865. inewArmor := NumGet(ptr_ArmorStruct+4, "int")
  866. }
  867. GetCallbackPositionParams(ptr_PositionStruct, ByRef fOldPosX, ByRef fOldPosY, ByRef fOldPosZ, ByRef fOldPosR, ByRef fNewPosX, ByRef fNewPosY, ByRef fNewPosZ, ByRef fNewPosR)
  868. {
  869. fOldPosX := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+0, "float")
  870. fOldPosY := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+4, "float")
  871. fOldPosZ := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+8, "float")
  872. fOldPosR := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+12, "float")
  873. fNewPosX := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+16, "float")
  874. fNewPosY := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+20, "float")
  875. fNewPosZ := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+24, "float")
  876. fNewPosR := NumGet(ptr_PositionStruct+28, "float")
  877. }
  878. GetCallbackEnterExitParams(ptr_EnterExitStruct, ByRef iOldInteriorState, ByRef iNewInteriorState)
  879. {
  880. iOldInteriorState := NumGet(ptr_EnterExitStruct+0, "int")
  881. iNewInteriorState := NumGet(ptr_EnterExitStruct+4, "int")
  882. }
  883. GetCallbackVehicleEnterExitParams(ptr_VehicleEnterExitStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleEnterExit, ByRef iNewVehicleEnterExit)
  884. {
  885. iOldVehicleEnterExit := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEnterExitStruct+0, "int")
  886. iNewVehicleEnterExit := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEnterExitStruct+4, "int")
  887. }
  888. GetCallbackVehicleHealthParams(ptr_VehicleHealthStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleHealth, ByRef iNewVehicleHealth)
  889. {
  890. iOldVehicleHealth := NumGet(ptr_VehicleHealthStruct+0, "int")
  891. iNewVehicleHealth := NumGet(ptr_VehicleHealthStruct+4, "int")
  892. }
  893. GetCallbackVehicleEngineParams(ptr_VehicleEngineStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleEngine, ByRef iNewVehicleEngine)
  894. {
  895. iOldVehicleEngine := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEngineStruct+0, "int")
  896. iNewVehicleEngine := NumGet(ptr_VehicleEngineStruct+4, "int")
  897. }
  898. GetCallbackVehicleLockParams(ptr_VehicleLockStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleLock, ByRef iNewVehicleLock)
  899. {
  900. iOldVehicleLock := NumGet(ptr_VehicleLockStruct+0, "int")
  901. iNewVehicleLock := NumGet(ptr_VehicleLockStruct+4, "int")
  902. }
  903. GetCallbackVehicleSpeedParams(ptr_VehicleSpeedStruct, ByRef iOldVehicleSpeed, ByRef iNewVehicleSpeed)
  904. {
  905. iOldVehicleSpeed := NumGet(ptr_VehicleSpeedStruct+0, "int")
  906. iNewVehicleSpeed := NumGet(ptr_VehicleSpeedStruct+4, "int")
  907. }
  908. GetCallbackWeaponSwitchParams(ptr_WeaponSwitchStruct, ByRef iOldWeaponId, ByRef iNewWeaponId)
  909. {
  910. iOldWeaponId := NumGet(ptr_WeaponSwitchStruct+0, "int")
  911. iNewWeaponId := NumGet(ptr_WeaponSwitchStruct+4, "int")
  912. }
  913. GetCallbackWeaponClipParams(ptr_WeaponClipStruct, ByRef iOldWeaponClip, ByRef iNewWeaponClip)
  914. {
  915. iOldWeaponClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponClipStruct+0, "int")
  916. iNewWeaponClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponClipStruct+4, "int")
  917. }
  918. GetCallbackWeaponTotalClipParams(ptr_WeaponTotalClipStruct, ByRef iOldWeaponTotalClip, ByRef iNewWeaponTotalClip)
  919. {
  920. iOldWeaponTotalClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponTotalClipStruct+0, "int")
  921. iNewWeaponTotalClip := NumGet(ptr_WeaponTotalClipStruct+4, "int")
  922. }
  923. UpdateServerData()
  924. {
  925. global UpdateServerData_func
  926. res := DllCall(UpdateServerData_func)
  927. return res
  928. }
  929. GetPlayerNameById(id,ByRef name)
  930. {
  931. VarSetCapacity(name,24,0)
  932. global GetPlayerNameById_func
  933. res := DllCall(GetPlayerNameById_func,UShort,id,StrP,name)
  934. return res
  935. }
  936. GetPlayerIdByName(name)
  937. {
  938. global GetPlayerIdByName_func
  939. res := DllCall(GetPlayerIdByName_func,Str,name)
  940. return res
  941. }
  942. DecimalToHex(Var){
  943. SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex
  944. Dec2Hex += Var
  945. Dec2Hex .= ""
  946. SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
  947. StringTrimLeft, Dec2Hex, Dec2Hex, 2
  948. StringUpper, Dec2Hex, Dec2Hex
  949. sDec2Hex .= Dec2Hex
  950. return sDec2Hex
  951. }
  952. RelToAbs(root, dir, s = "\") {
  953. pr := SubStr(root, 1, len := InStr(root, s, "", InStr(root, s . s) + 2) - 1)
  954. , root := SubStr(root, len + 1), sk := 0
  955. If InStr(root, s, "", 0) = StrLen(root)
  956. StringTrimRight, root, root, 1
  957. If InStr(dir, s, "", 0) = StrLen(dir)
  958. StringTrimRight, dir, dir, 1
  959. Loop, Parse, dir, %s%
  960. {
  961. If A_LoopField = ..
  962. StringLeft, root, root, InStr(root, s, "", 0) - 1
  963. Else If A_LoopField =
  964. root =
  965. Else If A_LoopField != .
  966. Continue
  967. StringReplace, dir, dir, %A_LoopField%%s%
  968. }
  969. Return, pr . root . s . dir
  970. }
  971. Init_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "Init")
  972. SetParam_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "SetParam")
  973. TextCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextCreate")
  974. TextDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextDestroy")
  975. TextSetShadow_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextSetShadow")
  976. TextSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextSetShown")
  977. TextSetColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextSetColor")
  978. TextSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextSetPos")
  979. TextSetString_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextSetString")
  980. TextUpdate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "TextUpdate")
  981. BoxCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxCreate")
  982. BoxDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxDestroy")
  983. BoxSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxSetShown")
  984. BoxSetBorder_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxSetBorder")
  985. BoxSetBorderColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxSetBorderColor")
  986. BoxSetColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxSetColor")
  987. BoxSetHeight_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxSetHeight")
  988. BoxSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxSetPos")
  989. BoxSetWidth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "BoxSetWidth")
  990. LineCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "LineCreate")
  991. LineDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "LineDestroy")
  992. LineSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "LineSetShown")
  993. LineSetColor_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "LineSetColor")
  994. LineSetWidth_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "LineSetWidth")
  995. LineSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "LineSetPos")
  996. ImageCreate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "ImageCreate")
  997. ImageDestroy_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "ImageDestroy")
  998. ImageSetShown_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "ImageSetShown")
  999. ImageSetAlign_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "ImageSetAlign")
  1000. ImageSetPos_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "ImageSetPos")
  1001. ImageSetRotation_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "ImageSetRotation")
  1002. DestroyAllVisual_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "DestroyAllVisual")
  1003. ShowAllVisual_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "ShowAllVisual")
  1004. HideAllVisual_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "HideAllVisual")
  1005. GetFrameRate_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "GetFrameRate")
  1006. GetScreenSpecs_func := DllCall("GetProcAddress", UInt, h2Module, Str, "GetScreenSpecs")
  1007. Init()
  1008. {
  1009. global Init_func
  1010. res := DllCall(Init_func)
  1011. return res
  1012. }
  1013. SetParam(str_Name, str_Value)
  1014. {
  1015. global SetParam_func
  1016. res := DllCall(SetParam_func, Str, str_Name, Str, str_Value)
  1017. return res
  1018. }
  1019. TextCreate(Font, fontsize, bold, italic, x, y, color, text, shadow, show)
  1020. {
  1021. global TextCreate_func
  1022. res := DllCall(TextCreate_func,Str,Font,Int,fontsize,UChar,bold,UChar,italic,Int,x,Int,y,UInt,color,Str,text,UChar,shadow,UChar,show)
  1023. return res
  1024. }
  1025. TextDestroy(id)
  1026. {
  1027. global TextDestroy_func
  1028. res := DllCall(TextDestroy_func,Int,id)
  1029. return res
  1030. }
  1031. TextSetShadow(id, shadow)
  1032. {
  1033. global TextSetShadow_func
  1034. res := DllCall(TextSetShadow_func,Int,id,UChar,shadow)
  1035. return res
  1036. }
  1037. TextSetShown(id, show)
  1038. {
  1039. global TextSetShown_func
  1040. res := DllCall(TextSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,show)
  1041. return res
  1042. }
  1043. TextSetColor(id,color)
  1044. {
  1045. global TextSetColor_func
  1046. res := DllCall(TextSetColor_func,Int,id,UInt,color)
  1047. return res
  1048. }
  1049. TextSetPos(id,x,y)
  1050. {
  1051. global TextSetPos_func
  1052. res := DllCall(TextSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x,Int,y)
  1053. return res
  1054. }
  1055. TextSetString(id,Text)
  1056. {
  1057. global TextSetString_func
  1058. res := DllCall(TextSetString_func,Int,id,Str,Text)
  1059. return res
  1060. }
  1061. TextUpdate(id,Font,Fontsize,bold,italic)
  1062. {
  1063. global TextUpdate_func
  1064. res := DllCall(TextUpdate_func,Int,id,Str,Font,int,Fontsize,UChar,bold,UChar,italic)
  1065. return res
  1066. }
  1067. BoxCreate(x,y,width,height,Color,show)
  1068. {
  1069. global BoxCreate_func
  1070. res := DllCall(BoxCreate_func,Int,x,Int,y,Int,width,Int,height,UInt,Color,UChar,show)
  1071. return res
  1072. }
  1073. BoxDestroy(id)
  1074. {
  1075. global BoxDestroy_func
  1076. res := DllCall(BoxDestroy_func,Int,id)
  1077. return res
  1078. }
  1079. BoxSetShown(id,Show)
  1080. {
  1081. global BoxSetShown_func
  1082. res := DllCall(BoxSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,Show)
  1083. return res
  1084. }
  1085. BoxSetBorder(id,height,Show)
  1086. {
  1087. global BoxSetBorder_func
  1088. res := DllCall(BoxSetBorder_func,Int,id,Int,height,Int,Show)
  1089. return res
  1090. }
  1091. BoxSetBorderColor(id,Color)
  1092. {
  1093. global BoxSetBorderColor_func
  1094. res := DllCall(BoxSetBorderColor_func,Int,id,UInt,Color)
  1095. return res
  1096. }
  1097. BoxSetColor(id,Color)
  1098. {
  1099. global BoxSetColor_func
  1100. res := DllCall(BoxSetColor_func,Int,id,UInt,Color)
  1101. return res
  1102. }
  1103. BoxSetHeight(id,height)
  1104. {
  1105. global BoxSetHeight_func
  1106. res := DllCall(BoxSetHeight_func,Int,id,Int,height)
  1107. return res
  1108. }
  1109. BoxSetPos(id,x,y)
  1110. {
  1111. global BoxSetPos_func
  1112. res := DllCall(BoxSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x,Int,y)
  1113. return res
  1114. }
  1115. BoxSetWidth(id,width)
  1116. {
  1117. global BoxSetWidth_func
  1118. res := DllCall(BoxSetWidth_func,Int,id,Int,width)
  1119. return res
  1120. }
  1121. LineCreate(x1,y1,x2,y2,width,color,show)
  1122. {
  1123. global LineCreate_func
  1124. res := DllCall(LineCreate_func,Int,x1,Int,y1,Int,x2,Int,y2,Int,Width,UInt,color,UChar,show)
  1125. return res
  1126. }
  1127. LineDestroy(id)
  1128. {
  1129. global LineDestroy_func
  1130. res := DllCall(LineDestroy_func,Int,id)
  1131. return res
  1132. }
  1133. LineSetShown(id,show)
  1134. {
  1135. global LineSetShown_func
  1136. res := DllCall(LineSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,show)
  1137. return res
  1138. }
  1139. LineSetColor(id,color)
  1140. {
  1141. global LineSetColor_func
  1142. res := DllCall(LineSetColor_func,Int,id,UInt,color)
  1143. return res
  1144. }
  1145. LineSetWidth(id, width)
  1146. {
  1147. global LineSetWidth_func
  1148. res := DllCall(LineSetWidth_func,Int,id,Int,width)
  1149. return res
  1150. }
  1151. LineSetPos(id,x1,y1,x2,y2)
  1152. {
  1153. global LineSetPos_func
  1154. res := DllCall(LineSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x1,Int,y1,Int,x2,Int,y2)
  1155. return res
  1156. }
  1157. ImageCreate(path, x, y, rotation, align, show)
  1158. {
  1159. global ImageCreate_func
  1160. res := DllCall(ImageCreate_func, Str, path, Int, x, Int, y, Int, rotation, Int, align, UChar, show)
  1161. return res
  1162. }
  1163. ImageDestroy(id)
  1164. {
  1165. global ImageDestroy_func
  1166. res := DllCall(ImageDestroy_func,Int,id)
  1167. return res
  1168. }
  1169. ImageSetShown(id,show)
  1170. {
  1171. global ImageSetShown_func
  1172. res := DllCall(ImageSetShown_func,Int,id,UChar,show)
  1173. return res
  1174. }
  1175. ImageSetAlign(id,align)
  1176. {
  1177. global ImageSetAlign_func
  1178. res := DllCall(ImageSetAlign_func,Int,id,Int,align)
  1179. return res
  1180. }
  1181. ImageSetPos(id, x, y)
  1182. {
  1183. global ImageSetPos_func
  1184. res := DllCall(ImageSetPos_func,Int,id,Int,x, Int, y)
  1185. return res
  1186. }
  1187. ImageSetRotation(id, rotation)
  1188. {
  1189. global ImageSetRotation_func
  1190. res := DllCall(ImageSetRotation_func,Int,id,Int, rotation)
  1191. return res
  1192. }
  1193. DestroyAllVisual()
  1194. {
  1195. global DestroyAllVisual_func
  1196. res := DllCall(DestroyAllVisual_func)
  1197. return res
  1198. }
  1199. ShowAllVisual()
  1200. {
  1201. global ShowAllVisual_func
  1202. res := DllCall(ShowAllVisual_func)
  1203. return res
  1204. }
  1205. HideAllVisual()
  1206. {
  1207. global HideAllVisual_func
  1208. res := DllCall(HideAllVisual_func )
  1209. return res
  1210. }
  1211. GetFrameRate()
  1212. {
  1213. global GetFrameRate_func
  1214. res := DllCall(GetFrameRate_func )
  1215. return res
  1216. }
  1217. GetScreenSpecs(ByRef width, ByRef height)
  1218. {
  1219. global GetScreenSpecs_func
  1220. res := DllCall(GetScreenSpecs_func, IntP, width, IntP, height)
  1221. return res
  1222. }
  1224. ChatLine(firstline, instr, lines=5){
  1225. loop, %lines%
  1226. {
  1227. GetChatLine(firstline + (A_Index - 1), chat)
  1228. if(InStr(chat, instr))
  1229. return chat
  1230. }
  1231. return
  1232. }
  1235. IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint_fast(x, y, z, r)
  1236. {
  1237. static pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, lastcalled
  1238. if(lastcalled < A_TickCount - 150){
  1239. GetPlayerPosition(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_r)
  1240. lastcalled := A_TickCount
  1241. }
  1242. d := sqrt((sqrt((pos_x - x) ** 2 + (pos_y - y) ** 2) ** 2) + (pos_z - z) ** 2)
  1243. if(d < r)
  1244. return 1
  1245. return 0
  1246. }
  1248. IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D_fast(x, y, r){
  1249. static pos_x, pos_y, lastcalled
  1250. if(lastcalled < A_TickCount - 150){
  1251. GetPlayerPosition(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_r)
  1252. lastcalled := A_TickCount
  1253. }
  1254. d := sqrt((pos_x - x) ** 2 + (pos_y - y) ** 2)
  1255. if(d < r)
  1256. return 1
  1257. return 0
  1258. }
  1260. GetDistanceFromPoint(x, y, z)
  1261. {
  1262. GetPlayerPosition(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_r)
  1263. return sqrt((sqrt((pos_x - x) ** 2 + (pos_y - y) ** 2) ** 2) + (pos_z - z) ** 2)
  1264. }
  1266. GetDistancebetween(x, y, z, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z)
  1267. {
  1268. return sqrt((sqrt((pos_x - x) ** 2 + (pos_y - y) ** 2) ** 2) + (pos_z - z) ** 2)
  1269. }
  1272. GetDistanceFromPoint2D(x, y){
  1273. GetPlayerPosition(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_r)
  1274. return sqrt((pos_x - x) ** 2 + (pos_y - y) ** 2)
  1275. }
  1277. PlayerInput(text)
  1278. {
  1279. s := A_IsSuspended
  1280. Suspend On
  1281. KeyWait Enter
  1282. SendInput t^a{backspace}%text%
  1283. Input, var, v, {enter}
  1284. SendInput ^a{backspace}{enter}
  1285. if(!s)
  1286. Suspend Off
  1287. return var
  1288. }
  1290. GetPlayerSpeed()
  1291. {
  1292. exe := OpenMemoryfromTitle_("GTA:SA:MP")
  1293. pointer := ReadMemory_(exe, 0xBA18FC)
  1294. speedX := ReadMemory_(exe, pointer+68,"Float")
  1295. speedY := ReadMemory_(exe,pointer+72,"Float")
  1296. speedZ := ReadMemory_(exe, pointer+76,"Float")
  1297. CloseMemory_(exe)
  1299. speed := (((speedX * speedX) + (speedY * speedY) + (speedZ * speedZ))**(1/2))
  1300. speed := speed * 160.9344
  1301. speed := floor(speed)
  1303. return speed
  1304. }
  1306. OpenMemoryfromTitle_(title,right=0x1F0FFF)
  1307. {
  1308. WinGet,PID,PID,%title%
  1309. HWND := DllCall("OpenProcess","Uint",right,"int",0,"int",PID)
  1310. return HWND
  1311. }
  1313. CloseMemory_(hwnd)
  1314. {
  1315. return DllCall("CloseHandle", "int", hwnd)
  1316. }
  1318. ReadMemory_(hwnd,address,datatype="int",length=4,offset=0)
  1319. {
  1320. VarSetCapacity(readvalue,length, 0)
  1321. DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","Uint",hwnd,"Uint",address+offset,"Str",readvalue,"Uint",length,"Uint *",0)
  1322. finalvalue := NumGet(readvalue,0,datatype)
  1323. return finalvalue
  1324. }
  1326. IsPlayerInNoDM(x, y, z)
  1327. {
  1328. result := ""
  1329. if(x<1561.5 && x>1387.8 && y<-1727.6 && y>-1870)
  1330. {
  1331. result := 1
  1332. }
  1333. else if(x>1688.8 && x<1820.8 && y<-1859.5 && y>-1961.2)
  1334. {
  1335. result := 1
  1336. }
  1337. return result
  1338. }
  1340. GetCityByCoords(posX, posY, posZ)
  1341. {
  1342. if (posX >= 685.0) and (posY >= 476.093) and (posZ >= -500.0) and (posX <= 3000.0) and (posY <= 3000.0) and (posZ <= 500.0)
  1343. {
  1344. CityName := "Las Venturas"
  1345. }
  1346. else if (posX >= -3000.0) and (posY >= -742.306) and (posZ >= -500.0) and (posX <= -1270.53) and (posY <= 1530.24) and (posZ <= 500.0)
  1347. {
  1348. CityName := "San Fierro"
  1349. }
  1350. else if (posX >= -1270.53) and (posY >= -402.481) and (posZ >= -500.0) and (posX <= -1038.45) and (posY <= 832.495) and (posZ <= 500.0)
  1351. {
  1352. CityName := "San Fierro"
  1353. }
  1354. else if (posX >= -1038.45) and (posY >= -145.539) and (posZ >= -500.0) and (posX <= -897.546) and (posY <= 376.632) and (posZ <= 500.0)
  1355. {
  1356. CityName := "San Fierro"
  1357. }
  1358. else if (posX >= 480.0) and (posY >= -3000.0) and (posZ >= -500.0) and (posX <= 3000.0) and (posY <= -850.0) and (posZ <= 500.0)
  1359. {
  1360. CityName := "Los Santos"
  1361. }
  1362. else if (posX >= 80.0) and (posY >= -2101.61) and (posZ >= -500.0) and (posX <= 1075.0) and (posY <= -1239.61) and (posZ <= 500.0)
  1363. {
  1364. CityName := "Los Santos"
  1365. }
  1366. else if (posX >= -1213.91) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -242.99) and (posX <= -480.539) and (posY <= 1659.68) and (posZ <= 900.0)
  1367. {
  1368. CityName := "Tierra Robada"
  1369. }
  1370. else if (posX >= -1213.91) and (posY >= -768.027) and (posZ >= -242.99) and (posX <= 2997.06) and (posY <= 596.349) and (posZ <= 900.0)
  1371. {
  1372. CityName := "Red County"
  1373. }
  1374. else if (posX >= -1213.91) and (posY >= -2892.97) and (posZ >= -242.99) and (posX <= 44.6147) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 900.0)
  1375. {
  1376. CityName := "Flint County"
  1377. }
  1378. else if (posX >= -2997.47) and (posY >= -2892.97) and (posZ >= -242.99) and (posX <= -1213.91) and (posY <= -1115.58) and (posZ <= 900.0)
  1379. {
  1380. CityName := "Whetstone"
  1381. }
  1382. else
  1383. {
  1384. CityName := "Unbekannt"
  1385. }
  1386. return CityName
  1387. }
  1389. GetZoneByCoords(posX, posY, posZ)
  1390. {
  1391. if (posX >= -2667.810) and (posY >= -302.135) and (posZ >= -28.831) and (posX <= -2646.400) and (posY <= -262.320) and (posZ <= 71.169)
  1392. {
  1393. ZoneName := "Avispa Country Club"
  1394. }
  1395. else if (posX >= -1315.420) and (posY >= -405.388) and (posZ >= 15.406) and (posX <= -1264.400) and (posY <= -209.543) and (posZ <= 25.406)
  1396. {
  1397. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Airport"
  1398. }
  1399. else if (posX >= -2550.040) and (posY >= -355.493) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2470.040) and (posY <= -318.493) and (posZ <= 39.700)
  1400. {
  1401. ZoneName := "Avispa Country Club"
  1402. }
  1403. else if (posX >= -1490.330) and (posY >= -209.543) and (posZ >= 15.406) and (posX <= -1264.400) and (posY <= -148.388) and (posZ <= 25.406)
  1404. {
  1405. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Airport"
  1406. }
  1407. else if (posX >= -2395.140) and (posY >= -222.589) and (posZ >= -5.3) and (posX <= -2354.090) and (posY <= -204.792) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1408. {
  1409. ZoneName := "Garcia"
  1410. }
  1411. else if (posX >= -1632.830) and (posY >= -2263.440) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -1601.330) and (posY <= -2231.790) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1412. {
  1413. ZoneName := "Shady Cabin"
  1414. }
  1415. else if (posX >= 2381.680) and (posY >= -1494.030) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2421.030) and (posY <= -1454.350) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1416. {
  1417. ZoneName := "East Los Santos"
  1418. }
  1419. else if (posX >= 1236.630) and (posY >= 1163.410) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1277.050) and (posY <= 1203.280) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1420. {
  1421. ZoneName := "LVA Freight Depot"
  1422. }
  1423. else if (posX >= 1277.050) and (posY >= 1044.690) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1315.350) and (posY <= 1087.630) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1424. {
  1425. ZoneName := "Blackfield Intersection"
  1426. }
  1427. else if (posX >= -2470.040) and (posY >= -355.493) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2270.040) and (posY <= -318.493) and (posZ <= 46.100)
  1428. {
  1429. ZoneName := "Avispa Country Club"
  1430. }
  1431. else if (posX >= 1252.330) and (posY >= -926.999) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1357.000) and (posY <= -910.170) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1432. {
  1433. ZoneName := "Temple"
  1434. }
  1435. else if (posX >= 1692.620) and (posY >= -1971.800) and (posZ >= -20.492) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -1932.800) and (posZ <= 79.508)
  1436. {
  1437. ZoneName := "Unity Station"
  1438. }
  1439. else if (posX >= 1315.350) and (posY >= 1044.690) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1375.600) and (posY <= 1087.630) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1440. {
  1441. ZoneName := "LVA Freight Depot"
  1442. }
  1443. else if (posX >= 2581.730) and (posY >= -1454.350) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2632.830) and (posY <= -1393.420) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1444. {
  1445. ZoneName := "Los Flores"
  1446. }
  1447. else if (posX >= 2437.390) and (posY >= 1858.100) and (posZ >= -39.084) and (posX <= 2495.090) and (posY <= 1970.850) and (posZ <= 60.916)
  1448. {
  1449. ZoneName := "Starfish Casino"
  1450. }
  1451. else if (posX >= -1132.820) and (posY >= -787.391) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -956.476) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1452. {
  1453. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Chemicals"
  1454. }
  1455. else if (posX >= 1370.850) and (posY >= -1170.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1463.900) and (posY <= -1130.850) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1456. {
  1457. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  1458. }
  1459. else if (posX >= -1620.300) and (posY >= 1176.520) and (posZ >= -4.5) and (posX <= -1580.010) and (posY <= 1274.260) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1460. {
  1461. ZoneName := "Esplanade East"
  1462. }
  1463. else if (posX >= 787.461) and (posY >= -1410.930) and (posZ >= -34.126) and (posX <= 866.009) and (posY <= -1310.210) and (posZ <= 65.874)
  1464. {
  1465. ZoneName := "Market Station"
  1466. }
  1467. else if (posX >= 2811.250) and (posY >= 1229.590) and (posZ >= -39.594) and (posX <= 2861.250) and (posY <= 1407.590) and (posZ <= 60.406)
  1468. {
  1469. ZoneName := "Linden Station"
  1470. }
  1471. else if (posX >= 1582.440) and (posY >= 347.457) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 1664.620) and (posY <= 401.750) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1472. {
  1473. ZoneName := "Montgomery Intersection"
  1474. }
  1475. else if (posX >= 2759.250) and (posY >= 296.501) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 2774.250) and (posY <= 594.757) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1476. {
  1477. ZoneName := "Frederick Bridge"
  1478. }
  1479. else if (posX >= 1377.480) and (posY >= 2600.430) and (posZ >= -21.926) and (posX <= 1492.450) and (posY <= 2687.360) and (posZ <= 78.074)
  1480. {
  1481. ZoneName := "Yellow Bell Station"
  1482. }
  1483. else if (posX >= 1507.510) and (posY >= -1385.210) and (posZ >= 110.916) and (posX <= 1582.550) and (posY <= -1325.310) and (posZ <= 335.916)
  1484. {
  1485. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  1486. }
  1487. else if (posX >= 2185.330) and (posY >= -1210.740) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2281.450) and (posY <= -1154.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1488. {
  1489. ZoneName := "Jefferson"
  1490. }
  1491. else if (posX >= 1318.130) and (posY >= -910.170) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1357.000) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1492. {
  1493. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1494. }
  1495. else if (posX >= -2361.510) and (posY >= -417.199) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2270.040) and (posY <= -355.493) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1496. {
  1497. ZoneName := "Avispa Country Club"
  1498. }
  1499. else if (posX >= 1996.910) and (posY >= -1449.670) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2056.860) and (posY <= -1350.720) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1500. {
  1501. ZoneName := "Jefferson"
  1502. }
  1503. else if (posX >= 1236.630) and (posY >= 2142.860) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1297.470) and (posY <= 2243.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1504. {
  1505. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway West"
  1506. }
  1507. else if (posX >= 2124.660) and (posY >= -1494.030) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2266.210) and (posY <= -1449.670) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1508. {
  1509. ZoneName := "Jefferson"
  1510. }
  1511. else if (posX >= 1848.400) and (posY >= 2478.490) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1938.800) and (posY <= 2553.490) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1512. {
  1513. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  1514. }
  1515. else if (posX >= 422.680) and (posY >= -1570.200) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 466.223) and (posY <= -1406.050) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1516. {
  1517. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1518. }
  1519. else if (posX >= -2007.830) and (posY >= 56.306) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -1922.000) and (posY <= 224.782) and (posZ <= 100.000)
  1520. {
  1521. ZoneName := "Cranberry Station"
  1522. }
  1523. else if (posX >= 1391.050) and (posY >= -1026.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1463.900) and (posY <= -926.999) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1524. {
  1525. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  1526. }
  1527. else if (posX >= 1704.590) and (posY >= 2243.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1777.390) and (posY <= 2342.830) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1528. {
  1529. ZoneName := "Redsands West"
  1530. }
  1531. else if (posX >= 1758.900) and (posY >= -1722.260) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1532. {
  1533. ZoneName := "Little Mexico"
  1534. }
  1535. else if (posX >= 1375.600) and (posY >= 823.228) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1457.390) and (posY <= 919.447) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1536. {
  1537. ZoneName := "Blackfield Intersection"
  1538. }
  1539. else if (posX >= 1974.630) and (posY >= -2394.330) and (posZ >= -39.084) and (posX <= 2089.000) and (posY <= -2256.590) and (posZ <= 60.916)
  1540. {
  1541. ZoneName := "Los Santos International"
  1542. }
  1543. else if (posX >= -399.633) and (posY >= -1075.520) and (posZ >= -1.489) and (posX <= -319.033) and (posY <= -977.516) and (posZ <= 198.511)
  1544. {
  1545. ZoneName := "Beacon Hill"
  1546. }
  1547. else if (posX >= 334.503) and (posY >= -1501.950) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 422.680) and (posY <= -1406.050) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1548. {
  1549. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1550. }
  1551. else if (posX >= 225.165) and (posY >= -1369.620) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 334.503) and (posY <= -1292.070) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1552. {
  1553. ZoneName := "Richman"
  1554. }
  1555. else if (posX >= 1724.760) and (posY >= -1250.900) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -1150.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1556. {
  1557. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  1558. }
  1559. else if (posX >= 2027.400) and (posY >= 1703.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2137.400) and (posY <= 1783.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1560. {
  1561. ZoneName := "The Strip"
  1562. }
  1563. else if (posX >= 1378.330) and (posY >= -1130.850) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1463.900) and (posY <= -1026.330) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1564. {
  1565. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  1566. }
  1567. else if (posX >= 1197.390) and (posY >= 1044.690) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1277.050) and (posY <= 1163.390) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1568. {
  1569. ZoneName := "Blackfield Intersection"
  1570. }
  1571. else if (posX >= 1073.220) and (posY >= -1842.270) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1323.900) and (posY <= -1804.210) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1572. {
  1573. ZoneName := "Conference Center"
  1574. }
  1575. else if (posX >= 1451.400) and (posY >= 347.457) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= 1582.440) and (posY <= 420.802) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1576. {
  1577. ZoneName := "Montgomery"
  1578. }
  1579. else if (posX >= -2270.040) and (posY >= -430.276) and (posZ >= -1.2) and (posX <= -2178.690) and (posY <= -324.114) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1580. {
  1581. ZoneName := "Foster Valley"
  1582. }
  1583. else if (posX >= 1325.600) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1375.600) and (posY <= 795.010) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1584. {
  1585. ZoneName := "Blackfield Chapel"
  1586. }
  1587. else if (posX >= 2051.630) and (posY >= -2597.260) and (posZ >= -39.084) and (posX <= 2152.450) and (posY <= -2394.330) and (posZ <= 60.916)
  1588. {
  1589. ZoneName := "Los Santos International"
  1590. }
  1591. else if (posX >= 1096.470) and (posY >= -910.170) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1169.130) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1592. {
  1593. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1594. }
  1595. else if (posX >= 1457.460) and (posY >= 2723.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1534.560) and (posY <= 2863.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1596. {
  1597. ZoneName := "Yellow Bell Gol Course"
  1598. }
  1599. else if (posX >= 2027.400) and (posY >= 1783.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2162.390) and (posY <= 1863.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1600. {
  1601. ZoneName := "The Strip"
  1602. }
  1603. else if (posX >= 2056.860) and (posY >= -1210.740) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2185.330) and (posY <= -1126.320) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1604. {
  1605. ZoneName := "Jefferson"
  1606. }
  1607. else if (posX >= 952.604) and (posY >= -937.184) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1096.470) and (posY <= -860.619) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1608. {
  1609. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1610. }
  1611. else if (posX >= -1372.140) and (posY >= 2498.520) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -1277.590) and (posY <= 2615.350) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1612. {
  1613. ZoneName := "Aldea Malvada"
  1614. }
  1615. else if (posX >= 2126.860) and (posY >= -1126.320) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2185.330) and (posY <= -934.489) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1616. {
  1617. ZoneName := "Las Colinas"
  1618. }
  1619. else if (posX >= 1994.330) and (posY >= -1100.820) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2056.860) and (posY <= -920.815) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1620. {
  1621. ZoneName := "Las Colinas"
  1622. }
  1623. else if (posX >= 647.557) and (posY >= -954.662) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 768.694) and (posY <= -860.619) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1624. {
  1625. ZoneName := "Richman"
  1626. }
  1627. else if (posX >= 1277.050) and (posY >= 1087.630) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1375.600) and (posY <= 1203.280) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1628. {
  1629. ZoneName := "LVA Freight Depot"
  1630. }
  1631. else if (posX >= 1377.390) and (posY >= 2433.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1534.560) and (posY <= 2507.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1632. {
  1633. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  1634. }
  1635. else if (posX >= 2201.820) and (posY >= -2095.000) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2324.000) and (posY <= -1989.900) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1636. {
  1637. ZoneName := "Willowfield"
  1638. }
  1639. else if (posX >= 1704.590) and (posY >= 2342.830) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1848.400) and (posY <= 2433.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1640. {
  1641. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  1642. }
  1643. else if (posX >= 1252.330) and (posY >= -1130.850) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1378.330) and (posY <= -1026.330) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1644. {
  1645. ZoneName := "Temple"
  1646. }
  1647. else if (posX >= 1701.900) and (posY >= -1842.270) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -1722.260) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1648. {
  1649. ZoneName := "Little Mexico"
  1650. }
  1651. else if (posX >= -2411.220) and (posY >= 373.539) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2253.540) and (posY <= 458.411) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1652. {
  1653. ZoneName := "Queens"
  1654. }
  1655. else if (posX >= 1515.810) and (posY >= 1586.400) and (posZ >= -12.500) and (posX <= 1729.950) and (posY <= 1714.560) and (posZ <= 87.500)
  1656. {
  1657. ZoneName := "Las Venturas Airport"
  1658. }
  1659. else if (posX >= 225.165) and (posY >= -1292.070) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 466.223) and (posY <= -1235.070) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1660. {
  1661. ZoneName := "Richman"
  1662. }
  1663. else if (posX >= 1252.330) and (posY >= -1026.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1391.050) and (posY <= -926.999) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1664. {
  1665. ZoneName := "Temple"
  1666. }
  1667. else if (posX >= 2266.260) and (posY >= -1494.030) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2381.680) and (posY <= -1372.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1668. {
  1669. ZoneName := "East Los Santos"
  1670. }
  1671. else if (posX >= 2623.180) and (posY >= 943.235) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2749.900) and (posY <= 1055.960) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1672. {
  1673. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway East"
  1674. }
  1675. else if (posX >= 2541.700) and (posY >= -1941.400) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2703.580) and (posY <= -1852.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1676. {
  1677. ZoneName := "Willowfield"
  1678. }
  1679. else if (posX >= 2056.860) and (posY >= -1126.320) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2126.860) and (posY <= -920.815) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1680. {
  1681. ZoneName := "Las Colinas"
  1682. }
  1683. else if (posX >= 2625.160) and (posY >= 2202.760) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2685.160) and (posY <= 2442.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1684. {
  1685. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway East"
  1686. }
  1687. else if (posX >= 225.165) and (posY >= -1501.950) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 334.503) and (posY <= -1369.620) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1688. {
  1689. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1690. }
  1691. else if (posX >= -365.167) and (posY >= 2123.010) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -208.570) and (posY <= 2217.680) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1692. {
  1693. ZoneName := "Las Brujas"
  1694. }
  1695. else if (posX >= 2536.430) and (posY >= 2442.550) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2685.160) and (posY <= 2542.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1696. {
  1697. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway East"
  1698. }
  1699. else if (posX >= 334.503) and (posY >= -1406.050) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 466.223) and (posY <= -1292.070) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1700. {
  1701. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1702. }
  1703. else if (posX >= 647.557) and (posY >= -1227.280) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 787.461) and (posY <= -1118.280) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1704. {
  1705. ZoneName := "Vinewood"
  1706. }
  1707. else if (posX >= 422.680) and (posY >= -1684.650) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 558.099) and (posY <= -1570.200) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1708. {
  1709. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1710. }
  1711. else if (posX >= 2498.210) and (posY >= 2542.550) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2685.160) and (posY <= 2626.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1712. {
  1713. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  1714. }
  1715. else if (posX >= 1724.760) and (posY >= -1430.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -1250.900) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1716. {
  1717. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  1718. }
  1719. else if (posX >= 225.165) and (posY >= -1684.650) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 312.803) and (posY <= -1501.950) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1720. {
  1721. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1722. }
  1723. else if (posX >= 2056.860) and (posY >= -1449.670) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2266.210) and (posY <= -1372.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1724. {
  1725. ZoneName := "Jefferson"
  1726. }
  1727. else if (posX >= 603.035) and (posY >= 264.312) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 761.994) and (posY <= 366.572) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1728. {
  1729. ZoneName := "Hampton Barns"
  1730. }
  1731. else if (posX >= 1096.470) and (posY >= -1130.840) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1252.330) and (posY <= -1026.330) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1732. {
  1733. ZoneName := "Temple"
  1734. }
  1735. else if (posX >= -1087.930) and (posY >= 855.370) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -961.950) and (posY <= 986.281) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1736. {
  1737. ZoneName := "Kincaid Bridge"
  1738. }
  1739. else if (posX >= 1046.150) and (posY >= -1722.260) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1161.520) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1740. {
  1741. ZoneName := "Verona Beach"
  1742. }
  1743. else if (posX >= 1323.900) and (posY >= -1722.260) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1440.900) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1744. {
  1745. ZoneName := "Commerce"
  1746. }
  1747. else if (posX >= 1357.000) and (posY >= -926.999) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1463.900) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1748. {
  1749. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1750. }
  1751. else if (posX >= 466.223) and (posY >= -1570.200) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 558.099) and (posY <= -1385.070) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1752. {
  1753. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1754. }
  1755. else if (posX >= 911.802) and (posY >= -860.619) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1096.470) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1756. {
  1757. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1758. }
  1759. else if (posX >= 768.694) and (posY >= -954.662) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 952.604) and (posY <= -860.619) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1760. {
  1761. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1762. }
  1763. else if (posX >= 2377.390) and (posY >= 788.894) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2537.390) and (posY <= 897.901) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1764. {
  1765. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway South"
  1766. }
  1767. else if (posX >= 1812.620) and (posY >= -1852.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1971.660) and (posY <= -1742.310) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1768. {
  1769. ZoneName := "Idlewood"
  1770. }
  1771. else if (posX >= 2089.000) and (posY >= -2394.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2201.820) and (posY <= -2235.840) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1772. {
  1773. ZoneName := "Ocean Docks"
  1774. }
  1775. else if (posX >= 1370.850) and (posY >= -1577.590) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1463.900) and (posY <= -1384.950) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1776. {
  1777. ZoneName := "Commerce"
  1778. }
  1779. else if (posX >= 2121.400) and (posY >= 2508.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2237.400) and (posY <= 2663.170) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1780. {
  1781. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  1782. }
  1783. else if (posX >= 1096.470) and (posY >= -1026.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1252.330) and (posY <= -910.170) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1784. {
  1785. ZoneName := "Temple"
  1786. }
  1787. else if (posX >= 1812.620) and (posY >= -1449.670) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1996.910) and (posY <= -1350.720) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1788. {
  1789. ZoneName := "Glen Park"
  1790. }
  1791. else if (posX >= -1242.980) and (posY >= -50.096) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -1213.910) and (posY <= 578.396) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1792. {
  1793. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Airport"
  1794. }
  1795. else if (posX >= -222.179) and (posY >= 293.324) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -122.126) and (posY <= 476.465) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1796. {
  1797. ZoneName := "Martin Bridge"
  1798. }
  1799. else if (posX >= 2106.700) and (posY >= 1863.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2162.390) and (posY <= 2202.760) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1800. {
  1801. ZoneName := "The Strip"
  1802. }
  1803. else if (posX >= 2541.700) and (posY >= -2059.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2703.580) and (posY <= -1941.400) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1804. {
  1805. ZoneName := "Willowfield"
  1806. }
  1807. else if (posX >= 807.922) and (posY >= -1577.590) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 926.922) and (posY <= -1416.250) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1808. {
  1809. ZoneName := "Marina"
  1810. }
  1811. else if (posX >= 1457.370) and (posY >= 1143.210) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1777.400) and (posY <= 1203.280) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1812. {
  1813. ZoneName := "Las Venturas Airport"
  1814. }
  1815. else if (posX >= 1812.620) and (posY >= -1742.310) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1951.660) and (posY <= -1602.310) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1816. {
  1817. ZoneName := "Idlewood"
  1818. }
  1819. else if (posX >= -1580.010) and (posY >= 1025.980) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1499.890) and (posY <= 1274.260) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1820. {
  1821. ZoneName := "Esplanade East"
  1822. }
  1823. else if (posX >= 1370.850) and (posY >= -1384.950) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1463.900) and (posY <= -1170.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1824. {
  1825. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  1826. }
  1827. else if (posX >= 1664.620) and (posY >= 401.750) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 1785.140) and (posY <= 567.203) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1828. {
  1829. ZoneName := "The Mako Span"
  1830. }
  1831. else if (posX >= 312.803) and (posY >= -1684.650) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 422.680) and (posY <= -1501.950) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1832. {
  1833. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1834. }
  1835. else if (posX >= 1440.900) and (posY >= -1722.260) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1583.500) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1836. {
  1837. ZoneName := "Pershing Square"
  1838. }
  1839. else if (posX >= 687.802) and (posY >= -860.619) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 911.802) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1840. {
  1841. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1842. }
  1843. else if (posX >= -2741.070) and (posY >= 1490.470) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -2616.400) and (posY <= 1659.680) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1844. {
  1845. ZoneName := "Gant Bridge"
  1846. }
  1847. else if (posX >= 2185.330) and (posY >= -1154.590) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2281.450) and (posY <= -934.489) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1848. {
  1849. ZoneName := "Las Colinas"
  1850. }
  1851. else if (posX >= 1169.130) and (posY >= -910.170) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1318.130) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1852. {
  1853. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1854. }
  1855. else if (posX >= 1938.800) and (posY >= 2508.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2121.400) and (posY <= 2624.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1856. {
  1857. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  1858. }
  1859. else if (posX >= 1667.960) and (posY >= -1577.590) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -1430.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1860. {
  1861. ZoneName := "Commerce"
  1862. }
  1863. else if (posX >= 72.648) and (posY >= -1544.170) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 225.165) and (posY <= -1404.970) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1864. {
  1865. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1866. }
  1867. else if (posX >= 2536.430) and (posY >= 2202.760) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2625.160) and (posY <= 2442.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1868. {
  1869. ZoneName := "Roca Escalante"
  1870. }
  1871. else if (posX >= 72.648) and (posY >= -1684.650) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 225.165) and (posY <= -1544.170) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1872. {
  1873. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1874. }
  1875. else if (posX >= 952.663) and (posY >= -1310.210) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1072.660) and (posY <= -1130.850) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1876. {
  1877. ZoneName := "Market"
  1878. }
  1879. else if (posX >= 2632.740) and (posY >= -1135.040) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2747.740) and (posY <= -945.035) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1880. {
  1881. ZoneName := "Las Colinas"
  1882. }
  1883. else if (posX >= 861.085) and (posY >= -674.885) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1156.550) and (posY <= -600.896) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1884. {
  1885. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  1886. }
  1887. else if (posX >= -2253.540) and (posY >= 373.539) and (posZ >= -9.1) and (posX <= -1993.280) and (posY <= 458.411) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1888. {
  1889. ZoneName := "King's"
  1890. }
  1891. else if (posX >= 1848.400) and (posY >= 2342.830) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2011.940) and (posY <= 2478.490) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1892. {
  1893. ZoneName := "Redsands East"
  1894. }
  1895. else if (posX >= -1580.010) and (posY >= 744.267) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1499.890) and (posY <= 1025.980) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1896. {
  1897. ZoneName := "Downtown"
  1898. }
  1899. else if (posX >= 1046.150) and (posY >= -1804.210) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1323.900) and (posY <= -1722.260) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1900. {
  1901. ZoneName := "Conference Center"
  1902. }
  1903. else if (posX >= 647.557) and (posY >= -1118.280) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 787.461) and (posY <= -954.662) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1904. {
  1905. ZoneName := "Richman"
  1906. }
  1907. else if (posX >= -2994.490) and (posY >= 277.411) and (posZ >= -9.1) and (posX <= -2867.850) and (posY <= 458.411) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1908. {
  1909. ZoneName := "Ocean Flats"
  1910. }
  1911. else if (posX >= 964.391) and (posY >= 930.890) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1166.530) and (posY <= 1044.690) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1912. {
  1913. ZoneName := "Greenglass College"
  1914. }
  1915. else if (posX >= 1812.620) and (posY >= -1100.820) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1994.330) and (posY <= -973.380) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1916. {
  1917. ZoneName := "Glen Park"
  1918. }
  1919. else if (posX >= 1375.600) and (posY >= 919.447) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1457.370) and (posY <= 1203.280) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1920. {
  1921. ZoneName := "LVA Freight Depot"
  1922. }
  1923. else if (posX >= -405.770) and (posY >= 1712.860) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -276.719) and (posY <= 1892.750) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1924. {
  1925. ZoneName := "Regular Tom"
  1926. }
  1927. else if (posX >= 1161.520) and (posY >= -1722.260) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1323.900) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1928. {
  1929. ZoneName := "Verona Beach"
  1930. }
  1931. else if (posX >= 2281.450) and (posY >= -1372.040) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2381.680) and (posY <= -1135.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1932. {
  1933. ZoneName := "East Los Santos"
  1934. }
  1935. else if (posX >= 2137.400) and (posY >= 1703.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2437.390) and (posY <= 1783.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1936. {
  1937. ZoneName := "Caligula's Palace"
  1938. }
  1939. else if (posX >= 1951.660) and (posY >= -1742.310) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2124.660) and (posY <= -1602.310) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1940. {
  1941. ZoneName := "Idlewood"
  1942. }
  1943. else if (posX >= 2624.400) and (posY >= 1383.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2685.160) and (posY <= 1783.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1944. {
  1945. ZoneName := "Pilgrim"
  1946. }
  1947. else if (posX >= 2124.660) and (posY >= -1742.310) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2222.560) and (posY <= -1494.030) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1948. {
  1949. ZoneName := "Idlewood"
  1950. }
  1951. else if (posX >= -2533.040) and (posY >= 458.411) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2329.310) and (posY <= 578.396) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1952. {
  1953. ZoneName := "Queens"
  1954. }
  1955. else if (posX >= -1871.720) and (posY >= 1176.420) and (posZ >= -4.5) and (posX <= -1620.300) and (posY <= 1274.260) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1956. {
  1957. ZoneName := "Downtown"
  1958. }
  1959. else if (posX >= 1583.500) and (posY >= -1722.260) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1758.900) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1960. {
  1961. ZoneName := "Commerce"
  1962. }
  1963. else if (posX >= 2381.680) and (posY >= -1454.350) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2462.130) and (posY <= -1135.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1964. {
  1965. ZoneName := "East Los Santos"
  1966. }
  1967. else if (posX >= 647.712) and (posY >= -1577.590) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 807.922) and (posY <= -1416.250) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1968. {
  1969. ZoneName := "Marina"
  1970. }
  1971. else if (posX >= 72.648) and (posY >= -1404.970) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 225.165) and (posY <= -1235.070) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1972. {
  1973. ZoneName := "Richman"
  1974. }
  1975. else if (posX >= 647.712) and (posY >= -1416.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 787.461) and (posY <= -1227.280) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1976. {
  1977. ZoneName := "Vinewood"
  1978. }
  1979. else if (posX >= 2222.560) and (posY >= -1628.530) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2421.030) and (posY <= -1494.030) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1980. {
  1981. ZoneName := "East Los Santos"
  1982. }
  1983. else if (posX >= 558.099) and (posY >= -1684.650) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 647.522) and (posY <= -1384.930) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1984. {
  1985. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1986. }
  1987. else if (posX >= -1709.710) and (posY >= -833.034) and (posZ >= -1.5) and (posX <= -1446.010) and (posY <= -730.118) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  1988. {
  1989. ZoneName := "Easter Tunnel"
  1990. }
  1991. else if (posX >= 466.223) and (posY >= -1385.070) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 647.522) and (posY <= -1235.070) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1992. {
  1993. ZoneName := "Rodeo"
  1994. }
  1995. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 2202.760) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2011.940) and (posY <= 2342.830) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  1996. {
  1997. ZoneName := "Redsands East"
  1998. }
  1999. else if (posX >= 2162.390) and (posY >= 1783.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2437.390) and (posY <= 1883.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2000. {
  2001. ZoneName := "The Clown's Pocket"
  2002. }
  2003. else if (posX >= 1971.660) and (posY >= -1852.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2222.560) and (posY <= -1742.310) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2004. {
  2005. ZoneName := "Idlewood"
  2006. }
  2007. else if (posX >= 1546.650) and (posY >= 208.164) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 1745.830) and (posY <= 347.457) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2008. {
  2009. ZoneName := "Montgomery Intersection"
  2010. }
  2011. else if (posX >= 2089.000) and (posY >= -2235.840) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2201.820) and (posY <= -1989.900) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2012. {
  2013. ZoneName := "Willowfield"
  2014. }
  2015. else if (posX >= 952.663) and (posY >= -1130.840) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1096.470) and (posY <= -937.184) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2016. {
  2017. ZoneName := "Temple"
  2018. }
  2019. else if (posX >= 1848.400) and (posY >= 2553.490) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1938.800) and (posY <= 2863.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2020. {
  2021. ZoneName := "Prickle Pine"
  2022. }
  2023. else if (posX >= 1400.970) and (posY >= -2669.260) and (posZ >= -39.084) and (posX <= 2189.820) and (posY <= -2597.260) and (posZ <= 60.916)
  2024. {
  2025. ZoneName := "Los Santos International"
  2026. }
  2027. else if (posX >= -1213.910) and (posY >= 950.022) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -1087.930) and (posY <= 1178.930) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2028. {
  2029. ZoneName := "Garver Bridge"
  2030. }
  2031. else if (posX >= -1339.890) and (posY >= 828.129) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -1213.910) and (posY <= 1057.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2032. {
  2033. ZoneName := "Garver Bridge"
  2034. }
  2035. else if (posX >= -1339.890) and (posY >= 599.218) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -1213.910) and (posY <= 828.129) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2036. {
  2037. ZoneName := "Kincaid Bridge"
  2038. }
  2039. else if (posX >= -1213.910) and (posY >= 721.111) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -1087.930) and (posY <= 950.022) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2040. {
  2041. ZoneName := "Kincaid Bridge"
  2042. }
  2043. else if (posX >= 930.221) and (posY >= -2006.780) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1073.220) and (posY <= -1804.210) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2044. {
  2045. ZoneName := "Verona Beach"
  2046. }
  2047. else if (posX >= 1073.220) and (posY >= -2006.780) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1249.620) and (posY <= -1842.270) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2048. {
  2049. ZoneName := "Verdant Bluffs"
  2050. }
  2051. else if (posX >= 787.461) and (posY >= -1130.840) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 952.604) and (posY <= -954.662) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2052. {
  2053. ZoneName := "Vinewood"
  2054. }
  2055. else if (posX >= 787.461) and (posY >= -1310.210) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 952.663) and (posY <= -1130.840) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2056. {
  2057. ZoneName := "Vinewood"
  2058. }
  2059. else if (posX >= 1463.900) and (posY >= -1577.590) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1667.960) and (posY <= -1430.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2060. {
  2061. ZoneName := "Commerce"
  2062. }
  2063. else if (posX >= 787.461) and (posY >= -1416.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1072.660) and (posY <= -1310.210) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2064. {
  2065. ZoneName := "Market"
  2066. }
  2067. else if (posX >= 2377.390) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2537.390) and (posY <= 788.894) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2068. {
  2069. ZoneName := "Rockshore West"
  2070. }
  2071. else if (posX >= 2237.400) and (posY >= 2542.550) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2498.210) and (posY <= 2663.170) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2072. {
  2073. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  2074. }
  2075. else if (posX >= 2632.830) and (posY >= -1668.130) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2747.740) and (posY <= -1393.420) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2076. {
  2077. ZoneName := "East Beach"
  2078. }
  2079. else if (posX >= 434.341) and (posY >= 366.572) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 603.035) and (posY <= 555.680) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2080. {
  2081. ZoneName := "Fallow Bridge"
  2082. }
  2083. else if (posX >= 2089.000) and (posY >= -1989.900) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2324.000) and (posY <= -1852.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2084. {
  2085. ZoneName := "Willowfield"
  2086. }
  2087. else if (posX >= -2274.170) and (posY >= 578.396) and (posZ >= -7.6) and (posX <= -2078.670) and (posY <= 744.170) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2088. {
  2089. ZoneName := "Chinatown"
  2090. }
  2091. else if (posX >= -208.570) and (posY >= 2337.180) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 8.430) and (posY <= 2487.180) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2092. {
  2093. ZoneName := "El Castillo del Diablo"
  2094. }
  2095. else if (posX >= 2324.000) and (posY >= -2145.100) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2703.580) and (posY <= -2059.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2096. {
  2097. ZoneName := "Ocean Docks"
  2098. }
  2099. else if (posX >= -1132.820) and (posY >= -768.027) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -956.476) and (posY <= -578.118) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2100. {
  2101. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Chemicals"
  2102. }
  2103. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 1703.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2027.400) and (posY <= 1863.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2104. {
  2105. ZoneName := "The Visage"
  2106. }
  2107. else if (posX >= -2994.490) and (posY >= -430.276) and (posZ >= -1.2) and (posX <= -2831.890) and (posY <= -222.589) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2108. {
  2109. ZoneName := "Ocean Flats"
  2110. }
  2111. else if (posX >= 321.356) and (posY >= -860.619) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 687.802) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2112. {
  2113. ZoneName := "Richman"
  2114. }
  2115. else if (posX >= 176.581) and (posY >= 1305.450) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= 338.658) and (posY <= 1520.720) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2116. {
  2117. ZoneName := "Green Palms"
  2118. }
  2119. else if (posX >= 321.356) and (posY >= -768.027) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 700.794) and (posY <= -674.885) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2120. {
  2121. ZoneName := "Richman"
  2122. }
  2123. else if (posX >= 2162.390) and (posY >= 1883.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2437.390) and (posY <= 2012.180) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2124. {
  2125. ZoneName := "Starfish Casino"
  2126. }
  2127. else if (posX >= 2747.740) and (posY >= -1668.130) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2959.350) and (posY <= -1498.620) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2128. {
  2129. ZoneName := "East Beach"
  2130. }
  2131. else if (posX >= 2056.860) and (posY >= -1372.040) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2281.450) and (posY <= -1210.740) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2132. {
  2133. ZoneName := "Jefferson"
  2134. }
  2135. else if (posX >= 1463.900) and (posY >= -1290.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1724.760) and (posY <= -1150.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2136. {
  2137. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  2138. }
  2139. else if (posX >= 1463.900) and (posY >= -1430.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1724.760) and (posY <= -1290.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2140. {
  2141. ZoneName := "Downtown Los Santos"
  2142. }
  2143. else if (posX >= -1499.890) and (posY >= 696.442) and (posZ >= -179.615) and (posX <= -1339.890) and (posY <= 925.353) and (posZ <= 20.385)
  2144. {
  2145. ZoneName := "Garver Bridge"
  2146. }
  2147. else if (posX >= 1457.390) and (posY >= 823.228) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2377.390) and (posY <= 863.229) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2148. {
  2149. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway South"
  2150. }
  2151. else if (posX >= 2421.030) and (posY >= -1628.530) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2632.830) and (posY <= -1454.350) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2152. {
  2153. ZoneName := "East Los Santos"
  2154. }
  2155. else if (posX >= 964.391) and (posY >= 1044.690) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1197.390) and (posY <= 1203.220) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2156. {
  2157. ZoneName := "Greenglass College"
  2158. }
  2159. else if (posX >= 2747.740) and (posY >= -1120.040) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2959.350) and (posY <= -945.035) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2160. {
  2161. ZoneName := "Las Colinas"
  2162. }
  2163. else if (posX >= 737.573) and (posY >= -768.027) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1142.290) and (posY <= -674.885) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2164. {
  2165. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  2166. }
  2167. else if (posX >= 2201.820) and (posY >= -2730.880) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2324.000) and (posY <= -2418.330) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2168. {
  2169. ZoneName := "Ocean Docks"
  2170. }
  2171. else if (posX >= 2462.130) and (posY >= -1454.350) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2581.730) and (posY <= -1135.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2172. {
  2173. ZoneName := "East Los Santos"
  2174. }
  2175. else if (posX >= 2222.560) and (posY >= -1722.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2632.830) and (posY <= -1628.530) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2176. {
  2177. ZoneName := "Ganton"
  2178. }
  2179. else if (posX >= -2831.890) and (posY >= -430.276) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -2646.400) and (posY <= -222.589) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2180. {
  2181. ZoneName := "Avispa Country Club"
  2182. }
  2183. else if (posX >= 1970.620) and (posY >= -2179.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2089.000) and (posY <= -1852.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2184. {
  2185. ZoneName := "Willowfield"
  2186. }
  2187. else if (posX >= -1982.320) and (posY >= 1274.260) and (posZ >= -4.5) and (posX <= -1524.240) and (posY <= 1358.900) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2188. {
  2189. ZoneName := "Esplanade North"
  2190. }
  2191. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 1283.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2027.390) and (posY <= 1469.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2192. {
  2193. ZoneName := "The High Roller"
  2194. }
  2195. else if (posX >= 2201.820) and (posY >= -2418.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2324.000) and (posY <= -2095.000) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2196. {
  2197. ZoneName := "Ocean Docks"
  2198. }
  2199. else if (posX >= 1823.080) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1997.220) and (posY <= 823.228) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2200. {
  2201. ZoneName := "Last Dime Motel"
  2202. }
  2203. else if (posX >= -2353.170) and (posY >= 2275.790) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2153.170) and (posY <= 2475.790) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2204. {
  2205. ZoneName := "Bayside Marina"
  2206. }
  2207. else if (posX >= -2329.310) and (posY >= 458.411) and (posZ >= -7.6) and (posX <= -1993.280) and (posY <= 578.396) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2208. {
  2209. ZoneName := "King's"
  2210. }
  2211. else if (posX >= 1692.620) and (posY >= -2179.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -1842.270) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2212. {
  2213. ZoneName := "El Corona"
  2214. }
  2215. else if (posX >= 1375.600) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1558.090) and (posY <= 823.228) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2216. {
  2217. ZoneName := "Blackfield Chapel"
  2218. }
  2219. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 1083.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2027.390) and (posY <= 1283.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2220. {
  2221. ZoneName := "The Pink Swan"
  2222. }
  2223. else if (posX >= 1197.390) and (posY >= 1163.390) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1236.630) and (posY <= 2243.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2224. {
  2225. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway West"
  2226. }
  2227. else if (posX >= 2581.730) and (posY >= -1393.420) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2747.740) and (posY <= -1135.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2228. {
  2229. ZoneName := "Los Flores"
  2230. }
  2231. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 1863.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2106.700) and (posY <= 2011.830) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2232. {
  2233. ZoneName := "The Visage"
  2234. }
  2235. else if (posX >= 1938.800) and (posY >= 2624.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2121.400) and (posY <= 2861.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2236. {
  2237. ZoneName := "Prickle Pine"
  2238. }
  2239. else if (posX >= 851.449) and (posY >= -1804.210) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1046.150) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2240. {
  2241. ZoneName := "Verona Beach"
  2242. }
  2243. else if (posX >= -1119.010) and (posY >= 1178.930) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -862.025) and (posY <= 1351.450) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2244. {
  2245. ZoneName := "Robada Intersection"
  2246. }
  2247. else if (posX >= 2749.900) and (posY >= 943.235) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2923.390) and (posY <= 1198.990) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2248. {
  2249. ZoneName := "Linden Side"
  2250. }
  2251. else if (posX >= 2703.580) and (posY >= -2302.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2959.350) and (posY <= -2126.900) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2252. {
  2253. ZoneName := "Ocean Docks"
  2254. }
  2255. else if (posX >= 2324.000) and (posY >= -2059.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2541.700) and (posY <= -1852.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2256. {
  2257. ZoneName := "Willowfield"
  2258. }
  2259. else if (posX >= -2411.220) and (posY >= 265.243) and (posZ >= -9.1) and (posX <= -1993.280) and (posY <= 373.539) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2260. {
  2261. ZoneName := "King's"
  2262. }
  2263. else if (posX >= 1323.900) and (posY >= -1842.270) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1701.900) and (posY <= -1722.260) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2264. {
  2265. ZoneName := "Commerce"
  2266. }
  2267. else if (posX >= 1269.130) and (posY >= -768.027) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1414.070) and (posY <= -452.425) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2268. {
  2269. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  2270. }
  2271. else if (posX >= 647.712) and (posY >= -1804.210) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 851.449) and (posY <= -1577.590) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2272. {
  2273. ZoneName := "Marina"
  2274. }
  2275. else if (posX >= -2741.070) and (posY >= 1268.410) and (posZ >= -4.5) and (posX <= -2533.040) and (posY <= 1490.470) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2276. {
  2277. ZoneName := "Battery Point"
  2278. }
  2279. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 863.232) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2027.390) and (posY <= 1083.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2280. {
  2281. ZoneName := "The Four Dragons Casino"
  2282. }
  2283. else if (posX >= 964.391) and (posY >= 1203.220) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1197.390) and (posY <= 1403.220) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2284. {
  2285. ZoneName := "Blackfield"
  2286. }
  2287. else if (posX >= 1534.560) and (posY >= 2433.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1848.400) and (posY <= 2583.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2288. {
  2289. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway North"
  2290. }
  2291. else if (posX >= 1117.400) and (posY >= 2723.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1457.460) and (posY <= 2863.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2292. {
  2293. ZoneName := "Yellow Bell Gol Course"
  2294. }
  2295. else if (posX >= 1812.620) and (posY >= -1602.310) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2124.660) and (posY <= -1449.670) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2296. {
  2297. ZoneName := "Idlewood"
  2298. }
  2299. else if (posX >= 1297.470) and (posY >= 2142.860) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1777.390) and (posY <= 2243.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2300. {
  2301. ZoneName := "Redsands West"
  2302. }
  2303. else if (posX >= -2270.040) and (posY >= -324.114) and (posZ >= -1.2) and (posX <= -1794.920) and (posY <= -222.589) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2304. {
  2305. ZoneName := "Doherty"
  2306. }
  2307. else if (posX >= 967.383) and (posY >= -450.390) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= 1176.780) and (posY <= -217.900) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2308. {
  2309. ZoneName := "Hilltop Farm"
  2310. }
  2311. else if (posX >= -926.130) and (posY >= 1398.730) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -719.234) and (posY <= 1634.690) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2312. {
  2313. ZoneName := "Las Barrancas"
  2314. }
  2315. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 1469.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2027.400) and (posY <= 1703.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2316. {
  2317. ZoneName := "Pirates in Men's Pants"
  2318. }
  2319. else if (posX >= -2867.850) and (posY >= 277.411) and (posZ >= -9.1) and (posX <= -2593.440) and (posY <= 458.411) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2320. {
  2321. ZoneName := "City Hall"
  2322. }
  2323. else if (posX >= -2646.400) and (posY >= -355.493) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2270.040) and (posY <= -222.589) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2324. {
  2325. ZoneName := "Avispa Country Club"
  2326. }
  2327. else if (posX >= 2027.400) and (posY >= 863.229) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2087.390) and (posY <= 1703.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2328. {
  2329. ZoneName := "The Strip"
  2330. }
  2331. else if (posX >= -2593.440) and (posY >= -222.589) and (posZ >= -1.0) and (posX <= -2411.220) and (posY <= 54.722) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2332. {
  2333. ZoneName := "Hashbury"
  2334. }
  2335. else if (posX >= 1852.000) and (posY >= -2394.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2089.000) and (posY <= -2179.250) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2336. {
  2337. ZoneName := "Los Santos International"
  2338. }
  2339. else if (posX >= 1098.310) and (posY >= 1726.220) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1197.390) and (posY <= 2243.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2340. {
  2341. ZoneName := "Whitewood Estates"
  2342. }
  2343. else if (posX >= -789.737) and (posY >= 1659.680) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -599.505) and (posY <= 1929.410) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2344. {
  2345. ZoneName := "Sherman Reservoir"
  2346. }
  2347. else if (posX >= 1812.620) and (posY >= -2179.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1970.620) and (posY <= -1852.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2348. {
  2349. ZoneName := "El Corona"
  2350. }
  2351. else if (posX >= -1700.010) and (posY >= 744.267) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1580.010) and (posY <= 1176.520) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2352. {
  2353. ZoneName := "Downtown"
  2354. }
  2355. else if (posX >= -2178.690) and (posY >= -1250.970) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -1794.920) and (posY <= -1115.580) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2356. {
  2357. ZoneName := "Foster Valley"
  2358. }
  2359. else if (posX >= -354.332) and (posY >= 2580.360) and (posZ >= 2.0) and (posX <= -133.625) and (posY <= 2816.820) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2360. {
  2361. ZoneName := "Las Payasadas"
  2362. }
  2363. else if (posX >= -936.668) and (posY >= 2611.440) and (posZ >= 2.0) and (posX <= -715.961) and (posY <= 2847.900) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2364. {
  2365. ZoneName := "Valle Ocultado"
  2366. }
  2367. else if (posX >= 1166.530) and (posY >= 795.010) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1375.600) and (posY <= 1044.690) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2368. {
  2369. ZoneName := "Blackfield Intersection"
  2370. }
  2371. else if (posX >= 2222.560) and (posY >= -1852.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2632.830) and (posY <= -1722.330) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2372. {
  2373. ZoneName := "Ganton"
  2374. }
  2375. else if (posX >= -1213.910) and (posY >= -730.118) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -1132.820) and (posY <= -50.096) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2376. {
  2377. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Airport"
  2378. }
  2379. else if (posX >= 1817.390) and (posY >= 2011.830) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2106.700) and (posY <= 2202.760) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2380. {
  2381. ZoneName := "Redsands East"
  2382. }
  2383. else if (posX >= -1499.890) and (posY >= 578.396) and (posZ >= -79.615) and (posX <= -1339.890) and (posY <= 1274.260) and (posZ <= 20.385)
  2384. {
  2385. ZoneName := "Esplanade East"
  2386. }
  2387. else if (posX >= 2087.390) and (posY >= 1543.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2437.390) and (posY <= 1703.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2388. {
  2389. ZoneName := "Caligula's Palace"
  2390. }
  2391. else if (posX >= 2087.390) and (posY >= 1383.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2437.390) and (posY <= 1543.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2392. {
  2393. ZoneName := "Royal Casino"
  2394. }
  2395. else if (posX >= 72.648) and (posY >= -1235.070) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 321.356) and (posY <= -1008.150) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2396. {
  2397. ZoneName := "Richman"
  2398. }
  2399. else if (posX >= 2437.390) and (posY >= 1783.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2685.160) and (posY <= 2012.180) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2400. {
  2401. ZoneName := "Starfish Casino"
  2402. }
  2403. else if (posX >= 1281.130) and (posY >= -452.425) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1641.130) and (posY <= -290.913) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2404. {
  2405. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  2406. }
  2407. else if (posX >= -1982.320) and (posY >= 744.170) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1871.720) and (posY <= 1274.260) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2408. {
  2409. ZoneName := "Downtown"
  2410. }
  2411. else if (posX >= 2576.920) and (posY >= 62.158) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 2759.250) and (posY <= 385.503) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2412. {
  2413. ZoneName := "Hankypanky Point"
  2414. }
  2415. else if (posX >= 2498.210) and (posY >= 2626.550) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2749.900) and (posY <= 2861.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2416. {
  2417. ZoneName := "K.A.C.C. Military Fuels"
  2418. }
  2419. else if (posX >= 1777.390) and (posY >= 863.232) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1817.390) and (posY <= 2342.830) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2420. {
  2421. ZoneName := "Harry Gold Parkway"
  2422. }
  2423. else if (posX >= -2290.190) and (posY >= 2548.290) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -1950.190) and (posY <= 2723.290) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2424. {
  2425. ZoneName := "Bayside Tunnel"
  2426. }
  2427. else if (posX >= 2324.000) and (posY >= -2302.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2703.580) and (posY <= -2145.100) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2428. {
  2429. ZoneName := "Ocean Docks"
  2430. }
  2431. else if (posX >= 321.356) and (posY >= -1044.070) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 647.557) and (posY <= -860.619) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2432. {
  2433. ZoneName := "Richman"
  2434. }
  2435. else if (posX >= 1558.090) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1823.080) and (posY <= 823.235) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2436. {
  2437. ZoneName := "Randolph Industrial Estate"
  2438. }
  2439. else if (posX >= 2632.830) and (posY >= -1852.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2959.350) and (posY <= -1668.130) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2440. {
  2441. ZoneName := "East Beach"
  2442. }
  2443. else if (posX >= -314.426) and (posY >= -753.874) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= -106.339) and (posY <= -463.073) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2444. {
  2445. ZoneName := "Flint Water"
  2446. }
  2447. else if (posX >= 19.607) and (posY >= -404.136) and (posZ >= 3.8) and (posX <= 349.607) and (posY <= -220.137) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2448. {
  2449. ZoneName := "Blueberry"
  2450. }
  2451. else if (posX >= 2749.900) and (posY >= 1198.990) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2923.390) and (posY <= 1548.990) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2452. {
  2453. ZoneName := "Linden Station"
  2454. }
  2455. else if (posX >= 1812.620) and (posY >= -1350.720) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2056.860) and (posY <= -1100.820) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2456. {
  2457. ZoneName := "Glen Park"
  2458. }
  2459. else if (posX >= -1993.280) and (posY >= 265.243) and (posZ >= -9.1) and (posX <= -1794.920) and (posY <= 578.396) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2460. {
  2461. ZoneName := "Downtown"
  2462. }
  2463. else if (posX >= 1377.390) and (posY >= 2243.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1704.590) and (posY <= 2433.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2464. {
  2465. ZoneName := "Redsands West"
  2466. }
  2467. else if (posX >= 321.356) and (posY >= -1235.070) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 647.522) and (posY <= -1044.070) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2468. {
  2469. ZoneName := "Richman"
  2470. }
  2471. else if (posX >= -2741.450) and (posY >= 1659.680) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -2616.400) and (posY <= 2175.150) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2472. {
  2473. ZoneName := "Gant Bridge"
  2474. }
  2475. else if (posX >= -90.218) and (posY >= 1286.850) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= 153.859) and (posY <= 1554.120) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2476. {
  2477. ZoneName := "Lil' Probe Inn"
  2478. }
  2479. else if (posX >= -187.700) and (posY >= -1596.760) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 17.063) and (posY <= -1276.600) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2480. {
  2481. ZoneName := "Flint Intersection"
  2482. }
  2483. else if (posX >= 2281.450) and (posY >= -1135.040) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2632.740) and (posY <= -945.035) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2484. {
  2485. ZoneName := "Las Colinas"
  2486. }
  2487. else if (posX >= 2749.900) and (posY >= 1548.990) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2923.390) and (posY <= 1937.250) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2488. {
  2489. ZoneName := "Sobell Rail Yards"
  2490. }
  2491. else if (posX >= 2011.940) and (posY >= 2202.760) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2237.400) and (posY <= 2508.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2492. {
  2493. ZoneName := "The Emerald Isle"
  2494. }
  2495. else if (posX >= -208.570) and (posY >= 2123.010) and (posZ >= -7.6) and (posX <= 114.033) and (posY <= 2337.180) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2496. {
  2497. ZoneName := "El Castillo del Diablo"
  2498. }
  2499. else if (posX >= -2741.070) and (posY >= 458.411) and (posZ >= -7.6) and (posX <= -2533.040) and (posY <= 793.411) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2500. {
  2501. ZoneName := "Santa Flora"
  2502. }
  2503. else if (posX >= 2703.580) and (posY >= -2126.900) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2959.350) and (posY <= -1852.870) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2504. {
  2505. ZoneName := "Playa del Seville"
  2506. }
  2507. else if (posX >= 926.922) and (posY >= -1577.590) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1370.850) and (posY <= -1416.250) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2508. {
  2509. ZoneName := "Market"
  2510. }
  2511. else if (posX >= -2593.440) and (posY >= 54.722) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2411.220) and (posY <= 458.411) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2512. {
  2513. ZoneName := "Queens"
  2514. }
  2515. else if (posX >= 1098.390) and (posY >= 2243.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1377.390) and (posY <= 2507.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2516. {
  2517. ZoneName := "Pilson Intersection"
  2518. }
  2519. else if (posX >= 2121.400) and (posY >= 2663.170) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2498.210) and (posY <= 2861.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2520. {
  2521. ZoneName := "Spinybed"
  2522. }
  2523. else if (posX >= 2437.390) and (posY >= 1383.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2624.400) and (posY <= 1783.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2524. {
  2525. ZoneName := "Pilgrim"
  2526. }
  2527. else if (posX >= 964.391) and (posY >= 1403.220) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1197.390) and (posY <= 1726.220) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2528. {
  2529. ZoneName := "Blackfield"
  2530. }
  2531. else if (posX >= -410.020) and (posY >= 1403.340) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -137.969) and (posY <= 1681.230) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2532. {
  2533. ZoneName := "'The Big Ear'"
  2534. }
  2535. else if (posX >= 580.794) and (posY >= -674.885) and (posZ >= -9.5) and (posX <= 861.085) and (posY <= -404.790) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2536. {
  2537. ZoneName := "Dillimore"
  2538. }
  2539. else if (posX >= -1645.230) and (posY >= 2498.520) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -1372.140) and (posY <= 2777.850) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2540. {
  2541. ZoneName := "El Quebrados"
  2542. }
  2543. else if (posX >= -2533.040) and (posY >= 1358.900) and (posZ >= -4.5) and (posX <= -1996.660) and (posY <= 1501.210) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2544. {
  2545. ZoneName := "Esplanade North"
  2546. }
  2547. else if (posX >= -1499.890) and (posY >= -50.096) and (posZ >= -1.0) and (posX <= -1242.980) and (posY <= 249.904) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2548. {
  2549. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Airport"
  2550. }
  2551. else if (posX >= 1916.990) and (posY >= -233.323) and (posZ >= -100.000) and (posX <= 2131.720) and (posY <= 13.800) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2552. {
  2553. ZoneName := "Fisher's Lagoon"
  2554. }
  2555. else if (posX >= 1414.070) and (posY >= -768.027) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1667.610) and (posY <= -452.425) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2556. {
  2557. ZoneName := "Mulholland"
  2558. }
  2559. else if (posX >= 2747.740) and (posY >= -1498.620) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2959.350) and (posY <= -1120.040) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2560. {
  2561. ZoneName := "East Beach"
  2562. }
  2563. else if (posX >= 2450.390) and (posY >= 385.503) and (posZ >= -100.000) and (posX <= 2759.250) and (posY <= 562.349) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2564. {
  2565. ZoneName := "San Andreas Sound"
  2566. }
  2567. else if (posX >= -2030.120) and (posY >= -2174.890) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1820.640) and (posY <= -1771.660) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2568. {
  2569. ZoneName := "Shady Creeks"
  2570. }
  2571. else if (posX >= 1072.660) and (posY >= -1416.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1370.850) and (posY <= -1130.850) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2572. {
  2573. ZoneName := "Market"
  2574. }
  2575. else if (posX >= 1997.220) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2377.390) and (posY <= 823.228) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2576. {
  2577. ZoneName := "Rockshore West"
  2578. }
  2579. else if (posX >= 1534.560) and (posY >= 2583.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1848.400) and (posY <= 2863.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2580. {
  2581. ZoneName := "Prickle Pine"
  2582. }
  2583. else if (posX >= -1794.920) and (posY >= -50.096) and (posZ >= -1.04) and (posX <= -1499.890) and (posY <= 249.904) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2584. {
  2585. ZoneName := "Easter Basin"
  2586. }
  2587. else if (posX >= -1166.970) and (posY >= -1856.030) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -815.624) and (posY <= -1602.070) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2588. {
  2589. ZoneName := "Leafy Hollow"
  2590. }
  2591. else if (posX >= 1457.390) and (posY >= 863.229) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1777.400) and (posY <= 1143.210) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2592. {
  2593. ZoneName := "LVA Freight Depot"
  2594. }
  2595. else if (posX >= 1117.400) and (posY >= 2507.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1534.560) and (posY <= 2723.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2596. {
  2597. ZoneName := "Prickle Pine"
  2598. }
  2599. else if (posX >= 104.534) and (posY >= -220.137) and (posZ >= 2.3) and (posX <= 349.607) and (posY <= 152.236) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2600. {
  2601. ZoneName := "Blueberry"
  2602. }
  2603. else if (posX >= -464.515) and (posY >= 2217.680) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -208.570) and (posY <= 2580.360) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2604. {
  2605. ZoneName := "El Castillo del Diablo"
  2606. }
  2607. else if (posX >= -2078.670) and (posY >= 578.396) and (posZ >= -7.6) and (posX <= -1499.890) and (posY <= 744.267) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2608. {
  2609. ZoneName := "Downtown"
  2610. }
  2611. else if (posX >= 2537.390) and (posY >= 676.549) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2902.350) and (posY <= 943.235) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2612. {
  2613. ZoneName := "Rockshore East"
  2614. }
  2615. else if (posX >= -2616.400) and (posY >= 1501.210) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -1996.660) and (posY <= 1659.680) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2616. {
  2617. ZoneName := "San Fierro Bay"
  2618. }
  2619. else if (posX >= -2741.070) and (posY >= 793.411) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -2533.040) and (posY <= 1268.410) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2620. {
  2621. ZoneName := "Paradiso"
  2622. }
  2623. else if (posX >= 2087.390) and (posY >= 1203.230) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2640.400) and (posY <= 1383.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2624. {
  2625. ZoneName := "The Camel's Toe"
  2626. }
  2627. else if (posX >= 2162.390) and (posY >= 2012.180) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2685.160) and (posY <= 2202.760) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2628. {
  2629. ZoneName := "Old Venturas Strip"
  2630. }
  2631. else if (posX >= -2533.040) and (posY >= 578.396) and (posZ >= -7.6) and (posX <= -2274.170) and (posY <= 968.369) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2632. {
  2633. ZoneName := "Juniper Hill"
  2634. }
  2635. else if (posX >= -2533.040) and (posY >= 968.369) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -2274.170) and (posY <= 1358.900) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2636. {
  2637. ZoneName := "Juniper Hollow"
  2638. }
  2639. else if (posX >= 2237.400) and (posY >= 2202.760) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2536.430) and (posY <= 2542.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2640. {
  2641. ZoneName := "Roca Escalante"
  2642. }
  2643. else if (posX >= 2685.160) and (posY >= 1055.960) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2749.900) and (posY <= 2626.550) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2644. {
  2645. ZoneName := "Julius Thruway East"
  2646. }
  2647. else if (posX >= 647.712) and (posY >= -2173.290) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 930.221) and (posY <= -1804.210) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2648. {
  2649. ZoneName := "Verona Beach"
  2650. }
  2651. else if (posX >= -2178.690) and (posY >= -599.884) and (posZ >= -1.2) and (posX <= -1794.920) and (posY <= -324.114) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2652. {
  2653. ZoneName := "Foster Valley"
  2654. }
  2655. else if (posX >= -901.129) and (posY >= 2221.860) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -592.090) and (posY <= 2571.970) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2656. {
  2657. ZoneName := "Arco del Oeste"
  2658. }
  2659. else if (posX >= -792.254) and (posY >= -698.555) and (posZ >= -5.3) and (posX <= -452.404) and (posY <= -380.043) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2660. {
  2661. ZoneName := "Fallen Tree"
  2662. }
  2663. else if (posX >= -1209.670) and (posY >= -1317.100) and (posZ >= 114.981) and (posX <= -908.161) and (posY <= -787.391) and (posZ <= 251.981)
  2664. {
  2665. ZoneName := "The Farm"
  2666. }
  2667. else if (posX >= -968.772) and (posY >= 1929.410) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -481.126) and (posY <= 2155.260) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2668. {
  2669. ZoneName := "The Sherman Dam"
  2670. }
  2671. else if (posX >= -1996.660) and (posY >= 1358.900) and (posZ >= -4.5) and (posX <= -1524.240) and (posY <= 1592.510) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2672. {
  2673. ZoneName := "Esplanade North"
  2674. }
  2675. else if (posX >= -1871.720) and (posY >= 744.170) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1701.300) and (posY <= 1176.420) and (posZ <= 300.000)
  2676. {
  2677. ZoneName := "Financial"
  2678. }
  2679. else if (posX >= -2411.220) and (posY >= -222.589) and (posZ >= -1.14) and (posX <= -2173.040) and (posY <= 265.243) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2680. {
  2681. ZoneName := "Garcia"
  2682. }
  2683. else if (posX >= 1119.510) and (posY >= 119.526) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= 1451.400) and (posY <= 493.323) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2684. {
  2685. ZoneName := "Montgomery"
  2686. }
  2687. else if (posX >= 2749.900) and (posY >= 1937.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2921.620) and (posY <= 2669.790) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2688. {
  2689. ZoneName := "Creek"
  2690. }
  2691. else if (posX >= 1249.620) and (posY >= -2394.330) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1852.000) and (posY <= -2179.250) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2692. {
  2693. ZoneName := "Los Santos International"
  2694. }
  2695. else if (posX >= 72.648) and (posY >= -2173.290) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 342.648) and (posY <= -1684.650) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2696. {
  2697. ZoneName := "Santa Maria Beach"
  2698. }
  2699. else if (posX >= 1463.900) and (posY >= -1150.870) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1812.620) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2700. {
  2701. ZoneName := "Mulholland Intersection"
  2702. }
  2703. else if (posX >= -2324.940) and (posY >= -2584.290) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1964.220) and (posY <= -2212.110) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2704. {
  2705. ZoneName := "Angel Pine"
  2706. }
  2707. else if (posX >= 37.032) and (posY >= 2337.180) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= 435.988) and (posY <= 2677.900) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2708. {
  2709. ZoneName := "Verdant Meadows"
  2710. }
  2711. else if (posX >= 338.658) and (posY >= 1228.510) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 664.308) and (posY <= 1655.050) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2712. {
  2713. ZoneName := "Octane Springs"
  2714. }
  2715. else if (posX >= 2087.390) and (posY >= 943.235) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2623.180) and (posY <= 1203.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2716. {
  2717. ZoneName := "Come-A-Lot"
  2718. }
  2719. else if (posX >= 1236.630) and (posY >= 1883.110) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1777.390) and (posY <= 2142.860) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2720. {
  2721. ZoneName := "Redsands West"
  2722. }
  2723. else if (posX >= 342.648) and (posY >= -2173.290) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 647.712) and (posY <= -1684.650) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2724. {
  2725. ZoneName := "Santa Maria Beach"
  2726. }
  2727. else if (posX >= 1249.620) and (posY >= -2179.250) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1692.620) and (posY <= -1842.270) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2728. {
  2729. ZoneName := "Verdant Bluffs"
  2730. }
  2731. else if (posX >= 1236.630) and (posY >= 1203.280) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1457.370) and (posY <= 1883.110) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2732. {
  2733. ZoneName := "Las Venturas Airport"
  2734. }
  2735. else if (posX >= -594.191) and (posY >= -1648.550) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -187.700) and (posY <= -1276.600) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2736. {
  2737. ZoneName := "Flint Range"
  2738. }
  2739. else if (posX >= 930.221) and (posY >= -2488.420) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1249.620) and (posY <= -2006.780) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2740. {
  2741. ZoneName := "Verdant Bluffs"
  2742. }
  2743. else if (posX >= 2160.220) and (posY >= -149.004) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 2576.920) and (posY <= 228.322) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2744. {
  2745. ZoneName := "Palomino Creek"
  2746. }
  2747. else if (posX >= 2373.770) and (posY >= -2697.090) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2809.220) and (posY <= -2330.460) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2748. {
  2749. ZoneName := "Ocean Docks"
  2750. }
  2751. else if (posX >= -1213.910) and (posY >= -50.096) and (posZ >= -4.5) and (posX <= -947.980) and (posY <= 578.396) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2752. {
  2753. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Airport"
  2754. }
  2755. else if (posX >= 883.308) and (posY >= 1726.220) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1098.310) and (posY <= 2507.230) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2756. {
  2757. ZoneName := "Whitewood Estates"
  2758. }
  2759. else if (posX >= -2274.170) and (posY >= 744.170) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -1982.320) and (posY <= 1358.900) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2760. {
  2761. ZoneName := "Calton Heights"
  2762. }
  2763. else if (posX >= -1794.920) and (posY >= 249.904) and (posZ >= -9.1) and (posX <= -1242.980) and (posY <= 578.396) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2764. {
  2765. ZoneName := "Easter Basin"
  2766. }
  2767. else if (posX >= -321.744) and (posY >= -2224.430) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 44.615) and (posY <= -1724.430) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2768. {
  2769. ZoneName := "Los Santos Inlet"
  2770. }
  2771. else if (posX >= -2173.040) and (posY >= -222.589) and (posZ >= -1.0) and (posX <= -1794.920) and (posY <= 265.243) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2772. {
  2773. ZoneName := "Doherty"
  2774. }
  2775. else if (posX >= -2178.690) and (posY >= -2189.910) and (posZ >= -47.917) and (posX <= -2030.120) and (posY <= -1771.660) and (posZ <= 576.083)
  2776. {
  2777. ZoneName := "Mount Chiliad"
  2778. }
  2779. else if (posX >= -376.233) and (posY >= 826.326) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= 123.717) and (posY <= 1220.440) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2780. {
  2781. ZoneName := "Fort Carson"
  2782. }
  2783. else if (posX >= -2178.690) and (posY >= -1115.580) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -1794.920) and (posY <= -599.884) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2784. {
  2785. ZoneName := "Foster Valley"
  2786. }
  2787. else if (posX >= -2994.490) and (posY >= -222.589) and (posZ >= -1.0) and (posX <= -2593.440) and (posY <= 277.411) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2788. {
  2789. ZoneName := "Ocean Flats"
  2790. }
  2791. else if (posX >= 508.189) and (posY >= -139.259) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 1306.660) and (posY <= 119.526) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2792. {
  2793. ZoneName := "Fern Ridge"
  2794. }
  2795. else if (posX >= -2741.070) and (posY >= 2175.150) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2353.170) and (posY <= 2722.790) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2796. {
  2797. ZoneName := "Bayside"
  2798. }
  2799. else if (posX >= 1457.370) and (posY >= 1203.280) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 1777.390) and (posY <= 1883.110) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2800. {
  2801. ZoneName := "Las Venturas Airport"
  2802. }
  2803. else if (posX >= -319.676) and (posY >= -220.137) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 104.534) and (posY <= 293.324) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2804. {
  2805. ZoneName := "Blueberry Acres"
  2806. }
  2807. else if (posX >= -2994.490) and (posY >= 458.411) and (posZ >= -6.1) and (posX <= -2741.070) and (posY <= 1339.610) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2808. {
  2809. ZoneName := "Palisades"
  2810. }
  2811. else if (posX >= 2285.370) and (posY >= -768.027) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= 2770.590) and (posY <= -269.740) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2812. {
  2813. ZoneName := "North Rock"
  2814. }
  2815. else if (posX >= 337.244) and (posY >= 710.840) and (posZ >= -115.239) and (posX <= 860.554) and (posY <= 1031.710) and (posZ <= 203.761)
  2816. {
  2817. ZoneName := "Hunter Quarry"
  2818. }
  2819. else if (posX >= 1382.730) and (posY >= -2730.880) and (posZ >= -89.084) and (posX <= 2201.820) and (posY <= -2394.330) and (posZ <= 110.916)
  2820. {
  2821. ZoneName := "Los Santos International"
  2822. }
  2823. else if (posX >= -2994.490) and (posY >= -811.276) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -2178.690) and (posY <= -430.276) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2824. {
  2825. ZoneName := "Missionary Hill"
  2826. }
  2827. else if (posX >= -2616.400) and (posY >= 1659.680) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -1996.660) and (posY <= 2175.150) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2828. {
  2829. ZoneName := "San Fierro Bay"
  2830. }
  2831. else if (posX >= -91.586) and (posY >= 1655.050) and (posZ >= -50.000) and (posX <= 421.234) and (posY <= 2123.010) and (posZ <= 250.000)
  2832. {
  2833. ZoneName := "Restricted Area"
  2834. }
  2835. else if (posX >= -2997.470) and (posY >= -1115.580) and (posZ >= -47.917) and (posX <= -2178.690) and (posY <= -971.913) and (posZ <= 576.083)
  2836. {
  2837. ZoneName := "Mount Chiliad"
  2838. }
  2839. else if (posX >= -2178.690) and (posY >= -1771.660) and (posZ >= -47.917) and (posX <= -1936.120) and (posY <= -1250.970) and (posZ <= 576.083)
  2840. {
  2841. ZoneName := "Mount Chiliad"
  2842. }
  2843. else if (posX >= -1794.920) and (posY >= -730.118) and (posZ >= -3.0) and (posX <= -1213.910) and (posY <= -50.096) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2844. {
  2845. ZoneName := "Easter Bay Airport"
  2846. }
  2847. else if (posX >= -947.980) and (posY >= -304.320) and (posZ >= -1.1) and (posX <= -319.676) and (posY <= 327.071) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2848. {
  2849. ZoneName := "The Panopticon"
  2850. }
  2851. else if (posX >= -1820.640) and (posY >= -2643.680) and (posZ >= -8.0) and (posX <= -1226.780) and (posY <= -1771.660) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2852. {
  2853. ZoneName := "Shady Creeks"
  2854. }
  2855. else if (posX >= -1166.970) and (posY >= -2641.190) and (posZ >= 0.000) and (posX <= -321.744) and (posY <= -1856.030) and (posZ <= 200.000)
  2856. {
  2857. ZoneName := "Back o Beyond"
  2858. }
  2859. else if (posX >= -2994.490) and (posY >= -2189.910) and (posZ >= -47.917) and (posX <= -2178.690) and (posY <= -1115.580) and (posZ <= 576.083)
  2860. {
  2861. ZoneName := "Mount Chiliad"
  2862. }
  2863. else if (posX >= -1213.910) and (posY >= 596.349) and (posZ >= -242.990) and (posX <= -480.539) and (posY <= 1659.680) and (posZ <= 900.000)
  2864. {
  2865. ZoneName := "Tierra Robada"
  2866. }
  2867. else if (posX >= -1213.910) and (posY >= -2892.970) and (posZ >= -242.990) and (posX <= 44.615) and (posY <= -768.027) and (posZ <= 900.000)
  2868. {
  2869. ZoneName := "Flint County"
  2870. }
  2871. else
  2872. {
  2873. ZoneName := "Unbekannt"
  2874. }
  2875. return ZoneName
  2876. }
  2877. DestroyAllVisual()
  2882. IniRead, Kills, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Kills
  2883. IniRead, Killstreak, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Killstreak
  2884. IniRead, Deaths, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Deaths
  2885. IniRead, CTNähe, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTNähe
  2886. IniRead, CTFerne, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTFerne
  2887. IniRead, CTGeld, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTGeld
  2888. IniRead, PayDayCounter, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayCounter
  2889. IniRead, Gehalt, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Gehalt
  2890. IniRead, Abgaben, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Abgaben
  2891. IniRead, PayDayZeit, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayZeit
  2892. IniRead, AutoLicht , Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutoLicht
  2893. IniRead, AutoLock, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutoLock
  2894. IniRead, AutomotorOff, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutomotorOff
  2895. IniRead, ErsteHilfeSchutz, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, ErsteHilfeSchutz
  2896. IniRead, BabaSprüche, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, BabaSprüche
  2897. IniRead, FirstLogin, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, FirstLogin
  2898. IniRead, LastLogin, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, LastLogin
  2899. IniRead, Profil1_1, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_1
  2900. IniRead, Profil1_2, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_2
  2901. IniRead, Profil1_3, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_3
  2902. IniRead, Profil1_4, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_4
  2903. IniRead, Profil1_5, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_5
  2904. IniRead, Profil1_6, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_6
  2905. IniRead, Profil1_7, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_7
  2906. KD := Kills / Deaths
  2907. Loop, 126
  2908. {
  2909. IniRead, Hotkey%A_Index%, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Hotkeybelegung.Ini,Hotkeys, Hotkey%A_Index%
  2910. }
  2911. Hotkey, %Hotkey1%, LabelHotkey1, UseErrorLevel
  2912. Hotkey, %Hotkey2%, LabelHotkey2, UseErrorLevel
  2913. Hotkey, %Hotkey3%, LabelHotkey3, UseErrorLevel
  2914. Hotkey, %Hotkey4%, LabelHotkey4, UseErrorLevel
  2915. Hotkey, %Hotkey5%, LabelHotkey5, UseErrorLevel
  2916. Hotkey, %Hotkey6%, LabelHotkey6, UseErrorLevel
  2917. Hotkey, %Hotkey7%, LabelHotkey7, UseErrorLevel
  2918. Hotkey, %Hotkey8%, LabelHotkey8, UseErrorLevel
  2919. Hotkey, %Hotkey9%, LabelHotkey9, UseErrorLevel
  2920. Hotkey, %Hotkey10%,LabelHotkey10, UseErrorLevel
  2921. Hotkey, %Hotkey11%,LabelHotkey11, UseErrorLevel
  2922. Hotkey, %Hotkey12%,LabelHotkey12, UseErrorLevel
  2923. Hotkey, %Hotkey13%,LabelHotkey13, UseErrorLevel
  2924. Hotkey, %Hotkey14%,LabelHotkey14, UseErrorLevel
  2925. Hotkey, %Hotkey15%,LabelHotkey15, UseErrorLevel
  2926. Hotkey, %Hotkey16%,LabelHotkey16, UseErrorLevel
  2927. Hotkey, %Hotkey17%,LabelHotkey17, UseErrorLevel
  2928. Hotkey, %Hotkey18%,LabelHotkey18, UseErrorLevel
  2929. Hotkey, %Hotkey19%,LabelHotkey19, UseErrorLevel
  2930. Hotkey, %Hotkey20%,LabelHotkey20, UseErrorLevel
  2931. Hotkey, %Hotkey21%,LabelHotkey21, UseErrorLevel
  2932. Hotkey, %Hotkey22%,LabelHotkey22, UseErrorLevel
  2933. Hotkey, %Hotkey23%,LabelHotkey23, UseErrorLevel
  2934. Hotkey, %Hotkey24%,LabelHotkey24, UseErrorLevel
  2935. Hotkey, %Hotkey25%,LabelHotkey25, UseErrorLevel
  2936. Hotkey, %Hotkey26%,LabelHotkey26, UseErrorLevel
  2937. Hotkey, %Hotkey27%,LabelHotkey27, UseErrorLevel
  2938. Hotkey, %Hotkey28%,LabelHotkey28, UseErrorLevel
  2939. Hotkey, %Hotkey29%,LabelHotkey29, UseErrorLevel
  2940. Hotkey, %Hotkey30%,LabelHotkey30, UseErrorLevel
  2941. Hotkey, %Hotkey31%,LabelHotkey31, UseErrorLevel
  2942. Hotkey, %Hotkey32%,LabelHotkey32, UseErrorLevel
  2943. Hotkey, %Hotkey33%,LabelHotkey33, UseErrorLevel
  2944. Hotkey, %Hotkey34%,LabelHotkey34, UseErrorLevel
  2945. Hotkey, %Hotkey35%,LabelHotkey35, UseErrorLevel
  2946. Hotkey, %Hotkey36%,LabelHotkey36, UseErrorLevel
  2947. Hotkey, %Hotkey37%,LabelHotkey37, UseErrorLevel
  2948. Hotkey, %Hotkey38%,LabelHotkey38, UseErrorLevel
  2949. Hotkey, %Hotkey39%,LabelHotkey39, UseErrorLevel
  2950. Hotkey, %Hotkey40%,LabelHotkey40, UseErrorLevel
  2951. Hotkey, %Hotkey41%,LabelHotkey41, UseErrorLevel
  2952. Hotkey, %Hotkey42%,LabelHotkey42, UseErrorLevel
  2953. Hotkey, %Hotkey43%,LabelHotkey43, UseErrorLevel
  2954. Hotkey, %Hotkey44%,LabelHotkey44, UseErrorLevel
  2955. Hotkey, %Hotkey45%,LabelHotkey45, UseErrorLevel
  2956. Hotkey, %Hotkey46%,LabelHotkey46, UseErrorLevel
  2957. Hotkey, %Hotkey47%,LabelHotkey47, UseErrorLevel
  2958. Hotkey, %Hotkey48%,LabelHotkey48, UseErrorLevel
  2959. Hotkey, %Hotkey49%,LabelHotkey49, UseErrorLevel
  2960. Hotkey, %Hotkey50%,LabelHotkey50, UseErrorLevel
  2961. Hotkey, %Hotkey51%,LabelHotkey51, UseErrorLevel
  2962. Hotkey, %Hotkey52%,LabelHotkey52, UseErrorLevel
  2963. Hotkey, %Hotkey53%,LabelHotkey53, UseErrorLevel
  2964. Hotkey, %Hotkey54%,LabelHotkey54, UseErrorLevel
  2965. Hotkey, %Hotkey55%,LabelHotkey55, UseErrorLevel
  2966. Hotkey, %Hotkey56%,LabelHotkey56, UseErrorLevel
  2967. Hotkey, %Hotkey57%,LabelHotkey57, UseErrorLevel
  2968. Hotkey, %Hotkey58%,LabelHotkey58, UseErrorLevel
  2969. Hotkey, %Hotkey59%,LabelHotkey59, UseErrorLevel
  2970. Hotkey, %Hotkey60%,LabelHotkey60, UseErrorLevel
  2971. Hotkey, %Hotkey61%,LabelHotkey61, UseErrorLevel
  2972. Hotkey, %Hotkey62%,LabelHotkey62, UseErrorLevel
  2973. Hotkey, %Hotkey63%,LabelHotkey63, UseErrorLevel
  2974. Hotkey, %Hotkey64%,LabelHotkey64, UseErrorLevel
  2975. Hotkey, %Hotkey65%,LabelHotkey65, UseErrorLevel
  2976. Hotkey, %Hotkey66%,LabelHotkey66, UseErrorLevel
  2977. Hotkey, %Hotkey67%,LabelHotkey67, UseErrorLevel
  2978. Hotkey, %Hotkey68%,LabelHotkey68, UseErrorLevel
  2979. Hotkey, %Hotkey69%,LabelHotkey69, UseErrorLevel
  2980. Hotkey, %Hotkey70%,LabelHotkey70, UseErrorLevel
  2981. Hotkey, %Hotkey71%,LabelHotkey71, UseErrorLevel
  2982. Hotkey, %Hotkey72%,LabelHotkey72, UseErrorLevel
  2983. Hotkey, %Hotkey73%,LabelHotkey73, UseErrorLevel
  2984. Hotkey, %Hotkey74%,LabelHotkey74, UseErrorLevel
  2985. Hotkey, %Hotkey75%,LabelHotkey75, UseErrorLevel
  2986. Hotkey, %Hotkey76%,LabelHotkey76, UseErrorLevel
  2987. Hotkey, %Hotkey77%,LabelHotkey77, UseErrorLevel
  2988. Hotkey, %Hotkey78%,LabelHotkey78, UseErrorLevel
  2989. Hotkey, %Hotkey79%,LabelHotkey79, UseErrorLevel
  2990. Hotkey, %Hotkey80%,LabelHotkey80, UseErrorLevel
  2991. Hotkey, %Hotkey81%,LabelHotkey81, UseErrorLevel
  2992. Hotkey, %Hotkey82%,LabelHotkey82, UseErrorLevel
  2993. Hotkey, %Hotkey83%,LabelHotkey83, UseErrorLevel
  2994. Hotkey, %Hotkey84%,LabelHotkey84, UseErrorLevel
  2995. Hotkey, %Hotkey85%,LabelHotkey85, UseErrorLevel
  2996. Hotkey, %Hotkey86%,LabelHotkey86, UseErrorLevel
  2997. Hotkey, %Hotkey87%,LabelHotkey87, UseErrorLevel
  2998. Hotkey, %Hotkey88%,LabelHotkey88, UseErrorLevel
  2999. Hotkey, %Hotkey89%,LabelHotkey89, UseErrorLevel
  3000. Hotkey, %Hotkey90%,LabelHotkey90, UseErrorLevel
  3001. Hotkey, %Hotkey91%,LabelHotkey91, UseErrorLevel
  3002. Hotkey, %Hotkey92%,LabelHotkey92, UseErrorLevel
  3003. Hotkey, %Hotkey93%,LabelHotkey93, UseErrorLevel
  3004. Hotkey, %Hotkey94%,LabelHotkey94, UseErrorLevel
  3005. Hotkey, %Hotkey95%,LabelHotkey95, UseErrorLevel
  3006. Hotkey, %Hotkey96%,LabelHotkey96, UseErrorLevel
  3007. Hotkey, %Hotkey97%,LabelHotkey97, UseErrorLevel
  3008. Hotkey, %Hotkey98%,LabelHotkey98, UseErrorLevel
  3009. Hotkey, %Hotkey99%,LabelHotkey99, UseErrorLevel
  3010. Hotkey, %Hotkey100%,LabelHotkey100, UseErrorLevel
  3011. Hotkey, %Hotkey101%,LabelHotkey101, UseErrorLevel
  3012. Hotkey, %Hotkey102%,LabelHotkey102, UseErrorLevel
  3013. Hotkey, %Hotkey103%,LabelHotkey103, UseErrorLevel
  3014. Hotkey, %Hotkey104%,LabelHotkey104, UseErrorLevel
  3015. Hotkey, %Hotkey105%,LabelHotkey105, UseErrorLevel
  3016. Hotkey, %Hotkey106%,LabelHotkey106, UseErrorLevel
  3017. Hotkey, %Hotkey107%,LabelHotkey107, UseErrorLevel
  3018. Hotkey, %Hotkey108%,LabelHotkey108, UseErrorLevel
  3019. Hotkey, %Hotkey109%,LabelHotkey109, UseErrorLevel
  3020. Hotkey, %Hotkey110%,LabelHotkey110, UseErrorLevel
  3021. Hotkey, %Hotkey111%,LabelHotkey111, UseErrorLevel
  3022. Hotkey, %Hotkey112%,LabelHotkey112, UseErrorLevel
  3023. Hotkey, %Hotkey113%,LabelHotkey113, UseErrorLevel
  3024. Hotkey, %Hotkey114%,LabelHotkey114, UseErrorLevel
  3025. Hotkey, %Hotkey115%,LabelHotkey115, UseErrorLevel
  3026. Hotkey, %Hotkey116%,LabelHotkey116, UseErrorLevel
  3027. Hotkey, %Hotkey117%,LabelHotkey117, UseErrorLevel
  3028. Hotkey, %Hotkey118%,LabelHotkey118, UseErrorLevel
  3029. Hotkey, %Hotkey119%,LabelHotkey119, UseErrorLevel
  3030. Hotkey, %Hotkey120%,LabelHotkey120, UseErrorLevel
  3031. Hotkey, %Hotkey121%,LabelHotkey121, UseErrorLevel
  3032. Hotkey, %Hotkey122%,LabelHotkey122, UseErrorLevel
  3033. Hotkey, %Hotkey123%,LabelHotkey123, UseErrorLevel
  3034. Hotkey, %Hotkey124%,LabelHotkey124, UseErrorLevel
  3035. Hotkey, %Hotkey125%,LabelHotkey125, UseErrorLevel
  3036. Hotkey, %Hotkey126%,LabelHotkey126, UseErrorLevel
  3039. CheckURL =
  3040. Hurensohn := UrlDownloadToVar(CheckURL)
  3042. Gui, Add, Picture, x-18 y-11 w1020 h699,Logo\Background.jpg
  3043. Gui, Add, Picture, x122 y-1 w170 h170 +BackGroundTrans, Logo\Logo.png
  3044. Gui, Font, S16, Arial
  3045. Gui, Add, Text, x142 y149 w240 h70 cblack +BackGroundTrans, Hitman Agency
  3046. Gui, Font, S10, ArialLoop, 126
  3047. {
  3048. IniRead, Hotkey%A_Index%, %A_Desktop%\Hitmankeybinder\Hotkeybelegung.Ini,Hotkeys, Hotkey%A_Index%
  3049. }
  3050. Hotkey, %Hotkey1%, LabelHotkey1, UseErrorLevel
  3051. Hotkey, %Hotkey2%, LabelHotkey2, UseErrorLevel
  3052. Hotkey, %Hotkey3%, LabelHotkey3, UseErrorLevel
  3053. Hotkey, %Hotkey4%, LabelHotkey4, UseErrorLevel
  3054. Hotkey, %Hotkey5%, LabelHotkey5, UseErrorLevel
  3055. Hotkey, %Hotkey6%, LabelHotkey6, UseErrorLevel
  3056. Hotkey, %Hotkey7%, LabelHotkey7, UseErrorLevel
  3057. Hotkey, %Hotkey8%, LabelHotkey8, UseErrorLevel
  3058. Hotkey, %Hotkey9%, LabelHotkey9, UseErrorLevel
  3059. Hotkey, %Hotkey10%,LabelHotkey10, UseErrorLevel
  3060. Hotkey, %Hotkey11%,LabelHotkey11, UseErrorLevel
  3061. Hotkey, %Hotkey12%,LabelHotkey12, UseErrorLevel
  3062. Hotkey, %Hotkey13%,LabelHotkey13, UseErrorLevel
  3063. Hotkey, %Hotkey14%,LabelHotkey14, UseErrorLevel
  3064. Hotkey, %Hotkey15%,LabelHotkey15, UseErrorLevel
  3065. Hotkey, %Hotkey16%,LabelHotkey16, UseErrorLevel
  3066. Hotkey, %Hotkey17%,LabelHotkey17, UseErrorLevel
  3067. Hotkey, %Hotkey18%,LabelHotkey18, UseErrorLevel
  3068. Hotkey, %Hotkey19%,LabelHotkey19, UseErrorLevel
  3069. Hotkey, %Hotkey20%,LabelHotkey20, UseErrorLevel
  3070. Hotkey, %Hotkey21%,LabelHotkey21, UseErrorLevel
  3071. Hotkey, %Hotkey22%,LabelHotkey22, UseErrorLevel
  3072. Hotkey, %Hotkey23%,LabelHotkey23, UseErrorLevel
  3073. Hotkey, %Hotkey24%,LabelHotkey24, UseErrorLevel
  3074. Hotkey, %Hotkey25%,LabelHotkey25, UseErrorLevel
  3075. Hotkey, %Hotkey26%,LabelHotkey26, UseErrorLevel
  3076. Hotkey, %Hotkey27%,LabelHotkey27, UseErrorLevel
  3077. Hotkey, %Hotkey28%,LabelHotkey28, UseErrorLevel
  3078. Hotkey, %Hotkey29%,LabelHotkey29, UseErrorLevel
  3079. Hotkey, %Hotkey30%,LabelHotkey30, UseErrorLevel
  3080. Hotkey, %Hotkey31%,LabelHotkey31, UseErrorLevel
  3081. Hotkey, %Hotkey32%,LabelHotkey32, UseErrorLevel
  3082. Hotkey, %Hotkey33%,LabelHotkey33, UseErrorLevel
  3083. Hotkey, %Hotkey34%,LabelHotkey34, UseErrorLevel
  3084. Hotkey, %Hotkey35%,LabelHotkey35, UseErrorLevel
  3085. Hotkey, %Hotkey36%,LabelHotkey36, UseErrorLevel
  3086. Hotkey, %Hotkey37%,LabelHotkey37, UseErrorLevel
  3087. Hotkey, %Hotkey38%,LabelHotkey38, UseErrorLevel
  3088. Hotkey, %Hotkey39%,LabelHotkey39, UseErrorLevel
  3089. Hotkey, %Hotkey40%,LabelHotkey40, UseErrorLevel
  3090. Hotkey, %Hotkey41%,LabelHotkey41, UseErrorLevel
  3091. Hotkey, %Hotkey42%,LabelHotkey42, UseErrorLevel
  3092. Hotkey, %Hotkey43%,LabelHotkey43, UseErrorLevel
  3093. Hotkey, %Hotkey44%,LabelHotkey44, UseErrorLevel
  3094. Hotkey, %Hotkey45%,LabelHotkey45, UseErrorLevel
  3095. Hotkey, %Hotkey46%,LabelHotkey46, UseErrorLevel
  3096. Hotkey, %Hotkey47%,LabelHotkey47, UseErrorLevel
  3097. Hotkey, %Hotkey48%,LabelHotkey48, UseErrorLevel
  3098. Hotkey, %Hotkey49%,LabelHotkey49, UseErrorLevel
  3099. Hotkey, %Hotkey50%,LabelHotkey50, UseErrorLevel
  3100. Hotkey, %Hotkey51%,LabelHotkey51, UseErrorLevel
  3101. Hotkey, %Hotkey52%,LabelHotkey52, UseErrorLevel
  3102. Hotkey, %Hotkey53%,LabelHotkey53, UseErrorLevel
  3103. Hotkey, %Hotkey54%,LabelHotkey54, UseErrorLevel
  3104. Hotkey, %Hotkey55%,LabelHotkey55, UseErrorLevel
  3105. Hotkey, %Hotkey56%,LabelHotkey56, UseErrorLevel
  3106. Hotkey, %Hotkey57%,LabelHotkey57, UseErrorLevel
  3107. Hotkey, %Hotkey58%,LabelHotkey58, UseErrorLevel
  3108. Hotkey, %Hotkey59%,LabelHotkey59, UseErrorLevel
  3109. Hotkey, %Hotkey60%,LabelHotkey60, UseErrorLevel
  3110. Hotkey, %Hotkey61%,LabelHotkey61, UseErrorLevel
  3111. Hotkey, %Hotkey62%,LabelHotkey62, UseErrorLevel
  3112. Hotkey, %Hotkey63%,LabelHotkey63, UseErrorLevel
  3113. Hotkey, %Hotkey64%,LabelHotkey64, UseErrorLevel
  3114. Hotkey, %Hotkey65%,LabelHotkey65, UseErrorLevel
  3115. Hotkey, %Hotkey66%,LabelHotkey66, UseErrorLevel
  3116. Hotkey, %Hotkey67%,LabelHotkey67, UseErrorLevel
  3117. Hotkey, %Hotkey68%,LabelHotkey68, UseErrorLevel
  3118. Hotkey, %Hotkey69%,LabelHotkey69, UseErrorLevel
  3119. Hotkey, %Hotkey70%,LabelHotkey70, UseErrorLevel
  3120. Hotkey, %Hotkey71%,LabelHotkey71, UseErrorLevel
  3121. Hotkey, %Hotkey72%,LabelHotkey72, UseErrorLevel
  3122. Hotkey, %Hotkey73%,LabelHotkey73, UseErrorLevel
  3123. Hotkey, %Hotkey74%,LabelHotkey74, UseErrorLevel
  3124. Hotkey, %Hotkey75%,LabelHotkey75, UseErrorLevel
  3125. Hotkey, %Hotkey76%,LabelHotkey76, UseErrorLevel
  3126. Hotkey, %Hotkey77%,LabelHotkey77, UseErrorLevel
  3127. Hotkey, %Hotkey78%,LabelHotkey78, UseErrorLevel
  3128. Hotkey, %Hotkey79%,LabelHotkey79, UseErrorLevel
  3129. Hotkey, %Hotkey80%,LabelHotkey80, UseErrorLevel
  3130. Hotkey, %Hotkey81%,LabelHotkey81, UseErrorLevel
  3131. Hotkey, %Hotkey82%,LabelHotkey82, UseErrorLevel
  3132. Hotkey, %Hotkey83%,LabelHotkey83, UseErrorLevel
  3133. Hotkey, %Hotkey84%,LabelHotkey84, UseErrorLevel
  3134. Hotkey, %Hotkey85%,LabelHotkey85, UseErrorLevel
  3135. Hotkey, %Hotkey86%,LabelHotkey86, UseErrorLevel
  3136. Hotkey, %Hotkey87%,LabelHotkey87, UseErrorLevel
  3137. Hotkey, %Hotkey88%,LabelHotkey88, UseErrorLevel
  3138. Hotkey, %Hotkey89%,LabelHotkey89, UseErrorLevel
  3139. Hotkey, %Hotkey90%,LabelHotkey90, UseErrorLevel
  3140. Hotkey, %Hotkey91%,LabelHotkey91, UseErrorLevel
  3141. Hotkey, %Hotkey92%,LabelHotkey92, UseErrorLevel
  3142. Hotkey, %Hotkey93%,LabelHotkey93, UseErrorLevel
  3143. Hotkey, %Hotkey94%,LabelHotkey94, UseErrorLevel
  3144. Hotkey, %Hotkey95%,LabelHotkey95, UseErrorLevel
  3145. Hotkey, %Hotkey96%,LabelHotkey96, UseErrorLevel
  3146. Hotkey, %Hotkey97%,LabelHotkey97, UseErrorLevel
  3147. Hotkey, %Hotkey98%,LabelHotkey98, UseErrorLevel
  3148. Hotkey, %Hotkey99%,LabelHotkey99, UseErrorLevel
  3149. Hotkey, %Hotkey100%,LabelHotkey100, UseErrorLevel
  3150. Hotkey, %Hotkey101%,LabelHotkey101, UseErrorLevel
  3151. Hotkey, %Hotkey102%,LabelHotkey102, UseErrorLevel
  3152. Hotkey, %Hotkey103%,LabelHotkey103, UseErrorLevel
  3153. Hotkey, %Hotkey104%,LabelHotkey104, UseErrorLevel
  3154. Hotkey, %Hotkey105%,LabelHotkey105, UseErrorLevel
  3155. Hotkey, %Hotkey106%,LabelHotkey106, UseErrorLevel
  3156. Hotkey, %Hotkey107%,LabelHotkey107, UseErrorLevel
  3157. Hotkey, %Hotkey108%,LabelHotkey108, UseErrorLevel
  3158. Hotkey, %Hotkey109%,LabelHotkey109, UseErrorLevel
  3159. Hotkey, %Hotkey110%,LabelHotkey110, UseErrorLevel
  3160. Hotkey, %Hotkey111%,LabelHotkey111, UseErrorLevel
  3161. Hotkey, %Hotkey112%,LabelHotkey112, UseErrorLevel
  3162. Hotkey, %Hotkey113%,LabelHotkey113, UseErrorLevel
  3163. Hotkey, %Hotkey114%,LabelHotkey114, UseErrorLevel
  3164. Hotkey, %Hotkey115%,LabelHotkey115, UseErrorLevel
  3165. Hotkey, %Hotkey116%,LabelHotkey116, UseErrorLevel
  3166. Hotkey, %Hotkey117%,LabelHotkey117, UseErrorLevel
  3167. Hotkey, %Hotkey118%,LabelHotkey118, UseErrorLevel
  3168. Hotkey, %Hotkey119%,LabelHotkey119, UseErrorLevel
  3169. Hotkey, %Hotkey120%,LabelHotkey120, UseErrorLevel
  3170. Hotkey, %Hotkey121%,LabelHotkey121, UseErrorLevel
  3171. Hotkey, %Hotkey122%,LabelHotkey122, UseErrorLevel
  3172. Hotkey, %Hotkey123%,LabelHotkey123, UseErrorLevel
  3173. Hotkey, %Hotkey124%,LabelHotkey124, UseErrorLevel
  3174. Hotkey, %Hotkey125%,LabelHotkey125, UseErrorLevel
  3175. Hotkey, %Hotkey126%,LabelHotkey126, UseErrorLevel
  3177. changelog =
  3178. (
  3179. %Hurensohn%
  3180. )
  3181. Gui, Add, Edit, x42 y229 w340 h230 +ReadOnly, %Changelog%
  3182. Gui, Add, Text, x42 y209 w160 h20 cblack +BackGroundTrans, Versionsverlauf:
  3183. Gui, Add, Button, x42 y469 w150 h50 gHotkeys, Key / Textbinds
  3184. Gui, Add, Button, x232 y469 w150 h50 gEinstellungen, Einstellungen
  3185. Gui, Add, Button, x42 y529 w150 h50 gAusruestprofil, Ausrüsten
  3186. Gui, Add, Button, x232 y529 w150 h50 gRadio, Radiopanel
  3187. Gui, Add, Button, x42 y589 w150 h50 gAdminpanel, Adminpanel
  3188. Gui, Add, Text, x7 y650 w250 h20 cblack +BackGroundTrans, Letzter Login: %LastLogin%
  3189. Gui, Show, w421 h672 center, Hitman-Keybinder
  3190. Gui, Add, Button, x232 y589 w150 h50 gCustomBindsGUI, Eigene Binds
  3191. return
  3193. Speicher2:
  3196. MsgBox, 64, , Gespeichert.
  3197. Gui, 3: Destroy
  3198. Reload
  3199. return
  3202. Schließen:
  3203. Gui, 3: Destroy
  3204. Reload
  3205. return
  3208. Hotkeys:
  3209. Gui,5: Add, Picture, x0 y0 w1095 h700, Logo\Background.jpg
  3210. Gui, 5: Add, Button, x45 y315 w110 h40 gSchließen, schließen
  3211. Gui,5: Add, Text, x22 y19 w400 h340 cblack +BackGroundTrans,
  3212. (
  3213. Keybinds
  3215. F1 - Ausrüsten
  3216. 1 - Motor - Licht - Lock (Einstellbar)
  3217. 2 - Mask auf / absetzen
  3218. Y - Lock
  3219. X - Drogen nutzen
  3220. ä - Eingabe wiederholen
  3221. M - Memberliste anschauen
  3222. F - Motor beim aussteigen abschalten (Einstellbar)
  3223. Numpad0 - Erstehilfe nehmen
  3224. Numpad5 - Random Lotto
  3225. Numpad6 - Babaspruch 1
  3226. Numpad, - Fische essen
  3227. LWindows - Contractliste begutachten
  3228. Alt - Babaspruch 2
  3229. Pause - Keybinder pausieren
  3230. ^ - Afind deaktivieren
  3231. )
  3232. Gui,5: Add, Text, x272 y19 w400 h340 cblack +BackGroundTrans,
  3233. (
  3234. Textbinds
  3236. /payday - Paydayoptionen aufrufen
  3237. /chat - Chatclear
  3238. /fish - Fischen / Fische verkaufen
  3239. /fische - HP der Fische einsehen
  3240. /Hp - HP der Fische (cooked) einsehen
  3241. /ksms - SMS mit Name
  3242. /kochen - Fische kochen
  3243. /afind (/af) - Afindsystem
  3244. /ashow (/as) - Ashowsystem
  3245. /on - Hitsound, Messages & /tog
  3246. /gksave - GK hinzufügen
  3247. /gk - GK anzeigen
  3248. /gkdelete - GK entfernen
  3249. /re - Antwort auf letzte SMS
  3250. /ap - Accept paket
  3251. /savestats - Statsspeicher
  3252. /cd - Countdown
  3253. /user - Userstatschecken
  3254. /min - Knastzeitrechner
  3255. /kaution - Anwalttool
  3256. /alotto - Random Lotto
  3257. /cops - Cop-Liste
  3258. /aall - Alles ausrüsten
  3259. /ac - Accept
  3260. )
  3261. Gui,5: Show, w479 h379 center, Hitman-Binder - Aktuelle Version %version% beta
  3262. return
  3265. CustomBindsGui:
  3266. Gui, 5: Submit
  3267. Gui, 5: Destroy
  3268. IniRead, xBind1, %Hotkeys%, Maus, xBind1, %A_Space%
  3269. IniRead, xBind2, %Hotkeys%, Maus, xBind2, %A_Space%
  3270. IniRead, wBind1, %Hotkeys%, Maus, wBind1, %A_Space%
  3271. IniRead, wBind2, %Hotkeys%, Maus, wBind2, %A_Space%
  3273. loop, %Binds%
  3274. {
  3275. IniRead, Key%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Hotkeys, Key%A_Index%, %A_Space%
  3276. IniRead, Bind%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Hotkeys, Bind%A_Index%, %A_Space%
  3278. IfNotEqual, Key%A_Index%,, Hotkey, % Key%A_Index%, Key%A_Index%
  3280. IniRead, SendenKey%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Senden, SendenKey%A_Index%, 0
  3281. }
  3282. 5:
  3283. Gui, 5: Add, Tab2, x5 y5 h375 w655 +Theme -Background -Wrap, Hotkeys|Maustasten
  3284. Gui, 5:Tab, Hotkeys
  3285. Gui, 5: Add, Button, x275 y388 w120 h50 gSpeicher2, Speichern
  3286. Gui, 5:Add, GroupBox, x325 y50 h200 w1
  3287. Gui, 5:Font, underline
  3288. Gui, 5:Add, Text, x10 y30 h20, Taste
  3289. Gui, 5:Add, Text, x140 y30 h20, Aktion
  3290. Gui, 5:Add, Text, x340 y30 h20, Taste
  3291. Gui, 5:Add, Text, x470 y30 h20, Aktion
  3292. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x245 y30 h20, Direkt Senden
  3293. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x580 y30 h20, Direkt Senden
  3294. Gui, 5: Font
  3296. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y50 w120 h20 vKey1 Checked%Key1%, %Key1%
  3297. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y50 w120 h20 vBind1, %Bind1%
  3298. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y75 w120 h20 vKey2 Checked%Key2%, %Key2%
  3299. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y75 w120 h20 vBind2, %Bind2%
  3300. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y100 w120 h20 vKey3 Checked%Key3%, %Key3%
  3301. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y100 w120 h20 vBind3, %Bind3%
  3302. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y125 w120 h20 vKey4 Checked%Key4%, %Key4%
  3303. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y125 w120 h20 vBind4, %Bind4%
  3304. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y150 w120 h20 vKey5 Checked%Key5%, %Key5%
  3305. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y150 w120 h20 vBind5, %Bind5%
  3306. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y175 w120 h20 vKey6 Checked%Ke6%, %Key6%
  3307. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y175 w120 h20 vBind6, %Bind6%
  3308. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y200 w120 h20 vKey7 Checked%Key7%, %Key7%
  3309. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y200 w120 h20 vBind7, %Bind7%
  3310. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y225 w120 h20 vKey8 Checked%Key8%, %Key8%
  3311. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y225 w120 h20 vBind8, %Bind8%
  3312. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y250 w120 h20 vKey9 Checked%Key9%, %Key9%
  3313. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y250 w120 h20 vBind9, %Bind9%
  3314. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y275 w120 h20 vKey10 Checked%Key10%, %Key10%
  3315. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y275 w120 h20 vBind10, %Bind10%
  3316. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y300 w120 h20 vKey11 Checked%Key11%, %Key11%
  3317. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y300 w120 h20 vBind11, %Bind111%
  3318. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y325 w120 h20 vKey12 Checked%Key12%, %Key12%
  3319. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y325 w120 h20 vBind12, %Bind12%
  3320. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x10 y350 w120 h20 vKey13 Checked%Key13%, %Key13%
  3321. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y350 w120 h20 vBind13, %Bind13%
  3323. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y50 w120 h20 vKey14 Checked%Key14%, %Key14%
  3324. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y50 w120 h20 vBind14, %Bind14%
  3325. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y75 w120 h20 vKey15 Checked%Key15%, %Key15%
  3326. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y75 w120 h20 vBind15, %Bind15%
  3327. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y100 w120 h20 vKey16 Checked%Key16%, %Key16%
  3328. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y100 w120 h20 vBind16, %Bind16%
  3329. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y125 w120 h20 vKey17 Checked%Key17%, %Key17%
  3330. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y125 w120 h20 vBind17, %Bind17%
  3331. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y150 w120 h20 vKey18 Checked%Key18%, %Key18%
  3332. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y150 w120 h20 vBind18, %Bind18%
  3333. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y175 w120 h20 vKey19 Checked%Key19%, %Key19%
  3334. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y175 w120 h20 vBind19, %Bind19%
  3335. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y200 w120 h20 vKey20 Checked%Key20%, %Key20%
  3336. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y200 w120 h20 vBind20, %Bind20%
  3337. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y225 w120 h20 vKey21 Checked%Key21%, %Key21%
  3338. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y225 w120 h20 vBind21, %Bind21%
  3339. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y250 w120 h20 vKey22 Checked%Key22%, %Key22%
  3340. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y250 w120 h20 vBind22, %Bind22%
  3341. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y275 w120 h20 vKey23 Checked%Key23%, %Key23%
  3342. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y275 w120 h20 vBind23, %Bind23%
  3343. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y300 w120 h20 vKey24 Checked%Key24%, %Key24%
  3344. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y300 w120 h20 vBind24, %Bind22%
  3345. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y325 w120 h20 vKey25 Checked%Key25%, %Key25%
  3346. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y325 w120 h20 vBind25, %Bind25%
  3347. Gui, 5: Add, Hotkey, x340 y350 w120 h20 vKey26 Checked%Key26%, %Key26%
  3348. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x470 y350 w120 h20 vBind26, %Bind26%
  3350. Gui, 5: Font, norm
  3351. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y52 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey1 Checked%SendenKey1%,
  3352. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y77 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey2 Checked%SendenKey2%,
  3353. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y102 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey3 Checked%SendenKey3%,
  3354. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y127 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey4 Checked%SendenKey4%,
  3355. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y152 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey5 Checked%SendenKey5%,
  3356. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y177 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey6 Checked%SendenKey6%,
  3357. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y202 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey7 Checked%SendenKey7%,
  3358. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y227 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey8 Checked%SendenKey8%,
  3359. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y252 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey9 Checked%SendenKey9%,
  3360. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y277 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey10 Checked%SendenKey10%,
  3361. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y302 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey11 Checked%SendenKey11%,
  3362. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y327 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey12 Checked%SendenKey12%,
  3363. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x270 y352 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey13 Checked%SendenKey13%,
  3365. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y52 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey14 Checked%SendenKey14%,
  3366. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y77 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey15 Checked%SendenKey15%,
  3367. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y102 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey16 Checked%SendenKey16%,
  3368. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y127 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey17 Checked%SendenKey17%,
  3369. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y152 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey18 Checked%SendenKey18%,
  3370. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y177 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey19 Checked%SendenKey19%,
  3371. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y202 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey20 Checked%SendenKey20%,
  3372. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y227 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey21 Checked%SendenKey21%,
  3373. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y252 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey22 Checked%SendenKey22%,
  3374. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y277 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey23 Checked%SendenKey23%,
  3375. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y302 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey24 Checked%SendenKey24%,
  3376. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y327 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey25 Checked%SendenKey25%,
  3377. Gui, 5: Add, CheckBox, x600 y352 +BackgroundTrans vSendenKey26 Checked%SendenKey26%,
  3379. Gui, 5: Tab, Maustasten
  3380. Gui, 5: Font, underline
  3381. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x10 y30 h20, Taste
  3382. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x140 y30 h20, Aktion
  3383. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x300 y30 h20, Taste
  3384. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x430 y30 h20, Aktion
  3385. Gui, 5: Font
  3386. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x10 y50, Maustaste 4
  3387. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y50 w130 h20 vxBind1, %xBind1%
  3388. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x300 y50, Maustaste 5
  3389. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x430 y50 w130 h20 vxBind2, %xBind2%
  3390. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x10 y75, Mausrad links kippen
  3391. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y75 w130 h20 vwBind1, %wBind1%
  3392. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x300 y75, Mausrad rechts kippen
  3393. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x430 y75 w130 h20 vwBind2, %wBind2%
  3394. Gui, 5: Add, Button, x42 y399 w120 h50 gHure, Speichern
  3395. Gui, 5: Show, w660 h444 center, Hitman-Binder - Aktuelle Version %version% beta
  3396. return
  3398. Hure:
  3399. loop, %Binds%
  3400. {
  3401. IniWrite, % Key%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Hotkeys, Key%A_Index%
  3402. IniWrite, % Bind%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Hotkeys, Bind%A_Index%
  3404. IniWrite, % SendenKey%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Senden, SendenKey%A_Index%
  3405. }
  3406. IniWrite, %xBind1%, %Hotkeys%, Maus, xBind1
  3407. IniWrite, %xBind2%, %Hotkeys%, Maus, xBind2
  3408. IniWrite, %wBind1%, %Hotkeys%, Maus, wBind1
  3409. IniWrite, %wBind2%, %Hotkeys%, Maus, wBind2
  3411. IniRead, xBind1, %Hotkeys%, Maus, xBind1, %A_Space%
  3412. IniRead, xBind2, %Hotkeys%, Maus, xBind2, %A_Space%
  3413. IniRead, wBind1, %Hotkeys%, Maus, wBind1, %A_Space%
  3414. IniRead, wBind2, %Hotkeys%, Maus, wBind2, %A_Space%
  3416. loop, %Binds%
  3417. {
  3418. IniRead, Key%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Hotkeys, Key%A_Index%, %A_Space%
  3419. IniRead, Bind%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Hotkeys, Bind%A_Index%, %A_Space%
  3421. IfNotEqual, Key%A_Index%,, Hotkey, % Key%A_Index%, Key%A_Index%
  3423. IniRead, SendenKey%A_Index%, %Hotkeys%, Senden, SendenKey%A_Index%, 0
  3424. }
  3425. MsgBox, 64, , Gespeichert.
  3426. Gui, 5: Destroy
  3427. Reload
  3428. return
  3431. IniRead, AutoMotorOff, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutoMotorOff
  3432. IniRead, AutoLicht, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutoLicht
  3433. IniRead, AutoLock, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, AutoLock
  3434. IniRead, Erstehilfeschutz, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, Erstehilfeschutz
  3435. IniRead, Babasprüche, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, Babasprüche
  3437. Einstellungen:
  3438. Gui, 2: Add, CheckBox, x22 y19 w90 h40 vAutoLicht Checked%AutoLicht%
  3439. Gui, 2: Add, CheckBox, x22 y79 w90 h40 vAutoLock Checked%AutoLock%
  3440. Gui, 2: Add, CheckBox, x22 y139 w90 h40 vAutoMotorOff Checked%AutoMotorOff%
  3441. Gui, 2: Add, CheckBox, x22 y199 w90 h40 vErstehilfeschutz Checked%Erstehilfeschutz%
  3442. Gui, 2: Add, CheckBox, x22 y259 w90 h40 vBabasprüche checked%Babasprüche%
  3443. Gui, 2: Add, Text, x182 y19 w160 h40 , Schalten Automatisch das Licht ein`, wenn der Motor gestartet wird.
  3444. Gui, 2: Add, Text, x182 y79 w160 h40 , Schließt Automatisch Das Fahrzeug ab.
  3445. Gui, 2: Add, Text, x182 y139 w160 h40 , Beim Aus/absteigen schaltet sich der Motor ab.
  3446. Gui, 2: Add, Text, x182 y199 w160 h40 , Erlaubt erst dann`, dass Erstehilfe Paket zu nehmen wenn man unter 83 Hp hat.
  3447. Gui, 2: Add, Text, x182 y259 w160 h40 , Trollsprüche by Tyson_Parker
  3448. Gui, 2: Add, Button, x132 y319 w110 h40 gSpeichern_1, Speichern
  3449. Gui, 2: Show, w359 h386, Einstellungen
  3451. return
  3456. Speichern_1:
  3457. GuiControlGet, AutoMotorOff
  3458. GuiControlGet, AutoLicht
  3459. GuiControlGet, AutoLock
  3460. GuiControlGet, Erstehilfeschutz
  3461. GuiControlGet, Babasprüche
  3464. IniWrite, %AutoMotorOff%, Einstellungen.ini, Daten, AutoMotorOff
  3465. IniWrite, %AutoLicht%, Einstellungen.ini, Daten, AutoLicht
  3466. IniWrite, %AutoLock%, Einstellungen.ini, Daten, AutoLock
  3467. IniWrite, %Erstehilfeschutz%, Einstellungen.ini, Daten, Erstehilfeschutz
  3468. IniWrite, %Babasprüche%, Einstellungen.ini, Daten, Babasprüche
  3470. MsgBox, 64, , Gespeichert.
  3471. Gui, 2: Destroy
  3473. return
  3475. return
  3477. AusrüstprofilSpeichern:
  3478. GuiControlGet, Profil1_1
  3479. GuiControlGet, Profil1_2
  3480. GuiControlGet, Profil1_3
  3481. GuiControlGet, Profil1_4
  3482. GuiControlGet, Profil1_5
  3483. GuiControlGet, Profil1_6
  3484. GuiControlGet, Profil1_7
  3486. IniWrite, %Profil1_1%, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_1
  3487. IniWrite, %Profil1_2%, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_2
  3488. IniWrite, %Profil1_3%, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_3
  3489. IniWrite, %Profil1_4%, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_4
  3490. IniWrite, %Profil1_5%, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_5
  3491. IniWrite, %Profil1_6%, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_6
  3492. IniWrite, %Profil1_7%, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_7
  3495. IniRead, Profil1_1, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_1
  3496. IniRead, Profil1_2, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_2
  3497. IniRead, Profil1_3, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_3
  3498. IniRead, Profil1_4, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_4
  3499. IniRead, Profil1_5, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_5
  3500. IniRead, Profil1_6, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_6
  3501. IniRead, Profil1_7, Ausrüstprofil.ini, Waffen, Profil1_7
  3503. MsgBox, 64, , Ausruesten Gespeichert.
  3504. Gui, 3: Destroy
  3505. Reload
  3506. return
  3510. Ausruestprofil:
  3511. Gui, 3: Add, Picture, x0 y0 w1095 h700, Logo\Background.jpg
  3512. Gui, 3: Add, Text, x22 y29 w810 h70 +BackGroundTrans, Hier kannst du ein individuelles Ausrüste Profil erstellen. Ingame kannst du dich mit F1 Ausrüsten.
  3513. Gui, 3: Add, GroupBox, x12 y9 w830 h58 +BackGroundTrans, Info
  3514. Gui, 3: Add, GroupBox, x12 y108 w830 h58 +BackGroundTrans, Slots
  3515. Gui, 3: Add, Text, x22 y129 w110 h20 +BackGroundTrans, Ausrüsten Profil (F1):
  3516. Gui, 3: Add, DropDownList, x142 y127 w90 h110 vProfil1_1, ||Messer|Deagle|Shotgun|MP5|M4|Sniper
  3517. Gui, 3: Add, DropDownList, x242 y127 w90 h110 vProfil1_2, ||Messer|Deagle|Shotgun|MP5|M4|Sniper
  3518. Gui, 3: Add, DropDownList, x342 y127 w90 h110 vProfil1_3, ||Messer|Deagle|Shotgun|MP5|M4|Sniper
  3519. Gui, 3: Add, DropDownList, x442 y127 w90 h110 vProfil1_4, ||Messer|Deagle|Shotgun|MP5|M4|Sniper
  3520. Gui, 3: Add, DropDownList, x542 y127 w90 h110 vProfil1_5, ||Messer|Deagle|Shotgun|MP5|M4|Sniper
  3521. Gui, 3: Add, DropDownList, x642 y127 w90 h110 vProfil1_6, ||Messer|Deagle|Shotgun|MP5|M4|Sniper
  3522. Gui, 3: Add, DropDownList, x742 y127 w90 h110 vProfil1_7, ||Messer|Deagle|Shotgun|MP5|M4|Sniper
  3523. GuiControl, 3: Choose, Profil1_1, %Profil1_1%
  3524. GuiControl, 3: Choose, Profil1_2, %Profil1_2%
  3525. GuiControl, 3: Choose, Profil1_3, %Profil1_3%
  3526. GuiControl, 3: Choose, Profil1_4, %Profil1_4%
  3527. GuiControl, 3: Choose, Profil1_5, %Profil1_5%
  3528. GuiControl, 3: Choose, Profil1_6, %Profil1_6%
  3529. GuiControl, 3: Choose, Profil1_7, %Profil1_7%
  3530. Gui, 3: Add, Button, x358 y200 w150 h40 gAusrüstprofilSpeichern, Speichern
  3531. Gui, 3: Show, w867 h300, Ausrüsten
  3532. return
  3536. Changelog:
  3537. return
  3539. RpgConnect:
  3540. return
  3542. AdminPanel:
  3543. Gui, 5: Add, Text, x10 y50 w120 h20, Passwort:
  3544. Gui, 5: Add, Edit, x140 y50 w120 h20 vPassJanesHurensohn,
  3545. Gui, 5: Show, h150 w270, Adminpanel - Login
  3546. Gui, 5: Add, Button, x67 y99 w120 h30 gIchBinEinHurensohnJanes, Speichern
  3547. return
  3549. IchBinEinHurensohnJanes:
  3550. GuiControlGet, PassJanesHurensohn
  3551. if(PassJanesHurensohn == "HQGD;h13dH")
  3552. {
  3554. }
  3555. else
  3556. {
  3557. MsgBox, 18, FEHLER, Das Passwort ist nicht korrekt.
  3558. Gui, 5: Destroy
  3559. }
  3560. return
  3562. Radio:
  3563. Gui, 5: Add, Picture, x412 y329 w60 h50 , Logo\Logo.png
  3564. Gui,5: Add, Text, x202 y9 w150 h90 , Radio-Gui
  3565. Gui,5: Add, Button, x22 y99 w160 h30 , RPG-Radio
  3566. Gui,5: Add, Button, x292 y99 w160 h30 , Sunset: Main
  3567. Gui,5: Add, Button, x22 y139 w160 h30 , Sunset: Charts
  3568. Gui,5: Add, Button, x292 y139 w160 h30 , Sunset: Rock
  3569. Gui,5: Add, Button, x162 y189 w160 h30 , I-Love Radio
  3570. Gui,5: Add, Button, x22 y319 w50 h40 , Radio aus
  3571. Gui,5: Add, Button, x122 y329 w30 h30 , +
  3572. Gui,5: Add, Button, x192 y329 w30 h30 , -
  3573. Gui,5: Add, Text, x162 y329 w30 h20 , Leiser:
  3574. Gui,5: Add, Text, x82 y329 w40 h30 , Lauter:
  3575. Gui,5: Show, w479 h379, Radio
  3576. return
  3578. RadioAus:
  3579. Radio := 0
  3580. GuiControl,,RadioSender, Radio Sender: Keiner
  3581. Process, Close, wmplayer.exe
  3582. return
  3584. RadioPlus:
  3585. DetectHiddenWindows,On
  3586. ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{up}, iTunes ahk_class iTunes
  3587. PostMessage, 0x111, 32815, 0,, ahk_class WMPlayerApp
  3588. return
  3590. RadioMinus:
  3591. DetectHiddenWindows,On
  3592. ControlSend, ahk_parent, ^{down}, iTunes ahk_class iTunes
  3593. PostMessage, 0x111, 32816, 0,, ahk_class WMPlayerApp
  3594. return
  3597. RPG-Radio:
  3598. Run %A_programfiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe;stream,, Hide
  3599. GuiControl,,RadioSender, Radio Sender: Gta Radio Main
  3600. Radio := 1
  3601. return
  3604. Main:
  3605. Run %A_programfiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe;stream,, Hide
  3606. GuiControl,,RadioSender, Radio Sender: Gta Radio Rock
  3607. Radio := 1
  3608. return
  3610. Charts:
  3611. Run %A_programfiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe;stream,, Hide
  3612. GuiControl,,RadioSender, Radio Sender: Gta Radio Harder
  3613. Radio := 1
  3614. return
  3616. Rock:
  3617. Run %A_programfiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe;stream,, Hide
  3618. GuiControl,,RadioSender, Radio Sender: Gta Radio Trance
  3619. Radio := 1
  3620. return
  3622. Ilove:
  3623. Run %A_programfiles%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe,, Hide
  3624. GuiControl,,RadioSender, Radio Sender: I LOVE RADIO
  3625. Radio := 1
  3626. return
  3630. ChatLogTimer:
  3631. Return
  3633. ~Space::
  3634. GetPlayerName(Name)
  3635. If (Laufscript == 1)
  3636. {
  3637. If(Name == "Piedro_Miller" || Name == "Tyson_Parker")
  3638. {
  3639. if(isChatOpen() || isDialogOpen() || IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() )
  3640. {
  3641. return
  3642. }
  3643. Loop,
  3644. {
  3645. If !GetKeyState("space", "p")
  3646. break
  3647. SendInput {Space down}
  3648. sleep, 1
  3649. SendInput {Space up}
  3650. sleep, 1
  3651. SendInput {Space down}
  3652. sleep, 1
  3653. SendInput {Space up}
  3654. sleep, 1
  3655. }
  3656. }
  3657. }
  3658. return
  3660. :?:/lauf::
  3661. If (Laufscript == 0)
  3662. {
  3663. Laufscript = 1
  3664. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Laufscript wurde {00FF00}angeschaltet.")
  3665. }
  3666. else
  3667. {
  3668. Laufscript = 0
  3669. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Laufscript wurde {FF0000}deaktiviert.")
  3670. }
  3671. return
  3673. :?:/cops::
  3674. Suspend Permit
  3675. url =
  3676. success := UrlDownloadToVar(url)
  3677. AddChatMessage(0x04B45F, " {FFFFFF}Cops Online:")
  3678. Loop, Parse, success, '
  3679. {
  3680. ts2 := ""
  3681. RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "(.*)~(.*)", var)
  3682. id := GetPlayerIDByName(var1)
  3683. if(id != "-1" && id != "65535")
  3684. {
  3685. AddChatMessage(FFFFFF, "{0088FF} " var1 " {FFFFFF} [" id "] ")
  3686. }
  3688. ts2 .= "`n" success
  3689. }
  3690. return
  3692. ~F1::
  3693. SendChat("/ausruesten " . Profil1_1 . " " . Profil1_2 . " " . Profil1_3 . " " . Profil1_4 . " " . Profil1_5 . " " . Profil1_6 . " " . Profil1_7 . "")
  3694. return
  3696. :?:/test::
  3697. Suspend, Permit
  3698. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00, "<< Hitman " Name " hat den Auftrag ausgeführt und Sgt.noName für 6031$ getötet. >>")
  3699. AddchatMessage(0xFF0000, "Du hast ein Verbrechen begangen ( Mord ). Zeuge: Niemand.")
  3700. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00, "Dein Wanted Level: 121")
  3701. return
  3703. :?:/paydaytest::
  3704. Suspend, Permit
  3705. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00, "|================| Gehalts-Check |================|")
  3706. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "Lohn: 700$ Miete: -100$ Lohnsteuer: -154$")
  3707. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "KFZ Steuer: -300$")
  3708. AddChatMessage(0x00FF33, "Steuerklasse: 4 (22 Prozent)")
  3709. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00, "|=================||============||=================|")
  3710. return
  3712. ~1::
  3713. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  3714. {
  3715. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  3716. return
  3717. }
  3719. if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() == "0")
  3720. {
  3721. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Du bist in keinem Fahrzeug")
  3722. }
  3723. else
  3724. {
  3725. If(IsPlayerDriver() == 0)
  3726. {
  3727. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Du bist nicht der Fahrer eines Fahrzeuges.")
  3728. }
  3729. else
  3730. {
  3731. SendChat("/motor")
  3732. Sleep, 10
  3734. if(IsVehicleLocked() == 0)
  3735. {
  3736. SendChat("/lock")
  3737. }
  3738. }
  3739. }
  3740. return
  3743. :?:/payday::
  3744. Suspend, Permit
  3745. IniRead, PayDayCounter, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayCounter
  3746. IniRead, Gehalt, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Gehalt
  3747. IniRead, Abgaben, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Abgaben
  3748. IniRead, PayDayZeit, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayZeit
  3749. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Information über den Letzten Payday von {FF8000}" PayDayZeit "{FFFFFF} Uhr:")
  3750. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "Dein letzter Gehalt belief sich auf {00FF00}" Gehalt "{FFFFFF}$.")
  3751. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "Deine Abgaben beim letzten mal beleifen sich auf {FF0000}" Abgaben "{FFFFFF}$.")
  3752. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "Gesamte Payday's: {FF8000}" PayDayCounter "{FFFFFF}.")
  3753. return
  3756. ~y::
  3757. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  3758. {
  3759. return
  3760. }
  3761. if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() == "0")
  3762. {
  3763. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFF, "")
  3765. }
  3766. else
  3767. {
  3768. SendChat("/lock")
  3769. }
  3770. return
  3774. ~x::
  3775. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  3776. {
  3777. return
  3778. }
  3779. SendChat("/usedrugs")
  3780. SetTimer, Drogen, On, 10000
  3781. return
  3783. Drogen:
  3784. Sleep 10000
  3785. AddchatMessage(0xFF0000,"Hitman-binder: {FFFFFF}Du kannst nun wieder Drogen Konsumieren.")
  3786. SetTimer, Drogen, Off
  3787. return
  3790. Numpad0::
  3791. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  3792. {
  3793. return
  3794. }
  3795. PlayerLive := GetPlayerHealth()
  3796. If(ErsteHilfeSchutz == 1)
  3797. {
  3798. If (PlayerLive > "84")
  3799. {
  3800. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Zugriff verweigert: Sie haben mehr als 84 HP. ( {FFFF00}" PlayerLive " {FFFFFF})")
  3801. }
  3802. }
  3803. else
  3804. {
  3805. SendChat("/erstehilfe")
  3806. }
  3807. SetTimer, Paket, On, 60000
  3808. return
  3810. :?:/chat::
  3811. Suspend Permit
  3812. Loop, 150
  3813. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, " ")
  3814. return
  3816. ~m::
  3817. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  3818. {
  3819. return
  3820. }
  3821. SendChat("/members")
  3822. sleep 100
  3823. Member := 0
  3824. Loop, 100
  3825. {
  3826. GetChatLine(Member, Chat)
  3827. If(InStr(Chat, "Rang") || InStr(Chat, "Leader"))
  3828. Member++
  3829. else
  3830. {
  3831. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}(0xFF8000, Keybinder {FFFFFF} Es sind {FE9A2E}" Member "{FF8000} Fraktionsmitglieder online.")
  3832. return
  3833. }
  3834. }
  3835. return
  3838. ~2::
  3839. if(IsDialogOpen() == "1" || IsChatOpen() == "1")
  3840. {
  3841. return
  3842. }
  3844. SendChat("/mask")
  3845. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Du hast die Maske aufgesetzt!")
  3846. SetTimer, MaskTime, 60000
  3847. return
  3849. MaskTime:
  3850. KeyWait, 2, D T1
  3851. If !ErrorLevel
  3852. {
  3853. SetTimer, MaskTime, Off
  3854. SendChat("/mask")
  3855. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske wurde abgesetzt.")
  3856. }
  3857. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske hält noch {FFBF00}1{FFFFFF} Minute!")
  3858. SetTimer, MaskTime_2, 30000
  3859. SetTimer, MaskTime, Off
  3860. return
  3861. MaskTime_2:
  3862. KeyWait, 2, D T1
  3863. If !ErrorLevel
  3864. {
  3865. SetTimer, MaskTime_2, Off
  3866. SendChat("/mask")
  3867. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske wurde abgesetzt.")
  3868. }
  3869. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske hält noch {FFBF00}30{FFFFFF} Sekunden!")
  3870. SetTimer, MaskTime_3, 15000
  3871. SetTimer, MaskTime_2, Off
  3872. return
  3873. MaskTime_3:
  3874. KeyWait, 2, D T1
  3875. If !ErrorLevel
  3876. {
  3877. SetTimer, MaskTime_3, Off
  3878. SendChat("/mask")
  3879. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske wurde abgesetzt.")
  3880. }
  3881. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske hält noch {FFBF00}15{FFFFFF} Sekunden!")
  3882. SetTimer, MaskTime_4, 5000
  3883. SetTimer, MaskTime_3, Off
  3884. return
  3885. MaskTime_4:
  3886. KeyWait, 2, D T1
  3887. If !ErrorLevel
  3888. {
  3889. SetTimer, MaskTime_4, Off
  3890. SendChat("/mask")
  3891. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske wurde abgesetzt.")
  3892. }
  3893. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske hält noch {FFBF00}10{FFFFFF} Sekunden!")
  3894. SetTimer, MaskTime_5, 5000
  3895. SetTimer, MaskTime_4, Off
  3896. return
  3897. MaskTime_5:
  3898. KeyWait, 2, D T1
  3899. If !ErrorLevel
  3900. {
  3901. SetTimer, MaskTime_5, Off
  3902. SendChat("/mask")
  3903. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske wurde abgesetzt.")
  3904. }
  3905. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Die Maske hält noch {FFBF00}5{FFFFFF} Sekunden!")
  3906. SetTimer, MaskTime_5, Off
  3907. return
  3912. Mask:
  3913. IfWinNotActive, GTA:SA:MP
  3914. return
  3915. GetChatLine(0, Line)
  3916. If(InStr(Line, "Deine Identität ist nun verborgen."))
  3917. {
  3918. Sleep 300000
  3919. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {F0F0F0}Du kannst nun deine Maske wieder Aufsetzen.")
  3920. SetTimer, Mask, Off
  3921. }
  3922. return
  3924. Numpad4::
  3926. If (IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  3927. {
  3928. return
  3929. }
  3930. SendChat("/dance 3")
  3931. Sleep 500
  3932. Send, {enter}
  3933. return
  3935. ~ä::
  3936. If (IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  3937. {
  3938. return
  3939. }
  3940. SendInput t{up}{enter}
  3941. return
  3943. LWin::
  3944. SendChat("/contracts")
  3945. return
  3947. :?:/fish::
  3948. Suspend Permit
  3949. If (IsPlayerinAnyInterior() == "1")
  3950. {
  3951. If (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(6.0265,-30.8849,1003.5494, 20))
  3952. {
  3953. Geld_Vorher := GetPlayerMoney()
  3954. Sleep, 700
  3955. SendChat("/sell fish 1")
  3956. Sleep, 750
  3957. SendChat("/sell fish 2")
  3958. Sleep, 750
  3959. SendChat("/sell fish 3")
  3960. Sleep, 750
  3961. SendChat("/sell fish 4")
  3962. Sleep, 750
  3963. SendChat("/sell fish 5")
  3964. Geld_Nachher := GetPlayerMoney()
  3965. Sleep, 500
  3966. GesamtGeld := Geld_Nachher - Geld_Vorher
  3967. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Du hast " GesamtGeld "{FFFFFF}$ erworben.")
  3968. FischGeldGesamt +=%GesamtGeld%
  3969. IniWrite, %GesamtGeld%, Statistik.Ini, Account, FischGeldGesamt
  3970. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Du hast " FischGeldGesamt "{FFFFFF}$ generell durch Fische erworben.")
  3972. }
  3973. else
  3974. {
  3975. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| {DF0101}FEHLER:{FFFFFF} Du bist in keinem 24/7 Store.")
  3976. return
  3977. }
  3978. }
  3979. else If (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(383.9977,-2074.5410,7.8359, 50) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1606.1545,606.1283,7.7802, 50) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(-2078.6174,1429.3090,7.1016, 50))
  3980. {
  3981. Loop
  3982. {
  3983. Sleep, 600
  3984. SendChat("/fish")
  3985. Sleep, 200
  3986. GetChatLine(0, Chat)
  3987. If (InStr(Chat, "Du bist an keinem Angelplatz (Big Wheel Rods) oder an einem Fischerboot!") || InStr(Chat, "Du kannst nur 5 Fische bei dir tragen.") || InStr(Chat, "Du kannst momentan nicht Angeln. Bitte warte einige Minuten."))
  3988. {
  3989. If (InStr(chat, "Du kannst momentan nicht Angeln. Bitte warte einige Minuten."))
  3990. {
  3991. SetTimer, Fischen, On, 1200000
  3992. return
  3993. }
  3994. Loop 25
  3995. {
  3996. fischges += fisch%A_Index%
  3997. }
  3998. If (fischges > 0)
  3999. {
  4000. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Du erhälst: }" fischges "{FFFFFF}$ .")
  4001. fischLBS := fischLBSGesamt / 3
  4002. fischLBS := Round(fischLBS, 0)
  4003. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Du bekommst: " fischLBS "{FFFFFF} HP.")
  4004. Loop 25
  4005. {
  4006. fisch%A_Index% := 0
  4007. }
  4008. fischges := 0
  4009. fischLBS := 0
  4010. fischLBSGesamt := 0
  4011. }
  4012. break
  4013. }
  4014. If (InStr(chat, "Du hast ein/e ") AND RegExMatch(chat, "Du hast ein/e (.*) mit (.*) LBS gefangen.", chat))
  4015. {
  4016. If (chat1 == "Bernfisch")
  4017. {
  4018. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4019. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 1
  4020. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4021. }
  4022. else If (chat1 == "Blauer Fächerfisch")
  4023. {
  4024. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4025. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 2
  4026. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4027. }
  4028. else If (chat1 == "Zackenbarsch")
  4029. {
  4030. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4031. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 3
  4032. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4033. }
  4034. else If (chat1 == "Schwertfisch")
  4035. {
  4036. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4037. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 3
  4038. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4039. }
  4040. else If (chat1 == "Roter Schnapper")
  4041. {
  4042. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4043. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 3
  4044. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4045. }
  4046. else If (chat1 == "Katzenfisch")
  4047. {
  4048. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4049. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 4
  4050. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4051. }
  4052. else If (chat1 == "Forelle")
  4053. {
  4054. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4055. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 5
  4056. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4057. }
  4058. else If (chat1 == "Segelfisch")
  4059. {
  4060. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4061. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 7
  4062. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4063. }
  4064. else If (chat1 == "Hai")
  4065. {
  4066. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4067. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 7
  4068. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4069. }
  4070. else If (chat1 == "Delphin")
  4071. {
  4072. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4073. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 7
  4074. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4075. }
  4076. else If (chat1 == "Makrele")
  4077. {
  4078. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4079. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 8
  4080. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4081. }
  4082. else If (chat1 == "Hecht")
  4083. {
  4084. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4085. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 9
  4086. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4087. }
  4088. else If (chat1 == "Aal")
  4089. {
  4090. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4091. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 9
  4092. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4093. }
  4094. else If (chat1 == "Schildkröte")
  4095. {
  4096. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4097. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 10
  4098. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4099. }
  4100. else If (chat1 == "Thunfisch")
  4101. {
  4102. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4103. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 12
  4104. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4105. }
  4106. else If (chat1 == "Wolfbarsch")
  4107. {
  4108. fischLBSGesamt += chat2
  4109. fisch%A_Index% := chat2 * 12
  4110. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}| Fisch: " chat1 " - " fisch%A_Index% "{FFFFFF}$")
  4111. }
  4112. continue
  4113. }
  4115. }
  4117. }
  4118. return
  4120. :?:/fische::
  4121. Suspend, Permit
  4122. SendChat("/fishes")
  4123. Sleep 250
  4124. GetChatLine(5, fische1)
  4125. GetChatLine(4, fische2)
  4126. GetChatLine(3, fische3)
  4127. GetChatLine(2, fische4)
  4128. GetChatLine(1, fische5)
  4129. RegExMatch(fische1, "\*\* \(1\) Fisch: (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fische1_)
  4130. RegExMatch(fische2, "\*\* \(2\) Fisch: (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fische2_)
  4131. RegExMatch(fische3, "\*\* \(3\) Fisch: (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fische3_)
  4132. RegExMatch(fische4, "\*\* \(4\) Fisch: (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fische4_)
  4133. RegExMatch(fische5, "\*\* \(5\) Fisch: (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fische5_)
  4134. if(fische1_1 == "Makrele")
  4135. {
  4136. Multiplier1 := 8
  4137. }
  4138. else if(fische1_1 == "Zackenbarsch")
  4139. {
  4140. Multiplier1 := 3
  4141. }
  4142. else if(fische1_1 == "Bernfisch")
  4143. {
  4144. Multiplier1 := 1
  4145. }
  4146. else if(fische1_1 == "Schwertfisch")
  4147. {
  4148. Multiplier1 := 3
  4149. }
  4150. else if(fische1_1 == "Roter Schnapper")
  4151. {
  4152. Multiplier1 := 3
  4153. }
  4154. else if(fische1_1 == "Blauer Fächerfisch")
  4155. {
  4156. Multiplier1 := 2
  4157. }
  4158. else if(fische1_1 == "Thunfisch")
  4159. {
  4160. Multiplier1 := 12
  4161. }
  4162. else if(fische1_1 == "Wolfbarsch")
  4163. {
  4164. Multiplier1 := 12
  4165. }
  4166. else if(fische1_1 == "Segelfisch")
  4167. {
  4168. Multiplier1 := 7
  4169. }
  4170. else if(fische1_1 == "Hai")
  4171. {
  4172. Multiplier1 := 7
  4173. }
  4174. else if(fische1_1 == "Delphin")
  4175. {
  4176. Multiplier1 := 7
  4177. }
  4178. else if(fische1_1 == "Katzenfisch")
  4179. {
  4180. Multiplier1 := 4
  4181. }
  4182. else if(fische1_1 == "Hecht")
  4183. {
  4184. Multiplier1 := 9
  4185. }
  4186. else if(fische1_1 == "Aal")
  4187. {
  4188. Multiplier1 := 9
  4189. }
  4190. else if(fische1_1 == "Schildkröte")
  4191. {
  4192. Multiplier1 := 10
  4193. }
  4194. else if(fische1_1 == "Forelle")
  4195. {
  4196. Multiplier1 := 5
  4197. }
  4198. else if(fische1_1 == "Nichts")
  4199. {
  4200. Multiplier1 := 0
  4201. }
  4202. if(fische2_1 == "Makrele")
  4203. {
  4204. Multiplier2 := 8
  4205. }
  4206. else if(fische2_1 == "Bernfisch")
  4207. {
  4208. Multiplier2 := 1
  4209. }
  4210. else if(fische2_1 == "Zackenbarsch")
  4211. {
  4212. Multiplier2 := 3
  4213. }
  4214. else if(fische2_1 == "Schwertfisch")
  4215. {
  4216. Multiplier2 := 3
  4217. }
  4218. else if(fische2_1 == "Roter Schnapper")
  4219. {
  4220. Multiplier2 := 3
  4221. }
  4222. else if(fische2_1 == "Blauer Fächerfisch")
  4223. {
  4224. Multiplier2 := 2
  4225. }
  4226. else if(fische2_1 == "Thunfisch")
  4227. {
  4228. Multiplier2 := 12
  4229. }
  4230. else if(fische2_1 == "Wolfbarsch")
  4231. {
  4232. Multiplier2 := 12
  4233. }
  4234. else if(fische2_1 == "Segelfisch")
  4235. {
  4236. Multiplier2 := 7
  4237. }
  4238. else if(fische2_1 == "Hai")
  4239. {
  4240. Multiplier2 := 7
  4241. }
  4242. else if(fische2_1 == "Delphin")
  4243. {
  4244. Multiplier2 := 7
  4245. }
  4246. else if(fische2_1 == "Katzenfisch")
  4247. {
  4248. Multiplier2 := 4
  4249. }
  4250. else if(fische2_1 == "Hecht")
  4251. {
  4252. Multiplier2 := 9
  4253. }
  4254. else if(fische2_1 == "Aal")
  4255. {
  4256. Multiplier2 := 9
  4257. }
  4258. else if(fische2_1 == "Schildkröte")
  4259. {
  4260. Multiplier2 := 10
  4261. }
  4262. else if(fische2_1 == "Forelle")
  4263. {
  4264. Multiplier2 := 5
  4265. }
  4266. else if(fische2_1 == "Nichts")
  4267. {
  4268. Multiplier2 := 0
  4269. }
  4270. if(fische3_1 == "Makrele")
  4271. {
  4272. Multiplier3 := 8
  4273. }
  4274. else if(fische3_1 == "Zackenbarsch")
  4275. {
  4276. Multiplier3 := 3
  4277. }
  4278. else if(fische3_1 == "Bernfisch")
  4279. {
  4280. Multiplier3 := 1
  4281. }
  4282. else if(fische3_1 == "Schwertfisch")
  4283. {
  4284. Multiplier3 := 3
  4285. }
  4286. else if(fische3_1 == "Roter Schnapper")
  4287. {
  4288. Multiplier3 := 3
  4289. }
  4290. else if(fische3_1 == "Blauer Fächerfisch")
  4291. {
  4292. Multiplier3 := 2
  4293. }
  4294. else if(fische3_1 == "Thunfisch")
  4295. {
  4296. Multiplier3 := 12
  4297. }
  4298. else if(fische3_1 == "Wolfbarsch")
  4299. {
  4300. Multiplier3 := 12
  4301. }
  4302. else if(fische3_1 == "Segelfisch")
  4303. {
  4304. Multiplier3 := 7
  4305. }
  4306. else if(fische3_1 == "Hai")
  4307. {
  4308. Multiplier3 := 7
  4309. }
  4310. else if(fische3_1 == "Delphin")
  4311. {
  4312. Multiplier3 := 7
  4313. }
  4314. else if(fische3_1 == "Katzenfisch")
  4315. {
  4316. Multiplier3 := 4
  4317. }
  4318. else if(fische3_1 == "Hecht")
  4319. {
  4320. Multiplier3 := 9
  4321. }
  4322. else if(fische3_1 == "Aal")
  4323. {
  4324. Multiplier3 := 9
  4325. }
  4326. else if(fische3_1 == "Schildkröte")
  4327. {
  4328. Multiplier3 := 10
  4329. }
  4330. else if(fische3_1 == "Forelle")
  4331. {
  4332. Multiplier3 := 5
  4333. }
  4334. else if(fische3_1 == "Nichts")
  4335. {
  4336. Multiplier3 := 0
  4337. }
  4338. if(fische4_1 == "Makrele")
  4339. {
  4340. Multiplier4 := 8
  4341. }
  4342. else if(fische4_1 == "Zackenbarsch")
  4343. {
  4344. Multiplier4 := 3
  4345. }
  4346. else if(fische4_1 == "Schwertfisch")
  4347. {
  4348. Multiplier4 := 3
  4349. }
  4350. else if(fische4_1 == "Roter Schnapper")
  4351. {
  4352. Multiplier4 := 3
  4353. }
  4354. else if(fische4_1 == "Bernfisch")
  4355. {
  4356. Multiplier4 := 1
  4357. }
  4358. else if(fische4_1 == "Blauer Fächerfisch")
  4359. {
  4360. Multiplier4 := 2
  4361. }
  4362. else if(fische4_1 == "Thunfisch")
  4363. {
  4364. Multiplier4 := 12
  4365. }
  4366. else if(fische4_1 == "Wolfbarsch")
  4367. {
  4368. Multiplier4 := 12
  4369. }
  4370. else if(fische4_1 == "Segelfisch")
  4371. {
  4372. Multiplier4 := 7
  4373. }
  4374. else if(fische4_1 == "Hai")
  4375. {
  4376. Multiplier4 := 7
  4377. }
  4378. else if(fische4_1 == "Delphin")
  4379. {
  4380. Multiplier4 := 7
  4381. }
  4382. else if(fische4_1 == "Katzenfisch")
  4383. {
  4384. Multiplier4 := 4
  4385. }
  4386. else if(fische4_1 == "Hecht")
  4387. {
  4388. Multiplier4 := 9
  4389. }
  4390. else if(fische4_1 == "Aal")
  4391. {
  4392. Multiplier4 := 9
  4393. }
  4394. else if(fische4_1 == "Schildkröte")
  4395. {
  4396. Multiplier4 := 10
  4397. }
  4398. else if(fische4_1 == "Forelle")
  4399. {
  4400. Multiplier4 := 5
  4401. }
  4402. else if(fische4_1 == "Nichts")
  4403. {
  4404. Multiplier4 := 0
  4405. }
  4406. if(fische5_1 == "Makrele")
  4407. {
  4408. Multiplier5 := 8
  4409. }
  4410. else if(fische5_1 == "Zackenbarsch")
  4411. {
  4412. Multiplier5 := 3
  4413. }
  4414. else if(fische5_1 == "Schwertfisch")
  4415. {
  4416. Multiplier5 := 3
  4417. }
  4418. else if(fische5_1 == "Bernfisch")
  4419. {
  4420. Multiplier5 := 1
  4421. }
  4422. else if(fische5_1 == "Roter Schnapper")
  4423. {
  4424. Multiplier5 := 3
  4425. }
  4426. else if(fische5_1 == "Blauer Fächerfisch")
  4427. {
  4428. Multiplier5 := 2
  4429. }
  4430. else if(fische5_1 == "Thunfisch")
  4431. {
  4432. Multiplier5 := 12
  4433. }
  4434. else if(fische5_1 == "Wolfbarsch")
  4435. {
  4436. Multiplier5 := 12
  4437. }
  4438. else if(fische5_1 == "Segelfisch")
  4439. {
  4440. Multiplier5 := 7
  4441. }
  4442. else if(fische5_1 == "Hai")
  4443. {
  4444. Multiplier5 := 7
  4445. }
  4446. else if(fische5_1 == "Delphin")
  4447. {
  4448. Multiplier5 := 7
  4449. }
  4450. else if(fische5_1 == "Katzenfisch")
  4451. {
  4452. Multiplier5 := 4
  4453. }
  4454. else if(fische5_1 == "Hecht")
  4455. {
  4456. Multiplier5 := 9
  4457. }
  4458. else if(fische5_1 == "Aal")
  4459. {
  4460. Multiplier5 := 9
  4461. }
  4462. else if(fische5_1 == "Schildkröte")
  4463. {
  4464. Multiplier5 := 10
  4465. }
  4466. else if(fische5_1 == "Forelle")
  4467. {
  4468. Multiplier5 := 5
  4469. }
  4470. else if(fische5_1 == "Nichts")
  4471. {
  4472. Multiplier5 := 0
  4473. }
  4474. Geld1 = %fische1_2%
  4475. Geld1_2 := Multiplier1
  4476. Geld1*= Geld1_2
  4477. Geld1 := Floor(Geld1)
  4478. Geld2 = %fische2_2%
  4479. Geld2_2 := Multiplier2
  4480. Geld2*= Geld2_2
  4481. Geld2 := Floor(Geld2)
  4482. Geld3 = %fische3_2%
  4483. Geld3_2 := Multiplier3
  4484. Geld3*= Geld3_2
  4485. Geld3 := Floor(Geld3)
  4486. Geld4 = %fische4_2%
  4487. Geld4_2 := Multiplier4
  4488. Geld4*= Geld4_2
  4489. Geld4 := Floor(Geld4)
  4490. Geld5 = %fische5_2%
  4491. Geld5_2 := Multiplier5
  4492. Geld5*= Geld5_2
  4493. Geld5 := Floor(Geld5)
  4494. HP1_2 = %fische1_2%
  4495. HP1 := Round(HP1_2*0.3,0)
  4496. HP1 := Floor(HP1)
  4497. HP2_2 = %fische2_2%
  4498. HP2 := Round(HP2_2*0.3,0)
  4499. HP2 := Floor(HP2)
  4500. HP3_2 = %fische3_2%
  4501. HP3 := Round(HP3_2*0.3,0)
  4502. HP3 := Floor(HP3)
  4503. HP4_2 = %fische4_2%
  4504. HP4 := Round(HP4_2*0.3,0)
  4505. HP4 := Floor(HP4)
  4506. HP5_2 = %fische5_2%
  4507. HP5 := Round(HP5_2*0.3,0)
  4508. HP5 := Floor(HP5)
  4509. Gesamt := 0
  4510. Gesamt2 := 0
  4511. Gesamt3 := 0
  4512. Gesamt+=%Geld1%
  4513. Gesamt+=%Geld2%
  4514. Gesamt+=%Geld3%
  4515. Gesamt+=%Geld4%
  4516. Gesamt+=%Geld5%
  4517. Gesamt2+=%HP1%
  4518. Gesamt2+=%HP2%
  4519. Gesamt2+=%HP3%
  4520. Gesamt2+=%HP4%
  4521. Gesamt2+=%HP5%
  4522. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {FF8000}" . fische1_1 . " (" . fische1_2 . " LBS) - {009AFF} " . Geld1 . " $ - " . HP1 . " HP")
  4523. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {FF8000}" . fische2_1 . " (" . fische2_2 . " LBS) - {009AFF} " . Geld2 . " $ - " . HP2 . " HP")
  4524. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {FF8000}" . fische3_1 . " (" . fische3_2 . " LBS) - {009AFF} " . Geld3 . " $ - " . HP3 . " HP")
  4525. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {FF8000}" . fische4_1 . " (" . fische4_2 . " LBS) - {009AFF} " . Geld4 . " $ - " . HP4 . " HP")
  4526. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {FF8000}: {FF8000}" . fische5_1 . " (" . fische5_2 . " LBS) - {009AFF} " . Geld5 . " $ - " . HP5 . " HP")
  4527. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {FF8000}: {FF8000}-----------------------------------------------")
  4528. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} [Statistik] {FF8000}: {FF8000}Gesamt: {009AFF}" . Gesamt . " $ - " . Gesamt2 . " HP")
  4529. return
  4531. :?:/ksms::
  4532. Suspend, Permit
  4533. pinput := PlayerInput("Name: ")
  4534. SendChat("/number " . pinput . "")
  4535. Loop,
  4536. {
  4537. GetChatLine(0, line)
  4538. if(InStr(line, "Name: "))
  4539. {
  4540. RegExMatch(line, "Name: (.*), Ph: (.*)", Output)
  4541. SendInput, t/sms %Output2%{space}
  4542. return
  4543. }
  4544. else If(InStr(line, "Diesen Spieler gibt es nicht!"))
  4545. {
  4546. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} Versendung nicht möglich!")
  4547. return
  4548. }
  4549. else
  4550. {
  4551. continue
  4552. }
  4553. }
  4554. return
  4556. :?:/kochen::
  4557. Suspend Permit
  4558. SendChat("/cook fish 1")
  4559. SendChat("/cook fish 2")
  4560. Sleep 1250
  4561. SendChat("/cook fish 3")
  4562. SendChat("/cook fish 4")
  4563. Sleep 1250
  4564. SendChat("/cook fish 5")
  4565. return
  4567. :?:/afind::
  4568. Suspend Permit
  4569. Suspend On
  4570. SendInput, /find{space}
  4571. Input, AID, V I M,{enter}
  4572. Send {enter}
  4573. SetTimer, Find, 6000
  4574. Suspend Off
  4575. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Das automatische Suchen können Sie mit der Taste '<' deaktivieren.")
  4576. return
  4578. :?:/af::
  4579. Suspend Permit
  4580. Suspend On
  4581. SendInput, /find{space}
  4582. Input, AID, V I M,{enter}
  4583. Send {enter}
  4584. SetTimer, Find, 6000
  4585. Suspend Off
  4586. return
  4588. Find:
  4589. SendChat("/find " . AID)
  4590. return
  4592. :?:/ashowpos::
  4593. Suspend Permit
  4594. Suspend On
  4595. SendInput, /showpos{space}
  4596. Input, AID, V I M,{enter}
  4597. Send {enter}
  4598. SetTimer, Show, 6000
  4599. Suspend Off
  4600. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Das automatische Zeigen können Sie mit der Taste '<' deaktivieren.")
  4601. return
  4603. :?:/as::
  4604. Suspend Permit
  4605. Suspend On
  4606. SendInput, /showpos{space}
  4607. Input, AID, V I M,{enter}
  4608. Send {enter}
  4609. SetTimer, Show, 6000
  4610. Suspend Off
  4611. return
  4613. Show:
  4614. SendChat("/showpos " . AID)
  4615. return
  4619. ~^::
  4620. If(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen == 1)
  4621. {
  4622. return
  4623. }
  4624. SetTimer, Find, Off
  4625. SetTimer, Show, Off
  4626. AddChatMessage(0xDF0101, "Hitman-binder {FFFFFF}Automatische Suchsysteme deaktiviert.")
  4627. return
  4631. :?:/on::
  4632. Suspend Permit
  4633. SendChat("/hitsound")
  4634. Sleep 100
  4635. SendChat("/tog")
  4636. Sleep 1
  4637. Send, {enter}
  4638. Sleep 1
  4639. SendChat("/contracts")
  4640. Sleep 1000
  4641. Send, {alt}, {F3}
  4642. AddChatMessage(0xDF0101, "Hitman-binder {FFFFFF} Keybinder ist Aktiv.")
  4644. return
  4646. :?:/gksave::
  4647. Suspend Permit
  4648. AddChatMessage(0xFFA500,"[GK-Save]{FFFFFF}: Gebe die GK-Nummer ein, die gespeichert werden soll, bestätige mit Leertaste / Enter")
  4649. SendInput ^aNummer:{space}
  4650. Input,number,V I M,{enter}{escape}{space}
  4651. if(errorlevel == "EndKey:Escape")
  4652. return
  4653. SendInput ^a{delete}
  4654. sleep 100
  4655. SendInput Text:{space}
  4656. AddChatMessage(0xFFA500,"[GK-Save]{FFFFFF}: Gebe nun den Text ein, bestätige mit Enter")
  4657. Input text,V I M,{enter}{escape}
  4658. if(errorlevel == "EndKey:Escape")
  4659. return
  4660. SendInput ^a{delete}{enter}
  4661. sleep 100
  4662. IniRead fillcheck, Gebaeudekomplexe.ini, Komplexe, %number%
  4663. if(fillcheck != "ERROR") {
  4664. write := fillcheck . " / " . text . ""
  4665. IniWrite, %write%, Gebaeudekomplexe.ini, Komplexe, %number%
  4666. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00,"[GK-Save]{FFFFFF}: Du hast '" . text . "' zu '" . number . "' (" . fillcheck . ") hinzugefügt.")
  4667. }
  4668. else {
  4669. IniWrite, %text%, Gebaeudekomplexe.ini, Komplexe, %number%
  4670. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00,"[GK-Save]{FFFFFF}: Du hast '" . text . "' unter '" . number . "' gespeichert.")
  4671. }
  4672. return
  4674. :?:/gk::
  4675. Suspend Permit
  4676. AddChatMessage(0xFFA500,"[GK-Read]{FFFFFF}: Gebe die GK-Nummer ein, die ausgelesen werden soll, bestätige mit Leertaste / Enter.")
  4677. Input,gk,V I M,{enter}{escape}{space}
  4678. if(errorlevel == "EndKey:Escape")
  4679. return
  4680. SendInput ^a{delete}{enter}
  4681. IniRead gktext, Gebaeudekomplexe.ini, Komplexe, %gk%
  4682. if(gktext == "ERROR") {
  4683. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00,"[GK-Search]{FFFFFF}: Die Suche nach '" . gk . "' lieferte kein Ergebnis.")
  4684. return
  4685. }
  4686. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00,"[GK-Search]{FFFFFF}: Die Suche nach '" . gk . "' liefert '" . gktext "'.")
  4687. return
  4689. :?:/gkdelete::
  4690. Suspend Permit
  4691. AddChatMessage(0xFF0000,"[GK-Delete]{FFFFFF}: Gebe die GK-Nummer ein, die gelöscht werden soll, bestätige mit Leertaste / Enter.")
  4692. Input,gk,V I M,{enter}{escape}{space}
  4693. if(errorlevel == "EndKey:Escape")
  4694. return
  4695. SendInput ^a{delete}{enter}
  4696. IniRead gktext, Gebaeudekomplexe.ini, Komplexe, %gk%
  4697. if(gktext == "ERROR") {
  4698. AddChatMessage(0xFFFF00,"[GK-Delete]{FFFFFF}: Der Komplex '" . gk . "' wurde nicht gefunden.")
  4699. }
  4700. else {
  4701. IniWrite, "ERROR", Gebaeudekomplexe.ini, Komplexe, %gk%
  4702. AddChatMessage(0xFF0000,"[GK-Delete]{FFFFFF}: Du hast Komplex '" . gk . "' mit dem Inhalt '" . gktext . "' gelöscht.")
  4703. }
  4704. return
  4706. :?:/re::
  4707. Suspend, Permit
  4708. Loop, read, %A_MyDocuments%\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\chatlog.txt
  4709. {
  4710. if InStr(A_LoopReadLine, ", Sender: " . Name)
  4711. continue
  4712. {
  4713. if InStr(A_LoopReadLine, ", Sender: ")
  4714. {
  4715. RegExMatch(A_LoopReadLine, ", Sender: .* \((.*)\)" ,SMS)
  4716. }
  4717. }
  4718. }
  4719. SendInput /sms %SMS1%{space}
  4720. return
  4722. :?:/ap::
  4723. Suspend Permit
  4724. SendChat("/accept paket")
  4725. return
  4727. :?:/savestats::
  4728. Suspend Permit
  4729. FormatTime, StatsZeit, dd.MM.yyyy
  4730. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Statistiken werden gespeichert, Datum " StatsZeit)
  4731. SendChat("/time")
  4732. Sleep, 250
  4733. SendChat("/stats")
  4734. Sleep, 250
  4735. Send {F8}
  4736. Sleep, 250
  4737. Send {ESC}
  4738. return
  4743. if(BabaSprüche == 1)
  4744. {
  4745. ~Alt::
  4746. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  4747. {
  4748. return
  4749. }
  4750. ShowGameText("~r~Zieh ~r~ Brauner", 2000, 3)
  4751. return
  4753. ~Numpad6::
  4754. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  4755. {
  4756. return
  4757. }
  4758. ShowGameText("~r~Geht ~r~ Gut ~r~ durch ~r~ Wand", 2000, 3)
  4759. return
  4760. }
  4761. return
  4763. ~Pause::
  4764. Suspend, Permit
  4765. If (A_IsSuspended)
  4766. {
  4767. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {F0F0F0}Keybinder {B40404}deaktiviert{F0F0F0}.")
  4768. ShowGameText("~r~Keybinder ~r~ deaktiviert", 2000, 3)
  4769. paused = 1
  4770. Suspend permit
  4771. }
  4772. if (!A_IsSuspended)
  4773. {
  4774. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} {F0F0F0}Keybinder {088A4B}aktiviert{F0F0F0}.")
  4775. ShowGameText("~g~Keybinder ~g~ aktiviert", 2000, 3)
  4776. paused = 0
  4777. Suspend off
  4778. }
  4779. return
  4781. :?:/cd::
  4782. Suspend Permit
  4784. Sleep 1500
  4785. SendChat(">>5<<")
  4786. KeyWait, <, D T1
  4787. If !ErrorLevel
  4788. {
  4789. return
  4790. }
  4791. SendChat(">>4<<")
  4792. KeyWait, <, D T1
  4793. If !ErrorLevel
  4794. {
  4795. return
  4796. }
  4797. SendChat(">>3<<")
  4798. KeyWait, <, D T1
  4799. If !ErrorLevel
  4800. {
  4801. return
  4802. }
  4803. SendChat(">>2<<")
  4804. KeyWait, <, D T1
  4805. If !ErrorLevel
  4806. {
  4807. return
  4808. }
  4809. SendChat(">>1<<")
  4810. KeyWait, <, D T1
  4811. If !ErrorLevel
  4812. {
  4813. return
  4814. }
  4815. SendChat(">>Hajde<<")
  4816. KeyWait, <, D T1
  4817. If !ErrorLevel
  4818. {
  4819. return
  4820. }
  4821. return
  4823. :?:/user::
  4824. Suspend Permit
  4825. UserData := ""
  4826. UserName := PlayerInput("User-Name: ")
  4827. If(UserName!="")
  4828. {
  4829. UserUrl =|job|fraction|rank|online|playtime|org|number|money|bank|deposit|kills|deaths|premium|skin&player=%UserName%
  4830. UserData := URLDownloadToVar(UserUrl)
  4831. if(UserData == "Der Spieler existiert nicht.")
  4832. {
  4833. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Der Spieler existiert nicht.")
  4834. return
  4835. }
  4836. If(UserData!="Des Spielers Profil ist privat.")
  4837. {
  4838. RegExMatch(UserData, "level:(.+)\|j", UserLevel)
  4839. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|job:(.+)\|f", UserJob)
  4840. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|fraction:(.+)\|r", UserFraction)
  4841. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|rank:(.+)\|online", UserRank)
  4842. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|online:(.)\|play", UserOnline)
  4843. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|playtime:(.+)\|o", UserPlaytime)
  4844. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|org:(.+)\|n", UserOrg)
  4845. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|number:(.+)\|m", UserNumber)
  4846. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|money:(.+)\|b", UserMoney)
  4847. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|bank:(.+)\|dep", UserBank)
  4848. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|deposit:(.+)\|k", UserDeposit)
  4849. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|kills:(.+)\|d", UserKills)
  4850. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|deaths:(.+)\|p", UserDeaths)
  4851. RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|premium:(.)", UserPremium)
  4852. ;RegExMatch(UserData, ".+\|skin:(.+)", UserSkin
  4853. Gesamt +=UserBank1
  4854. Gesamt += UserMoney1
  4855. Gesamt += UserDeposit1
  4856. ;~ Gesamt /=1000
  4857. ;~ if(Gesamt>1000)
  4858. ;~ {
  4859. ;~ Gesamt2 := Gesamt
  4860. ;~ Gesamt2 /= 1000
  4861. ;~ }
  4862. KD := Userkills1 / UserDeaths1
  4863. KD := Round(KD, 3)
  4864. ;~ UserBank1 /= 1000
  4865. ;~ UserMoney1 /= 1000
  4866. ;~ UserDeposit1 /= 1000
  4868. ;~ if(Gesamt>1000)
  4869. if(UserPremium1 == 1)
  4870. {
  4871. ShowDialog(0, "Infos über " . UserName . ""," Level: " . UserLevel1 . " `n Spielzeit: " . UserPlaytime1 . " `n Nummer: " . UserNumber1 . " `n `n Fraktion: " . UserFraction1 . " Rank: " . UserRank1 . " `n Job: " . UserJob1 . " `n Organisation: " . UserOrg1 . " `n `n Bargeld: " . UserMoney1 . "$ `n Konto: " . UserBank1 . "$ `n Festgeld: " . UserDeposit1 . "$ `n Gesamt: " . Gesamt . "$ `n `n Kills: " . UserKills1 . " `n Tode: " . UserDeaths1 . " `n K/D: " . KD . " `n `n {FF6600} Premium ", "Verlassen")
  4872. }
  4873. else if(UserPremium1 == 2)
  4874. {
  4875. ShowDialog(0, "Infos über " . UserName . ""," Level: " . UserLevel1 . " `n Spielzeit: " . UserPlaytime1 . " `n Nummer: " . UserNumber1 . " `n `n Fraktion: " . UserFraction1 . " Rank: " . UserRank1 . " `n Job: " . UserJob1 . " `n Organisation: " . UserOrg1 . " `n `n Bargeld: " . UserMoney1 . "$ `n Konto: " . UserBank1 . "$ `n Festgeld: " . UserDeposit1 . "$ `n Gesamt: " . Gesamt . "$ `n `n Kills: " . UserKills1 . " `n Tode: " . UserDeaths1 . " `n K/D: " . KD . " `n `n {FF6600} VIP ", "Verlassen")
  4876. }
  4877. else
  4878. {
  4879. ShowDialog(0, "Infos über " . UserName . ""," Level: " . UserLevel1 . " `n Spielzeit: " . UserPlaytime1 . " `n Nummer: " . UserNumber1 . " `n `n Fraktion: " . UserFraction1 . " Rank: " . UserRank1 . " `n Job: " . UserJob1 . " `n Organisation: " . UserOrg1 . " `n `n Bargeld: " . UserMoney1 . "$ `n Konto: " . UserBank1 . "$ `n Festgeld: " . UserDeposit1 . "$ `n Gesamt: " . Gesamt . "$ `n `n Kills: " . UserKills1 . " `n Tode: " . UserDeaths1 . " `n K/D: " . KD . " `n ", "Verlassen")
  4880. }
  4881. }
  4882. else
  4883. {
  4884. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Der Spieler hat sein Profil auf privat gestellt.")
  4885. }
  4886. }
  4887. return
  4890. :?:/hp::
  4891. Suspend Permit
  4892. SendChat("/cooked")
  4893. Sleep 250
  4894. GetChatLine(5, fish1)
  4895. GetChatLine(4, fish2)
  4896. GetChatLine(3, fish3)
  4897. GetChatLine(2, fish4)
  4898. GetChatLine(1, fish5)
  4899. RegExMatch(fish1, "\*\* \(1\) Hergestellt: gekochten (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fisch1_)
  4900. RegExMatch(fish2, "\*\* \(2\) Hergestellt: gekochten (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fisch2_)
  4901. RegExMatch(fish3, "\*\* \(3\) Hergestellt: gekochten (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fisch3_)
  4902. RegExMatch(fish4, "\*\* \(4\) Hergestellt: gekochten (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fisch4_)
  4903. RegExMatch(fish5, "\*\* \(5\) Hergestellt: gekochten (.*) \((.*) LBS\)", fisch5_)
  4904. HP1 = %fisch1_2%
  4905. HP1/=3
  4906. HP1 := Floor(HP1)
  4907. HP2 = %fisch2_2%
  4908. HP2/=3
  4909. HP2 := Floor(HP2)
  4910. HP3 = %fisch3_2%
  4911. HP3/=3
  4912. HP3 := Floor(HP3)
  4913. HP4 = %fisch4_2%
  4914. HP4/=3
  4915. HP4 := Floor(HP4)
  4916. HP5 = %fisch5_2%
  4917. HP5/=3
  4918. HP5 := Floor(HP5)
  4919. Gesamt=0
  4920. Gesamt+=%HP1%
  4921. Gesamt+=%HP2%
  4922. Gesamt+=%HP3%
  4923. Gesamt+=%HP4%
  4924. Gesamt+=%HP5%
  4925. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FF8000}|Fisch{FFFFFF}" . fisch1_1 . " (" . fisch1_2 . " LBS) - {FFBF00} " . HP1 . " HP")
  4926. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FF8000}|Fisch{FFFFFF}" . fisch2_1 . " (" . fisch2_2 . " LBS) - {FFBF00} " . HP2 . " HP")
  4927. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FF8000}|Fisch{FFFFFF}" . fisch3_1 . " (" . fisch3_2 . " LBS) - {FFBF00} " . HP3 . " HP")
  4928. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FF8000}|Fisch{FFFFFF}" . fisch4_1 . " (" . fisch4_2 . " LBS) - {FFBF00} " . HP4 . " HP")
  4929. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FF8000}|Fisch{FFFFFF}" . fisch5_1 . " (" . fisch5_2 . " LBS) - {FFA000} " . HP5 . " HP")
  4930. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FF8000}|Fisch{FFFFFF}-----------------------------------------------")
  4931. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FF8000}|Fisch{FFFFFF}Gesamt: {FFBF00}" . Gesamt . " HP")
  4932. return
  4934. :?:/min::
  4935. Suspend Permit
  4936. Sekunden := PlayerInput("Anzahl der Sekunden: ")
  4937. if(Sekunden != "" && Sekunden != " " && Sekunden != 0)
  4938. {
  4939. Minuten := Sekunden / 60
  4940. Minuten := round(Minuten, 2)
  4941. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}{3ADF00}" Sekunden "{FFFFFF} Sekunden sind {3ADF00}" Minuten "{FFFFFF} Minuten.")
  4942. }
  4943. return
  4945. :?:/db::
  4946. Suspend Permit
  4947. SendChat("/drink bier")
  4948. Sleep 100
  4949. SendChat("/drink bier")
  4950. return
  4952. NumpadDel::
  4953. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  4954. {
  4955. return
  4956. }
  4957. SendChat("/auf")
  4958. return
  4963. :?:/kaution::
  4964. Suspend Permit
  4965. caID := PlayerInput("Klient-Name: ")
  4966. UpdateServerData()
  4967. Klient=%caID%
  4968. if(Klient < 0 || Klient > 400)
  4969. {
  4970. caID := GetPlayerIDByName(Klient)
  4971. Klient=%caID%
  4972. }
  4973. GetPlayerNameByID(caID, Klientname)
  4974. SendChat("/freeinfo")
  4975. Sleep, 700
  4976. Loop
  4977. {
  4978. GetChatLine(A_Index - 1, chat)
  4979. if(InStr(chat, Klientname))
  4980. {
  4981. RegExMatch(chat, "" Klientname " {FFA600}(.*) Minuten {00B7FF}(.*)\$ {A30000}SAPD", kaution)
  4982. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Dein Klient {3ADF00}" Klientname "{FFFFFF} hat eine Kaution von {3ADF00}" kaution2 "{FFFFFF}$.")
  4983. break
  4984. }
  4985. if(Instr(chat, "{55FF00}Name {FFA600}Haftzeit {00B7FF}Kaution {A30000}Standort"))
  4986. {
  4987. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Klient nicht gefunden.")
  4988. break
  4989. }
  4990. if(InStr(chat, "Du bist nicht in der Polizei Station."))
  4991. {
  4992. break
  4993. }
  4994. }
  4995. return
  4997. :?:/alotto::
  4998. Suspend Permit
  4999. Random, rand, 1, 200
  5000. SendChat("/lotto " rand)
  5001. return
  5003. ~Numpad5::
  5004. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  5005. {
  5006. return
  5007. }
  5008. Random, rand, 1, 200
  5009. SendChat("/lotto " rand)
  5010. return
  5013. ~F::
  5014. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  5015. {
  5016. return
  5017. }
  5019. if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() == "0")
  5020. {
  5021. Loop,
  5022. if(IsPlayerDriver() == 1)
  5023. {
  5024. if(AutoLock == 1)
  5025. {
  5026. if(IsVehicleLocked() == 0)
  5027. {
  5028. Sleep, 200
  5029. SendChat("/lock")
  5030. return
  5031. }
  5032. }
  5033. }
  5034. }
  5035. else
  5036. {
  5037. If(AutomotorAus == 1)
  5038. {
  5039. if(IsPlayerDriver() == 1)
  5040. {
  5041. if (IsVehicleEngineEnabled() == 1)
  5042. {
  5043. SendChat("/motor")
  5044. Sleep 700
  5045. Send F
  5046. return
  5047. }
  5048. return
  5049. }
  5050. }
  5051. }
  5052. return
  5054. :?:/aall::
  5055. Suspend, Permit
  5056. Old_Money := GetPlayerMoney()
  5057. Sleep, 250
  5058. SendChat("/ausruesten all")
  5059. Sleep, 250
  5060. New_Money := GetPlayerMoney()
  5061. GesamtMoney = New_Money - Old_Money
  5062. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FE9A2E}|Ausrüstprofil|{FFFFFF} Du hast alle Waffen für {FE9A2E}" GesamtMoney "{FFFFFF}$ ausgerüstet.")
  5063. return
  5065. ~NumpadDot::
  5066. if(IsChatOpen() == 1 || IsDialogOpen() == 1)
  5067. {
  5068. return
  5069. }
  5070. SendChat("/eat " . fischers . "")
  5071. fischers++
  5072. if(fischers == "6")
  5073. {
  5074. fischers=1
  5075. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Du hast alle Fische aufgegessen du Fettsack.")
  5076. }
  5077. return
  5079. :?:/ac::
  5080. Suspend Permit
  5081. Loop, read, %A_MyDocuments%\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\chatlog.txt
  5082. {
  5083. If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept drugs")
  5084. {
  5085. Service = drugs
  5086. }
  5087. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept kaution")
  5088. {
  5089. Service = kaution
  5090. }
  5091. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept live")
  5092. {
  5093. Service = live
  5094. }
  5095. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept repair")
  5096. {
  5097. Service = repair
  5098. }
  5099. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept refill")
  5100. {
  5101. Service = refill
  5102. }
  5103. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept taxi")
  5104. {
  5105. Service = taxi
  5106. }
  5107. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept medic")
  5108. {
  5109. Service = medic
  5110. }
  5111. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept ticket")
  5112. {
  5113. Service = ticket
  5114. }
  5115. else If InStr(A_LoopReadLine, "/accept paket")
  5116. {
  5117. Service = paket
  5118. }
  5119. }
  5120. SendChat("/accept " Service "")
  5121. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}Accept {FF8000}" Service "{FFFFFF} wurde bestätigt.")
  5122. return
  5126. Fischen:
  5127. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} Du kannst nun wieder am Angelsteg angeln.")
  5128. SetTimer, Fischen, off
  5129. return
  5131. Paket:
  5132. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF} Du kannst nun wieder ein Paket benützen.")
  5133. SetTimer, Paket, off
  5134. return
  5137. HitmanTimer:
  5138. GetChatLine(0, Chat0)
  5139. GetChatLine(1, Chat1)
  5140. GetChatLine(2, Chat2)
  5141. GetChatLine(3, Chat3)
  5142. GetPlayerName(Name)
  5143. Health := GetPlayerHealth()
  5144. FormatTime, Zeit, %A_Now%, HH:mm:ss
  5147. if(InStr(Chat2, "Du hast ein Verbrechen begangen ( Mord ). Zeuge: Niemand.")){
  5148. Kills +=1
  5149. Killstreak +=1
  5151. IniWrite, %Kills%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Kills
  5152. IniWrite, %Killstreak%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Killstreak
  5153. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Dies war dein Kill Nummer {FF8000} " kills)
  5154. }
  5155. if(Health == 0){
  5156. Sleep, 5000
  5157. Deaths += 1
  5158. Killstreak = 0
  5160. IniWrite, %Deaths%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Deaths
  5161. IniWrite, %Killstreak%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Killstreak
  5163. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Dies war dein Tot nummer {FE9A2E}" Deaths "{FFFFFF}.")
  5164. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Aufgrund deines Todes wurde deine Killstreaks zurückgesetzt.")
  5165. }
  5166. if(InStr(Chat1, "<< Hitman " . Name . " hat den Auftrag ausgeführt")){
  5167. RegExMatch(Chat1, ".+ für (.+)\$ getöt.+", Geld_)
  5169. CTFerne +=1
  5170. Kills +=1
  5171. Killstreak +=1
  5172. CTGeld += Geld_1
  5174. IniWrite, %CTFerne%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTFerne
  5175. IniWrite, %Kills%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Kills
  5176. IniWrite, %Killstreak%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Killstreak
  5177. IniWrite, %CTGeld%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, CTGeld
  5178. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Fernkampf-Contracts: {FF8000}" CTFerne "{FFFFFF}, Geld durch CT's: {FF8000}" CTGeld "{FFFFFF}.")
  5179. }
  5180. if(instr(Chat2, "<< Hitman " Name " hat den Auftrag ausgeführt") && instr(Chat0, "Dein Wanted Level:")){
  5181. RegExMatch(Chat3, ".+ für (.+)\$ getöt.+", Geld_)
  5183. CTNähe +=1
  5184. CTGeld +=Geld_1
  5185. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| Nahkampf-Contracts: {FF8000}" CTNähe "{FFFFFF}, Geld durch CT's: {FF8000}" CTGeld "{FFFFFF}.")
  5186. }
  5187. if(instr(Chat0, "|=================||============||=================|") || instr(Chat1, "|=================||============||=================|"))
  5188. {
  5189. if(InStr(Chat0, "|Gehaltscheck|"))
  5190. {
  5191. return
  5192. }
  5193. Loop
  5194. {
  5195. GetChatLine(A_Index - 1, chat)
  5196. If (InStr(chat, "KFZ Steuer:"))
  5197. {
  5198. RegExMatch(chat, "KFZ Steuer: -(.*)\$", KFZSteuer)
  5199. }
  5200. If (InStr(chat, "Lohn: "))
  5201. {
  5202. RegExMatch(chat, "Lohn: (.*)\$ Miete: -(.*)\$ Lohnsteuer: -(.*)\$", rest)
  5203. }
  5204. If (InStr(chat, "Stromrechnung: "))
  5205. {
  5206. RegExMatch(chat, "Stromrechnung: -(.*)\$", StromRechnung)
  5207. }
  5208. If (Instr(chat, "|================| Gehalts-Check |================|"))
  5209. {
  5210. break
  5211. }
  5212. }
  5213. Gehalt=%rest1%
  5214. Gehalt-=%rest2%
  5215. Gehalt-=%rest3%
  5216. Gehalt-=%KFZSteuer1%
  5217. Gehalt-=%StromRechnung1%
  5218. Abgaben=%rest2%
  5219. Abgaben+=%rest3%
  5220. Abgaben+=%KFZSteuer1%
  5221. Abgaben+=%StromRechnung1%
  5222. PayDayCounter +=1
  5223. PayDayZeit=%Zeit%
  5224. IniWrite, %PayDayCounter%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayCounter
  5225. IniWrite, %Gehalt%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Gehalt
  5226. IniWrite, %Abgaben%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, Abgaben
  5227. IniWrite, %PayDayZeit%, Hitman.Ini, Statistik, PayDayZeit
  5228. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|__________________________________________________|")
  5229. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "Dein Gehalt: +{00FF33}" Gehalt "{FFFFFF}$, Deine Abgaben: -{FF0000}" Abgaben "{FFFFFF}$")
  5230. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "Gesamte Payday's: {FF8000}" PayDayCounter "{FFFFFF}.")
  5231. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "Payday Daten gespeichert. Unter '{FF8000}/payday{FFFFFF}' wieder aufrufbar.")
  5232. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|__________________________________________________|")
  5233. }
  5234. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(596.9323,-1248.8542,17.8488, 2))
  5235. {
  5236. SendChat("/materials get 15")
  5237. SendChat("/i gekauft ")
  5238. Sleep, 2000
  5239. }
  5240. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(-2109.2458,0.7074,34.8883, 2))
  5241. {
  5242. SendChat("/materials deliver")
  5243. SendChat("/i getauscht ")
  5244. Sleep, 2000
  5245. }
  5246. return
  5248. GuiClose:
  5249. DestroyAllVisual()
  5250. FormatTime, LastLoginTime ,, dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
  5251. IniWrite, %LastLoginTime%, Einstellungen.Ini, Daten, LastLogin
  5252. ExitApp
  5255. Antispam:
  5256. If (InStr(Line0, "WARNUNG: Hör auf zu Spamen, sonst wirst du gekickt!") || InStr(Line1, "WARNUNG: Hör auf zu Spamen, sonst wirst du gekickt!"))
  5257. {
  5258. BlockChatInput(True)
  5259. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}AntiSpamKick-System {00FF00}aktiv{00FF00}.")
  5260. Sleep, 1500
  5261. AddChatMessage(0xFFFFFF, "|{2ECCFA}Hitman-Binder{FFFFFF}| {FFFFFF}AntiSpamKick-System {FF0000}inaktiv{FF0000}.")
  5262. BlockChatInput(False)
  5263. }
  5264. return
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