Guest User


a guest
Oct 24th, 2014
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Lua 1.17 KB | None | 0 0
  1. local monitor = peripheral.wrap("right")
  2. term.redirect(monitor)
  3. x, y = term.getSize()
  4. os.sleep(3)
  5. while true do
  6.   term.clear()
  7.   term.setBackgroundColor(32768)
  8.   term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  9.   monitor.setTextScale(2)
  10.   term.setTextColor(32)
  11.   term.write("Programme nach Wunsch")
  12.   x, y = term.getSize()
  13.   paintutils.drawLine(1, 2, x, 2, 1)
  14.   term.setBackgroundColor(32768)
  15.   term.setCursorPos(1, 3)
  16.   term.setTextColor(2)
  17.   textutils.slowWrite("-Mausbedienung", 9)
  18.   term.setCursorPos(1, 4)
  19.   textutils.slowWrite("-Tastaturbedienung", 9)
  20.   paintutils.drawLine(1, 5, x, 5, 1)
  21.   term.setBackgroundColor(32768)
  22.   term.setCursorPos(1, 6)
  23.   textutils.slowWrite("-Turtle und Computer", 9)
  24.   term.setCursorPos(1, 7)
  25.   textutils.slowWrite("-Installation inklusive", 9)
  26.   term.setCursorPos(1, 8)
  27.   textutils.slowWrite("-Zahlung in IC", 9)
  28.   term.setCursorPos(1, 9)
  29.   textutils.slowWrite("-Preis je nach Aufgabe", 9)
  30.   paintutils.drawLine(1, 10, x, 10, 1)
  31.   term.setBackgroundColor(32768)
  32.   term.setCursorPos(1, 11)
  33.   term.setTextColor(32)
  34.   textutils.slowWrite("Einfach bei Miraculix1996", 9)
  35.   term.setCursorPos(1, 12)
  36.   textutils.slowWrite("melden", 9)
  37.   os.sleep(4)
  38. end
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