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Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. Technologies :
  2. Language - C++ (C++ 11), car c'est un language puissant et je veux devenir meilleur en ce language.
  4. Fichiers :
  5. Image - PNG, car on peu mettre l'arriere plan transparrant donc ce sera
  6. plus facile pour animer les sprites des balles.
  7. Son - OGG, car c'est <<open source>>
  9. Outils, Librairie :
  10. Visual Studio 2015
  11. (Version 14.0)
  13. Librairie Boost (boost 1.59) pour les <<signal and slots>>
  14. Librairie SFML (SFML 2.3.2) pour les multimedia, détections de collisions et autre (a venir)
  16. Configuration :
  17. The enviroment variable for the boost path is named BOOST_PATH and its value is pointing to the destination
  18. the boost folder. The sfml path is named SFML_PATH and its value is pointing to the destination of the sfml
  19. folder. The framework used is the ggf which is the framework we are working on the c++ cours. The enviroment
  20. variable is GGF_PATH and its value is pointing in the ggf folder where the vcxproj is.
  22. In the EightBallPool project properties, these are the set values :
  23. For debug :
  24. C++ :
  25. -Additional Include Directories : $(GGF_PATH);$(SFML_PATH)/include;$(BOOST_PATH);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
  26. -Preprocessor Definition : WIN32;SFML_STATIC;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
  27. -Command Line : -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
  28. Linker :
  29. -Additional Librarie Directories : $(SFML_PATH)/lib;../Debug;$(TargetDir)
  30. -Additional Dependicies :
  31. GGF.lib
  32. sfml-graphics-s-d.lib
  33. sfml-window-s-d.lib
  34. sfml-system-s-d.lib
  35. opengl32.lib
  36. freetype.lib
  37. winmm.lib
  38. gdi32.lib
  39. jpeg.lib
  40. sfml-audio-s-d.lib
  41. openal32.lib
  42. flac.lib
  43. vorbisenc.lib
  44. vorbisfile.lib
  45. vorbis.lib
  46. ogg.lib
  48. For release :
  49. C++ :
  50. -Additional Include Directories : $(GGF_PATH);$(SFML_PATH)/include;$(BOOST_PATH);%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)
  51. -Preprocessor Definition : WIN32;SFML_STATIC;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)
  52. Linker :
  53. -Additional Librarie Directories : $(SFML_PATH)/lib;../Release;$(TargetDir)
  54. -Additional Dependicies :
  55. GGF.lib
  56. sfml-graphics-s.lib
  57. sfml-window-s.lib
  58. sfml-system-s.lib
  59. opengl32.lib
  60. freetype.lib
  61. winmm.lib
  62. gdi32.lib
  63. jpeg.lib
  64. sfml-audio-s.lib
  65. openal32.lib
  66. flac.lib
  67. vorbisenc.lib
  68. vorbisfile.lib
  69. vorbis.lib
  70. ogg.lib
  74. Steps to configure :
  75. -In the project solution propeties, set the dependencie by selecting GGF to insure that EightBallPool depends on GGF.
  76. -Solution platform must be x86
  77. -
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