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Sgwrs am Trump, Clinton, a NATO

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Jan 20th, 2017
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  1. Shruti Kulkarni
  2. 7 hrs ·
  3. Barack Obama is President for about 20 minutes more. For all the good you have done, #ThankYouObama.
  4. Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
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  6. 3 Heba Elfardy, Ceri Bethlem and Steven Markouris
  8. Dewi Fflint
  9. Dewi Fflint Dropped a lot of bombs for a hero figure though. At least Trump might dismantle NATO.
  10. Like · Reply · 4 hrs
  11. Hide 20 Replies
  12. Aran Jones
  13. Aran Jones Dim yn siwr bod fawr o awydd gen i weld dim mwy o Russian expansionism...
  14. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs
  15. Dewi Fflint
  16. Dewi Fflint Sud all fod yn waeth nac imperialaeth yr unol daleithiau a'i gast bach prydeindod?
  17. Like · Reply · 3 hrs · Edited
  18. Dewi Fflint
  19. Dewi Fflint Mae'r twyll a rheolaeth dosbarth breintiedig yn llawer mwy plaen yn rwsia, ond dim llai effeithiol ym mhrydain.
  20. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
  21. Aran Jones
  22. Aran Jones Ond tydy NATO yn gwneud dim i gynyddu imperialaeth US/UK - y problem mawr ydi eu parodrwydd i weithredu heb gefnogaeth NATO, fel yn Iraq. Dwi'm yn credu fyddet ti'n croesawu colli NATO taset ti'n byw yn y Baltic States...
  23. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
  24. Dewi Fflint
  25. Dewi Fflint Ond dwi ddim nacdw? Dwi'n byw yng Nghymru, cenedl sy'n cael ei dynnu i rhyfel ar ol rhyfel gan yr ymerodraeth brydeinig pwdr. Cenedl sydd tro ar ol tro yn colli ei meibion a'i merched er mwyn buddianau ei ac eu gormeswr. Mae'n eitha amlwg fod NATO a'i hymdrech cyson i ehangu ei grym a'i ddylanwad yn paentio rwsia i gornel.
  26. Like · Reply · 3 hrs · Edited
  27. Aran Jones
  28. Aran Jones Mmmm... 'Rwsia mewn cornel' - tydy Putin ddim mymryn yn well nag America. Tydy gelyn dy elyn ddim yn ffrind go iawn. A tydi rhyfeloedd Lloegr ddim yn digwydd oherwydd NATO, ond oherwydd salwch imperialaeth. Byddai colli NATO yn broblem real. :)
  29. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs
  30. Dewi Fflint
  31. Dewi Fflint Dwi ddim yn deud fod o'n well. Dwi jest yn deud fod nhw cynddrwg a'u gilydd. Felly well gen i beidio cael fy nghlymu i'r naill na'r llall. Ac mae gelyn fy nghelyn yn fwy o ffrind nac ydi fy nghelyn ;-)
  32. Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs
  33. Dewi Fflint
  34. Dewi Fflint Efallai nad yw putin yn ffrind, ond gan nad yw ei droed ar fy nghwddf, mae o'n broblem llai pressing nac ydi dymchwel yr ymerodraeth seisnig.
  35. Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs · Edited
  36. Shruti Kulkarni
  37. Shruti Kulkarni Dewi Fflint At what cost?
  38. Like · Reply · 2 hrs
  39. Shruti Kulkarni
  40. Shruti Kulkarni (Cost of electing Trump & dismantling NATO, I mean)
  41. Like · Reply · 2 hrs
  42. Shruti Kulkarni
  43. Shruti Kulkarni Sorry for reverting here. My Welsh language skills are quite weak in the politics department at present :-/
  44. Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs · Edited
  45. Dewi Fflint
  46. Dewi Fflint At what cost to which bit Shruti? I rambled a bit there. Do you mean what cost would I consider worth it for dismantling NATO or what cost for smashing the British Empire? Because they have different price tags in my warped world view. :)
  47. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs · Edited
  48. Dewi Fflint
  49. Dewi Fflint Ha. You pre empted my question. I agree dismantling NATO is not worth the possible downsides of a Trump presidency. I said "at least", as in "it is a small upside to a potential disaster", I would have loved to see Bernie not have been blocked by the Democrats, he might have been different. But I don't see how a warmonger and a neo liberal like Clinton would have been any better.
  51. And I say this for clarity as I am aware I am discussing on an American's thread and that you may have friends who are Americans reading. I am not using "liberal" in the social sense but "neo liberal" in the economic sense. Those like Blair, Bush and Clinton who worship the markets and believe that people should be governed by the markets rather than the other way around.
  52. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs · Edited
  53. Dewi Fflint
  54. Dewi Fflint A paid poeni, i used the word "pressing". I could have at least said "pressing io" ;-)
  55. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
  56. Shruti Kulkarni
  57. Shruti Kulkarni Diolch. Must disagree strongly with the "I don't see how [...] Clinton would have been any better" bit. Would Clinton have fully brought about all the reforms that ardent progressives were hoping for? Probably not. But she did align, at least, with some progressive causes. And - this is very important - her rhetoric, appointee choices & policies would have been far less *damaging* to the most vulnerable sections of society.
  58. Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
  59. Dewi Fflint
  60. Dewi Fflint Sorry. I meant to say "substantivley" better. But by the time id edited it i forgot. What i meant is, she would not have changed the direction of travel, and she would probably have dropped more bombs on more people than will Trump.
  61. Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
  62. Shruti Kulkarni
  63. Shruti Kulkarni Highly doubtful. Trump has expressed open eagerness to drop bombs in the Middle East (c.f. his "bomb the sh-t out of them" comment) and even willingness to resort to nuclear warfare.
  65. And for Americans, of course, much more is at stake than just the war in Syria (awful as it is). Trump's proposed policy in other areas would be far more disastrous than Clinton's.
  66. Like · Reply · 1 hr · Edited
  67. Dewi Fflint
  68. Dewi Fflint Damn. Outfoxed once again by pesky facts :). I'm going to duck out of this debate now before i expose my ignorance further. I concede that an American probably knows more about America than do I. ;)
  69. Unlike · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
  70. Shruti Kulkarni
  71. Shruti Kulkarni Haha. Diolch am y sgwrs :-)
  72. Like · Reply · 2 · 1 hr
  73. Aran Jones
  74. Aran Jones Dewi - gallad ddallt hynna. Ond dim yn gweld dymchwel NATO yn gwneud unrhyw niwed i San Steffan...
  75. Like · Reply · 1 hr
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