
Translation of NOMA's tweets regarding BRAIN POWER.

Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. - The following text is a translation regarding the removal of the popular song Brain Power from KONAMI's rhythm game SOUND VOLTEX.
  2. - The original source of the text is from NOMA's twitter regarding the situation, his thoughts, and decision.
  3. - This translation was brought to you by K1 (@_momomelo) - If I missed anything, please tweet me and I can append it.
  4. - Please RT the tweet ( to give visibility to the English speaking Rhythm Game community.
  5. - This twitter translation begins from this tweet:
  6. --------------------------------------------------
  7. The Translated Tweets:
  8. > KONAMI公式から正式にBrain Power削除のアナウンスがあったようですね。 とうとうこの時が来てしまいましたので、私から詳しいお話をしましょう。
  9. It seems like KONAMI officially announced the termination of Brain Power from the game. I will tell you my side of this.
  11. > Brain Powerは2017年3月31日をもってKONAMIとの契約期間が終わります。延長する事も可能でしたが、私は延長しない道を選びました。これは私が悩み考え抜き、最終的に至った結論です。
  12. As of March 31 2017, the contract for Brain Power will end. I had the opportunity to extended it but I decided not to. This is my own decision that I have put a lot of thought into.
  14. > この選択に至った理由はたくさんありますが、全て私の意思であり、その意思をKONAMI様は尊重して契約解除を決定して下さいました。
  15. I have many reasons for reaching this conclusion but it is all my decision. I am grateful for Konami for respecting that decision.
  17. > 仮に、契約を延長すればSOUND VOLTEXに今まで通り収録され続ける。逆を言うと、KONAMIから許諾を得ないといかなる場合もBrain Powerを使用する事ができない状態なのです。それは作曲者も同様です。
  18. If I extend the contract, the song would continue to be in SOUND VOLTEX. However to argue that, there may be situations where I am unable to get consent from KONAMI to use Brain Power. As the composer of the song, this would be a big problem for me.
  20. > 現在、Brain Powerは様々なゲームや国内外のDJから使用許諾を求めるメッセージや、オファーが来ています。しかし、KONAMIとの独占契約がある為にオファーは全てお断りしました。
  21. I have received many offers by DJs and game developers, both and domestic and foreign for the rights to use Brain Power. However, due to the monopolization of the song within Konami's contract, I had to decline all the offers.
  23. > 私は「Brain PowerをSOUND VOLTEXに収録して頂き、たくさんの方々に遊んで頂いたからこそ今の自分がある」と思っています。Brain Powerがキッカケで爆発的に知名度が上がったのも事実ですし、海外の方々の目に留まる事も無かったでしょう。
  24. I earnestly believe that I am now a well known DJ because of the opportunity to compose Brain Power for SOUND VOLTEX and by how much people had fun playing the song. Brain Power exploded in popularity and that did not stop even when it reached a foreign audience.
  26. > そして今でもBrain Powerが大好きでプレイして下さっている方が居るのも重々承知しています。私が契約解除をする事で、そんな方々を裏切ってしまうような気がして正直、後ろめたい気持ち、申し訳ない気持ちを感じざるを得ません。
  27. And even today, I am well aware of how much people love playing Brain Power in SOUND VOLTEX. Some players may feel like I am betraying them with my decision to cut the contract, and for that I feel guilty. I am very sorry and apologize for that.
  29. > しかし逆を言うと、現在はほぼ日本の音楽ゲームユーザーの方々しか楽しめない状態であるとも考える事ができます。 作曲者の私としては、より多くの人に、国を問わず、形式を問わず、楽曲を楽しんで頂きたいと思っています
  30. However, in the current situation, Japanese rhythm game players were the only audience able to enjoy the song. As the composer, I wish for my song to be available to a wider audience, regardless of country and for people to be able to have fun and enjoy it.
  32. > 偶然にも私がカナダへ渡航するタイミングとBrain Powerの契約終了日がとても近いです。 私は既に海外でのDJ出演オファーを受け取っており、もちろんBrain Powerを使いたいと思っています。
  33. By chance, the timing of my departure to Canada and the termination of the contract came in a very timely manner. I have already accepted offers to DJ at oversea events and of course, I plan to spin Brain Power.
  35. > もしこれが契約中でしたら、KONAMIへの使用許諾が必要ですし、また別のライブで使用する度に新たに使用許諾を得る必要があります。はっきり言って全くシームレスではありません。 よりたくさんの人に楽しんで貰う上で、KONAMIとの契約が足枷になっているとも正直感じています。
  36. If I were still under contract while abroad, I would need to apply for the rights to to use my song for every event I spin at. Unfortunately, the process is not as seamless as you would think. My goal is for people to be able to enjoy my music far and wide, and I feel that the contract with KONAMI would have hindered me down from achieving that.
  38. > たくさんの人を楽しませる事ができる良い音楽がそこにあるのに、利権や著作権がその足枷になってはならないと私は思います。
  39. It's infuriating when Brain Power is a hype song that you know a lot of people will enjoy, but you are unable to spin it due to being hindered by copyright laws.
  41. > 採用から約4年もSOUND VOLTEXにて収録、稼働して頂けて本当に嬉しく思っています。 採用通知が届いた時は体が震えるほど嬉しくて、今でも鮮明に覚えています。ゲームセンターまで行って自分の曲が本当にSOUND VOLTEXに入っているか確かめに行ったのもよく覚えています。
  42. I am really happy that Brain Power has been a part of SOUND VOLTEX for four years now. When I received the job offer, I was shaking. I still remember this like it was yesterday. I even remember when I went to the arcade to confirm with my own eyes to see if my song was really in SOUND VOLTEX.
  44. > 収録されてから暫くは、プレイ数ランキングで数週間1位をキープし続けていて「この曲は本当にみんなに愛されているんだなぁ」と感じたのもよくよく覚えています。
  45. I remember upon release, Brain Power was the top played song in the game for a few weeks straight. I got the sense that people really loved the song.
  47. > Brain Powerが削除されても「Brain Powerが採用されてSOUND VOLTEXにて収録されていた」という事実は消えませんし、その事実を私はとても誇らしく思います
  48. Even with the termination of Brain Power, the reality of Brain Power being a part of SOUND VOLTEX history will never be forgotten. I am really proud of that.
  50. > もしKONAMIに敵意や不快感を感じている方が居ましたらどうか恨まないでください。 この決定は私が決めた事であり、私が未来へ進むための選択でもありますので。
  51. Please don't resent Konami for this. They are not at fault. This was my own decision to advance towards the future.
  53. > 先日私はKONAMIのオフィスへ行って契約について、そして今後について担当者の方と直々に話し合いました。
  54. A few days ago I went to the KONAMI office to talk directly the the man in charge regarding the contract.
  56. > 詳しい事は話せませんが、担当者様のお話ですと「現在の契約形態は終わらせて、また違ったスタイルの新しい契約を結べばBrain PowerがSOUND VOLTEXに復活する可能性も十分にある」との事ですので、どうか悲観的にならないで下さい。
  57. I can't talk about the details but, when talking to the him I was told: "While the current state of the contract has ended, if we are able to come to consensus on a new style of contract, there is a possibility of having Brain Power revived in SOUND VOLTEX." With that being a possibility, please don't be sad.
  59. > 楽曲削除の件については以上になります。これからもNOMAの活動にご期待下さい! 今後も応援よろしくお願いします!
  60. This is all I have to say regarding the termination of the song from the game. Please continue to support NOMA in the future!
  62. > 余談ですが、「ブレパの原曲はボルテに置いたまま、新しくブレパリミックスを作って、そのリミックスをDJの方や他のゲームで使って貰ったらどうだ?」という提案もKONAMI様からありました。そんなのみんな原曲が欲しいに決まってるでしょ!!!!!!
  63. I was often told "Why don't you keep the original composition of Brain Power in SOUND VOLTEX and make a remixed version so you can give rights to other DJs or other Games to use?" I even got this proposition from KONAMI themselves. Why that's obvious! Because everyone wants the original composition of Brain Power!!!!!!
  65. > ロングバージョンも作って、更にリミックスを作るなんて事は私自信したくなかったのもあります。そんなの作ったら絶対に駄作ができる。
  66. I already made a long version of the song. I felt that if I made a remix of it, it would have been very crappy.
  68. > リプ多スギィ!!  ゆっくり順番に返していきます( ˘ω˘)
  69. There's too many replies! I will slowly answer them over time. ( ˘ω˘)
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