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May 31st, 2016
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  1. <!doctyoe html>
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  5. <!You put metadata about the document, as well as links to your stylesheets and JavaScript files, in this element (that is, between these two tags).// -->
  6. <meta charset="urt-8">
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  8. <!//You will only need this if you want your website to be responsive. But since we are learning to do exactly that, go ahead and add it right below your other meta tag. You might have seen it before: When you open some websites on your phone it will automatically display the website zoomed out all the way. The meta tag above will prevent that from happening. It will basically tell your device to keep the initial scale of your website instead of simulating the size of a desktop screen. -->
  9. <title>About Excel Software Services - QA Consultancy</title>
  10. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/normalize.css">
  11. <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/about_styles.css">
  12. <!--You definitely have to close this tag. If you don’t, your browser will ignore the rest of the site. The title tag appears in the top bar of the browser window when someone opens your site. It also acts as the page title in search engines, bookmarking, and social media sharing, so it’s important! However, it does not appear in the actual layout of your site. -->
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  16. </head>
  17. <body>
  18. <div class="header">
  19. <h1>About Me</h1>
  20. </div>
  21. <div class="container">
  22. <div class="image">
  23. <img src="img/small_cat.jpg" alt="kitten">
  24. </div>
  25. <div class="intro column">
  26. <h2>My brain has too many tabs open.</h2>
  27. </div>
  28. <div class="skills column">
  29. <h3>My Skills!!</h3>
  30. <ul id="skill-list">
  31. <li>unordered item</li>
  32. <li>unordered item</li>
  33. </ul>
  34. </div>
  35. </div>
  36. <! -- end container -->
  37. <div class="main-text">
  38. <h3>My Story</h3>
  39. <p>Artisan sriracha slow-carb, truffaut deep v chicharrones echo park kogi. Migas pickled fingerstache organic neutra whatever biodiesel. Mustache 3 wolf moon craft beer wolf, whatever jean shorts gastropub etsy ennui squid PBR&B. Hella pour-over blue bottle meggings. Hashtag skateboard listicle bespoke. Plaid biodiesel austin, mustache wolf everyday carry typewriter intelligentsia kogi ennui. Distillery messenger bag affogato drinking vinegar photo booth, shoreditch small batch banh mi pabst migas single-origin coffee green juice tacos.
  40. Selfies fap pabst yuccie, chicharrones fanny pack street art mumblecore thundercats art party typewriter normcore messenger bag. Lumbersexual chicharrones farm-to-table, polaroid ethical ennui deep v locavore. Shoreditch tilde ramps blog thundercats wolf, synth taxidermy messenger bag gluten-free direct trade. Mlkshk art party marfa waistcoat paleo four loko kombucha wolf taxidermy. Salvia VHS chartreuse pabst cardigan. Austin beard offal, taxidermy literally thundercats intelligentsia blue bottle jean shorts kogi asymmetrical swag kitsch tofu mixtape. Authentic meditation small batch, thundercats austin bicycle rights tattooed viral freegan sartorial yuccie brooklyn pinterest truffaut wayfarers.
  41. Oh. You need a little dummy text for your mockup? How quaint.
  42. I bet you’re still using Bootstrap too…
  43. </p>
  44. </div>
  45. </body>
  46. </html>
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