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Sep 24th, 2012
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  10. "Amancio... Pablo... so much money for nothing... LULz"
  11. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Old giants of flesh, money and steel, empires with feet of clay, we are your Nemesis. Your Hindenburg omen.
  16. You believe that the impunity of your greed will be eternal, but you still have not understood that the only thin that is eternal is the spirit of Human Re-Evolution. You, slavers, exploiters of childres, you who sleep quiet on your filthy fortunes...
  17. will never have the total power in your hands anymore, because the real power of the modern world belongs to the free people and their infinite capabilities.
  19. You say about your online media: "Through this private network mounted on the internet providers reach multiple informations that make their work easier, like rules to be followed to make the packaging or labeling... Now, a team of six people oversees the smooth running of and gives guidelines to the rest. All needs that encompasses the area of Internet are covered by the group's own technology infrastructure, through its department of administration and systems..."
  20. "Extract from Manuel Pedreira Antón (System Arquitect and Proyect Manager in Inditex). Specialties: System Arquitecture, windows 2003, windows 2008, debian, RHEL, GNU/Linux, Exchange Server, Isa Server, Iptables, SAN, EMC CLariion, Panda Antivirus, EMC2, ARC Serve, IIS, Clustering HA and HP, Sharepoint, Active Directory, AIX 5+,Radware,Apache,Postfix,Jabberd, Blackberry,VMWARE,Citrix, Project Management, IAM, IPAM, OCS, Elearning, SIEM, ITIL, ESX, ..."
  22. Amancio... Pablo... you must understand the hell out of this: all your investments are useless, your money can not pay you more than expensive, huge lies... you are in our hands now. Your schoolyard technology, hard-won with poverty wages and little friends in positions of responsibility, gives us nothing but LAUGH.
  23. We could modify the applications,laberls and pricings of almost your entire collections and brands; redirect your applications to server in Chine, Russia or any other place on Earth. We could have done thousands of fake orders, publish your accounting data, etc... hit&hide would have been very easy.
  24. Can you imagine the losses caused or chaos that this would have generated?
  26. But this is what characterizes Anonymous The 9th: due to respect for innocent workers trapped in your companies we've just joking with your sysop, playing with your corporate website and, above all... MAKING SO MUCH FUN OF YOU. we should be gratefull for the free security audit, but, above all you should understand this wake up call, more than clear: THIRD FORTUNE OF THE WORLD, THIS IS NOT AN ACCEPTABLE WAY OF DOING THINGS.
  28. Freedom and democracy are Human Rights and can not be lost in workplaces. In this obsolete system we fight like tigers... for freedom, for culture, for a true democracy... overall, for the right to control our own lifes. But we wake up in the morning, we go to work -those who still can- and all our supposed rights disappear. And the worst thing is that for many other, always the weakest, this right never existed.
  29. This way, for most of the day, we go back to the Middle Ages. That is your Capitalism, a modern version of feudalism where capital una versión moderna del feudalismo donde el capital replace land and plutocrats replace the old kings. The hierarchy remains and so we continue to deliver the fruit of the work of our lives, under the compulsion of necessity, to feed your lives of luxury... he lives of elites who don't do any real work.
  31. Whhat entrepreneurs call "risk of capitalism" is just another of your privileges. Management is something real, a technical issue. But it can be controlled much better by job than by the capital. The "capital" is merely the residue of useful work should and belongs to everyone, not just a few. There is no justification for a wealth gentry possessing it and others have to be at its service. Nothing justifies child slavery, the dismissal of pregnant women, poverty wages, relocation or other injustices that you believe to hide while you stay with the benefit of what people produce.
  33. No. .. The system called capitalist democracy is no democracy. That why it has been so easy to transform it into this cursed globalization, where democracy dissapeared and capitalism became the worst tyranny. A system where 1% of the population owns half the wealth and 5% owns the another ninety-five percent. What's left for the rest?
  35. History has shown what values ​​are real in your system. And the sad thing is that injustice and suffering caused by it were not necessary, since from the eighteenth century there are technical means to provide everyone with the necessaries of life.
  37. So we have to change and we will do so. It's now or never. If freedom and democracy are fundamental values​​, if justice is a value, then values ​​are everywhere, including the jobs that people from all over the world spend a huge part of their lives. The result of the work belongs to whoever holds and the value of that work can not be taken away.
  39. The 25th of September (date against a government that puts the capital before his own people) is just around the corner ... plutocrats, politicians and royalty ... none are safe from the evolution and freedom.
  40. While justice remain seized of punishing the hungry or those assisting, rather than pursue criminal exploiters like you or the corrupt politicians who will allow all, we will stand here, to remember you that not even the largest fortunes od the world are safe to receive what they really deserve.
  42. Remember: We are Legion, we are outhere and we are still very pissed.
  43. We do not forget.
  44. We do not forgives.
  45. And you should have expected us...
  47. MORE IFNO:
  49. Inditex, involved in a scandal of slavery in Brazil:
  51. Stories of workers related with Inditex:
  53. Slavery in India: three spanish enterprises included in the "black list": #makingmoney
  55. Zara exploits of its workers in Morocco, according to a report:
  57. Inditex ‘made in Marruecos’: Sewing 65 hours a week for 178 euros a month:
  59. Amancio Ortega e Inditex exploit women:
  61. The dirty laundry of textile companies:
  63. "Inditex should monitor the working conditions of its factories":
  65. Zara saves taxes on Internet sales invoice from Ireland:
  67. ░░░░░▄▄▄▄▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄░░░░░░░
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  70. ░░░█░░░░░░▄██▀▄▄░░░░░▄▄▄░░░░█░░
  71. ░▄▀▒▄▄▄▒░█▀▀▀▀▄▄█░░░██▄▄█░░░░█░ U MAD, AMANCIO?
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