

May 12th, 2013
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  1. May 12 14:31:10 <~zoofman> Alright! That weekend, Rosetta wanted to get her god damn scarf
  2. May 12 14:31:30 <~zoofman> the question is, did she go to Garcia's apartment, or ask her to meet up somewhere?
  3. May 12 14:32:07 <Rosetta> 1d2
  4. May 12 14:32:08 <DiceMaid-9001> Rosetta, 1d2: 2 [1d2=2]
  5. May 12 14:32:49 »» Rosetta does not get on the bad idea train and asks Garcia to meet her there a casual daytime hangout spot for the Guild in Veilbeak?
  6. May 12 14:33:45 <~zoofman> Sort of, yes! The arena's match making lounge that Genevieve visited that weekend as well works as that
  7. May 12 14:34:24 <Rosetta> There we go then, Rosetta asks to meet there. She arrives a bit early and spends time reading over info on arena challenges for later~
  8. May 12 14:35:25 »» You are now known as Garcia
  9. May 12 14:36:10 »» ~Garcia arrives a bit late herself, waving as she approaches with a "Heeeeeeeeeey!", carrying around a recycled shopping bag with her.
  10. May 12 14:36:46 <Rosetta> "Heya!" Rosetta hops around, Trilloby perched on her head, to face the direction Garcia's voice came from.
  11. May 12 14:38:39 »» ~Garcia stops as she reaches you and huffs a bit. "I heard you guys were on a bit of a hot streak this week, hmmmm?" She digs around in the bag some.
  12. May 12 14:40:39 <Rosetta> "Sorta! Team arena challenge, gym badge, individual arena, contest circuit..." Rosetta counts off on her fingers and nods.
  13. May 12 14:43:39 <~Garcia> "Guess it's no surprise you wanted to meet here then, annnnd...tadaaa!" She pulls out...two scarves, both draped over her hands. One a dark emerald green and the other a dark grey, close to asphalt. "I couldn't pick one so I just went with both, whaddya think?~"
  14. May 12 14:44:52 <Rosetta> "Shiny." Rosetta gets up on her tiptoes and leans in, head twitching from side to side as she looks at them both. "Ya didn't have to make two though. Geez, I feel sorta bad now." She settles back, flat on her feet.
  15. May 12 14:45:18 <Rosetta> "How much do I owe you for 'em?"
  16. May 12 14:47:43 <~Garcia> "I don't want you to pay me for them, silly. I enjoy making stuff like this!" She takes one of the scarves, the grey one, and steps forward to tie it on you real quick. "And with two of them you could do this if you don't like the color!" She ties the other one around Trilloby. It looks sorta silly on him.
  17. May 12 14:48:58 <Rosetta> "I like 'em both though." Rosetta struggles to look upward at Trilloby. Seeing as moving her head moves Trilloby around, and she can only look up so much with moving her eyes alone, this is pretty futile.
  18. May 12 14:49:17 <Rosetta> "Trilloby, get down here so I can see how you look."
  19. May 12 14:49:36 »» ~Garcia plucks him off and holds him between you two. He stares at you with those ever curious eyes as Garcia :3's.
  20. May 12 14:49:56 <Rosetta> "Not bad. Goes with the goggles."
  21. May 12 14:50:37 »» DiceMaid-9001 is now known as Jessie
  22. May 12 14:50:54 <~Garcia> "I'm glad you like them!" She puts Trilloby back on his perch and patpats him.
  23. May 12 14:51:01 »» Jessie is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  24. May 12 14:53:03 <Rosetta> "Yeah, my mom's actually got a clothes line she owns, but it's all that obnoxious high fashion stuff. You know what I'm talking about, yeah? Real impractical stuff." Rosetta adjusts her new scarf a bit. "Nothin' like what people would -actually- wear on the streets."
  25. May 12 14:53:49 <Rosetta> "So." Rosetta hops a little, adjusting her orientation by a few angles to better face Garcia again. "Whatcha gonna do now? The Regalia, I mean."
  26. May 12 14:56:28 <~Garcia> "I just like making my own outfits, it's the best way to find exactly what you want! As for work stuff, three of us will be heading to Darkfeather soon, Ammy wants to snoop around on her own a bit I think..." she shrugs. "I'm more interested in the present."
  27. May 12 14:57:33 <Rosetta> "Darkfeather, huh?" Rosetta tilts her head.
  28. May 12 14:59:11 <~Garcia> "Mhm! Or the forests there. It's where we got involved in this after all, buuuut..." she frowns. "It's not really my story to tell."
  29. May 12 15:00:38 <~Garcia> "So until we leave I just want to play while I can! What about you?"
  30. May 12 15:00:42 <Rosetta> "So there -are- things even someone like you worries about." She tilts her head the other way. "Er, sorry, not meaning to pry."
  31. May 12 15:02:35 <Rosetta> "Saryx has a chick that he wants to chase down in Venomtalon, and Gen's got somethin' to look into in Thundercry. I think I'm goin' with Gen for now..."
  32. May 12 15:03:18 »» ~Garcia head tilts the opposite direction. "What do you mean like me?" her frown and town are very joking.
  33. May 12 15:04:34 »» Rosetta tilts to match. "Well, you're pretty carefree, aren't ya? Don't really care what others think of you or what you do. Just sorta do it, yeah? Like you said, you prefer the present, yeah?"
  34. May 12 15:07:42 <~Garcia> She swaps sides. "I wouldn't say that's entirrrrrrrely accurate but the now is what's most important."
  35. May 12 15:08:08 <~Garcia> "A girl in Venomtalon though? Him? Eeeeeh?"
  36. May 12 15:08:40 <~Garcia> "And a girl's night out in the big city? Jealous~"
  37. May 12 15:10:31 <Rosetta> "Yeah! He's been calling her the 'cinnamon girl' cause he got smashed and the most he could remember clearly was how she smelled. Til now I guess."
  38. May 12 15:10:46 »» Rosetta is a terrible gossip. :3
  39. May 12 15:11:22 <Rosetta> "I've never been to Thundercry. Got any recs? I mean, I 'spose Gen's already gonna know all the good spots, but...we're kinda there on business too." Rosetta tilts to match again.
  40. May 12 15:12:18 <~Garcia> "Huuuuh. I thought he was head over heels for the icy blondes."
  41. May 12 15:12:43 <Rosetta> "Huh? Whatcha mean?"
  42. May 12 15:14:40 <~Garcia> She giggles. "I don't really have one in mind, a recommendation that is. But we all saw how he was with the Valdis girl, and how he keeps trying to find time to meet with Anna for stuffs."
  43. May 12 15:15:30 »» Rosetta pulls out her phone. "I thought he left the Valdis fanclub after all that..."
  44. May 12 15:16:53 <~Garcia> "Probably didn't want the others to lynch him after getting that close to her~"
  45. May 12 15:18:37 <Rosetta> "Well, I dunno," Rosetta shrugs. "He was sooo excited when he heard this cinnamon chick was in Venomtalon."
  46. May 12 15:25:09 <~Garcia> "Huh. Well...nevermind that. I wanna hear more about you anyway!
  47. May 12 15:25:23 <Rosetta> "Like what?"
  48. May 12 15:27:37 <~Garcia> She short circuits after that. "Doesn't gotta be the bad or the sad's with the tattoo you have? It's sexy~"
  49. May 12 15:29:36 <Rosetta> "Oh, I'm a Rune Master. Funky Unown powers, you know the gig." Rosetta puts her hand to the tattoo, and her hair rises and crackles as electricity runs down her body in runic patterns.
  50. May 12 15:29:44 <Rosetta> "Runs in the family."
  51. May 12 15:30:54 <~Garcia> "Is it, like, genetic? Like a birth mark? I don't think I saw one on your cousin..."
  52. May 12 15:31:03 <~Garcia> "Hope it's not a tramp stamp for her~"
  53. May 12 15:35:22 »» Rosetta tilts her head the other way. "Should be the same spot. It sorta fades for a while when you try to pull an Unown out of it though, so maybe it just wasn't very visible when you were looking."
  54. May 12 15:35:59 <~Garcia> "So it IS genetic then? Ooooo..."
  55. May 12 15:36:19 <Rosetta> "But nah, it's...I guess it's sorta genetic in that the power to manipulate Unown comes that way, but the tattoo doesn't show up til you've figured out how to use the power."
  56. May 12 15:37:51 <~Garcia> "That's nifty. All that runs in mine is epilepsy." An awkward silence and another short circuit.
  57. May 12 15:38:20 <Rosetta> Awkward.
  58. May 12 15:38:25 <~Garcia> "How'd she end up here and you in the wilds?"
  59. May 12 15:40:22 <Rosetta> "Uh, let's see. I was over in Johto when I heard my brother got killed. He's been leavin' flash drives with clues about his death all over the wilds, but Norina's too young to sign up with the Guild and look into it. So she dragged me over and er, convinced me I could go lookin' if I signed up."
  60. May 12 15:41:18 <~Garcia> "..."
  61. May 12 15:41:35 <Rosetta> "...Didn't ya get a memo 'bout all this?"
  62. May 12 15:41:45 <~Garcia> Short circuit. "Uhm. I did but I was knitting."
  63. May 12 15:42:51 <~Garcia> "And then got shaked down by Arnaldo's guys for those tickets and jimmies I owed Big Lil."
  64. May 12 15:43:38 <~Garcia> "...I'm sorry." She hug and patpats you. "I'm really just in this because my friends are myself, nothing serious at all..."
  65. May 12 15:45:16 <Rosetta> "...To be honest, I didn't really wanna do it at first. I didn't think I'd be very -good- at this sorta thing, figured it might be better to leave it to established teams..." Rosetta awkwardly hugs back. "...then Norina punched me really hard and guilted me so I felt horrible. So I guess that was a thing."
  66. May 12 15:45:37 <Rosetta> "Uh, tickets and jimmies?"
  67. May 12 15:45:51 »» Rosetta tilts her head. Awkwardly if still being hugged.
  68. May 12 15:47:24 »» ~Garcia lets go and backs up a bit. "Yeah. For Rustlemania. I owed her tickets cause of. Uh. A thing."
  69. May 12 15:47:40 <Rosetta> "What -is- Rustlemania?"
  70. May 12 15:48:20 <~Garcia> "I think it's a stand up comedy thing..?"
  71. May 12 15:49:13 <Rosetta> "That is so much less exciting than Lil made it sound."
  72. May 12 15:49:54 <~Garcia> "I don't really get it either..."
  73. May 12 15:51:32 <Rosetta> "Remind me not to get on Arnaldo's bad side, if he does shakedowns of other Guildies for stuff like stand-up comedy tickets."
  74. May 12 15:52:42 <~Garcia> "I sorta had it coming, it was that or her Farfetch'd! Anyway...uh...aside from the sad stuff...what do you do for fun?" She hops in place some, trying to shake off the mood ruining she stumbled into.
  75. May 12 15:53:35 <Rosetta> "Parkour, tresp- I mean urban exploring, getting back into a bit of martial arts now."
  76. May 12 15:55:15 <~Garcia> "Huuuuh. All outdoorsy huh."
  77. May 12 15:56:11 <Rosetta> "Sorta. I mean, it's all out in urban environments. Never really did much with nature and such until I joined the Guild."
  78. May 12 15:56:43 <Rosetta> "And urban exploring takes you all sorta of weird abandoned places. Subway tunnels, old buildings, that sorta thing."
  79. May 12 15:57:32 <~Garcia> "Mhm....I don't like the wilds myself much, prefer the cities too!"
  80. May 12 15:58:20 <Rosetta> "What do you do aside from knitting?"
  81. May 12 16:00:07 <~Garcia> "When Ammy doesn't make us practice? Play with cute boys and party hard~"
  82. May 12 16:03:47 <Rosetta> "Right." Rosetta nod nods.
  83. May 12 16:08:30 <~Garcia> "Anyone special in your life hm? I know your cousin likes that blockheaded Russian guy ever since we met before the beach party last week.~"
  84. May 12 16:09:05 <Rosetta> "Nuh uh, not really, no." Rosetta untilts her head and shakes it.
  85. May 12 16:10:28 <~Garcia> "Wynaut?"
  86. May 12 16:10:33 <~Garcia> She head tilts.
  87. May 12 16:11:32 <Rosetta> "Well, it's not odd not to, is it?" Rosetta tilts the other way. God, I really hope there's random guy off in the corner watching all this.
  88. May 12 16:12:09 <Rosetta> "Just don't really have anyone right now."
  89. May 12 16:13:09 <~Garcia> (It's like that one episode of Railgun with the one dude in the cafe who just gives no fucks. Same dude in fact. )
  90. May 12 16:13:12 <~Garcia> (Or was that the magic one)
  91. May 12 16:13:24 <Rosetta> (I don't remember)
  92. May 12 16:13:32 <Rosetta> (oh btw new season of Railgun~)
  93. May 12 16:14:47 <~Garcia> "Well...yeah I don't either but why?"
  94. May 12 16:15:08 <~Garcia> "I mean why buy one cone when you can sample all 32 flavors?"
  95. May 12 16:16:30 »» Rosetta hesitates a moment but figures with how things have gone so far, it can't hurt. "Well, what if you don't know what flavor you like? Or whether you even like any at all?"
  96. May 12 16:18:23 <~Garcia> "That's why you keep trying new ones. Unless you're lactos intolerant...which would just sorta, like, suck."
  97. May 12 16:19:15 »» Rosetta takes a moment thinking of what lactose intolerance would even be in this metaphor.
  98. May 12 16:20:39 ---» Domovoi ( has Joined #easternislesrhapsody
  99. May 12 16:21:14 <Rosetta> "Well, I haven't liked any I've tried so far, and I dunno what I would, is the point."
  100. May 12 16:24:01 <Rosetta> "Maybe I've gotta try sorbet instead of gelato, but I dunno if that's it either." She shrugs.
  101. May 12 16:24:43 <~Garcia> "Hmmm..."
  102. May 12 16:27:16 <~Garcia> "To be honest? Mine might be too exotic for your palette then. Could give advice but...well I don't think you'd want a full mindfreeze." Short circuit.
  103. May 12 16:27:49 <Rosetta> "Shoot." Ohgod.
  104. May 12 16:28:13 <~Garcia> "You sure?" head tilt.
  105. May 12 16:28:20 »» Rosetta nods.
  106. May 12 16:32:23 <~Garcia> "To be clear," she holds up a finger. "I just want a scoop or two. You get that, right?"
  107. May 12 16:33:03 <Rosetta> "I thought this was gonna be advice." Rosetta tilts her head the opposite way of Garcia.
  108. May 12 16:33:36 »» ~Garcia frowns. "You gotta be more clear when we're talking in cooooode."
  109. May 12 16:36:40 <Rosetta> "Whoops. Well, I thought you didn't like sorbet."
  110. May 12 16:40:05 »» ~Garcia leans in and says quietly. "I'm curious how it tastes and wouldn't mind, but...if it's something you're really confused on, then you should stay away from guys like me. You travel with two guys, and least one of them knows his way around the block. He'll be way more help to you than I could ever be anyway, cause I'm exactly what you don't need."
  111. May 12 16:43:03 »» Rosetta nods slowly. "I'm...not exactly worried 'bout coming back for more scoops while I'm still figuring this out, so I dunno if that's true. Guess you're probably right though, and I'm glad you're honest 'bout it?"
  112. May 12 16:49:35 <~Garcia> "I may be the wrong one to ask. I know what I want and need, but who says what you want and need are the same? We could share a two scoop sunday if you want, but IS that what you want?"
  113. May 12 16:49:37 <~Garcia> Trilloby
  114. May 12 16:49:38 <~Garcia> has no idea
  115. May 12 16:49:41 <~Garcia> what the fuck you're talking about
  116. May 12 16:50:42 <Rosetta> Poor Natu.
  117. May 12 16:51:59 <Rosetta> "Um, can I get back to you on that? It might be better for me to diet until I know what I want better, but I also sorta...I'll just text ya later, yeah?"
  118. May 12 16:55:18 <~Garcia> She giggles and nods, before leaning in to peck you on the cheek and pat Trilloby on the head. "Too cute. You'll know how to reach me if you do get a craving. Take your time and figure out what's right for you, kay?"
  119. May 12 16:55:42 <Rosetta> "Gotcha." Rosetta just sorta nods back.
  120. May 12 16:56:56 <~Garcia> She sashays away with the empty bag over her shoulder, humming as she goes. "Cya Rosie~"
  121. May 12 16:57:47 <Rosetta> "See ya Garcia." Rosetta waves back as Garcia, then tilts her head and thinks to herself for a while, tugging on the scarf.
  122. May 12 16:57:53 <Rosetta> *as Garcia leaves
  123. May 12 16:58:30 <~Garcia> Trilloby nustles down, too confused to give many more fucks.
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