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Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. #!/usr/bin/bash
  2. set -e
  3. cat <<'EOF' > $HOME/.hadk.env
  4. export MER_ROOT="$HOME/mer"
  5. export ANDROID_ROOT="$MER_ROOT/android/droid"
  6. export VENDOR="motorola"
  7. export DEVICE="titan"
  8. export PORT_ARCH="armv7hl"
  9. EOF
  10. cat <<'EOF' >> $HOME/.mersdkubu.profile
  11. function hadk() { source $HOME/.hadk.env; echo "Env setup for $DEVICE"; }
  12. export PS1="HABUILD_SDK [\${DEVICE}] $PS1"
  13. hadk
  14. EOF
  15. cat <<'EOF' >> $HOME/.mersdk.profile
  16. function hadk() { source $HOME/.hadk.env; echo "Env. setup for $DEVICE"; }
  17. hadk
  18. EOF
  19. export MER_ROOT=$HOME/mer
  20. TARBALL=mer-i486-latest-sdk-rolling-chroot-armv7hl-sb2.tar.bz2
  21. curl -k -O$TARBALL
  22. mkdir -p $MER_ROOT/sdks/sdk
  23. cd $MER_ROOT/sdks/sdk
  24. tar --numeric-owner -p -xjf $HOME/$TARBALL
  25. echo "export MER_ROOT=$MER_ROOT" >> ~/.bashrc
  26. alias sdk=$MER_ROOT/sdks/sdk/mer-sdk-chroot' >> ~/.bashrc
  27. exec bash
  28. echo 'PS1="MerSDK $PS1"' >> ~/.mersdk.profile
  29. cd $HOME
  30. sdk
  31. +verbose Exiting the SDK
  32. exit
  33. +verbose Entering the SDK
  34. sdk
  35. +verbose Adding the curlfix repo
  36. sudo zypper ar \
  37. curlfix
  38. +verbose Adding the common repo
  39. sudo zypper ar \
  40. common
  41. +verbose Refreshing the curlfix repo
  42. sudo zypper ref curlfix
  43. sudo zypper dup --from curlfix
  44. +verbose Refreshing the common repo
  45. sudo zypper ref common
  46. sudo zypper dup --from common
  47. +verbose Installing android-tools createrepo and zip
  48. sudo zypper in android-tools createrepo zip
  49. TARBALL=ubuntu-trusty-android-rootfs.tar.bz2
  50. +verbose Downloading the Rootfs tarball for Android
  51. curl -O$TARBALL
  52. UBUNTU_CHROOT=$MER_ROOT/sdks/ubuntu
  53. sudo mkdir -p $UBUNTU_CHROOT
  54. +verbose Unpacking the Rootfs tarball for Android into $UBUNTU_CHROOT
  55. sudo tar --numeric-owner -xvjf $TARBALL -C $UBUNTU_CHROOT
  56. +verbose Entering the HABUILD_SDK
  57. ubu-chroot -r $MER_ROOT/sdks/ubuntu
  58. +verbose Exiting the HABUILD_SDK
  59. exit
  60. +verbose "Enter your full name to present yourself to git"
  61. read name ; git --global $name
  62. +verbose And now enter your emailadress.
  63. read email git --global $name
  64. +verbose Making the bin directory for the repo command to be put into
  65. mkdir ~/bin
  66. +verbose Adding the bin directory to $PATH
  67. PATH=~/bin:$PATH
  68. +verbose Downloading the repo binary into ~/bin
  69. curl > ~/bin/repo
  70. +verbose Making the repo binary executable
  71. chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
  72. +verbose Entering the HABUILD_SDK
  73. ubu-chroot -r $MER_ROOT/sdks/ubuntu
  74. +verbose Creating the Root directory for Android
  75. sudo mkdir -p $ANDROID_ROOT
  76. +verbose Changing owner to the root directory for Android to your user
  77. sudo chown -R $USER $ANDROID_ROOT
  78. +verbose Entering the root directory for Android
  79. cd $ANDROID_ROOT
  80. +verbose Initialising the hybris repo into $ANDROID_ROOT
  81. repo init -u git:// -b hybris-12.1
  82. +verbose Creating the local_manifests directory
  83. mkdir $ANDROID_ROOT/.repo/local_manifests
  84. +verbose Entering the local_manifests directory
  85. cd $HOME/.repo/local_manifests/
  86. +verbose Creating the titan.xml file
  87. touch titan.xml
  88. +verbose Putting relevant repos to sync in the titan.xml file
  89. cat > titan.xml <<EOF
  90. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  91. <manifest>
  92. <project path="device/motorola/msm8226-common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_titan" revision="cm-12.1" />
  93. <project path="device/motorola/msm8226-common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_scorpion_windy" revision="cm-12.1" />
  94. <project path="device/motorola/msm8226-common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_shinano-common" revision="cm-12.1" />
  95. <project path="device/motorola/msm8226-common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_msm8974-common" revision="cm-12.1" />
  96. <project path="device/motorola/msm8226-common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_common" revision="cm-12.1" />
  97. <project path="device/qcom/common" name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" revision="cm-12.1" />
  98. <project path="hardware/motorola/thermanager" name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_htc_thermanager" revision="cm-12.1" />
  99. <project path="kernel/motorola/msm8974" name="Nokius/android_kernel_htc_msm8974" revision="hybris-12.1" />
  100. <project path="vendor/motorola" name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_htc" revision="cm-12.1" />
  101. <project path="rpm/" name="Nokius/droid-hal-titan" revision="master" />
  102. <project path="hybris/droid-configs" name="Nokius/droid-config-titan" revision="master" />
  103. <project path="hybris/droid-hal-version-endeavoru" name="Nokius/droid-hal-version-titan" revision="master" />
  104. </manifest>
  105. EOF
  106. +verbose Entering $ANDROID_ROOT
  107. cd $ANDROID_ROOT
  108. +verbose Syncing the repos that you added to the titan.xml file
  109. repo sync --fetch-submodules
  110. +verbose Resyncing again to make sure that youre fully up-to-date.
  111. repo sync --fetch-submodules
  112. cat > /home/$USER/mer/android/droid/hybris/hybris-boot/fixup-mountpoints << EOF
  113. #!/bin/bash
  115. DEVICE=$1
  116. shift
  118. +verbose "Fixing mount-points for device $DEVICE"
  120. case "$DEVICE" in
  122. "titan")
  123. sed -i \
  124. -e 's block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system ' \
  125. -e 's block/platform⁄msm_sdcc.1⁄by-name⁄userdata ⁄data ' \
  126. -e 's block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache /cache ' \
  127. -e 's block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/RFS /rfs ' \
  128. -e 's block/platform/sdhci-tegra.3/by-name/DLG /devlog ' \
  132. "$@" ;;
  134. *)
  135. exit 1
  136. ;;
  137. esac
  138. EOF
  139. +verbose Done!
  140. +verbose Running source build/
  141. source build/
  142. export USE_CCACHE=1
  143. +verbose Running breakfast for Titan
  144. breakfast $DEVICE
  145. +verbose Running make to build hybris-hal
  146. make -j4 hybris-hal
  147. +verbose Running java -jar $HOME/mer/android/droid/out/host/linux-x86/framework/dumpkey.jar build/target/product/security/testkey.x509.pem build/target/product/security/cm.x509.pem build/target/product/security/cm-devkey.x509.pem > $HOME/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/$DEVICE/obj/PACKAGING/ota_keys_intermediates/keys in order for make to complete successfully
  148. java -jar $HOME/mer/android/droid/out/host/linux-x86/framework/dumpkey.jar build/target/product/security/testkey.x509.pem build/target/product/security/cm.x509.pem build/target/product/security/cm-devkey.x509.pem > $HOME/mer/android/droid/out/target/product/scorpion/obj/PACKAGING/ota_keys_intermediates/keys
  149. +verbose Done!
  150. +verbose Rerunning make to build hybris-hal once again
  151. make -j4 hybris-hal
  152. +verbose Showing the kernel config file built by hybris
  153. hybris/mer-kernel-check/mer_verify_kernel_config \
  154. ./out/target/product/$DEVICE/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config
  155. +verbose Building hybris-boot and hybris-recovery for your device
  156. make hybris-boot && make hybris-recovery
  157. +verbose Exiting the HABUILD_SDK into the Mer SDK
  158. exit
  161. TARBALL=$(curl $TARBALL_URL | grep "$PORT_ARCH.tar.bz2" | cut -d\" -f4)
  162. +verbose Downloading the SDK tarball for Sailfish OS
  163. curl -O $TARBALL
  164. +verbose Making a directory called SFE_SB2_TARGET
  165. sudo mkdir -p $SFE_SB2_TARGET
  166. +verbose Unpacking the downloaded tarball to the SFE_SB2_TARGET directory
  167. sudo tar --numeric-owner -pxjf $(basename $TARBALL) -C $SFE_SB2_TARGET
  168. +verbose Changing user priveligies to every file in the $SFE_SB2_TARGET directory
  169. sudo chown -R $USER $SFE_SB2_TARGET
  170. +verbose Entering the $SFE_SB2_TARGET directory
  171. cd $SFE_SB2_TARGET
  172. grep :$(id -u): /etc/passwd >> etc/passwd
  173. grep :$(id -g): /etc/group >> etc/group
  174. sb2-init -d -L "--sysroot=/" -C "--sysroot=/" \
  175. -c /usr/bin/qemu-arm-dynamic -m sdk-build \
  176. -n -N -t / $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH \
  177. /opt/cross/bin/$PORT_ARCH-meego-linux-gnueabi-gcc
  178. +verbose Rebuilding the rpm database
  179. sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -m sdk-install -R rpm --rebuilddb
  180. sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -m sdk-install -R zypper ar \
  181. -G$PORT_ARCH/packages/ \
  182. mer-tools-rolling
  183. sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -m sdk-install -R zypper ref --force
  184. cd $HOME
  185. +verbose Creating the Hello World-script...
  186. cat > main.c << EOF
  187. #include <stdlib.h>
  188. #include <stdio.h>
  189. int main(void) {
  190. printf("Hello, world!\n");
  191. return EXIT_SUCCESS;
  192. }
  193. EOF
  194. +verbose Compiling the Hello World script
  195. sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH gcc main.c -o test
  196. +verbose Running the Hello World script as a test which should show "Hello World!"
  197. sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH ./test
  198. sudo zypper ref; sudo zypper dup
  199. cd $HOME
  200. +verbose Making the directory called devel in $MER_ROOT
  201. sudo mkdir -p $MER_ROOT/devel
  202. +verbose Changing user priveligies to the devel directory
  203. sudo chown -R $USER mer/devel
  204. sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -R -m sdk-install ssu ar common
  205. cd $ANDROID_ROOT
  206. +verbose Running the build_packages script
  207. rpm/dhd/helpers/
  208. +verbose Press Ctrl C to stop this process if you at some point end up with what looks as a freeze and rerun rpm/dhd/helpers/
  209. +verbose Creating a directory called tmp
  210. mkdir -p tmp
  211. HA_REPO="repo --name=adaptation0-$DEVICE-@RELEASE@"
  212. KS="Jolla-@RELEASE@-$DEVICE-@ARCH@.ks"
  213. sed -e "s|^$HA_REPO.*$|$HA_REPO --baseurl=file://$ANDROID_ROOT/droid-local-repo/$DEVICE|" $ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/droid-configs/installroot/usr/share/kickstarts/$KS > tmp/$KS
  214. RELEASE=
  215. EXTRA_NAME=-my1
  216. sudo mic create fs --arch $PORT_ARCH \
  217. --debug \
  219. --record-pkgs=name,url \
  220. --outdir=sfe-$DEVICE-$RELEASE$EXTRA_NAME \
  221. --pack-to=sfe-$DEVICE-$RELEASE$EXTRA_NAME.tar.bz2 \
  222. $ANDROID_ROOT/tmp/Jolla-@RELEASE@-$DEVICE-@ARCH@.ks
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