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  11. begin{document}
  12. begin{lstlisting}[style = Matlab-editor, basicstyle = mlttfamily]
  13. clc, close all, clear all;
  14. %****************************************************
  15. R = 1;
  16. c = 1;
  17. L = 1;
  18. A = 5;
  19. w = 2*pi;
  20. t = 0:0.04:10;
  21. vout = A.*w.*(1+c.^2.*R.^2.*w.^2).^(-1).*(c.*exp(1).^((-1).*c.^(-1).*R.^(-1).*t).*R+(-1).*c.*R.*cos(t.*w)+w.^(-1).*sin(t.*w));
  22. plot(t,vout,'LineWidth',2), grid on;
  23. title('Respuesta del filtro eléctrico pasivo de primer orden.');
  24. xlabel('Tiempo (s)'), ylabel('Amplitud (V)');
  25. axis([min(t) max(t) min(vout) max(vout)])
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  308. See the Listings package documentation for explanation.
  309. Type H <return> for immediate help.
  310. ...
  311. l.13 ...= Matlab-editor, basicstyle = mlttfamily]
  312. Add usepackage{textcomp} to your preamble.
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