Guest User

Configs for the gamer

a guest
Jun 5th, 2011
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  1. /* (c) Magnus Auvinen. See licence.txt in the root of the distribution for more information. */
  2. /* If you are missing that file, acquire a complete release at                */
  3. #ifndef GAME_VARIABLES_H
  4. #define GAME_VARIABLES_H
  5. #undef GAME_VARIABLES_H // this file will be included several times
  8. // client
  9. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClPredict, cl_predict, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Predict client movements")
  10. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplates, cl_nameplates, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show name plates")
  11. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClClanplates, cl_clanplates, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show clan plates")
  12. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesAlways, cl_nameplates_always, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Always show name plates disregarding of distance")
  13. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesTeamcolors, cl_nameplates_teamcolors, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Use team colors for name plates")
  14. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNameplatesSize, cl_nameplates_size, 50, 0, 100, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Size of the name plates from 0 to 100%")
  15. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClClanplatesScale, cl_clanplates_scale, 70, 0, 100, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Scale factor of the clan plates from 0 to 100%")
  16. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAutoswitchWeapons, cl_autoswitch_weapons, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Auto switch weapon on pickup")
  18. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowhud, cl_showhud, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame HUD")
  19. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowapm, cl_showapm, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame APM counter")
  20. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowfps, cl_showfps, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ingame FPS counter")
  22. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAirjumpindicator, cl_airjumpindicator, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
  23. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClThreadsoundloading, cl_threadsoundloading, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Load sound files threaded")
  25. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClWarningTeambalance, cl_warning_teambalance, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Warn about team balance")
  27. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMouseDeadzone, cl_mouse_deadzone, 300, 0, 0, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
  28. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMouseFollowfactor, cl_mouse_followfactor, 60, 0, 200, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
  29. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMouseMaxDistance, cl_mouse_max_distance, 800, 0, 0, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
  31. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(EdShowkeys, ed_showkeys, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
  33. //MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClFlow, cl_flow, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
  35. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowWelcome, cl_show_welcome, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "")
  36. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClMotdTime, cl_motd_time, 10, 0, 100, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "How long to show the server message of the day")
  38. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClVersionServer, cl_version_server, 100, "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Server to use to check for new versions")
  39. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClGamerVersionServer, cl_gamerversion_server, 100, "localhost", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Server to use to check for new gamer versions")
  41. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClLanguagefile, cl_languagefile, 255, "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "What language file to use")
  43. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(PlayerUseCustomColor, player_use_custom_color, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Toggles usage of custom colors")
  44. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(PlayerColorBody, player_color_body, 65408, 0, 0xFFFFFF, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Player body color")
  45. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(PlayerColorFeet, player_color_feet, 65408, 0, 0xFFFFFF, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Player feet color")
  46. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(PlayerSkin, player_skin, 24, "default", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Player skin")
  48. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiPage, ui_page, 7, 0, 15, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface page")
  49. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiToolboxPage, ui_toolbox_page, 0, 0, 2, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Toolbox page")
  50. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(UiServerAddress, ui_server_address, 64, "localhost:8303", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface server address")
  51. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiScale, ui_scale, 100, 50, 150, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface scale")
  53. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiHighlighGametype, ui_highligh_gametype, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Highligh gametypes in different colors")
  55. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiColorHue, ui_color_hue, 160, 0, 255, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface color hue")
  56. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiColorSat, ui_color_sat, 70, 0, 255, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface color saturation")
  57. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiColorLht, ui_color_lht, 175, 0, 255, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface color lightness")
  58. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiColorAlpha, ui_color_alpha, 228, 0, 255, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Interface alpha")
  60. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(GfxNoclip, gfx_noclip, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Disable clipping")
  62. /* race - client */
  63. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAutoRaceRecord, cl_auto_race_record, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Save the best demo of each race")
  64. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClDemoName, cl_demo_name, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Save the playername within the demo")
  65. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowOthers, cl_show_others, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Turn other players off in race")
  66. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClRenderSpeedmeter, cl_render_speedmeter, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Render in game speedmeter")
  67. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClSpeedmeterAccel, cl_speedmeter_accel, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show acceleration")
  68. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowCheckpointDiff, cl_show_checkpoint_diff, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show checkpoint diff")
  69. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowRecords, cl_show_records, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show records")
  70. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowServerRecord, cl_show_server_record, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show server record")
  71. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClRaceGhost, cl_race_ghost, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable ghost")
  72. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClRaceSaveGhost, cl_race_save_ghost, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Save ghost")
  73. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClGhostNamePlates, cl_ghost_nameplates, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show ghost nameplates")
  74. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClGhostNameplatesAlways, cl_ghost_nameplates_always, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Always show ghost nameplats disregarding of distance")
  75. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClApiToken, cl_api_token, 25, "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Api token for webapp")
  77. // teecomp
  78. #include "teecomp_vars.h"
  80. // server
  81. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvWarmup, sv_warmup, 0, 0, 0, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of seconds to do warmup before round starts")
  82. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(SvMotd, sv_motd, 900, "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Message of the day to display for the clients")
  83. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeamdamage, sv_teamdamage, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Team damage")
  84. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(SvMaprotation, sv_maprotation, 768, "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Maps to rotate between")
  85. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvRoundsPerMap, sv_rounds_per_map, 1, 1, 100, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of rounds on each map before rotating")
  86. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvPowerups, sv_powerups, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Allow powerups like ninja")
  87. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvScorelimit, sv_scorelimit, 20, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Score limit (0 disables)")
  88. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTimelimit, sv_timelimit, 0, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Time limit in minutes (0 disables)")
  89. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(SvGametype, sv_gametype, 32, "dm", CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Game type (dm, tdm, ctf)")
  90. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTournamentMode, sv_tournament_mode, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Tournament mode. When enabled, players joins the server as spectator")
  91. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvSpamprotection, sv_spamprotection, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Spam protection")
  93. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvRespawnDelayTDM, sv_respawn_delay_tdm, 3, 0, 10, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Time needed to respawn after death in tdm gametype")
  95. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvSpectatorSlots, sv_spectator_slots, 0, 0, MAX_CLIENTS, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of slots to reserve for spectators")
  96. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeambalanceTime, sv_teambalance_time, 1, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "How many minutes to wait before autobalancing teams")
  97. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvInactiveKickTime, sv_inactivekick_time, 3, 0, 1000, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "How many minutes to wait before taking care of inactive players")
  98. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvInactiveKick, sv_inactivekick, 1, 0, 2, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "How to deal with inactive players (0=move to spectator, 1=move to free spectator slot/kick, 2=kick)")
  100. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteSpectate, sv_vote_spectate, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Allow voting to move players to spectators")
  101. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteKick, sv_vote_kick, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Allow voting to kick players")
  102. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteKickMin, sv_vote_kick_min, 0, 0, MAX_CLIENTS, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Minimum number of players required to start a kick vote")
  103. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvVoteKickBantime, sv_vote_kick_bantime, 5, 0, 1440, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "The time to ban a player if kicked by vote. 0 makes it just use kick")
  105. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvReservedSlots, sv_reserved_slots, 0, 0, 12, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Number of reserved slots")
  106. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(SvReservedSlotsPass, sv_reserved_slots_pass, 32, "", CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Password for reserved slots")
  108. /* race - server */
  109. // These are only pasted for autocompletition
  110. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvRegen, sv_regen, 0, 0, 50, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Set regeneration")
  111. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvStrip, sv_strip, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Enable or disable keeping weapon after teleporting")
  112. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvInfiniteAmmo, sv_infinite_ammo, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Enable or disable infinite ammo")
  113. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvNoItems, sv_no_items, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "removes any items from the map if there are any")
  114. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeleport, sv_teleport, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Enable or disable teleportation")
  115. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeleportGrenade, sv_teleport_grenade, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Enable or disable teleport of grenade")
  116. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeleportKill, sv_teleport_kill, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Teleporting one someone kills him")
  117. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvTeleportVelReset, sv_teleport_vel_reset, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Reset velocity after teleport")
  118. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvDeleteGrenadesAfterDeath, sv_delete_grenades_after_death, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Delete grenades after the player dies")
  119. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvRocketJumpDamage, sv_rocket_jump_damage, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Enable or disable rocket jump damage")
  120. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvPickupRespawn, sv_pickup_respawn, -1, -1, 120, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Time before a pickup respawn")
  121. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvScoreIP, sv_score_ip, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Check score for ip, too")
  122. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvCheckpointSave, sv_checkpoint_save, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Save checkpoint times to score file")
  124. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvShowTimes, sv_show_times, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Shows the times of other players")
  125. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(SvShowOthers, sv_show_others, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Shows the other players")
  127. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(SvScoreFolder, sv_score_folder, 32, "records", CFGFLAG_SERVER, "Folder to save score files to")
  130. // --- Gamer ---
  131. // Tiles modifiers
  132. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(GfxFullClear, gfx_full_clear, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Only show the game tiles")
  133. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(GfxRenderTele, gfx_render_tele, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Render teleports")
  134. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ShowMM, show_mm, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "Show minimap (use +minimap)")
  136. // Fake interface
  137. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClFake, cl_fake, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable the fake button in the menus browser")
  138. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(UiFakeOption, ui_fake_option, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable the fake button in the menus browser")
  139. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(PlayerSecondName, player_second_name, 32, "nameless tee", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Player's second name")
  140. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(PlayerSecondClan, player_second_clan, 12, "", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Player's second clan")
  141. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(PlayerSecondSkin, player_second_skin, 64, "default", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Player's second skin")
  143. // Chat
  144. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClChatShinyHighligh, cl_chat_shiny_highligh, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Highligh the chat with shiny letters")
  146. // HUD related features
  147. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClGcolor, cl_gcolor, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Gamer colors - show health as tee colors")
  148. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClGhud, cl_ghud, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Gamer HUD")
  149. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNoHud, cl_nohud, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Remove HUD")
  150. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(GfxHealthBar, gfx_healthbar, 1, 0, 2, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Render healthbar (mode 1 or 2)")
  151. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNoAmmoWarning, cl_noammo_warning, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Prints a red and yellow warning when you use all your ammo")
  152. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClBroadcastSize, cl_broadcast_size, 100, 10, 500, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Broadcast size factor")
  154. // Positions
  155. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClRedbaseMsg, cl_redbase_msg, 64, "I am at the RED BASE", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Message to send when being at the red base")
  156. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClBluebaseMsg, cl_bluebase_msg, 64, "I am at the BLUE BASE", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Message to send when being at the blue base")
  157. MACRO_CONFIG_STR(ClMiddleMsg, cl_middle_msg, 64, "I am at the MIDDLE", CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Message to send when being at the middle")
  159. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClLocalPortLimit, cl_local_port_limit, 8320, 8304, 8400, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Maximum port the client is listening to when searching LAN servers")
  161. // Race - this is useless now, should be removed
  162. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClRace, cl_race, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable race mode when a time broadcast is detected")
  163. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClRaceTextsize, cl_race_textsize, 100, 25, 400, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Race clock size")
  165. // Sounds
  166. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClGSound, cl_gsound, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Gamer sounds")
  167. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClChatSound, cl_chat_sound, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Enable chat sounds")
  168. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAnnouncers, cl_announcers, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Announcers")
  169. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClAnnouncersShadows, cl_announcers_shadows, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Announcers outline shadows")
  171. // Chat
  172. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClTextSize, cl_text_size, 100, 50, 200, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Chat size (%)")
  173. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClTextColors, cl_text_colors, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Render text colors")
  174. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClArrows, cl_arrows, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Arrows")
  175. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClNoCustomForArrows, cl_no_custom_for_arrows, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Do not use custom team colors for arrows")
  177. // Scoreboard
  178. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowSkins, cl_showskins, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show skin names on scoreboard")
  179. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClShowId, cl_showid, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Show IDs on scoreboard")
  181. // Spectating
  182. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(GfxSpecZoom, gfx_spec_zoom, 100, 50, 500, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Spectator zoom")
  184. // Stats
  185. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClRegisterStats, cl_register_stats, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Record statistics")
  186. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(ClRegisterStatsPure, cl_register_stats_pure, 1, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT|CFGFLAG_SAVE, "Record statistics from pure games only")
  189. // debug
  190. #ifdef CONF_DEBUG // this one can crash the server if not used correctly
  191.     MACRO_CONFIG_INT(DbgDummies, dbg_dummies, 0, 0, 15, CFGFLAG_SERVER, "")
  192. #endif
  194. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(Dbg, dbg, 0, 0, 1020, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "")
  195. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(DbgFocus, dbg_focus, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "")
  196. MACRO_CONFIG_INT(DbgTuning, dbg_tuning, 0, 0, 1, CFGFLAG_CLIENT, "")
  197. #endif
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