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Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. variables:
  2. {warns.of.%player%} = 0
  3. {number.of.warns} = 0
  4. command /warn <player> [<text>]:
  5. permission: warns.warn
  6. trigger:
  7. if {warns.of.%player%} is equal to 0:
  8. set {warns.of.%player%} to 1
  9. message "&8[&cPvPSmash&8] &8>> &cYou Have Been Given Your First Warning! &c&lReason: %arg 2%!" to arg 1
  10. message "&cYou Gave %arg 1% 1 Warning! Check Their Number Of Warns With /warninfo %arg 1%" to player
  11. else if {warns.of.%player%} is equal to 1:
  12. set {warns.of.%player%} to 2
  13. message "&c&8[&cPvPSmash&8] &8>> &cYou Have Been Given Your Second Warning! &c&lReason: %arg 2%!" to arg 1
  14. message "&cYou Gave %arg 1% Their Second Warning! Check Their Number of Warns With /warninfo %arg 1%" to player
  15. wait 30 ticks
  16. kick arg 1 due to "You Have Been Automatically Kicked For Recieving A Second Warning!"
  17. else if {warns.of.%player%} is equal to 3:
  18. cancel event
  19. message "&c%arg 1% Already Has 3/3 Warnings! Please Make Sure Action Has Been Taken, If So Please Clear Their Warnings!"
  20. else:
  21. {warns.of.%player%} is equal to 2:
  22. set {warns.of.%player%} to 3
  23. message "&c&lYou Recieved Your Final Warning! A Message Has Been Sent To All Staff Members, They Will Take Appropriate Action!" to arg 1
  24. message "&c&l%arg 1% Has Been Given Their Final Warning! Please Take Appropriate Action!" to all players
  25. command /clearwarns <player> [<text>]:
  26. permission: warns.clearwarns
  27. trigger:
  28. {warns.of.%player%} is not equal to 0:
  29. set {warns.of.%player%} to 0
  30. message "&cYou Cleared The Warnings Of %arg 1%" to player
  31. message "&bYour Warnings Have Been Reset!" to arg 1
  32. command /warnhelp:
  33. permission: warns.warnhelp
  34. trigger:
  35. message "&b-------------&c&lWarnings&b--------------------------"
  36. message "&bTo Warn A Player Use: &c/warn (player) (reason)"
  37. message "&bTo Reset A Players Warnings Use: &c/clearwarns (player)"
  38. message "&bTo Check Someones Number Of Warnings Do &c/warninfo (player)"
  39. message "&bTo Remove 1 Warning From A Player Do &c/delwarn (player)"
  40. message "&bIf There Are Any Bugs/Issues/Suggestions Please Contact &c&lCarrasp"
  41. message "&b-------------&c&lWarnings&b--------------------------"
  42. command /delwarn <player>:
  43. permission: warns.delwarn
  44. trigger:
  45. {warns.of.%player%} is not equal to 0:
  46. remove 1 from {warns.of.%player%}
  47. message "&cYou Removed 1 Warning From %arg 1%" to player
  48. message "&bYou Had 1 Warning Removed!" to arg 1
  49. command /warninfo <player>:
  50. permission: warns.warninfo
  51. trigger:
  52. message "&b%arg 1% Has [%{warns.of.%player%}%]/3 Warnings!" to player
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