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a guest
Dec 11th, 2016
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  1. I am ready!
  2. { Error: Forbidden
  3. at Request.callback (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:626:17)
  4. at C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:795:18
  5. at Stream.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\parsers\json.js:16:7)
  6. at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
  7. at Stream.emit (events.js:185:7)
  8. at Unzip.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\utils.js:112:12)
  9. at emitNone (events.js:91:20)
  10. at Unzip.emit (events.js:185:7)
  11. at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:974:12)
  12. at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:74:11)
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  153. serverError: false,
  154. error:
  155. { Error: cannot DELETE /api/v6/channels/248660926364909569/messages/257386500730126337 (403)
  156. at Response.toError (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\response.js:106:13)
  157. at Response._setStatusProperties (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\response.js:183:12)
  158. at new Response (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\response.js:42:8)
  159. at Request._emitResponse (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:659:20)
  160. at C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\index.js:795:38
  161. at Stream.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\parsers\json.js:16:7)
  162. at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
  163. at Stream.emit (events.js:185:7)
  164. at Unzip.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Doppl\Desktop\Snowbot\node_modules\superagent\lib\node\utils.js:112:12)
  165. at emitNone (events.js:91:20)
  166. status: 403,
  167. text: '{"code": 50013, "message": "Missing Permissions"}',
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  176. notFound: false,
  177. type: 'application/json',
  178. setEncoding: [Function: bound ],
  179. redirects: [] },
  180. status: 403 }
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