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a guest
Apr 28th, 2016
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text 21.68 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {
  2. ["outline"] = true,
  3. ["xOffset"] = 337.48815917969,
  4. ["displayText"] = "Hello %c\n",
  5. ["customText"] = "function()\n \n local f = WeakAuras[\"regions\"][][\"region\"]\n f:SetWidth(max(f:GetWidth(), f:GetHeight()))\n f:SetHeight(f:GetWidth())\n local scale = f:GetWidth()/100\n \n = or f:CreateTexture(nil, \"BACKGROUND\", nil, 0)\n\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\WeakAuras\\\\Media\\\\Textures\\\\Circle_White_Border\")\n\n, .3, .3, .7)\n \n f.player = f.player or f:CreateTexture(nil, \"BACKGROUND\", nil, 4)\n f.player:SetTexture(\"Interface\\\\Addons\\\\WeakAuras\\\\PowerAurasMedia\\\\Auras\\\\Aura118\")\n f.player:SetPoint(\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", 0, 0)\n f.player:SetWidth(10*scale)\n f.player:SetHeight(10*scale)\n \n f.players = f.players or {}\n f.lines = f.lines or {}\n for i=1,20 do\n f.lines[i] = f.lines[i] or f:CreateTexture(nil,\"BACKGROUND\", nil, 2)\n f.lines[i]:SetTexture(\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\WeakAuras\\\\Media\\\\Textures\\\\Square_White\")\n f.lines[i]:SetVertexColor(0,1,0,1)\n f.lines[i]:Hide() \n \n f.players[i] = f.players[i] or f:CreateTexture(nil, \"BACKGROUND\", nil, 3)\n f.players[i]:SetTexture(\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\WeakAuras\\\\Media\\\\Textures\\\\Circle_Smooth_Border\")\n f.players[i]:SetWidth(4*scale)\n f.players[i]:SetHeight(4*scale)\n f.players[i]:Hide()\n \n end\n \n f.shackles = f.shackles or {}\n f.shackletext = f.shackletext or {}\n \n for i=1,3 do\n f.shackles[i] = f.shackles[i] or f:CreateTexture(nil, \"BACKGROUND\", nil, 2)\n f.shackles[i]:SetTexture(\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\WeakAuras\\\\Media\\\\Textures\\\\Circle_White\")\n f.shackles[i]:SetVertexColor(0,0,0.7,.5)\n f.shackles[i]:Hide()\n \n f.shackletext[i] = f.shackletext[i] or f:CreateFontString(nil, \"BACKGROUND\")\n f.shackletext[i]:SetFont(\"Fonts\\\\FRIZQT__.TTF\", 6*scale, \"OUTLINE\")\n f.shackletext[i]:Hide()\n end\n \n f.shackleself = f.shackleself or f:CreateTexture(nil, \"BACKGROUND\", nil, 1)\n f.shackleself:SetTexture(\"Interface\\\\AddOns\\\\WeakAuras\\\\Media\\\\Textures\\\\Circle_White\")\n f.shackleself:SetVertexColor(0,0,0.7,.5)\n f.shackleself:Hide()\n \n \n local zoom = 1\n \n \n --[[\n = or f:CreateFontString(nil, \"BACKGROUND\")\n\"Fonts\\\\FRIZQT__.TTF\", 6*scale, \"OUTLINE\");\n \n = or f:CreateFontString(nil, \"BACKGROUND\") \n\"Fonts\\\\FRIZQT__.TTF\", 6*scale, \"OUTLINE\")\n ]]\n \n \n for i=1,20 do\n \n local ax, ay, bx, by, da, db\n local px, py = UnitPosition(\"player\")\n \n if UnitDebuff(\"raid\"..i, \"Focused Chaos\") then\n \n local focused = UnitName(\"raid\"..i)\n local wrought = UnitName(select(8, UnitDebuff(\"raid\"..i, \"Focused Chaos\")))\n \n if focused then\n ax, ay = UnitPosition(focused)\n da = ((px-ax)^2+(py-ay)^2)^(1/2)\n if da == 0 then zoom = zoom or 1 else zoom = min(2, 1/(da/50), zoom) end\n end\n \n if wrought then\n bx, by = UnitPosition(wrought)\n db = ((px-bx)^2+(py-by)^2)^(1/2)\n if db == 0 then zoom = min(2, zoom) else zoom = min(2, zoom, 1/(db/50), zoom) end\n end\n end\n \n if UnitDebuff(\"raid\"..i, \"Shackled Torment\") then\n local name = UnitName(\"raid\"..i)\n if not aura_env.shackles[name] then\n print(\"WA Chaos Error (1): \" .. name .. \" has Shackles, but no Coords stored!\")\n \n else\n \n local ax, ay = aura_env.shackles[name].x, aura_env.shackles[name].y\n local da = ((px-ax)^2+(py-ay)^2)^(1/2) + 26\n if da == 0 then zoom = zoom or 1 else zoom = min(2, 1/(da/50), zoom) end\n end\n end\n end\n \n \n \n local lineidx = 0\n for i=1,20 do\n \n local ax, ay, bx, by, da, db\n local px, py = UnitPosition(\"player\")\n \n if UnitDebuff(\"raid\"..i, \"Focused Chaos\") then\n lineidx = lineidx + 1\n \n local focused = UnitName(\"raid\"..i)\n local wrought = UnitName(select(8, UnitDebuff(\"raid\"..i, \"Focused Chaos\")))\n \n if focused then\n ax, ay = UnitPosition(focused)\n da = ((px-ax)^2+(py-ay)^2)^(1/2)\n end\n \n if wrought then\n bx, by = UnitPosition(wrought)\n db = ((px-bx)^2+(py-by)^2)^(1/2)\n end\n \n --[[\n if focused then \n local colors = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(focused))]\n, colors.g, colors.b, 1)\n local radian = math.atan2((py - ay), (px - ax)) - GetPlayerFacing()\n local ox = scale * zoom * da * math.cos(radian) \n local oy = scale * zoom * da * math.sin(radian) \n\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", oy, -ox)\n\n\n else\n\n f.line:Hide()\n end\n \n \n if wrought then\n local colors = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(wrought))]\n, colors.g, colors.b, 1)\n local radian = math.atan2((py - by), (px - bx)) - GetPlayerFacing()\n local ox = scale * zoom * db * math.cos(radian) \n local oy = scale * zoom * db * math.sin(radian) \n\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", oy, -ox)\n\n\n else\n\n f.line:Hide()\n end\n ]]\n \n if focused and wrought and (ax~=bx or ay~=by) then\n --extend line beyond focused\n do\n local x1 = (px-ax)*(zoom/2)\n local x2 = (px-bx)*(zoom/2)\n local y1 = (py-ay)*(zoom/2)\n local y2 = (py-by)*(zoom/2)\n local dx = x2-x1\n local dy = y2-y1\n local dr = math.sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)\n --local dr = max(80, math.sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2))\n local D = x1*y2 - x2*y1\n \n local t = ((25)^2) * dr^2 - D^2\n if t >= 0 then\n local x1 = ( D*dy - dx*math.sqrt(t))/dr^2\n local y1 = (-D*dx - dy*math.sqrt(t))/dr^2\n ax= (px-(x1/(zoom/2)))\n ay= (py-(y1/(zoom/2)))\n end\n end\n \n --color\n local u = ((px-ax)*(bx-ax) + (py-ay)*(by-ay)) / ((bx-ax)^2 + (by-ay)^2)\n local pdist = 10\n \n --[[if u < 0 then\n cx = ax\n cy = ay\n end\n if u > 1 then\n cx = bx\n cy = by\n end--]] \n \n if u <= 1 then\n local cx = ax + u*(bx-ax)\n local cy = ay + u*(by-ay) \n pdist = sqrt((px-cx)^2+(py-cy)^2)\n end\n \n if focused == UnitName(\"player\") or wrought == UnitName(\"player\") then\n f.lines[lineidx]:SetVertexColor(0,1,1,1)\n elseif (pdist < 2.1 or (da == 0 and u == 1/0)) then\n f.lines[lineidx]:SetVertexColor(1,0,0,1)\n, .3, .3, .7)\n if GetTime() > (aura_env.lastWarn or 0) + 1 then\n aura_env.lastWarn = GetTime() \n PlaySoundFile(WeakAuras.PowerAurasSoundPath..\"sonar.ogg\", \"master\")\n end\n --[[\n if not aura_env.warned then\n PlaySoundFile(WeakAuras.PowerAurasSoundPath..\"sonar.ogg\", \"master\")\n aura_env.warned = true\n end\n ]]\n --else\n -- f.lines[i]:SetVertexColor(0,1,0,1)\n --aura_env.warned = nil\n end\n \n --f.height = f.height or {}\n --f.width = f.width or {}\n \n local height = scale * zoom * 3\n local width = scale * zoom * ((ax-bx)^2 + (ay-by)^2)^(0.5)\n \n \n \n \n \n if width == 0 then\n f.lines[lineidx]:Hide()\n else \n --translate\n local mx, my = (ax+bx)/2, (ay+by)/2\n local radian = math.atan2((py - my), (px - mx)) - GetPlayerFacing()\n local dm = ((px-mx)^2+(py-my)^2)^(1/2)\n local ox = scale * zoom * dm * math.cos(radian) \n local oy = scale * zoom * dm * math.sin(radian) \n f.lines[lineidx]:SetPoint(\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", oy, -ox)\n \n --rotation angle\n local radian = math.atan2((ax - bx), (ay - by)) + GetPlayerFacing()\n radian = radian % (2 * math.pi)\n local angle = radian % (math.pi / 2)\n \n local left, top, right, bottom = 0, 0, 1, 1\n \n local dy = width * math.cos(angle) * math.sin(angle) * (bottom-top) / height\n local dx = height * math.cos(angle) * math.sin(angle) * (right - left) / width\n local ox = math.cos(angle) * math.cos(angle) * (right-left)\n local oy = math.cos(angle) * math.cos(angle) * (bottom-top)\n \n local newWidth = width*math.cos(angle) + height*math.sin(angle)\n local newHeight = width*math.sin(angle) + height*math.cos(angle)\n \n local ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy\n \n if radian < math.pi / 2 then -- 0 ~ 90\n ULx = left - dx ULy = bottom - oy\n LLx = right - ox LLy = bottom + dy\n URx = left + ox URy = top - dy\n LRx = right + dx LRy = top + oy\n elseif radian < math.pi then -- 90 ~ 180\n URx = left - dx URy = bottom - oy\n ULx = right - ox ULy = bottom + dy\n LRx = left + ox LRy = top - dy\n LLx = right + dx LLy = top + oy\n newHeight, newWidth = newWidth, newHeight\n elseif radian < 3 * math.pi / 2 then -- 180 ~ 270\n LRx = left - dx LRy = bottom - oy\n URx = right - ox URy = bottom + dy\n LLx = left + ox LLy = top - dy\n ULx = right + dx ULy = top + oy\n else -- 270 ~ 360 \n LLx = left - dx LLy = bottom - oy\n LRx = right - ox LRy = bottom + dy\n ULx = left + ox ULy = top - dy\n URx = right + dx URy = top + oy\n newHeight, newWidth = newWidth, newHeight\n end\n \n f.lines[lineidx]:SetTexCoord(ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy)\n f.lines[lineidx]:SetWidth(newWidth)\n f.lines[lineidx]:SetHeight(newHeight)\n f.lines[lineidx]:Show()\n end\n end\n end\n end\n \n \n local i = 0 \n local px, py = UnitPosition(\"player\")\n \n for j = 1,20 do\n if UnitExists(\"raid\"..j) and not UnitIsDead(\"raid\"..j) and UnitName(\"raid\"..j) ~= UnitName(\"player\") then\n \n local ax, ay = UnitPosition(\"raid\"..j)\n local da = ((px-ax)^2+(py-ay)^2)^(1/2)\n \n if da < 48 / zoom then\n local radian = math.atan2((py - ay), (px - ax)) - GetPlayerFacing()\n local ox = scale * zoom * da * math.cos(radian) \n local oy = scale * zoom * da * math.sin(radian) \n local colors = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass(\"raid\"..j))]\n \n f.players[j]:SetPoint(\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", oy, -ox)\n f.players[j]:SetVertexColor(colors.r, colors.g, colors.b, 1)\n f.players[j]:Show()\n end\n end\n \n if UnitExists(\"raid\"..j) and UnitDebuff(\"raid\"..j, \"Shackled Torment\") then\n i = i + 1\n local name = UnitName(\"raid\"..j)\n \n \n if not aura_env.shackles[name] then\n print(\"WA Chaos Error (2): \" .. name .. \" has Shackles, but no Coords stored!\")\n else\n \n local ax, ay = aura_env.shackles[name].x, aura_env.shackles[name].y\n \n local da = ((px-ax)^2+(py-ay)^2)^(1/2)\n local radian = math.atan2((py - ay), (px - ax)) - GetPlayerFacing()\n local ox = scale * zoom * da * math.cos(radian) \n local oy = scale * zoom * da * math.sin(radian) \n f.shackles[i]:SetPoint(\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", oy, -ox)\n f.shackletext[i]:SetPoint(\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", oy, -ox)\n \n f.shackles[i]:SetWidth(51*scale*zoom)\n f.shackles[i]:SetHeight(51*scale*zoom)\n \n f.shackletext[i]:SetVertexColor(1,1,1,.7)\n if name == UnitName(\"player\") then\n f.shackles[i]:SetVertexColor(0,0,.7,.5)\n f.shackletext[i]:SetVertexColor(1,0,0,1)\n f.shackleself:SetVertexColor(.7, 0, .7, .5)\n f.shackleself:SetPoint(\"CENTER\", f, \"CENTER\", oy, -ox)\n \n f.shackleself:SetWidth(61*scale*zoom)\n f.shackleself:SetHeight(61*scale*zoom)\n f.shackleself:Show()\n elseif da < 25.5 then\n f.shackles[i]:SetVertexColor(.7,0,0,.5)\n else\n f.shackles[i]:SetVertexColor(0,0.7,0,.5)\n end\n \n local count = 0\n local count2 = 0\n for k=1, 20 do\n local x, y = UnitPosition(\"raid\"..k)\n if not UnitIsDead(\"raid\"..k) and ((x-ax)^2 + (y-ay)^2)^(1/2) < 25.5 then\n if UnitDebuff(\"raid\"..k, \"Shackled Torment\") then\n count2 = count2 + 1\n else \n count = count + 1\n end\n end\n end\n \n \n --f.shackletext[i]:SetText(count .. \"/\" .. count2)\n f.shackletext[i]:SetText(count)\n f.shackletext[i]:Show()\n f.shackles[i]:Show()\n end\n end\n \n end\n \n return \"\"\nend",
  6. ["untrigger"] = {
  7. ["custom"] = "\n\n",
  8. },
  9. ["anchorPoint"] = "CENTER",
  10. ["customTextUpdate"] = "update",
  11. ["actions"] = {
  12. ["start"] = {
  13. ["do_custom"] = false,
  14. ["custom"] = "aura_env.focused = nil\naura_env.wrought = nil",
  15. ["do_sound"] = false,
  16. },
  17. ["init"] = {
  18. ["do_custom"] = false,
  19. ["custom"] = "",
  20. },
  21. ["finish"] = {
  22. ["message"] = "",
  23. ["custom"] = "aura_env.focused = nil\naura_env.wrought = nil\n\nprint(\"Hide\")",
  24. ["do_sound"] = false,
  25. ["do_custom"] = false,
  26. ["do_message"] = false,
  27. ["sound"] = " custom",
  28. },
  29. },
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  31. ["animation"] = {
  32. ["start"] = {
  33. ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
  34. ["type"] = "none",
  35. },
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  37. ["colorR"] = 1,
  38. ["duration"] = "100",
  39. ["alphaType"] = "straight",
  40. ["colorA"] = 1,
  41. ["colorG"] = 1,
  42. ["alphaFunc"] = " return function(progress, start, delta)\n return start + (progress * delta)\n end\n ",
  43. ["use_translate"] = true,
  44. ["use_alpha"] = false,
  45. ["type"] = "none",
  46. ["translateFunc"] = "return function(progress, startX, startY, deltaX, deltaY)\n --Hello World\n return startX + (progress * deltaX), startY + (progress * deltaY)\nend\n\n\n",
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  51. ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
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  54. ["translateType"] = "custom",
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  57. ["finish"] = {
  58. ["duration_type"] = "seconds",
  59. ["translateType"] = "circle",
  60. ["use_translate"] = false,
  61. ["type"] = "none",
  62. },
  63. },
  64. ["trigger"] = {
  65. ["type"] = "custom",
  66. ["subeventPrefix"] = "SPELL",
  67. ["custom_type"] = "event",
  68. ["debuffType"] = "HELPFUL",
  69. ["duration"] = "30",
  70. ["event"] = "Health",
  71. ["use_unit"] = true,
  72. ["subeventSuffix"] = "_CAST_START",
  73. ["spellIds"] = {
  74. },
  76. ["unit"] = "player",
  77. ["names"] = {
  78. [1] = "Mark of the Wild",
  79. },
  80. ["custom"] = "function(event, ...)\n local timeStamp, subevent, hideCaster, sourceGUID, sourceName, sourceFlags, sourceRaidFlags, destGUID, destName, destFlags, destRaidFlags, spellId, spellName, spellSchool, extraSpellID, extraSpellName, extraSchool = ...\n \n if event == \"ENCOUNTER_START\" then\n aura_env.shackles = {} \n end\n \n \n if subevent == \"SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS\" and spellName == \"Wrought Chaos\" then\n return true\n end\n \n \n if spellName == \"Shackled Torment\" then\n \n if subevent == \"SPELL_AURA_APPLIED\" then\n \n local x, y = UnitPosition(destName)\n \n --table.insert(aura_env.shackles, {[\"name\"]=destName, [\"x\"]=x, [\"y\"]=y})\n aura_env.shackles[destName] = {[\"x\"]=x, [\"y\"]=y}\n \n \n \n return true\n end\n \n end \n \nend\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n",
  81. ["unevent"] = "auto",
  82. ["custom_hide"] = "timed",
  83. },
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  89. ["load"] = {
  90. ["use_never"] = false,
  91. ["talent"] = {
  92. ["multi"] = {
  93. },
  94. },
  95. ["zone"] = "",
  96. ["encounterid"] = "1799",
  97. ["spec"] = {
  98. ["multi"] = {
  99. },
  100. },
  101. ["use_encounterid"] = true,
  102. ["difficulty"] = {
  103. ["multi"] = {
  104. ["normal"] = true,
  105. ["challenge"] = true,
  106. ["heroic"] = true,
  107. ["lfr"] = true,
  108. ["none"] = true,
  109. },
  110. },
  111. ["race"] = {
  112. ["multi"] = {
  113. },
  114. },
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  116. ["multi"] = {
  117. },
  118. },
  119. ["faction"] = {
  120. ["multi"] = {
  121. },
  122. },
  123. ["role"] = {
  124. ["multi"] = {
  125. },
  126. },
  127. ["use_combat"] = true,
  128. ["use_zone"] = false,
  129. ["size"] = {
  130. ["multi"] = {
  131. },
  132. },
  133. },
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  137. ["selfPoint"] = "CENTER",
  138. ["regionType"] = "icon",
  139. ["inverse"] = false,
  140. ["blendMode"] = "BLEND",
  141. ["stickyDuration"] = false,
  142. ["additional_triggers"] = {
  143. },
  144. ["init_completed"] = 1,
  145. ["icon"] = true,
  146. ["texture"] = " ",
  147. ["stacksContainment"] = "INSIDE",
  148. ["zoom"] = 0,
  149. ["justify"] = "LEFT",
  150. ["rotation"] = 0,
  151. ["id"] = "HFC: Archimonde - Chaos",
  152. ["stacksPoint"] = "CENTER",
  153. ["frameStrata"] = 1,
  154. ["width"] = 240.76754760742,
  155. ["color"] = {
  156. [1] = 0.61960784313726,
  157. [2] = 0.61176470588235,
  158. [3] = 0.63921568627451,
  159. [4] = 0,
  160. },
  161. ["yOffset"] = -369.16664123535,
  162. ["numTriggers"] = 1,
  163. ["auto"] = false,
  164. ["desaturate"] = true,
  165. ["displayIcon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Fire_FelFlameRing",
  166. ["cooldown"] = false,
  167. ["textColor"] = {
  168. [1] = 0.68627450980392,
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  170. [3] = 0.68627450980392,
  171. [4] = 0.58433663845062,
  172. },
  173. }
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