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Aug 22nd, 2014
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  1. *alternate means 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off
  3. squat/press with 531 template [fresher, bastard variants]
  4. alternate pullups 3 x 6-8 and 10-12?, or between weighted and bodyweight pullups?
  5. back raises 3x15?
  6. alternate db bench 3x10ish with flyes?
  7. alternate rear laterals 3x20 and side laterals?
  9. deadlift/bench with 531 template [fresher, bastard variants]
  10. alternate db row 3x10 with t-bar?
  11. alternate dips 3 x 10-15 with bodyweight dips?
  12. cable/machine curls 3x10ish
  13. strict slow db curls 2 x 10-20 low rest
  15. box jump warmup 3x3 ish + back off
  16. leg press 2x10 + back off?
  17. lying leg curls 2x15 + back off
  18. abductor 2 x 10-20
  19. adductor 2 x 10-20
  20. seated calf raise 3 x 10-20
  21. lat pulldowns 2 x 10-20 (alternating weight moved and MMC focus with pause at the bottom?)
  22. cable kickbacks 2 x 10-20 (alternating weight moved and MMC focus with pause at the back?)
  24. thoughts: the two at the end of assistance day seem out of place so maybe this is unnecessary,
  25. but it would seem like too much on the other days after those other exercises,
  26. and am i really getting enough work on the other two days?
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