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May 30th, 2015
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  1. ##############################################<START OF PROGRAM>##############################################
  2. def setUpCanvas(root): # These are the REQUIRED magic lines to enter graphics mode.
  3. root.title("THE TRAVELING SALESMAN PROBLEM by (your name here).")
  4. canvas = Canvas(root, width = root.winfo_screenwidth(), height = root.winfo_screenheight(), bg = 'black')
  5. canvas.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
  6. return canvas
  7. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  9. def script(x, y, msg = '', kolor = 'WHITE'):
  10. canvas.create_text(x, y, text = msg, fill = kolor, font = ('Helvetica', 10, 'bold'))
  11. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem-
  13. def plot(city): # Plots 5x5 "points" on video screen
  14. x = city[1]+5; y = city[2]+5 # The +5 is to push away from the side bars.
  15. if city[0] == -1:
  16. kolor = 'WHITE'
  17. else: kolor = 'YELLOW'
  18. canvas.create_rectangle(x-2, y-2, x+2, y+2, width = 1, fill = kolor)
  19. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  21. def line(city1, city2, kolor = 'RED'):
  22. canvas.create_line(city1[1]+5, city1[2]+5, city2[1]+5, city2[2]+5, width = 1, fill = kolor)
  23. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  25. def displayDataInConsole(AlgorithmResults, baseCity, city):
  26. print('===<Traveling Salesman Path Statistics>===')
  27. print (' algorithm path length ')
  28. for element in AlgorithmResults:
  29. print ('---%-20s'%element[0], int(element[2]))
  30. city.sort()
  31. baseCity.sort()
  32. if city == baseCity:
  33. print("---Data verified as unchanged.")
  34. else:
  35. print ('ERROR: City data has been corrupted!')
  36. print(' Run time =', round(clock()-START_TIME, 2), ' seconds.')
  37. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  39. def printCity(city): # Used for debugging.
  40. count = 0
  41. for (id,x,y) in city:
  42. print( '%3d: id =%2d, (%5d, %5d)'%(count,id, int(x), int(y)))
  43. count += 1
  44. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  46. def displayPathOnScreen(city, statistics):
  47. #=---Normalize data
  48. (minX, maxX, minY, maxY, meanX, meanY, medianX, medianY, size, m, b) = statistics
  49. canvas.delete('all')
  50. cityNorm, (p,q,r,s) = normalizeCityDataToFitScreen(city[:], statistics)
  52. #---Plot points and lines
  53. cityNorm.append(cityNorm[0])
  54. plot(cityNorm[0])
  55. for n in range(1, len(cityNorm)):
  56. plot(cityNorm[n])
  57. line(cityNorm[n], cityNorm[n-1])
  58. script(650, 20, 'path length = ' + str(pathLength(city)))
  59. canvas.create_rectangle(530,10, 770, 30, width = 1, outline = 'WHITE')
  60. canvas.update()
  61. root.mainloop() # Required for graphics.
  62. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  64. def normalizeCityDataToFitScreen(city, statistics):
  65. """ Coordinates are all assumed to be non-negative."""
  66. (minX, maxX, minY, maxY, meanX, meanY, medianX, medianY, size, m, b) = statistics
  67. newCity = []
  69. #---Step 1a. Shift city points to the x- and y-axes.
  70. for (id, x,y) in city:
  71. newCity.append ( (id, x-minX, y-minY))
  73. #---Step 1b. Shift line-of-best-fit to the x- and y-axes.
  74. (x0,y0) = (maxX-minX, m*maxX+b - minY) # = x-intercept of line-of-best-fit.
  75. (x1,y1) = (minX-minX, m*minX+b - minY) # = y-intercept of line-of-best-fit.
  78. #---Step 1c. Shift max-values to x- and y-axes.
  79. maxX = maxX-minX
  80. maxY = maxY-minY
  82. #---Step 2a. # Re-scale city points to fit the screen.
  83. cityNorm = []
  84. for (id, x, y) in newCity:
  85. cityNorm.append ((id, x*SCREEN_WIDTH/maxX, y*SCREEN_HEIGHT/maxY))
  87. #---Step 2b. # Re-scale the x-axis and y-axis intercepts for the line-of-best-fit.
  88. (x0,y0) = x0/maxX*SCREEN_WIDTH, y0/maxY*SCREEN_HEIGHT # a point on the x-axis
  89. (x1,y1) = x1/maxX*SCREEN_WIDTH, y1/maxY*SCREEN_HEIGHT # a point on the y-axis
  91. return cityNorm, (x1,y1,x0,y0) # = the adjusted city xy-values and 2 points on the line-of-best-fit.
  92. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  94. def readDataFromFileAndAppendId(fileName):
  95. file1 = open(fileName, 'r')
  96. fileLength = int(file1.readline()) # removes heading
  97. city = []
  98. for elt in range(fileLength):
  99. x, y = file1.readline().split()
  100. city.append( [0, float(x), float(y)] ) # A place for an id (0, here) is appended.
  101. file1.close()
  102. return city
  103. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  105. def getFileLength(fileName):
  106. file1 = open(fileName, 'r')
  107. fileLength = int(file1.readline()) # removes heading
  108. return fileLength
  109. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  111. def pathLength(city):
  112. totalPath = 0
  113. for n in range(1, len(city)):
  114. totalPath += dist( city[n-1], city[n] )
  115. totalPath += dist( city[n], city[0] )
  116. return int(totalPath)
  117. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  119. def dataStatistics(city):
  120. xValues = []
  121. yValues = []
  122. size = len(city)
  123. for (id, x,y) in city:
  124. xValues.append(x)
  125. yValues.append(y)
  126. minX = min(xValues)
  127. maxX = max(xValues)
  128. minY = min(yValues)
  129. maxY = max(yValues)
  131. assert (minX >= 0 or maxX >= 0 or minY >= 0 or maxY >= 0)
  133. meanX = sum(xValues)/size
  134. meanY = sum(yValues)/size
  135. medianX = city[len(city)//2][0]
  136. medianY = city[len(city)//2][1]
  138. #---Derive the line of best fit: y = mx+b
  139. xyDiff = 0
  140. xDiffSqr = 0
  141. for (id, x,y) in city:
  142. xyDiff += (meanX - x)*(meanY - y)
  143. xDiffSqr+= (meanX - x)**2
  145. m = xyDiff/xDiffSqr
  146. b = meanY - m*meanX
  148. return minX, maxX, minY, maxY, meanX, meanY, medianX, medianY, size, m, b
  149. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  151. def dist(cityA, cityB):
  152. return hypot(cityA[1]-cityB[1], cityA[2] - cityB[2])
  153. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  155. def chunks(l, n):
  156. n = max(1, n)
  157. l.pop()
  158. return [l[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
  159. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  161. def printToFile(distances, myfile):
  162. for item in distances:
  163. myfile.write("%s\n" % item)
  164. myfile.write("\n")
  165. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  167. def myAlgorithm(distances,city,fileLength):
  168. for x in range(len(city)):
  169. for y in range(len(city)):
  170. if x+y+1<len(city):
  171. distances.append(dist(city[x],city[x+y+1]))
  172. elif city[x] !=city[(x+y)%(fileLength-1)]:
  173. distances.append(dist(city[x],city[(x+y)%(fileLength-1)]))
  174. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  176. def ySort(city):
  177. for item in city:
  178. item[1],item[2]=item[2],item[1]
  179. city.sort()
  180. for item in city:
  181. item[1],item[2]=item[2],item[1]
  182. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  184. def xSort(city):
  185. city.sort()
  186. #====================================<GLOBAL CONSTANTS and GLOBAL IMPORTS>========Traveling Salesman Problem==
  188. from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, YES, BOTH
  189. from operator import itemgetter
  190. from itertools import permutations
  191. from copy import deepcopy
  192. from random import shuffle
  193. from time import clock
  194. from math import hypot
  195. from operator import itemgetter
  196. from collections import OrderedDict
  197. root = Tk()
  198. canvas = setUpCanvas(root)
  199. START_TIME = clock()
  200. SCREEN_WIDTH = root.winfo_screenwidth() //5*5 - 15 # adjusted to exclude task bars on my PC.
  201. SCREEN_HEIGHT = root.winfo_screenheight()//5*5 - 90 # adjusted to exclude task bars on my PC.
  202. fileName = "tsp0038.txt" # My file name will be different from yours
  203. #==================================================< MAIN >=======================Traveling Salesman Problem==
  205. def main():
  206. #---0. Read in data, append an id to every pair, and store results in a variable called "city".
  208. fileLength = getFileLength(fileName)
  209. city = readDataFromFileAndAppendId(fileName)
  211. #---1. Extract statistics.
  213. statistics = (minX, maxX, minY, maxY, meanX, meanY, medianX, medianY, size, m, b) = dataStatistics(city)
  215. #---2. Create a random path.
  217. shuffle(city)
  219. #---3. Sort on y-coordinate and connect sequentially by y.
  221. ySort(city)
  223. #---4. Sort on x-coordinate and connect sequentially by x.
  225. xSort(city)
  227. #---5. Greedy Algorithm
  228. z=[]
  229. for x in range(len(city)-1):
  230. print(x)
  231. if x==0:
  232. z.append(city[x])
  233. temp=dist(city[x],city[x+1])
  234. for y in range(len(city)-1):
  235. if dist(city[x],city[y+1])<temp:
  236. z.append(city[y+1])
  237. break
  238. city=z
  240. #---6. Display results.
  241. displayPathOnScreen(city, statistics)
  242. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Traveling Salesman Problem--
  243. if __name__ == '__main__': main()
  244. ###############################################<END OF PROGRAM>###############################################
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