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Sep 29th, 2016
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  1. 5:42 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: Srsly?
  2. 5:43 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: yes how about you say something next time.
  3. 5:42 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: How about no? youre playing a game, so why cant we play our own?
  4. 5:43 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: Do i need your permission for everything now?
  5. 5:44 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: When did i say you cant play? i was asking for you to say you was leaving.
  6. 5:43 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: You were all talking, im not speaking over you.
  7. 5:44 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: Well, going to reinvite us? or gunna do a dom?
  8. 5:44 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: no wait, kersh
  9. 5:45 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: You wait and simply say me and joe are going to play
  10. 5:45 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: Ill tell you jack shit, you dont say youre leaving when you and sian move channels, but then we have to?
  11. 5:46 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: Well we do? but alright
  12. 5:45 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: Last time 5 of us were playing, you both left without saying a word due to us playing csgo
  13. 5:46 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: So, im not allowed to do the same, okay then
  14. 5:47 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: Sian left because Jimmy was playing shit down the mic and you lot werent talking to me and ignoring me that day so i left.
  15. 5:48 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ:
  16. 5:47 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: You wasnt exactly talking to us.
  17. 5:48 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: Because when i try i get fucking ignored read the message.
  18. 5:47 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: We got told to wait and see if you invited
  19. 5:47 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: not waiting for a 50/50 chance
  20. 5:49 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: What?
  21. 5:48 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: well charlies here now, so it would be around 33/100
  22. 5:49 PM - DaddySnap♚๑ﭥ: Well it would have been you we invited as we asked you first
  23. 5:48 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: well you guys can play, no need to leave people out
  24. 5:49 PM - Shaun! #iBelieve!: playing with joe and charlie
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