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Jun 17th, 2011
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  1. Welcome to the HelpPages configuration file.
  2. Everything outside the [[ ]] blocks is considered a comment and is ignored.
  3. When this file is created the first time, all available commands and descriptions
  4. are appended at the end of this file for easy copy'n'paste.
  6. [[messages
  7. noconfig=Cofiguration file not found.
  8. reloaded=Help Pages reloaded.
  9. unknownpage=Unknown Help Page. Start with /help.
  10. ]]
  11. ###################### Groups ######################
  12. [[group Admin
  13. =>Home
  14. 1=>Home
  15. 2=>WorldGuard
  16. 3=>Movecraft
  17. 4=>
  18. 5=>
  19. 6=>
  20. 7=>
  21. ]]
  22. [[group Civilian
  23. =>Home
  24. 1=>Home
  25. 2=>WorldGuard
  26. 3=>Movecraft
  27. 4=>
  28. 5=>
  29. 6=>
  30. 7=>
  31. ]]
  32. [[group Outsider
  33. =>Home
  34. 1=>Home
  35. 2=>
  36. 3=>
  37. 4=>
  38. 5=>
  39. 6=>
  40. 7=>
  41. ]]
  42. ###################### Pages ######################
  43. [[page Home
  44. &c--------------------- Help Home ---------------------
  45. &bChose a category an type &c/help # &bto go to that pg
  46. &aWorldGuard- &fUse &c/help 2 &fto find out how to
  47. &fprotect your home
  48. &aMovecraft- &fUse &c/help 3 &fto find out how to drive
  49. &aEconomy- &fUse &c/help 4 &fto find out how to get $$$
  50. &aEssentials- &fUse &c/help 5,6 &fto see other commands
  51. &6Admins- &fAdmins use &c/help 7 &fto find admin only.
  52. ]]
  53. [[page WorldGuard
  54. &c------------------ WorldGuard Help ------------------
  56. ]]
  58. ########### Available commands for easy copy'n'paste ###########
  59. ### Essentials - Provides an essential, core set of commands for Bukkit.
  60. /afk - Marks you as away-from-keyboard.
  61. /antioch - A little surprise for operators. Warning: Point away from face.
  62. /back - Teleports you to your location prior to teleporting/spawning/warping.
  63. /backup - Runs the backup command
  64. /balance <player> - States the current balance of a player. Defaults to self.
  65. /ban [player] <reason> - Bans a player.
  66. /banip [address] - Bans an IP address.
  67. /broadcast [msg] - Broadcasts a message to the entire server.
  68. /bigtree [tree|redwood] - Spawn a big tree where you are looking.
  69. /burn [player] [seconds] - Set a player on fire.
  70. /clearinventory - Clear all items in your inventory.
  71. /compass - Describes your current bearing.
  72. /deljail [jailname] - Removes a jail
  73. /delwarp [warp] - Deletes the specified warp.
  74. /depth - States current depth, relative to sea level.
  75. /eco [give|take|reset] [player] [amount] - Manages the server economy.
  76. /essentials - Reloads essentials.
  77. /ext <player> - Extinguish players.
  78. /getpos - Get your current coordinates.
  79. /gc - Reports garbage collection info; useful to plugin/CraftBukkit developers
  80. /give [player] [item|numeric] <amount> - Give a player an item.
  81. /god - Enables your godly powers.
  82. /heal <player> - Heals you or the given player.
  83. /help - Views a list of available commands.
  84. /helpop [message] - Request help from online operators.
  85. /home <player> - Teleport to your home.
  86. /info [chapter] [page] - Shows information set by the server owner
  87. /invsee <player> - See the inventory of other players.
  88. /item [item|numeric] <amount> - Spawn an item.
  89. /jails - List all jails.
  90. /jump - Jumps to the nearest block in the line of sight.
  91. /kick <player> <reason> - Kicks a specified player with a reason.
  92. /kickall <reason> - Kicks all players off the server except the issuer.
  93. /kit <kit> - Obtains the specified kit or views all available kits.
  94. /kill <player> - Kills specified player.
  95. /list - List all online players.
  96. /mail [read|clear|send [to] [message]] - Manages inter-player, intra-server mail.
  97. /me [description] - Describes an action in the context of the player.
  98. /motd - Views the Message Of The Day.
  99. /msg <to> <message> - Sends a private message to the specified player.
  100. /mute [player] - Mutes or unmutes a player.
  101. /nick <player> [nickname|off] - Change your nickname or that of another player.
  102. /pay [player] [amount] - Pays another player from your balance
  103. /ping - Pong!
  104. /plugin [enable|disable|reload] [plugin] - Enables, disables, or reloads a plugin.
  105. /powertool [command] <arguments> - Assigns a command to the item in hand, {player} will be replaced by the name of the player that you click.
  106. /r [message] - Quickly reply to the last player to message you.
  107. /realname [nickname] - Displays the username of a user based on his/her nickname.
  108. /reloadall - Reloads all plugins.
  109. /rules - Views the server rules.
  110. /sell [itemname|id|hand] [-][amount] - Sells the item currently in your hand.
  111. /sethome - Set your home to your current location.
  112. /setjail [jailname] - Creates a jail where you specified named [jailname]
  113. /setwarp [warp] - Creates a new warp.
  114. /setworth [itemname|id] [price] - Set the value of an item for sale, will add item if doesn't exist
  115. /spawnmob [mob]<:data><,mount<:data>> <amount> - Spawns a mob.
  116. /suicide - Causes you to perish.
  117. /thunder <true/false> [duration] - Enable/disable thunder.
  118. /time [day|night] - Change the server time to day or night.
  119. /togglejail [player] [jailname] - Prevents a player from interacting with the world and teleports him/her to the the jail specified
  120. /top - Teleport to the highest block at your current coordinates.
  121. /tp [player] - Teleport to a player.
  122. /tpa <player> - Request to teleport to the specified player.
  123. /tpaccept - Accepts a teleport request.
  124. /tpahere <player> - Request that the specified player teleport to you.
  125. /tpall <player>
  126. /tpdeny - Reject a teleport request.
  127. /tphere [player] - Teleport a player to you.
  128. /tpo <player> - Teleport override for tptoggle.
  129. /tpohere <player> - Teleport here override for tptoggle.
  130. /tppos <x> <y> <z> - Teleport to coordinates.
  131. /tptoggle - Blocks all forms of teleportation.
  132. /tree [tree|birch|redwood] - Spawn a tree where you are looking.
  133. /unban [player] - Unbans the specified player.
  134. /unbanip [address] - Unbans the specified IP address.
  135. /unlimited [list|item] <player> - Allows the unlimited placing of items.
  136. /warp <warp> - List all warps or warp to the specified location.
  137. /weather <storm/sun> [duration] - Setting the weather.
  138. /whois [nickname] - Determine the username behind a nickname.
  139. /world [world] - Switch between worlds.
  140. /worth <item> <amount> - Calculates the worth of items in hand or as specified.
  141. ### HelpPages - Group-Specific Custom Help Pages
  142. /help <page> - Shows Help pages
  143. ### Jail
  144. /jailcreate - Creates a new jail zone.
  145. /jaildelete - Delete existing jail zone.
  146. /jail - Jail specified player for specified amount of time.
  147. /unjail - Release a player from jail.
  148. /unjailforce - Remove player from the database.
  149. /jailclear - Unjail every player on the server. Use with caution!
  150. /jailclearforce - Delete every player from the jail database.
  151. /jailtransfer - Transfer player from current jail to another
  152. /jailtransferall - Transfer all players in one jail to another jail
  153. /jailcheck - Check the status of the specified player
  154. /jailtelein - Teleport inside jail
  155. /jailteleout - Teleport outside of the jail.
  156. /jaillist - List all created jails
  157. /jailstatus - Check your current jail status
  158. /jailbackup - Backup your jail data
  159. ### MotherNature
  160. /mn help - Adjust the weather
  161. ### MoveCraft
  162. ### MultiVerse
  163. /mvcreate - World create command
  164. /mvimport - World import command
  165. /mvremove - World delete command
  166. /mvmodify - Modify the settings of an existing world
  167. /mvprename - Rename a Portal
  168. /mvtp - Command to teleport between Worlds
  169. /mvtpt - Command to teleport a target to a World/Portal
  170. /mvlist - Print list of loaded Worlds
  171. /mvsetspawn - Set the spawn area for a particular World
  172. /mvspawn - Teleport to the spawn area
  173. /mvhelp - Display MultiVerse Help to the Player
  174. /mvpc - Create Portals
  175. /mvpcreate - Create Portals
  176. /mvpselect - Display selected Portal or Select a Portal
  177. /mvps - Display selected Portal or Select a Portal
  178. /mvpremove - Remove a Users Portal
  179. /mvpr - Remove a Users Portal
  180. /mvplist - Display all Portals the User can use.
  181. /mvpbuild - Build a Portal
  182. /mvpd - Set/Clear a Portals Destination
  183. /mvcoord - Display World and Coordinates
  184. ### Permissions - Provides a Permissions framework for use with Bukkit Plugins
  186. /permissions
  187. Example: /permissions | Displays Permissions Info
  188. Example: /permissions -reload all | Reloads the default world configuration
  189. Example: /permissions -reload [world] | Reloads the [world] configuration file
  190. - Provides access to Permissions commands and information.
  191. ### Pitfall
  192. ### ThisBiome
  193. /biome - Returns name of current biome.
  194. ### Tombstone - Tombstone mod for Bukkit
  195. /tomblist - Show a list of your Tombstones - Show a list of your Tombstones
  196. /tombfind <index> - Point your compass at the given Tombstone - Set your compass to point at the designated Tombstone.
  197. Get the index using /tomblist
  199. /tombreset - Reset your compass to spawn
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