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Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. [21:10:48] [join][login] [Randall Bottego] ID 177, UID 388088, GUID 156347. Cash: 1200 USD. Bank: 111 USD. RealMoney: 0 EUR. Played: 92h 21m. 93RP. IP: (PL). ClientID:8E4D885DD8CDE5ECD08FE50CC094585CC0F0DFA8
  2. [21:10:48] [hostname][Randall Bottego]
  3. [21:10:48] [SPWN] [Randall Bottego] spawned, position restored to door 0: 993.099975, -1355.099975, 13.300000
  4. [21:10:48] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 2 for player Randall Bottego
  5. [21:10:48] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 3 for player Randall Bottego
  6. [21:11:31] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 52)
  7. [21:11:49] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  8. [21:12:55] [CARS][VProtection] Vehicle UID 45836 was moved, probably by Randall Bottego (distance = 1.573098). Update rejected.
  9. [21:12:59] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 45880 (SA-MP ID 55), model 496 (Blista), health 965.90
  10. [21:13:11] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45880 (Blista), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 54)
  11. [21:13:47] [desc][cars] [Randall Bottego] Vehicle 45880 description: [A4] Sprzedam! Full tune,
  12. [21:15:27] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] 12
  13. [21:15:54] [desc][cars] [Randall Bottego] Vehicle 45880 description: [A4] Sprzedam! Nówka,
  14. [21:25:17] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] ?
  15. [21:25:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] 12
  16. [21:26:49] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45880 (Blista), os2
  17. [21:27:03] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 66)
  18. [21:27:27] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  19. [21:27:30] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 16 people inside)
  20. [21:27:50] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Stawiam Alphe, Bliste, Sancheza.
  21. [21:27:56] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Jestem tutaj krupierem bedziesz u mnie grał xd?
  22. [21:28:05] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Spoko kurde też napisałem podanie
  23. [21:28:09] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Hihi
  24. [21:28:24] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] A odpisał ci na forum czy jak?
  25. [21:28:25] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  26. [21:28:27] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Tak
  27. [21:28:59] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Hmm.
  28. [21:29:10] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Za 9 średnio.
  29. [21:29:24] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Nie mam :D
  30. [21:29:55] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Jana a o 2 zdrapki na biznes chcesz ?
  31. [21:30:24] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Sprzedaję.
  32. [21:30:39] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Colby DeLuca] 4,5 za zdrape
  33. [21:30:45] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Jana, 2 zdrapy na biznes ?
  34. [21:31:13] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Co ty..
  35. [21:31:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Nowa jest, full tune.
  36. [21:31:28] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Bez przesady.
  37. [21:31:52] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Czego biznesy nie chcesz?
  38. [21:32:07] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  39. [21:32:50] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45880 (Blista), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 53)
  40. [21:35:50] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45880 (Blista), os2
  41. [21:36:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] Zagrasz sultan vs sultan w kasynie ? :p
  42. [21:39:46] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Unspawn vehicle 45880 (SA-MP ID 55), health 965.90
  43. [21:39:58] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 52)
  44. [21:40:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] :)
  45. [21:42:17] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] Zależy.
  46. [21:42:53] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] 35
  47. [21:43:24] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] Mhm
  48. [21:43:37] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  49. [21:44:10] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 51)
  50. [21:50:25] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  51. [21:51:01] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 14 people inside)
  52. [21:51:42] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Zagra ktoś o autka?
  53. [21:51:59] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  54. [21:52:07] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  55. [21:52:09] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Znasz cene :)
  56. [21:52:17] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ta
  57. [21:52:32] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] A niech ci będzie.
  58. [21:52:37] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  59. [21:53:09] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 19756 (SA-MP ID 367), model 602 (Alpha), health 738.20
  60. [21:53:37] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 19756 (Alpha), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 44)
  61. [21:54:27] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a39x15] Przed sekundą było 800 ...
  62. [21:54:40] [CASH] [Randall Bottego][Service 11] (388088) makes an offer for 12800 USD/0 EUR to [Jana Boni] (417361): Używany pojazd: Alpha
  63. [21:54:48] [CARS][CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088) sells vehicle 19756 to [Jana Boni] (417361) for 12800 USD
  64. [21:54:50] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 19756 (Alpha), os2
  65. [21:54:51] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a39x15] Dzięki :)
  66. [21:55:23] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] ?
  67. [21:55:29] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] sprzedałem
  68. [21:55:37] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] :D
  69. [21:55:38] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 51)
  70. [21:56:24] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  71. [21:56:34] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 45902 (SA-MP ID 136), model 468 (Sanchez), health 822.70
  72. [21:57:19] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 66)
  73. [21:57:46] [PRIV] [Liam Bosco]>[Randall Bottego] Elo
  74. [21:57:51] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Liam Bosco] Cześć
  75. [21:57:52] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Liam Bosco] ?
  76. [21:58:04] [PRIV] [Liam Bosco]>[Randall Bottego] Sprzedajesz jeszcze zdrapy?
  77. [21:58:08] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Liam Bosco] Na biznes mam tylko
  78. [21:58:13] [PRIV] [Liam Bosco]>[Randall Bottego] A to nie
  79. [21:59:06] [desc][cars] [Randall Bottego] Vehicle 45902 description: [A4] Sprzedam 2 zdrapy na
  80. [21:59:39] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Ej
  81. [21:59:41] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] ?
  82. [21:59:43] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Grasz w kostke?
  83. [21:59:49] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Z tobą?
  84. [21:59:51] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Mhm
  85. [21:59:53] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] O ile?
  86. [21:59:56] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] 500?
  87. [22:00:04] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Można pograć coś
  88. [22:00:08] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] To dawajta xd
  89. [22:00:12] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exits a moving vehicle UID 45902.
  90. [22:00:13] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  91. [22:00:18] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 10 people inside)
  92. [22:01:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Gracie?
  93. [22:01:38] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  94. [22:01:44] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ok.
  95. [22:01:49] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Chwila
  96. [22:01:52] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  97. [22:01:59] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 65)
  98. [22:02:33] [desc][cars] [Randall Bottego] Vehicle 45902 description: [A4] Sprzedam tego
  99. [22:02:35] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  100. [22:03:01] [chat] [Tyler Bianco][call with][Randall Bottego] Witam a nie ma pan golda?
  101. [22:03:05] [chat] [Randall Bottego][call with][Tyler Bianco] Nie mam
  102. [22:03:36] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 13 people inside)
  103. [22:03:51] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  104. [22:04:04] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  105. [22:04:25] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] kafel ktoś?
  106. [22:04:45] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ale z kim?
  107. [22:05:17] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Dawaj ze mną
  108. [22:05:23] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :)
  109. [22:08:37] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] O kafla ktoś ?
  110. [22:08:49] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 1000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  111. [22:08:51] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Wygraj xd
  112. [22:09:08] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] kostki nie mam :D
  113. [22:09:12] [CASH] [Dave Skylline][Service 12] (236837) makes an offer for 0 USD/0 EUR to [Randall Bottego] (388088): Zakup przedmiotu: Kostka (6,0)
  114. [22:09:16] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  115. [22:09:16] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  116. [22:09:16] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  117. [22:09:16] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  118. [22:09:26] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] 200$ dla mnie xd
  119. [22:09:28] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 1800 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  120. [22:09:31] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Moja kocha xd
  121. [22:09:31] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ok 2
  122. [22:09:35] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Dwa xd?
  123. [22:09:36] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Zara xd
  124. [22:09:41] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 2000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  125. [22:09:44] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Jak wygrasz tera to juz 400 xd
  126. [22:09:49] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  127. [22:09:49] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  128. [22:09:50] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  129. [22:09:50] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  130. [22:10:00] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 3600 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  131. [22:10:03] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] nie
  132. [22:10:09] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 400 USD over to [Dave Skylline] (236837:74 / 388h, global 1333
  133. [22:10:15] [CASH] [Randall Bottego][Service 12] (388088) makes an offer for 0 USD/0 EUR to [Dave Skylline] (236837): Zakup przedmiotu: Kostka (6,0)
  134. [22:10:25] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ide kostke kupić i wracam
  135. [22:10:29] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  136. [22:11:03] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~y~Shop 24/7 (d325, 2 people inside)
  137. [22:11:13] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~y~Shop 24/7
  138. [22:11:20] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 65)
  139. [22:12:53] [CARS] [Damage][HP] Vehicle 45902 (Sanchez): HP went from 822.7 to 821.0 (delta 1.6). updatingPlayer: 177 (388088) [Randall Bottego]. Last driver: Randall Bottego(388088). Most recently collided with: p0 (1490476373s ago)
  140. [22:13:24] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  141. [22:13:38] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 13 people inside)
  142. [22:13:46] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Sprzedaj ktoś kostke
  143. [22:13:51] [CASH] [Dave Skylline][Service 12] (236837) makes an offer for 0 USD/0 EUR to [Randall Bottego] (388088): Zakup przedmiotu: Kostka (6,0)
  144. [22:14:04] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ziomek grasz o bliste?
  145. [22:14:16] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Blista nówka full tune
  146. [22:14:20] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] vs 11
  147. [22:14:41] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] mhm
  148. [22:14:47] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 1
  149. [22:14:54] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 1000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  150. [22:15:01] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  151. [22:15:01] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  152. [22:15:01] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  153. [22:15:01] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  154. [22:15:06] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Opierdol go z moich 3 tysiaków xd
  155. [22:15:11] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 1800 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  156. [22:15:15] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 1000
  157. [22:15:19] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Odpalisz mi coś jak wygrasz xd?
  158. [22:15:26] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 1000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  159. [22:15:32] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  160. [22:15:32] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  161. [22:15:32] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  162. [22:15:32] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  163. [22:15:39] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 1800 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  164. [22:15:42] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ta
  165. [22:15:44] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 1000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  166. [22:15:51] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  167. [22:15:51] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  168. [22:15:51] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  169. [22:15:51] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  170. [22:15:58] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 1800 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  171. [22:15:59] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 1000
  172. [22:16:13] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 1000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  173. [22:16:20] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  174. [22:16:20] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  175. [22:16:20] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  176. [22:16:20] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  177. [22:16:23] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 1800 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  178. [22:16:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ok
  179. [22:16:31] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 2000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  180. [22:16:38] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  181. [22:16:38] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  182. [22:16:38] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  183. [22:16:38] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  184. [22:16:45] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Ej jak wygrasz troszke to oddasz mi moye z 2k?
  185. [22:16:45] [payday][Randall Bottego] 1. payment. gMembLastPaydayTime = 0, now = 1490476605, payDaysInCurrentPeriod=0. gkPayDaysAllowedPerDay 3. gCreationTimestamp 1477181821. Paid 140 USD.
  186. [22:16:45] [cash][Randall Bottego] Created bank money $140
  187. [22:16:47] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Xd
  188. [22:16:49] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 3600 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  189. [22:16:49] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] ...
  190. [22:16:53] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] No wiem wiem xd
  191. [22:16:57] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Na minus dzisiaj jestem
  192. [22:17:00] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Musze sie odkuć
  193. [22:17:01] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Ząłtwię ci krupiera xd
  194. [22:17:03] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ta
  195. [22:17:07] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] To wtedy pogadamy xd
  196. [22:17:13] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Xd juz ide napisać
  197. [22:17:20] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ile
  198. [22:17:21] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  199. [22:17:39] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ile!
  200. [22:17:47] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 2000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  201. [22:17:55] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  202. [22:17:55] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  203. [22:17:55] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  204. [22:17:55] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  205. [22:18:04] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Napisane
  206. [22:18:07] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 3600 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  207. [22:18:11] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 2
  208. [22:18:19] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 3?
  209. [22:18:35] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) deposits 9600 USD to their bank account
  210. [22:18:49] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ile?
  211. [22:19:01] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) pays up 1 (out of 1) installments worth 10 USD (payment uid 189900) to 0:0.
  212. [22:19:04] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 3000 USD from their bank account
  213. [22:19:04] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Jak wygrasz odpal coś xd
  214. [22:19:07] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 3000 USD over to [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 15583
  215. [22:19:14] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  216. [22:19:14] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  217. [22:19:15] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  218. [22:19:15] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  219. [22:19:24] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Ale fart :D
  220. [22:19:25] [CASH] [Tre Vitale] (386076:118 / 655h, global 155835) hands 5400 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  221. [22:19:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ile to już z rzędu
  222. [22:19:41] [chat] [Randall Bottego][OOC:d702] XDDDDDDDDD
  223. [22:19:56] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Na ile go ojebaeś?
  224. [22:20:04] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) deposits 5400 USD to their bank account
  225. [22:20:07] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Cho xD
  226. [22:20:12] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Z 13
  227. [22:20:18] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 5000 USD from their bank account
  228. [22:20:18] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Oddaj mi moje 2 lub 3 xd
  229. [22:20:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ile chcesz
  230. [22:20:32] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ok
  231. [22:20:35] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 5000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 8903
  232. [22:20:36] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Coś czuje
  233. [22:20:41] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Ze to źle bedzie
  234. [22:20:43] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  235. [22:20:43] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  236. [22:20:44] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  237. [22:20:44] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  238. [22:20:47] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] :P
  239. [22:20:49] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Xd
  240. [22:20:52] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 10
  241. [22:20:53] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  242. [22:20:57] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 10000 USD from their bank account
  243. [22:20:58] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ta
  244. [22:21:04] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 10000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 890
  245. [22:21:07] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Jak wygrasz oddasz moje 3k xd?
  246. [22:21:13] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  247. [22:21:13] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  248. [22:21:14] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  249. [22:21:14] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  250. [22:21:25] [CASH] [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 89038) hands 20000 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 1563
  251. [22:21:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] dawaj 20 kafelków
  252. [22:21:28] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 5
  253. [22:21:36] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ?
  254. [22:21:37] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 5
  255. [22:21:40] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Oddaj mi 3 kafle prosze cie to zagram z tobą o nie xd
  256. [22:21:41] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) deposits 20000 USD to their bank account
  257. [22:21:48] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Dave Skylline] Czekaj gram narazie
  258. [22:21:52] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] O ile?
  259. [22:21:52] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 5000 USD from their bank account
  260. [22:21:53] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ile
  261. [22:21:58] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 5000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 8903
  262. [22:21:59] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] 6 i 6 xd moja kostka taie profity wali
  263. [22:22:11] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  264. [22:22:11] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  265. [22:22:12] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  266. [22:22:12] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  267. [22:22:19] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 5000 USD from their bank account
  268. [22:22:24] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 5000 USD from their bank account
  269. [22:22:29] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 10?
  270. [22:22:33] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 10000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 890
  271. [22:22:38] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  272. [22:22:38] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  273. [22:22:39] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  274. [22:22:39] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  275. [22:22:41] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] O kurde
  276. [22:22:46] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 15
  277. [22:22:49] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 15000 USD from their bank account
  278. [22:22:58] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ile?
  279. [22:23:00] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 5000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 8903
  280. [22:23:08] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  281. [22:23:08] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  282. [22:23:08] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  283. [22:23:08] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  284. [22:23:09] [PRIV] [Dave Skylline]>[Randall Bottego] Mi by bylo szkoda o takie sumy grać
  285. [22:23:14] [CASH] [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 89038) hands 9000 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  286. [22:23:20] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 9
  287. [22:23:29] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 9000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 8903
  288. [22:23:34] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] no 9
  289. [22:23:44] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  290. [22:23:44] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  291. [22:23:44] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  292. [22:23:44] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  293. [22:23:53] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ile
  294. [22:23:56] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 10 ?
  295. [22:24:01] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 10000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2879h, global 890
  296. [22:24:07] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  297. [22:24:07] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  298. [22:24:07] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  299. [22:24:07] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  300. [22:24:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] To wracam do sprzedawania zdrapek :D
  301. [22:24:34] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] O sultana
  302. [22:24:52] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 35
  303. [22:25:07] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] to ile niby?
  304. [22:25:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] niee :D
  305. [22:25:39] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 28 nie
  306. [22:25:53] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] za 30 jebne
  307. [22:26:49] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Za wszystko bym wjechał co mam
  308. [22:26:53] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ale nie masz tyle pewnie
  309. [22:27:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :D
  310. [22:27:48] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] sultan
  311. [22:27:52] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] i blista sanchez nówki
  312. [22:28:27] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Kurde wjechałbym
  313. [22:28:48] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Prędko nie znajde drugiego takiego co będzie chciał.
  314. [22:29:07] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] No
  315. [22:29:17] [chat] [Eddy Bartolini][call with][Randall Bottego] Ile za sancheza?
  316. [22:29:20] [chat] [Randall Bottego][call with][Eddy Bartolini] 12
  317. [22:29:24] [chat] [Eddy Bartolini][call with][Randall Bottego] 12 kafli?
  318. [22:29:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][call with][Eddy Bartolini] Ta
  319. [22:29:30] [chat] [Eddy Bartolini][call with][Randall Bottego] A zdrapy na biznes?
  320. [22:29:32] [chat] [Randall Bottego][call with][Eddy Bartolini] 4,5
  321. [22:29:38] [chat] [Eddy Bartolini][call with][Randall Bottego] Mhmw
  322. [22:29:42] [chat] [Randall Bottego][call with][Eddy Bartolini] Coś chcesz?
  323. [22:29:44] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Prędko drugiego takiego gracze nie będzie :/
  324. [22:29:58] [chat] [Eddy Bartolini][call with][Randall Bottego] Chcialbys moze kupic maryske?
  325. [22:30:01] [chat] [Randall Bottego][call with][Eddy Bartolini] Nie
  326. [22:30:08] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Dobra
  327. [22:30:09] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Grasz czy nie
  328. [22:30:22] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] sultan blista sanchez?
  329. [22:30:37] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] vs 28 i tak nie zagram
  330. [22:30:37] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  331. [22:30:49] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 5 people inside)
  332. [22:30:52] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  333. [22:31:02] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 64)
  334. [22:31:17] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  335. [22:31:22] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 51)
  336. [22:31:55] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  337. [22:32:25] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] Jak nie ma, nrg ma jebany bogacz
  338. [22:32:28] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Zagra czyje to :D
  339. [22:33:35] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 45880 (SA-MP ID 148), model 496 (Blista), health 965.90
  340. [22:33:42] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Cho tu xD
  341. [22:33:45] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Ide
  342. [22:33:45] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45880 (Blista), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 53)
  343. [22:34:16] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45880 (Blista), os2
  344. [22:34:33] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] ta blista jeszcze
  345. [22:34:36] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] i sanchez
  346. [22:34:41] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] za wszystko bym wjechał
  347. [22:34:55] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] blista, sanchez, sultan
  348. [22:35:07] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] 10
  349. [22:35:35] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] Ale mówie.
  350. [22:35:39] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] Za 3 auta chce wjechać
  351. [22:36:01] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] nie
  352. [22:36:02] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] 10
  353. [22:36:07] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] sprzedaje go za 12
  354. [22:36:17] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] obniżyłem do 10 bo kasyno.
  355. [22:36:33] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 16 people inside)
  356. [22:37:00] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] To, sanchez i blista vs 22?
  357. [22:37:11] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :D
  358. [22:38:34] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] To znajdźcie mi kogoś o te autka
  359. [22:40:00] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] nie gra typ
  360. [22:40:04] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] znajdź mi kogoś innego
  361. [22:40:15] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ja nie gram vs 28
  362. [22:40:27] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] nie
  363. [22:41:08] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  364. [22:41:19] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 40577 (SA-MP ID 86), model 560 (Sultan), health 824.00
  365. [22:41:33] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45880 (Blista), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 53)
  366. [22:41:52] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45880 (Blista), os2
  367. [22:42:13] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 51)
  368. [22:42:26] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  369. [22:42:29] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 12 people inside)
  370. [22:42:46] [rep] [Randall Bottego]>[Ace DeNino] Vote: -12
  371. [22:43:56] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  372. [22:44:33] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Unspawn vehicle 45902 (SA-MP ID 136), health 821.01
  373. [22:45:04] [CARS][VProtection] Vehicle UID 28333 was moved, probably by Randall Bottego (distance = 3.076901). Update rejected.
  374. [22:45:08] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 45902 (SA-MP ID 202), model 468 (Sanchez), health 821.00
  375. [22:45:11] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 64)
  376. [22:45:33] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  377. [22:45:43] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) withdraws 31 USD from their bank account
  378. [22:45:45] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters SALON~n~~r~~h~PORSCHE CARS (d895, 1 people inside)
  379. [22:45:47] [airbreaklog] Player 177 (Randall Bottego, 1111009905h) moved 44.497726m 3d/0.000000m 2d from 1073.351684,-1293.727539,13.546875 to 1113.695678,-1312.500122,25.847000. Allowed1. LastTeleportedFromPos 1073.682373,-1293.502319,13.546875 (45.970363 away) LastTeleportedToPos 1111.699951,-1313.000000,25.799999 (2.057915 away)
  380. [22:47:16] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits SALON~n~~r~~h~PORSCHE CARS
  381. [22:47:18] [airbreaklog] Player 177 (Randall Bottego, 1111330206h) moved 45.764156m 3d/0.000000m 2d from 1113.240966,-1313.490112,25.847000 to 1072.587158,-1292.475219,13.546875. Allowed1. LastTeleportedFromPos 1111.734619,-1313.465942,25.847000 (46.091510 away) LastTeleportedToPos 1074.000000,-1292.500000,13.500000 (1.413836 away)
  382. [22:47:21] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 64)
  383. [22:47:43] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  384. [22:47:45] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 11 people inside)
  385. [22:48:44] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Poszukaj mi gracza :(
  386. [22:48:50] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] No mówiłem
  387. [22:48:55] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Sultan, blista, sanchez
  388. [22:50:55] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  389. [22:51:03] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 51)
  390. [22:51:11] [desc][cars] [Randall Bottego] Vehicle 40577 description: [A4] Zagram o to w
  391. [22:55:32] [desc][cars] [Randall Bottego] Vehicle 40577 description: [A4] Zagram o to w
  392. [22:55:39] [SPEC][GM Banana] Randall Bottego(177)
  393. [22:55:43] [desc][cars] [Randall Bottego] Vehicle 40577 description: [A4] Zagram o to w kostki
  394. [22:55:48] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Jak coś to masz okazje vs 28 i 9
  395. [22:55:53] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Co?
  396. [22:56:00] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] No o sulta i bliste
  397. [22:56:10] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Moge jebnąć
  398. [22:56:11] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Typek czeka dalej, jak coś :D
  399. [22:56:18] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Ale on chce zagrac?
  400. [22:56:22] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Sult vs 28
  401. [22:56:28] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] I blista vs 9
  402. [22:56:35] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Wiecej nie da niestety
  403. [22:56:36] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  404. [22:56:40] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Wiec?
  405. [22:56:51] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Sult i blista za 37
  406. [22:56:58] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 13 people inside)
  407. [22:58:36] [payday][Randall Bottego] 2. payment. gMembLastPaydayTime = 1490476605, now = 1490479116, payDaysInCurrentPeriod=1. gkPayDaysAllowedPerDay 3. gCreationTimestamp 1477181821. Paid 98 USD.
  408. [22:58:36] [cash][Randall Bottego] Created bank money $98
  409. [22:58:48] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] To powiedz że nie masz, a nie w chuja lecisz
  410. [22:59:10] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ok to moge sultana vs 28
  411. [22:59:18] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ta ta
  412. [22:59:24] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  413. [22:59:33] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] Osobno może/v
  414. [22:59:37] [chat] [Randall Bottego][ENV:a38x15] *nic*
  415. [22:59:41] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Unspawn vehicle 40577 (SA-MP ID 86), health 824.00
  416. [22:59:43] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 40577 (SA-MP ID 86), model 560 (Sultan), health 824.00
  417. [23:00:06] [chat] [Randall Bottego][OOC:a38x15] to chwila bo mi sie pod mieszkaniem zespawnowalo
  418. [23:00:13] [chat] [Randall Bottego][OOC:a38x15] pojade po to
  419. [23:00:29] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] gram
  420. [23:00:31] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x15] o sultana
  421. [23:00:42] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 33637 (Elegy), seat 1, slot 1
  422. [23:01:02] [chat] [Randall Bottego][OOC:a39x14] XD
  423. [23:02:09] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a39x11] :D
  424. [23:02:28] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 33637 (Elegy), os3
  425. [23:02:37] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 51)
  426. [23:03:34] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  427. [23:03:35] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Unspawn vehicle 45880 (SA-MP ID 148), health 965.90
  428. [23:03:53] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Tylko na prowke nie mam jak to będzie?
  429. [23:04:00] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Z tych 28k
  430. [23:04:00] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 40577 (Sultan), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 50)
  431. [23:04:03] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] K
  432. [23:04:13] [CASH] [Randall Bottego][Service 11] (388088) makes an offer for 1 USD/0 EUR to [Alden Costa] (92953): Używany pojazd: Sultan
  433. [23:04:18] [CARS][CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088) sells vehicle 40577 to [Alden Costa] (92953) for 1 USD
  434. [23:04:19] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 40577 (Sultan), os2
  435. [23:04:30] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 11 people inside)
  436. [23:05:30] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  437. [23:05:30] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 3 (range 1-6)
  438. [23:05:30] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  439. [23:05:30] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  440. [23:05:32] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :D
  441. [23:05:54] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alexander DelMedico] I chuj :p
  442. [23:05:56] [PRIV] [Alexander DelMedico]>[Randall Bottego] Xd
  443. [23:06:00] [PRIV] [Alexander DelMedico]>[Randall Bottego] Po chuj grales
  444. [23:06:04] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alexander DelMedico] E tam
  445. [23:06:14] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Mogłem wygrać
  446. [23:06:16] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :D
  447. [23:06:33] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ta
  448. [23:06:52] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] można
  449. [23:06:55] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  450. [23:07:20] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Ta
  451. [23:07:33] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Vs 9 tak?
  452. [23:07:39] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Alden Costa] Ta
  453. [23:07:42] [PRIV] [Alden Costa]>[Randall Bottego] Okej
  454. [23:07:44] [CARS][VProtection] Vehicle UID 44229 was moved, probably by Randall Bottego (distance = 0.789732). Update rejected.
  455. [23:07:46] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 45880 (SA-MP ID 93), model 496 (Blista), health 965.90
  456. [23:07:53] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45880 (Blista), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 53)
  457. [23:07:58] [CASH] [Randall Bottego][Service 11] (388088) makes an offer for 1 USD/0 EUR to [Alden Costa] (92953): Używany pojazd: Blista
  458. [23:08:04] [CARS][CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088) sells vehicle 45880 to [Alden Costa] (92953) for 1 USD
  459. [23:08:06] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45880 (Blista), os2
  460. [23:08:10] [PRIV] [Randall Bottego]>[Ace DeNino] Vs 9 ?
  461. [23:08:15] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45880 (Blista), seat 1, slot 1
  462. [23:08:28] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45880 (Blista), os3
  463. [23:08:35] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 16 people inside)
  464. [23:09:11] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  465. [23:09:11] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  466. [23:09:11] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  467. [23:09:11] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  468. [23:09:23] [CASH] [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2880h, global 89038) hands 7200 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 15634
  469. [23:09:27] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 7 ?
  470. [23:09:34] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  471. [23:09:49] [CASH] [Alden Costa][Service 11] (92953) makes an offer for 1 USD/0 EUR to [Randall Bottego] (388088): Używany pojazd: Blista
  472. [23:09:53] [CARS][CASH] [Alden Costa] (92953) sells vehicle 45880 to [Randall Bottego] (388088) for 1 USD
  473. [23:10:01] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 15 people inside)
  474. [23:10:21] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] sanchez blista?
  475. [23:10:33] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] to ile
  476. [23:10:44] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :(
  477. [23:11:12] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:177 / 93h, global 156347) hands 2000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:191 / 2880h, global 8903
  478. [23:11:24] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  479. [23:11:24] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  480. [23:11:24] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  481. [23:11:24] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  482. [23:11:59] [part] [Randall Bottego] Scheduling penalty for quitting.
  483. [23:16:02] [join][login] [Randall Bottego] ID 94, UID 388088, GUID 156347. Cash: 5231 USD. Bank: 188 USD. RealMoney: 0 EUR. Played: 93h 52m. 93RP. IP: (PL). ClientID:8E4D885DD8CDE5ECD08FE50CC094585CC0F0DFA8
  484. [23:16:02] [hostname][Randall Bottego]
  485. [23:16:09] [SPWN] [Randall Bottego] spawned, position restored to door 702: 982.799987, -1302.300048, 22.200000
  486. [23:16:09] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 2 for player Randall Bottego
  487. [23:16:09] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 3 for player Randall Bottego
  488. [23:16:40] [chat] [Randall Bottego][OOC:d702] chwila
  489. [23:16:44] [part] [Randall Bottego] Scheduling penalty for quitting.
  490. [23:17:14] [join][login] [Randall Bottego] ID 124, UID 388088, GUID 156347. Cash: 5231 USD. Bank: 188 USD. RealMoney: 0 EUR. Played: 93h 52m. 93RP. IP: (PL). ClientID:8E4D885DD8CDE5ECD08FE50CC094585CC0F0DFA8
  491. [23:17:14] [hostname][Randall Bottego]
  492. [23:17:14] [SPWN] [Randall Bottego] spawned, restored to the entrance of door 702
  493. [23:17:14] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 13 people inside)
  494. [23:17:14] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 2 for player Randall Bottego
  495. [23:17:14] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 3 for player Randall Bottego
  496. [23:17:33] [part] [Randall Bottego] Scheduling penalty for quitting.
  497. [23:18:22] [join][login] [Randall Bottego] ID 127, UID 388088, GUID 156347. Cash: 5231 USD. Bank: 188 USD. RealMoney: 0 EUR. Played: 93h 53m. 93RP. IP: (PL). ClientID:8E4D885DD8CDE5ECD08FE50CC094585CC0F0DFA8
  498. [23:18:22] [hostname][Randall Bottego]
  499. [23:18:26] [SPWN] [Randall Bottego] spawned, restored to the entrance of door 702
  500. [23:18:26] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 13 people inside)
  501. [23:18:26] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 2 for player Randall Bottego
  502. [23:18:26] [hold+1] attached accessory in slot 3 for player Randall Bottego
  503. [23:19:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Blista, sanchez nówki vs 20
  504. [23:20:03] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] za 12
  505. [23:20:11] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] immo
  506. [23:20:14] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] No nowy praktycznie
  507. [23:20:41] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Średnio
  508. [23:20:44] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] dałem 12
  509. [23:21:10] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Może będę.
  510. [23:21:42] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Ace?
  511. [23:21:52] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Blista, sanchez vs 20 :D
  512. [23:22:20] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] to dawaj
  513. [23:22:27] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  514. [23:22:35] [CARS] [Randall Bottego] Spawns vehicle 45880 (SA-MP ID 249), model 496 (Blista), health 965.90
  515. [23:22:42] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45880 (Blista), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 53)
  516. [23:22:49] [CASH] [Randall Bottego][Service 11] (388088) makes an offer for 1 USD/0 EUR to [Alden Costa] (92953): Używany pojazd: Blista
  517. [23:22:54] [CARS][CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088) sells vehicle 45880 to [Alden Costa] (92953) for 1 USD
  518. [23:22:56] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45880 (Blista), os2
  519. [23:23:04] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 11 people inside)
  520. [23:23:24] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  521. [23:23:24] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  522. [23:23:24] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  523. [23:23:24] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  524. [23:23:47] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  525. [23:23:54] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 0, slot 0 (fuel 64)
  526. [23:24:08] [CASH] [Randall Bottego][Service 11] (388088) makes an offer for 10000 USD/0 EUR to [Tom Randall] (162462): Używany pojazd: Sanchez
  527. [23:24:21] [CARS] [Damage][HP] Vehicle 45902 (Sanchez): HP went from 821.0 to 820.6 (delta 0.3). updatingPlayer: 127 (388088) [Randall Bottego]. Last driver: Randall Bottego(388088). Most recently collided with: p0 (1490480661s ago)
  528. [23:24:40] [CASH] [Randall Bottego][Service 11] (388088) makes an offer for 10000 USD/0 EUR to [Tom Randall] (162462): Używany pojazd: Sanchez
  529. [23:24:45] [CARS][CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088) sells vehicle 45902 to [Tom Randall] (162462) for 10000 USD
  530. [23:24:47] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os2
  531. [23:24:48] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a39x15] Podrzuć
  532. [23:24:51] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Entered vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), seat 1, slot 0
  533. [23:25:02] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:a38x16] Ok.
  534. [23:25:03] [cars] [Randall Bottego] Exited vehicle 45902 (Sanchez), os3
  535. [23:25:16] [door] [Randall Bottego] Enters ~p~SPHINX (d702, 11 people inside)
  536. [23:25:51] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] czekaj
  537. [23:25:59] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] kafla nie
  538. [23:26:23] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Chce ktoś 2 biznesy po 3,5 ? Zaniżam bardzo.
  539. [23:26:43] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] nie
  540. [23:27:39] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) withdraws 10000 USD from their bank account
  541. [23:27:42] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] gra ktoś o 15
  542. [23:27:58] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :D
  543. [23:28:26] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] a o 15 to już nie
  544. [23:28:30] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] Logiczne
  545. [23:28:56] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] to dawaj o 5
  546. [23:29:19] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) hands 5000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 89038
  547. [23:29:35] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  548. [23:29:35] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  549. [23:29:36] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  550. [23:29:36] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  551. [23:29:47] [CASH] [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 89038) hands 9000 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347
  552. [23:29:50] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] ile
  553. [23:29:55] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] nie
  554. [23:29:56] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 10
  555. [23:30:02] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) hands 10000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 8903
  556. [23:30:12] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  557. [23:30:12] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  558. [23:30:13] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  559. [23:30:13] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  560. [23:30:19] [CASH] [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 89038) hands 18000 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 15634
  561. [23:30:21] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] rly
  562. [23:30:27] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 20
  563. [23:30:33] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) hands 20000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 8903
  564. [23:30:45] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  565. [23:30:45] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 5 (range 1-6)
  566. [23:30:45] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  567. [23:30:45] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  568. [23:30:56] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  569. [23:30:56] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  570. [23:30:57] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  571. [23:30:57] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  572. [23:31:04] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] To bez prowki
  573. [23:31:07] [CASH] [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 89038) hands 40000 USD over to [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 15634
  574. [23:31:15] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) deposits 47000 USD to their bank account
  575. [23:31:16] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 10?
  576. [23:31:20] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) withdraws 10000 USD from their bank account
  577. [23:31:31] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) hands 10000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 8903
  578. [23:31:36] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  579. [23:31:36] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  580. [23:31:37] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  581. [23:31:37] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 4 (range 1-6)
  582. [23:31:42] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] 35
  583. [23:31:50] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) withdraws 35000 USD from their bank account
  584. [23:31:54] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) hands 35000 USD over to [Alden Costa] (92953:36 / 2880h, global 8903
  585. [23:32:00] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  586. [23:32:00] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  587. [23:32:00] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  588. [23:32:00] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 6 (range 1-6)
  589. [23:32:10] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  590. [23:32:10] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 1 (range 1-6)
  591. [23:32:11] [thing] [Randall Bottego] Uses thing 7508753 (Kostka) V6:0:0
  592. [23:32:11] [info][Randall Bottego] Dice result: 2 (range 1-6)
  593. [23:32:12] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :D
  594. [23:32:21] [chat] [Randall Bottego][IC:d702] :p
  595. [23:33:25] [CASH] [Randall Bottego] (388088:127 / 94h, global 156347) deposits 232 USD to their bank account
  596. [23:33:30] [door] [Randall Bottego] Exits ~p~SPHINX
  597. [23:33:33] [part] [Randall Bottego] Scheduling penalty for quitting.
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