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Sep 23rd, 2014
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  1. [color=#FF0000][size=x-large][u][b]So About The DEA[/b][/u][/size][/color]
  4. [size=large][color=#32CD32]In my mind i think that SWAT and the DEA should be the same department under the name of SWAT but the DEA should be a sub-department since they do kinda take SWAT's job by handling drug raids and investigations and that's all they do and that seems like a waste of a whole department. And if this were to happen SWAT and DEA would share the same load-out (Guns And Accessories) And procedures (There could be a specified section for drug raids).
  6. Im sorry for the suggestion as it is a little absurd and impolite to say i hate all your work and i suggest you burn it as making the DEA has taken time and effort but i feel it takes a big chunk of SWAT's job away.
  9. If this doesn't happen and it probably wont then my suggestion for the DEA load-out would be the SWAT load-out with the addition of guns such as the Vermin .45, Katiba Carbine 6.5 Or the MXC 6.5 As "Breaching Guns.", More maneuverable As they have a short length allowing corners to be taken for fluently and lighter to allow faster breaching, Also with the case of rocket launchers no Titan AA or PCML as those are more for defending Kavala then raids, And about vehicles i feel they should get Hunters as normal SWAT do but without panthers, and for air vehicles for raids the normal SWAT Ghosthawk should be ok for raids. [/color][/size]
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