Guest User


a guest
Jan 29th, 2015
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  1. /**
  2. * Dev commands
  3. *
  4. * These commands are here for highly ranked users (or the creator) to use
  5. * to perform arbitrary actions that can't be done through any other commands
  6. * or to help with upkeep of the bot.
  7. */
  9. reload: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  10. if (!this.hasRank(by, '@#~')) return false;
  11. try {
  12. this.uncacheTree('./commands.js');
  13. Commands = require('./commands.js').commands;
  14. this.say(con, room, 'Commands reloaded.');
  15. } catch (e) {
  16. error('failed to reload: ' + sys.inspect(e));
  17. }
  18. },
  19. custom: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  20. if (!this.hasRank(by, '~#@%')) return false;
  21. // Custom commands can be executed in an arbitrary room using the syntax
  22. // ".custom [room] command", e.g., to do !data pikachu in the room lobby,
  23. // the command would be ".custom [lobby] !data pikachu". However, using
  24. // "[" and "]" in the custom command to be executed can mess this up, so
  25. // be careful with them.
  26. if (arg.indexOf('[') === 0 && arg.indexOf(']') > -1) {
  27. var tarRoom = arg.slice(1, arg.indexOf(']'));
  28. arg = arg.substr(arg.indexOf(']') + 1).trim();
  29. }
  30. this.say(con, tarRoom || room, arg);
  31. },
  32. js: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  33. if (config.excepts.indexOf(toId(by)) === -1) return false;
  34. try {
  35. var result = eval(arg.trim());
  36. this.say(con, room, JSON.stringify(result));
  37. } catch (e) {
  38. this.say(con, room, + ": " + e.message);
  39. }
  40. },
  42. /**
  43. * Room Owner commands
  44. *
  45. * These commands allow room owners to personalise settings for moderation and command use.
  46. */
  48. settings: 'set',
  49. set: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  50. if (!this.hasRank(by, '%@&#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return true;
  52. var settable = {
  53. say: 1,
  54. joke: 1,
  55. choose: 1,
  56. usagestats: 1,
  57. buzz: 1,
  58. helix: 1,
  59. survivor: 1,
  60. games: 1,
  61. wifi: 1,
  62. monotype: 1,
  63. autoban: 1,
  64. happy: 1,
  65. guia: 1,
  66. studio: 1,
  67. 'switch': 1,
  68. banword: 1
  69. };
  70. var modOpts = {
  71. flooding: 1,
  72. caps: 1,
  73. stretching: 1,
  74. bannedwords: 1,
  75. snen: 1
  76. };
  78. var opts = arg.split(',');
  79. var cmd = toId(opts[0]);
  80. if (cmd === 'mod' || cmd === 'm' || cmd === 'modding') {
  81. if (!opts[1] || !toId(opts[1]) || !(toId(opts[1]) in modOpts)) return this.say(con, room, 'Incorrect command: correct syntax is ' + config.commandcharacter + 'set mod, [' +
  82. Object.keys(modOpts).join('/') + '](, [on/off])');
  84. if (!this.settings['modding']) this.settings['modding'] = {};
  85. if (!this.settings['modding'][room]) this.settings['modding'][room] = {};
  86. if (opts[2] && toId(opts[2])) {
  87. if (!this.hasRank(by, '#~')) return false;
  88. if (!(toId(opts[2]) in {on: 1, off: 1})) return this.say(con, room, 'Incorrect command: correct syntax is ' + config.commandcharacter + 'set mod, [' +
  89. Object.keys(modOpts).join('/') + '](, [on/off])');
  90. if (toId(opts[2]) === 'off') {
  91. this.settings['modding'][room][toId(opts[1])] = 0;
  92. } else {
  93. delete this.settings['modding'][room][toId(opts[1])];
  94. }
  95. this.writeSettings();
  96. this.say(con, room, 'Moderation for ' + toId(opts[1]) + ' in this room is now ' + toId(opts[2]).toUpperCase() + '.');
  97. return;
  98. } else {
  99. this.say(con, room, 'Moderation for ' + toId(opts[1]) + ' in this room is currently ' +
  100. (this.settings['modding'][room][toId(opts[1])] === 0 ? 'OFF' : 'ON') + '.');
  101. return;
  102. }
  103. } else {
  104. if (!Commands[cmd]) return this.say(con, room, config.commandcharacter + '' + opts[0] + ' is not a valid command.');
  105. var failsafe = 0;
  106. while (!(cmd in settable)) {
  107. if (typeof Commands[cmd] === 'string') {
  108. cmd = Commands[cmd];
  109. } else if (typeof Commands[cmd] === 'function') {
  110. if (cmd in settable) {
  111. break;
  112. } else {
  113. this.say(con, room, 'The settings for ' + config.commandcharacter + '' + opts[0] + ' cannot be changed.');
  114. return;
  115. }
  116. } else {
  117. this.say(con, room, 'Something went wrong. PM TalkTakesTime here or on Smogon with the command you tried.');
  118. return;
  119. }
  120. failsafe++;
  121. if (failsafe > 5) {
  122. this.say(con, room, 'The command "' + config.commandcharacter + '' + opts[0] + '" could not be found.');
  123. return;
  124. }
  125. }
  127. var settingsLevels = {
  128. off: false,
  129. disable: false,
  130. '+': '+',
  131. '%': '%',
  132. '@': '@',
  133. '&': '&',
  134. '#': '#',
  135. '~': '~',
  136. on: true,
  137. enable: true
  138. };
  139. if (!opts[1] || !opts[1].trim()) {
  140. var msg = '';
  141. if (!this.settings[cmd] || (!this.settings[cmd][room] && this.settings[cmd][room] !== false)) {
  142. msg = '.' + cmd + ' is available for users of rank ' + ((cmd === 'autoban' || cmd === 'banword') ? '#' : config.defaultrank) + ' and above.';
  143. } else if (this.settings[cmd][room] in settingsLevels) {
  144. msg = '.' + cmd + ' is available for users of rank ' + this.settings[cmd][room] + ' and above.';
  145. } else if (this.settings[cmd][room] === true) {
  146. msg = '.' + cmd + ' is available for all users in this room.';
  147. } else if (this.settings[cmd][room] === false) {
  148. msg = '' + config.commandcharacter+''+ cmd + ' is not available for use in this room.';
  149. }
  150. this.say(con, room, msg);
  151. return;
  152. } else {
  153. if (!this.hasRank(by, '#~')) return false;
  154. var newRank = opts[1].trim();
  155. if (!(newRank in settingsLevels)) return this.say(con, room, 'Unknown option: "' + newRank + '". Valid settings are: off/disable, +, %, @, &, #, ~, on/enable.');
  156. if (!this.settings[cmd]) this.settings[cmd] = {};
  157. this.settings[cmd][room] = settingsLevels[newRank];
  158. this.writeSettings();
  159. this.say(con, room, 'The command ' + config.commandcharacter + '' + cmd + ' is now ' +
  160. (settingsLevels[newRank] === newRank ? ' available for users of rank ' + newRank + ' and above.' :
  161. (this.settings[cmd][room] ? 'available for all users in this room.' : 'unavailable for use in this room.')))
  162. }
  163. }
  164. },
  165. blacklist: 'autoban',
  166. ban: 'autoban',
  167. ab: 'autoban',
  168. autoban: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  169. if (!this.canUse('autoban', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  170. if (!this.hasRank(this.ranks[room] || ' ', '%@&#~')) return this.say(con, room, config.nick + ' requires rank of @ or higher to (un)blacklist.');
  172. arg = arg.split(',');
  173. var added = [];
  174. var illegalNick = [];
  175. var alreadyAdded = [];
  176. if (!arg.length || (arg.length === 1 && !arg[0].trim().length)) return this.say(con, room, 'You must specify at least one user to blacklist.');
  177. for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
  178. var tarUser = toId(arg[i]);
  179. if (tarUser.length < 1 || tarUser.length > 18) {
  180. illegalNick.push(tarUser);
  181. continue;
  182. }
  183. if (!this.blacklistUser(tarUser, room)) {
  184. alreadyAdded.push(tarUser);
  185. continue;
  186. }
  187. this.say(con, room, '/roomban ' + tarUser + ', Blacklisted user');
  188. this.say(con,room, '/modnote ' + tarUser + ' was added to the blacklist by ' + by + '.');
  189. added.push(tarUser);
  190. }
  192. var text = '';
  193. if (added.length) {
  194. text += 'User(s) "' + added.join('", "') + '" added to blacklist successfully. ';
  195. this.writeSettings();
  196. }
  197. if (alreadyAdded.length) text += 'User(s) "' + alreadyAdded.join('", "') + '" already present in blacklist. ';
  198. if (illegalNick.length) text += 'All ' + (text.length ? 'other ' : '') + 'users had illegal nicks and were not blacklisted.';
  199. this.say(con, room, text);
  200. },
  201. unblacklist: 'unautoban',
  202. unban: 'unautoban',
  203. unab: 'unautoban',
  204. unautoban: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  205. if (!this.canUse('autoban', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  206. if (!this.hasRank(this.ranks[room] || ' ', '@&#~')) return this.say(con, room, config.nick + ' requires rank of @ or higher to (un)blacklist.');
  208. arg = arg.split(',');
  209. var removed = [];
  210. var notRemoved = [];
  211. if (!arg.length || (arg.length === 1 && !arg[0].trim().length)) return this.say(con, room, 'You must specify at least one user to unblacklist.');
  212. for (var i = 0; i < arg.length; i++) {
  213. var tarUser = toId(arg[i]);
  214. if (tarUser.length < 1 || tarUser.length > 18) {
  215. notRemoved.push(tarUser);
  216. continue;
  217. }
  218. if (!this.unblacklistUser(tarUser, room)) {
  219. notRemoved.push(tarUser);
  220. continue;
  221. }
  222. this.say(con, room, '/roomunban ' + tarUser);
  223. removed.push(tarUser);
  224. }
  226. var text = '';
  227. if (removed.length) {
  228. text += 'User(s) "' + removed.join('", "') + '" removed from blacklist successfully. ';
  229. this.writeSettings();
  230. }
  231. if (notRemoved.length) text += (text.length ? 'No other ' : 'No ') + 'specified users were present in the blacklist.';
  232. this.say(con, room, text);
  233. },
  234. viewbans: 'viewblacklist',
  235. vab: 'viewblacklist',
  236. viewautobans: 'viewblacklist',
  237. viewblacklist: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  238. if (!this.canUse('autoban', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  240. var text = '';
  241. if (!this.settings.blacklist || !this.settings.blacklist[room]) {
  242. text = 'No users are blacklisted in this room.';
  243. } else {
  244. if (arg.length) {
  245. var nick = toId(arg);
  246. if (nick.length < 1 || nick.length > 18) {
  247. text = 'Invalid nickname: "' + nick + '".';
  248. } else {
  249. text = 'User "' + nick + '" is currently ' + (nick in this.settings.blacklist[room] ? '' : 'not ') + 'blacklisted in ' + room + '.';
  250. }
  251. } else {
  252. var nickList = Object.keys(this.settings.blacklist[room]);
  253. if (!nickList.length) return this.say(con, room, '/pm ' + by + ', No users are blacklisted in this room.');
  254. this.uploadToHastebin(con, room, by, 'The following users are banned in ' + room + ':\n\n' + nickList.join('\n'))
  255. return;
  256. }
  257. }
  258. this.say(con, room, '/pm ' + by + ', ' + text);
  259. },
  260. banphrase: 'banword',
  261. banword: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  262. if (!this.canUse('banword', room, by)) return false;
  263. if (!this.settings.bannedphrases) this.settings.bannedphrases = {};
  264. arg = arg.trim().toLowerCase();
  265. if (!arg) return false;
  266. var tarRoom = room;
  268. if (room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  269. if (!this.hasRank(by, '~')) return false;
  270. tarRoom = 'global';
  271. }
  273. if (!this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom]) this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom] = {};
  274. if (arg in this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom]) return this.say(con, room, "Phrase \"" + arg + "\" is already banned.");
  275. this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom][arg] = 1;
  276. this.writeSettings();
  277. this.say(con, room, "Phrase \"" + arg + "\" is now banned.");
  278. },
  279. unbanphrase: 'unbanword',
  280. unbanword: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  281. if (!this.canUse('banword', room, by)) return false;
  282. arg = arg.trim().toLowerCase();
  283. if (!arg) return false;
  284. var tarRoom = room;
  286. if (room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  287. if (!this.hasRank(by, '~')) return false;
  288. tarRoom = 'global';
  289. }
  291. if (!this.settings.bannedphrases || !this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom] || !(arg in this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom]))
  292. return this.say(con, room, "Phrase \"" + arg + "\" is not currently banned.");
  293. delete this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom][arg];
  294. if (!Object.size(this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom])) delete this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom];
  295. if (!Object.size(this.settings.bannedphrases)) delete this.settings.bannedphrases;
  296. this.writeSettings();
  297. this.say(con, room, "Phrase \"" + arg + "\" is no longer banned.");
  298. },
  299. viewbannedphrases: 'viewbannedwords',
  300. vbw: 'viewbannedwords',
  301. viewbannedwords: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  302. if (!this.canUse('banword', room, by)) return false;
  303. arg = arg.trim().toLowerCase();
  304. var tarRoom = room;
  306. if (room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  307. if (!this.hasRank(by, '~')) return false;
  308. tarRoom = 'global';
  309. }
  311. var text = "";
  312. if (!this.settings.bannedphrases || !this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom]) {
  313. text = "No phrases are banned in this room.";
  314. } else {
  315. if (arg.length) {
  316. text = "The phrase \"" + arg + "\" is currently " + (arg in this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom] ? "" : "not ") + "banned " +
  317. (room.charAt(0) === ',' ? "globally" : "in " + room) + ".";
  318. } else {
  319. var banList = Object.keys(this.settings.bannedphrases[tarRoom]);
  320. if (!banList.length) return this.say(con, room, "No phrases are banned in this room.");
  321. this.uploadToHastebin(con, room, by, "The following phrases are banned " + (room.charAt(0) === ',' ? "globally" : "in " + room) + ":\n\n" + banList.join('\n'))
  322. return;
  323. }
  324. }
  325. this.say(con, room, text);
  326. },
  328. tell: 'say',
  329. say: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  330. if (!this.canUse('say', room, by)) return false;
  331. this.say(con, room, stripCommands(arg) );
  332. },
  333. joke: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  334. if (!this.canUse('joke', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  335. var self = this;
  337. var reqOpt = {
  338. hostname: '',
  339. path: '/jokes/random',
  340. method: 'GET'
  341. };
  342. var req = http.request(reqOpt, function(res) {
  343. res.on('data', function(chunk) {
  344. try {
  345. var data = JSON.parse(chunk);
  346. self.say(con, room, data.value.joke.replace(/&quot;/g, "\""));
  347. } catch (e) {
  348. self.say(con, room, 'Sorry, couldn\'t fetch a random joke... :(');
  349. }
  350. });
  351. });
  352. req.end();
  353. },
  354. choose: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  355. if (arg.indexOf(',') === -1) {
  356. var choices = arg.split(' ');
  357. } else {
  358. var choices = arg.split(',');
  359. }
  360. choices = choices.filter(function(i) {return (toId(i) !== '')});
  361. if (choices.length < 2) return this.say(con, room, (room.charAt(0) === ',' ? '': '/pm ' + by + ', ') + '.choose: You must give at least 2 valid choices.');
  363. var choice = choices[Math.floor(Math.random()*choices.length)];
  364. this.say(con, room, ((this.canUse('choose', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') ? '':'/pm ' + by + ', ') + stripCommands(choice));
  365. },
  366. usage: 'usagestats',
  367. usagestats: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  368. if (this.canUse('usagestats', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  369. var text = '';
  370. } else {
  371. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  372. }
  373. text += '';
  374. this.say(con, room, text);
  375. },
  376. seen: function(arg, by, room, con) { // this command is still a bit buggy
  377. var text = (room.charAt(0) === ',' ? '' : '/pm ' + by + ', ');
  378. arg = toId(arg);
  379. if (!arg || arg.length > 18) return this.say(con, room, text + 'Invalid username.');
  380. if (arg === toId(by)) {
  381. text += 'Have you looked in the mirror lately?';
  382. } else if (arg === toId(config.nick)) {
  383. text += 'You might be either blind or illiterate. Might want to get that checked out.';
  384. } else if (!this.chatData[arg] || !this.chatData[arg].seenAt) {
  385. text += 'The user ' + arg + ' has never been seen.';
  386. } else {
  387. text += arg + ' was last seen ' + this.getTimeAgo(this.chatData[arg].seenAt) + ' ago' + (
  388. this.chatData[arg].lastSeen ? ', ' + this.chatData[arg].lastSeen : '.');
  389. }
  390. this.say(con, room, text);
  391. },
  392. whois: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  393. if (this.canUse('helix', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  394. var text = '';
  395. } else {
  396. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  397. }
  399. var rand = Math.floor(20 * Math.random()) + 1;
  401. switch (rand) {
  402. case 1: text += "The greatest of all."; break;
  403. case 2: text += "Noob, better no talk about."; break;
  404. case 3: text += "Great, just greatttttttttt."; break;
  405. case 4: text += "Without a doubt, a bitch."; break;
  406. case 5: text += "Genius on planet earth."; break;
  407. case 6: text += "cunt cunt, stupid cunt, dumb cunt."; break;
  408. case 7: text += "You may rely on it."; break;
  409. case 8: text += "ERROR that name stinks, ERROR: i need a repair."; break;
  410. case 9: text += "Outlook not so good."; break;
  411. case 10: text += "Yuck, talk about something else plz."; break;
  412. case 11: text += "Better not tell you now."; break;
  413. case 12: text += "My man, i m a gay so as he."; break;
  414. case 13: text += "All mighty."; break;
  415. case 14: text += "The One with the least common sense."; break;
  416. case 15: text += "Cannot predict now."; break;
  417. case 16: text += "King of NOOBS."; break;
  418. case 17: text += "Ask again later."; break;
  419. case 18: text += "R00d like hell, i dont like him at all."; break;
  420. case 19: text += "Outlook good."; break;
  421. case 20: text += "FUCK OFF BITCH."; break;
  422. }
  423. this.say(con, room, text);
  424. },
  426. /**
  427. * Room specific commands
  428. *
  429. * These commands are used in specific rooms on the Smogon server.
  430. */
  431. espaol: 'esp',
  432. ayuda: 'esp',
  433. esp: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  434. // links to relevant sites for the Wi-Fi room
  435. if (!(room === 'lobby' && config.serverid === 'lotus')) return false;
  436. var text = '';
  437. if (!this.canUse('guia', room, by)) {
  438. text += '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  439. }
  440. var messages = {
  441. reglas: 'Recuerda seguir las reglas de nuestra sala en todo momento:',
  442. faq: 'Preguntas frecuentes sobre el funcionamiento del chat:',
  443. faqs: 'Preguntas frecuentes sobre el funcionamiento del chat:',
  444. foro: '¡Visita nuestro foro para participar en multitud de actividades!',
  445. guia: 'Desde este índice ( podrás acceder a toda la información importante de la sala. By: Lost Seso',
  446. liga: '¿Tienes alguna duda sobre la Liga? ¡Revisa el **índice de la Liga** aquí!: ( By: xJoelituh'
  447. };
  448. text += (toId(arg) ? (messages[toId(arg)] || '¡Bienvenidos a la comunidad de habla hispana! Si eres nuevo o tienes dudas revisa nuestro índice de guías:') : '¡Bienvenidos a la comunidad de habla hispana! Si eres nuevo o tienes dudas revisa nuestro índice de guías:');
  449. this.say(con, room, text);
  450. },
  451. studio: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  452. if (!(room === 'thestudio' && config.serverid === 'lotus')) return false;
  453. var text = '';
  454. if (!this.canUse('studio', room, by)) {
  455. text += '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  456. }
  457. var messages = {
  458. plug: '/announce The Studio\'s can be found here:'
  459. };
  460. this.say(con, room, text + (messages[toId(arg)] || ('Welcome to The Studio, a music sharing room on PS!. If you have any questions, feel free to PM a room staff member. Available commands for .studio: ' + Object.keys(messages).join(', '))));
  461. },
  462. 'switch': function(arg, by, room, con) {
  463. if (!(room === 'gamecorner' && config.serverid === 'lotus') ||
  464. !this.canUse('switch', room, by)) return false;
  465. this.say(con, room, 'Taking over the world. Starting with Game Corner. Room deregistered.');
  466. this.say(con, room, '/k ' + (toId(arg) || by) + ', O3O YOU HAVE TOUCHED THE SWITCH');
  467. },
  468. wifi: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  469. // links to relevant sites for the Wi-Fi room
  470. if (!(room === 'wifi' && config.serverid === 'lotus')) return false;
  471. var text = '';
  472. if (!this.canUse('wifi', room, by)) {
  473. text += '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  474. }
  475. var messages = {
  476. intro: 'Here is an introduction to Wi-Fi:',
  477. rules: 'The rules for the Wi-Fi room can be found here:',
  478. faq: 'Wi-Fi room FAQs:',
  479. faqs: 'Wi-Fi room FAQs:',
  480. scammers: 'List of known scammers:',
  481. cloners: 'List of approved cloners:',
  482. tips: 'Scamming prevention tips:',
  483. breeders: 'List of breeders:',
  484. signup: 'Breeders Sign Up:',
  485. bans: 'Ban appeals:',
  486. banappeals: 'Ban appeals:',
  487. lists: 'Major and minor list compilation:',
  488. trainers: 'List of EV trainers:',
  489. youtube: 'Wi-Fi room\'s official YouTube channel:',
  490. league: 'Wi-Fi Room Pokemon League:'
  491. };
  492. text += (toId(arg) ? (messages[toId(arg)] || 'Unknown option. General links can be found here:') : 'Links can be found here:');
  493. this.say(con, room, text);
  494. },
  495. mono: 'monotype',
  496. monotype: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  497. // links and info for the monotype room
  498. if (!(room === 'The Inferno League' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  499. var text = 'sorry';
  500. if (!this.canUse('The Inferno Leagur', room, by)) {
  501. text += '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  502. }
  503. var messages = {
  504. forums: 'The monotype room\'s forums can be found here:',
  505. plug: 'The monotype room\'s plug can be found here:',
  506. rules: 'The monotype room\'s rules can be found here:!rules/cnnz',
  507. site: 'The monotype room\'s site can be found here:',
  508. league: 'Information on the Monotype League can be found here:'
  509. };
  510. text += (toId(arg) ? (messages[toId(arg)] || 'Unknown option. General information can be found here:') : 'Welcome to the monotype room! Please visit our site to find more information. The site can be found here:');
  511. this.say(con, room, text);
  512. },
  513. survivor: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  514. // contains links and info for survivor in the Survivor room
  515. if (!(room === 'survivor' && config.serverid === 'showdown')) return false;
  516. var text = '';
  517. if (!this.canUse('survivor', room, by)) {
  518. text += '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  519. }
  520. var gameTypes = {
  521. hg: "",
  522. hungergames: "",
  523. classic: ""
  524. };
  525. arg = toId(arg);
  526. if (arg) {
  527. if (!(arg in gameTypes)) return this.say(con, room, "Invalid game type. The game types can be found here:");
  528. text += "The rules for this game type can be found here: " + gameTypes[arg];
  529. } else {
  530. text += "The list of game types can be found here:";
  531. }
  532. this.say(con, room, text);
  533. },
  534. games: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  535. // lists the games for the games room
  536. if (!(room === 'gamecorner' && config.serverid === 'showdown')) return false;
  537. var text = '';
  538. if (!this.canUse('games', room, by)) {
  539. text += '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  540. }
  541. this.say(con, room, text + 'Game List: 1. Would You Rather, 2. NickGames, 3. Scattegories, 4. Commonyms, 5. Questionnaires, 6. Funarios, 7. Anagrams, 8. Spot the Reference, 9. Pokemath, 10. Liar\'s Dice');
  542. this.say(con, room, text + '11. Pun Game, 12. Dice Cup, 13. Who\'s That Pokemon?, 14. Pokemon V Pokemon (BST GAME), 15. Letter Getter, 16. Missing Link, 17. Parameters! More information can be found here:');
  543. },
  544. happy: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  545. // info for The Happy Place
  546. if (!(room === 'thehappyplace' && config.serverid === 'showdown')) return false;
  547. var text = "";
  548. if (!this.canUse('happy', room, by)) text += "/pm " + by + ", ";
  549. arg = toId(arg);
  550. if (arg === 'askstaff' || arg === 'ask' || arg === 'askannie') {
  551. text += "";
  552. } else {
  553. text += "The Happy Place, at its core, is a friendly environment for anyone just looking for a place to hang out and relax. We also specialize in taking time to give advice on life problems for users. Need a place to feel at home and unwind? Look no further!";
  554. }
  555. this.say(con, room, text);
  556. },
  559. /**
  560. * Jeopardy commands
  561. *
  562. * The following commands are used for Jeopardy in the Academics room
  563. * on the Smogon server.
  564. */
  567. b: 'buzz',
  568. buzz: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  569. if (this.buzzed || !this.canUse('buzz', room, by) || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  570. this.say(con, room, '**' + by.substr(1) + ' has buzzed in!**');
  571. this.buzzed = by;
  572. var self = this;
  573. this.buzzer = setTimeout(function(con, room, buzzMessage) {
  574. self.say(con, room, buzzMessage);
  575. self.buzzed = '';
  576. }, 7000, con, room, by + ', your time to answer is up!');
  577. },
  578. reset: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  579. if (!this.buzzed || !this.hasRank(by, '%@&#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  580. clearTimeout(this.buzzer);
  581. this.buzzed = '';
  582. this.say(con, room, 'The buzzer has been reset.');
  583. },
  585. champion: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  586. if (this.hasRank(by, '@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  587. var text = " Champiom is the one who is the last to be faced by a challenger to get his/her name into hall of Fame. ";
  588. } else {
  589. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  590. }
  591. text += ' The Champion of The Avengers League is **Enrique** using **versatile** types to confuse the challenger';
  592. this.say(con, room, text);
  593. },
  595. facebook: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  596. if (this.hasRank(by, ' @#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  597. var text = "to make **Enrique Miguel** ur frnd on fb follow this link: ";
  598. } else {
  599. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  600. }
  601. text += '';
  602. this.say(con, room, text);
  603. },
  605. multi: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  606. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  607. var text = "/wall Multileaguing means Joining other League while u still in some other League or joining two leagues at a time. MULTILEAGUING is not allowed in Inferno League.";
  608. } else {
  609. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  610. }
  611. text += '';
  612. this.say(con, room, text);
  613. },
  614. seed: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  615. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  616. var text = "/wall Poison Gym Leader of Inferno league. || Ace Pokemon: Mega Beedrill || Quote: Sometimes its not the heat from the fire that will kill you, but rather the poisonous smoke. || Badge: Venom Badge";
  617. } else {
  618. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  619. }
  620. text += '';
  621. this.say(con, room, text);
  622. },
  624. henriy: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  625. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  626. var text = "/wall Water Head Elite of Inferno league. || Ace Pokemon: Mega Blastoise || Quote: You Might Sink undesirably || Badge: Deep Sea Badge";
  627. } else {
  628. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  629. }
  630. text += '';
  631. this.say(con, room, text);
  633. },
  634. recruit: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  635. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  636. var text = "/wall To recruit members from main server, ask them if they are interested to join. If they are link them in PM and if they are not plz dont force them. Advertise on frost lobby using /advertise command.";
  637. } else {
  638. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  639. }
  640. text += '';
  641. this.say(con, room, text);
  642. },
  644. hera: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  645. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  646. var text = "/wall Bug Elite of Inferno league. || Ace Pokemon: Mega Heracross || Quote: Even the weakest of Pokemon can be strong.";
  647. } else {
  648. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  649. }
  650. text += '';
  651. this.say(con, room, text);
  652. },
  655. active: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  656. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  657. var text = "/declare Sometime it may happen than someone stay alone in this room with no one here, the reason is different time zones. So guys i request you that please dont let it be ded, try to visit here, everyday as as long as possible, we need you tough guys. GOOD LUCK";
  658. } else {
  659. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  660. }
  661. text += '';
  662. this.say(con, room, text);
  663. },
  664. noob: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  665. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  666. var text = "/wall According to " + config.nick + " the most noob league is The Justice league and one example of it is: and this aswell:";
  668. } else {
  669. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  670. }
  671. text += '';
  672. this.say(con, room, text);
  673. },
  675. mini: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  676. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  677. var text = "/wall Psychic Gym Leader of Inferno League. || Ace Pokemon: Gallade || Quote: The Power of a Psychic is not only Special, it can also be psysical";
  678. } else {
  679. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  680. }
  681. text += '';
  682. this.say(con, room, text);
  683. },
  684. mastere: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  685. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  686. var text = "/wall Ground Gym Leader of Inferno League. || Ace Pokemon: Garchomp || Quote: I hope your ready to be sliced and diced to paste";
  687. } else {
  688. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  689. }
  690. text += '';
  691. this.say(con, room, text);
  692. },
  694. tour: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  695. if (config.serverid !== 'frost) return false;
  696. if (room.charAt(0) === ',') return, arg, by, 'theinfernoleague', con);
  697. if (room !== 'theinfernoleague' || !this.hasRank(by, '%@#&~')) return false;
  699. if(arg === 'nu')
  700. {
  701. this.say(con,room,"/wall **NeverUsed** || About Never Used can be Found Here: Info: | Viability rankings: | Sample teams:")
  702. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  703. }
  704. else if(arg === 'ou')
  705. {
  706. this.say(con,room,"/wall **OverUsed** || About Over Used Can be Found here: Info: | Viability rankings: | Sample teams:")
  707. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  708. }
  709. else if(arg === 'ubers')
  710. {
  711. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Ubers** || About Ubers can be found here: Info: | Viability rankings: | Sample teams:")
  712. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  713. }
  714. else if(arg === 'lc')
  715. {
  716. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Little Cup** || About Little Cup cn be Found here: Info: | Viability rankings: | Sample teams:")
  717. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  718. }
  719. else if(arg === 'monotype')
  720. {
  721. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Monotype** || About Monotype can be found here: Info: | Viability rankings:")
  722. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  723. }
  724. else if(arg === 'fu')
  725. {
  726. this.say(con,room,"/wall **FU** || About Fu can be found Here:")
  727. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  728. }
  729. else if(arg === 'pu')
  730. {
  731. this.say(con,room,"/wall **PU** || About PU can be found here: Info: | Viability rankings: | Sample teams: ")
  732. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  733. }
  734. else if(arg === 'ru')
  735. {
  736. this.say(con,room,"/wall **RarelyUsed** || About RarelyUsed can be Found Here: Info: | Viability rankings: | Sample teams:")
  738. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  739. }
  740. else if(arg ==='randombattle')
  741. {
  742. this.say(con,room,"/Wall **Random Battle** || All random Teams will be used.")
  743. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  744. }
  745. else if (arg === 'cc1v1')
  746. {
  747. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Challenge Cup 1vs1**|| Random Pokemons and a 1 on 1 battle. ")
  748. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  749. }
  750. else if(arg === "challengecup")
  751. {
  752. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Challenge Cup**. All Teams Are random.")
  753. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  754. }
  755. else if(arg === "balancedhackmons")
  756. {
  757. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Balanced Hackmons** || About Balanced hackmons can be found here: Info: | Viability rankings:")
  758. this.say(con, room, "/tour new " + arg + ",elimination")
  759. }
  760. else if(arg === "aaa")
  761. {
  762. this.say(con, room, "/tour new almostanyability,elimination")
  764. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Almost any Ability** Tournament || About Almost any Ability can be found here: Info: | Viability rankings:")
  765. }
  766. else if(arg === "battlespotsingles")
  767. {
  768. this.say(con, room, "/tour new battlespotsingles,elimination")
  770. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Battle Spot Singles**|| About Spot Singles can be found here: Info: | Viability rankings: | Sample teams:")
  771. }
  772. else if(arg === "offmono")
  773. {
  774. this.say(con,room,"/wall **Official Inferno League Head Elite Tournament**.All Inferno League Elites are requested to join. The Winner will be the **Head Elite** of Inferno League for 1 week. **Only League teams shall be used and no changing of Team.** || Good Luck.")
  775. this.say(con, room, "/tour new monotype,elimination")
  776. }
  777. else
  778. {
  779. this.say(con,room,"**ERROR**: Either no tournament format exsist or no commands are yet made for it.")
  781. }
  784. },
  785. start: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  786. if (!(room === 'theinfernoleague' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  787. if (!this.hasRank(by, '%@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  789. if(arg === 'randombattle' || arg === 'cc1v1' || arg === 'challengecup')
  790. {
  791. this.say(con,room,"/wall Good **Luck To everyone**. For inactive opponents **wait 2 mins** and you will be advanced automatically. Other matches can be joined due to random teams.")
  792. this.say(con, room, "/tour start " )
  793. this.say(con, room, "/tour setautodq 2" )
  794. this.say(con, room, "/tour startautodq 2" )
  795. }
  796. else if(arg === 'ou' || arg === 'nu' || arg === 'ru' || arg === 'pu' || arg === 'fu' || arg === 'ubers' || arg === 'balancedhackmons' || arg === 'monotype')
  797. {
  798. this.say(con,room, "/wall Good luck to all! **Joining other matches while still in the tournament is against the rules and will result in immediate disqualification**")
  799. this.say(con, room, "/tour start " )
  800. this.say(con, room, "/tour setautodq 2" )
  801. this.say(con, room, "/tour startautodq 2" )
  802. }
  803. else
  804. {
  805. this.say(con,room,"/wall No a Valid Tour start command. Try **.start [tier]**")
  806. }
  807. },
  810. welcome: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  811. if (!(room === 'theinfernoleague' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  812. if (!this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  814. if(this.hasRank(by, '%@#~'))
  815. {
  816. this.say(con, room, "/wall Welcome to The Inferno League. Have a nice and comfortable stay here. For Joining PM League Owners Enrique,Death or Edd. From " + by + " and the whole Inferno League staff.")
  817. }
  818. else
  819. {
  820. this.say(con,room," **This commands is only for The Inferno League Staff members.** ")
  821. }
  822. },
  823. official: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  824. if (!(room === 'theinfernoleague' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  825. if (!this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  827. if(arg === 'monday')
  828. {
  829. this.say(con,room," No event is decided for " + arg )
  830. }
  831. else if(arg === 'tuesday')
  832. {
  833. this.say(con,room," The Head Elite 4 tour is on " + arg)
  834. }
  835. else if(arg === 'wednesday')
  836. {
  837. this.say(con,room," No event is decided for " + arg)
  838. }
  839. else if(arg === 'thursday')
  840. {
  841. this.say(con,room," No event is decided for " + arg)
  842. }
  843. else if(arg === 'friday')
  844. {
  845. this.say(con,room," No event is decided for " + arg)
  846. }
  847. else if(arg === 'saturday')
  848. {
  849. this.say(con,room," No event is decided for " + arg)
  850. }
  851. else if(arg === 'sunday')
  852. {
  853. this.say(con,room," No event is decided for " + arg)
  854. }
  856. },
  857. autumn: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  858. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  859. var text = "/wall ``RU`` Frontier of Inferno League . || Ace: Smeargle || Quote: Painting you up and making you fall get it cause Autumn...";
  860. } else {
  861. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  862. }
  863. text += '';
  864. this.say(con, room, text);
  865. },
  866. type: function(arg, by, room, con){
  867. if (!(room === 'theinfernoleague' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  868. if (!this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  870. if(arg === 'fire')
  871. {
  872. this.say(con,room,"/wall Both Leader and Elite spots are **Vacant** ")
  873. }
  874. else if(arg === 'grass')
  875. {
  876. this.say(con,room,"/wall The Grass Gym Leader is Fazou (.fazou) and Grass Elite spot is **Vacant** ")
  877. }
  878. else if(arg === 'flying')
  879. {
  880. this.say(con,room,"/wall Gym Leader is Snake and Elite spot is **Vacant** ")
  881. }
  882. else if(arg === 'water')
  883. {
  884. this.say(con,room,"/wall leader is Getsu and Water Elite is Henriy( .henriy ) ")
  885. }
  886. else if(arg === 'psychic')
  887. {
  888. this.say(con,room,"/wall No spot is vacant as Leader is Mini ( .mini ) and Elite is Esper ( .member esper) ")
  889. }
  890. else if(arg === 'dark')
  891. {
  892. this.say(con,room,"/wall Gym Leader is nakazi and Elite is Melvin ( .melvin )")
  893. }
  894. else if(arg === 'fighting')
  895. {
  896. this.say(con,room,"/wall Leader is **Vacant** and Elite is Spheal ( .spheal )")
  897. }
  898. else if(arg === 'fairy')
  899. {
  900. this.say(con,room,"/wall Leader is Cold and Elite is Offai")
  901. }
  902. else if(arg === 'ghost')
  903. {
  904. this.say(con,room,"/wall Both Leader and Elite Spot is **vacant**")
  905. }
  906. else if(arg === 'steel')
  907. {
  908. this.say(con,room,"/wall No spot is vacant as Leader is Blue ( .blue ) and Elite is Wiggles ( .wiggles )")
  909. }
  910. else if(arg === 'ground')
  911. {
  912. this.say(con,room,"/wall Leader is Mastere ( .mastere ) and Elite spot is **Vacant** ")
  913. }
  914. else if(arg === 'rock')
  915. {
  916. this.say(con,room,"/wall Both Leader and Elite Spot is **vacant**")
  917. }
  918. else if(arg === 'dragon')
  919. {
  920. this.say(con,room,"/wall Leader is Julius ( .member julius) and Elite is PBR ( .member pbr )")
  921. }
  922. else if(arg === 'bug')
  923. {
  924. this.say(con,room,"/wall Gym Leader spot is **Vacant** and Elite is Hera ( .hera )")
  925. }
  926. else if(arg === 'ice')
  927. {
  928. this.say(con,room,"/wall Leader is Icen and Elite is Anish ( .anish )")
  929. }
  930. else if(arg === 'electric')
  931. {
  932. this.say(con,room,"/wall Gym leader is eevee ( .eevee ) and Elite Spot is **Vacant** ")
  933. }
  934. else if(arg === 'normal')
  935. {
  936. this.say(con,room,"/wall Leader spot is **Vacant** and Elite is Chocoz. ")
  937. }
  938. else if(arg === 'poison')
  939. {
  940. this.say(con,room,"/wall Leader is seed ( .seed ) and Elite Spot is **Vacant** ")
  941. }
  942. else
  943. {
  944. this.say(con,room,"**ERROR**: Not a valid bot command, try doing .type [typename]")
  945. }
  946. },
  947. member: function(arg, by, room, con){
  948. if (!(room === 'theinfernoleague' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  949. if (!this.hasRank(by, '%@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  951. if(arg === 'esper')
  952. {
  953. this.say(con,room,'/declare <div class=\"broadcast-red\"><font color=white size=2><i><b> Psychic Elite of Inferno League.<br> Ace: Metagross<br><div class=\"broadcast-black\"><img src=\"\" height=250 width=500><br><div class=\"broadcast-red\"><Quote:')
  954. }
  955. else if(arg === 'wiso')
  956. {
  957. this.say(con,room,'/declare <div class=\"broadcast-red\"><font color=white size=2><i><b> Ghost Elite of Inferno League.<br> Ace: Gengar<br><div class=\"broadcast-black\"><img src=\"\" height=250 width=500><br><div class=\"broadcast-red\"><Quote:')
  958. }
  959. else if(arg === 'lexie')
  960. {
  961. this.say(con,room,'/declare <div class=\"broadcast-red\"><font color=white size=2><i><b> Fighting Leader of Inferno League.<br> Ace: Hawlucha<br><div class=\"broadcast-black\"><img src=\"\" height=250 width=500><br><div class=\"broadcast-red\"><Quote: if you dont like to take a punch you can\'t have a life in the world as a whresitler');
  962. }
  963. else if(arg === 'blue')
  964. {
  965. this.say(con,room,'/declare <div class=\"broadcast-red\"><font color=white size=2><i><b> Steel Leader of Inferno League.<br> Ace: Metagross<br><div class=\"broadcast-black\"><img src=\"\" height=250 width=500><br><div class=\"broadcast-red\"><Quote:');
  966. }
  968. else
  969. {
  970. this.say(con,room,"**ERROR**: No Such Member name exists in records. Have u spelt the name correctly with all lowercase letters?")
  971. }
  973. },
  974. bot: function(arg, by, room, con) {
  975. if (this.hasRank(by, ' %@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') {
  976. var text = "**Welcome To Inferno League bot guide." + + " is hosted by Enrique and some of the useful League commands are, **.tour [tier]** , **.member [name]** , **.start [tier]** (to start the tour). **NOTE**: Abusing of bot for useless commands can result in a mute or ban, beware.";
  977. } else {
  978. var text = '/pm ' + by + ', ';
  979. }
  980. text += '';
  981. this.say(con, room, text);
  982. },
  983. robot: function(arg, by, room, con){
  984. if (!(room === 'theinfernoleague' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  985. if (!this.hasRank(by, ' +%@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  987. if(arg === 'voice')
  988. {
  989. this.say(con,room,"/roompromote" + by + ",+")
  990. }
  991. else if(arg === 'driver')
  992. {
  993. this.say(con,room,"/roompromote" + by + ",%")
  994. }
  995. else if(arg === 'mod')
  996. {
  997. this.say(con,room,"/roompromote" + by + ",@")
  998. }
  999. else if(arg === 'demote%')
  1000. {
  1001. this.say(con,room,"/roomdemote" + by + ",%")
  1002. }
  1003. else if(arg === 'demote+')
  1004. {
  1005. this.say(con,room,"/roomdemote" + by + ",+")
  1006. }
  1007. else if(arg === 'demote')
  1008. {
  1009. this.say(con,room,"/roomdemote" + by + ", ")
  1010. }
  1011. else
  1012. {
  1013. this.say(con,room,"**ERROR** cant be promoted to " + arg + " at this time")
  1014. }
  1015. },
  1016. inferno: function(arg, by, room, con){
  1017. if (!(room === 'theinfernoleague' && config.serverid === 'frost')) return false;
  1018. if (!this.hasRank(by, ' +%@#~') || room.charAt(0) === ',') return false;
  1020. if(arg === 'leaders')
  1021. {
  1022. this.say(con,room,"/declare Total Leaders of Inferno League (10): Cold(Fairy) , Fazou(Grass) , Blue(Steel) , Julius(dragon) , Seed(Poison) , Icen(Ice) , Getsu(Water) , Snake(Flying) , Mastere(Ground) , Canyon(Rock)")
  1023. }
  1024. else if(arg === "elites")
  1025. {
  1026. this.say(con,room,"/declare Total Elites of Inferno League(11): Henriy(Water) , Melvin(Dark) , Wiso(Ghost) , Hera(Bug) , Esper(Psychic) , Thunda(Fight) , Anish(Ice) , Offai(fairy) , Chocoz(Normal) , Paldi(Ground) , Wiggles(Steel)")
  1027. }
  1028. },
  1030. };
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