
Emmett + Elspeth, Nov 3

Dec 4th, 2016
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  1. Nov 03 19:52:46 <SavanahHolland> The night was young in a way.. tomorrow would be the memorial, not that Elspeth felt even slightly ready- but nonetheless it was happening. Sighing as she glances to Emmett who likely was looking over the books on.. ahem- Succubuses and Incubusses. "Doh youh see anything of intrest?" she asks curiously.
  2. Nov 03 19:56:00 <Knave> "It is all of it fascinating." Emmett responds in a dry tone, poring over the texts behind his goggles. "So many worlds within our own that I have yet to explore..." He turns a page and continues without lifting his eyes, "And you say you have... known an incubus?"
  3. Nov 03 19:57:24 <SavanahHolland> "Intimately" she admits, blushing and not meeting his eyes.. of course it's not something she wanted to tell her boyfriend, but it was true.
  4. Nov 03 20:00:26 <Knave> "Mmhm." Emmett nods vaguely, "Psychologically... are demons necessarily distinct from humanity?" He glances up at her, "Does the human spirit endure, or does some fundamental part of demon physiology alter the mind?"
  5. Nov 03 20:03:32 <SavanahHolland> "Vell.. I dohn't know exactly.. I believe youh perhaps chance frohm the experience of becoming one frohm a human.. iht depends perhaps"
  6. Nov 03 20:06:49 <Knave> "Hnn... certainly worth study..." He looks at the wall, "Finding subjects may be problematic volunteers for eternal life likely but nature of process and result..." His voice accelerates, then stops, "Too many demons, perhaps." He takes his goggles off, and moves to sit beside Elspeth.
  7. Nov 03 20:09:57 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth moves closer, leaning into his side and sighing. "Youh could perhaps find one ohn Campus, so many students- there ahre bound toh be more." she nods, biting her lower lip.
  8. Nov 03 20:12:00 <Knave> "It is certainly something to think about before we attempt such a thing ourselves." He wraps an arm around her waist and sighs. After a few moments of nuzzling his head into hers, he asks, "Is there anything else you want to talk about?"
  9. Nov 03 20:13:59 <SavanahHolland> She hums, closing her eyes before shaking her head "Noht really.. doh youh?"
  10. Nov 03 20:16:06 <Knave> Emmett shakes his head back, "No, I only wish to enjoy your company, dear." The hand on her waist glides up her back and begins stroking her hair, "I feel an odd kind of serenity..."
  11. Nov 03 20:20:00 <SavanahHolland> She almost purrs as she melts back into him, just to the point of laying her head in his lap, her eyes open as she looked up at him with a soft blush. "Ahs do I.. iht's rather nice" she pauses, taking in a soft breath of air "Vhat doh youh vant toh do vith yourh life.. after this school?"
  12. Nov 03 20:23:31 <Knave> Emmett breathes in sharply through his nose and continues stroking Elspeth's hair, "Everything." He relaxes in his seat, with Elspeth in his lap, "There is a vast world, full of problems. Someone ought to solve them. What about you?"
  13. Nov 03 20:26:37 <SavanahHolland> "I dohn't know- travel.. experience things.. children.. dohn't really have much of a choice ohn that one" she laughs somewhat bitterly.
  14. Nov 03 20:28:29 <Knave> "No?" Emmett presses, concerned, his fingers gently running down her hair and over her neck.
  15. Nov 03 20:32:30 <SavanahHolland> She raises an eyebrow "Oh? Phlease inform me"
  16. Nov 03 20:34:13 <Knave> "I mean, why do you have no choice?" Emmett says gently.
  17. Nov 03 20:35:54 <SavanahHolland> "Because, bahd things.." she sighs "Iht's hard to explain.. mhy powers are familial.. the ohnly reason iht exists is toh continue ourh bloodline, I jast.. have toh."
  18. Nov 03 20:36:48 <Knave> "Oh." Emmett clears his throat awkwardly, "Well, if it is merely a matter of bloodline... the process need not be... messy."
  19. Nov 03 20:37:32 <SavanahHolland> She blinks, tilting her head a bit in his lap, confusion obvious.
  20. Nov 03 20:38:45 <Knave> "Even... traditional methods offer alternatives, today." Emmett blinks, and makes a self-conscious face, "Assuming, of course, that you have no interest in bringing a child to term yourself..."
  21. Nov 03 20:39:49 <SavanahHolland> Thought washes over her face, staring up at the ceiling "I dohn't know.. vhat vould youh think?"
  22. Nov 03 20:41:53 <Knave> Emmett was, of course, familiar with the basics of pregnancy. His education in human anatomy would have been incomplete without it. He had chosen not to probe beyond the basics much. "If I were in your place," He says diplomatically, "I would seek an alternative to the natural method."
  23. Nov 03 20:43:30 <SavanahHolland> "Youh have a point.. buht I dohn't know.. iht's a rather.. intimate thing toh choose toh do naturally.." she blushes, sighing.
  24. Nov 03 20:45:11 <Knave> He lays his fingers gently on her cheek, "If this must be done, I will support you in however you choose to approach it." He sighs, "Though I admit, I would not relish seeing you in the discomfort and pain of childbirth."
  25. Nov 03 20:46:51 <SavanahHolland> These two.. were strange. Only they could talk about something like this normally with only.. minor blushing from Elspeth. "Vell.. technology advances.. Ih'm sure there ahre vays toh combat the pain.."
  26. Nov 03 20:48:34 <Knave> "The... final act itself is only something of a crescendo to some months of... unpleasantness." Emmett's face colours at the cheeks as he grimaces, old medical diagrams popping into his head. He shudders slightly at the thought of more research being necessary.
  27. Nov 03 20:55:26 <SavanahHolland> "I dohn't know.. I doubt I could mahke a proper choice aht this point.. I have plenty ohf time toh think it through.." she pauses "Vould youh ever even be intrested ihn being a father?"
  28. Nov 03 20:58:04 <Knave> This gives Emmett pause for some time, "I have never given it any thought." His finger traces a circle on her skin, "I intend to live for a very long time. A child would be a... complication."
  29. Nov 03 21:02:55 <SavanahHolland> She frowns- Emmett would probably be a sucky father "Vell.. vouldn't be intresting toh experience iht?"
  30. Nov 03 21:04:00 <Knave> "Perhaps." Emmett nods solemnly. "I also think it is too early to really think of such things."
  31. Nov 03 21:05:16 <SavanahHolland> "Ohf course.. buht it is an intresting subject.." she nods, sighing "Vhat intrests youh most?"
  32. Nov 03 21:07:25 <Knave> "In truth, that subject is not all too far removed." He smiles gently, looking down absent-mindedly at her, "You know that my studies are vast, but I keep returning to the idea of the spark of life. What produces it, how it can be reproduced. How it might be rekindled, once snuffed. If I could learn such secrets..."
  33. Nov 03 21:09:13 <SavanahHolland> She nods "I cahn understand vhy.. perhaps youh should ask students abouht it.. there ahre angels in the school I believe?"
  34. Nov 03 21:10:15 <Knave> "Oh, yes. I see all of my fellow students as an opportunity to learn more of the world." He looks down at her with an indulgent smile, "What about you?"
  35. Nov 03 21:12:26 <SavanahHolland> "I dohn't know.. ahnything really, like I have tohld youh.. experience intrests me mohst.. I vant toh experience things and know ohf other's experiences.."
  36. Nov 03 21:16:15 <Knave> Emmett nods and his hand comes to rest on the side of Elspeth's head. "A noble goal." He closes his eyes, breathing gently.
  37. Nov 03 21:22:56 <SavanahHolland> "Perhaps, forh mhy own selfish reasons I vish toh do it.." she slowly moves a hand up.. going to his cheek and carressing lightly.
  38. Nov 03 21:24:53 <Knave> Emmett moves his head slightly into the touch, and thinks aloud, "Self-interest is a perfectly natural part of humanity."
  39. Nov 03 21:29:08 <SavanahHolland> "True, buht it is usually looked down upon.." she mumbles quietly.
  40. Nov 03 21:31:39 <Knave> "The product of thoughtlessness and a need to demonize." Emmett says airily, running a hand over Elspeth's hair, behind her ear, "Self-interest and compassion are not as mutually exclusive as some think, and selfish drives are necessary for life."
  41. Nov 03 21:33:57 <SavanahHolland> She nods, her eyes closing as she leans into his hand as it moves over her hair "Buht.. there ahre points vhere selfishness ihs taken tooh far.. people could die forh the sake ohf one person living mohre comfortably.."
  42. Nov 03 21:35:58 <Knave> "Of course. We must temper everything we do with thought and compassion. Such faculties are what make us human, and to discard them renders us inhuman." He seems oddly at home idly caressing her while pontificating on human nature.
  43. Nov 03 21:39:27 <SavanahHolland> Elspeth matches in his comfort.. a bit of an unnerving conversation that felt so relaxed and natural. "Vould youh puht yourhself above the vellfare of the masses? Orh the opposite?" she asks idly.
  44. Nov 03 21:41:31 <Knave> "I consider it my duty as a scientist to work for all of mankind's sake. My needs are outweighed by those of the many." He says seriously, then lowers his eyes to her face, "But I am yours before I am mankind's, darling."
  45. Nov 03 21:43:29 <SavanahHolland> She smiles at that, leaning up to peck him softly on the lips as she takes his chin in her hand, almost inspecting his expression. "Ahs I ahm yourhs as vell my love.."
  46. Nov 03 21:45:33 <Knave> His lips quirk upwards, pleased and delighted by the surprise of the kiss and the statement. He wraps an arm around her back and leans her body into his, comfortable and content.
  47. Nov 03 21:48:00 <SavanahHolland> - Scene Relaxed -
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