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Mar 1st, 2010
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  1. nurpawiki - Wiki with integrated to-do list and scheduler
  2. odbc-postgresql - ODBC driver for PostgreSQL
  3. - extension for PostgreSQL SDBC driver
  4. openser-postgres-module - PostgreSQL database connectivity module for OpenSER
  5. osm2pgsql - Openstreetmap data to PostgreSQL converter
  6. papercut - simple and extensible NNTP server
  7. pdns-backend-pgsql - generic PostgreSQL backend for PowerDNS
  8. perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 Proxy server
  9. perdition-postgresql - Library to allow perdition to access PostgreSQL based popmaps
  10. pfm - PostgreSQL graphical client using Tcl/Tk
  11. pgadmin3 - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL
  12. pgadmin3-data - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL - documentation
  13. pgagent - job scheduler for PostgreSQL
  14. pgdesigner - Graphical database designer for PostgreSQL
  15. pgdocs-pdf - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format on US letter paper
  16. pgdocs-pdf-a4 - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format for A4 paper
  17. pgfouine - PostgreSQL log analyzer
  18. pgloader - loads flat data files into PostgreSQL
  19. pgpool - connection pool server for PostgreSQL
  20. pgpool2 - connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL
  21. pgsnap - PostgreSQL report tool
  22. pgtap - Unit testing framework for PostgreSQL
  23. php-mdb2-driver-pgsql - PHP PEAR module to provide a PostgreSQL driver for MDB2
  24. phpbb3 - A fully featured and skinnable flat (non-threaded) webforum
  25. phppgadmin - web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL
  26. pike7.6-core - Powerful interpreted programming language
  27. pike7.6-pg - PostgreSQL module for Pike
  28. pitrtools - wrapper scripts providing warm standby functionality to PostgreSQL
  29. postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- common files
  30. postgresql-8.3 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.3 server
  31. postgresql-8.3-debversion - Debian version number type for PostgreSQL
  32. postgresql-8.3-ip4r - IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for PostgreSQL 8.3
  33. postgresql-8.3-orafce - Oracle support functions for PostgreSQL
  34. postgresql-8.3-pljava-gcj - Java procedural language for PostgreSQL
  35. postgresql-8.3-pllua - Lua procedural language for PostgreSQL
  36. postgresql-8.3-plproxy - PL/Proxy is a proxy language used for remote database
  37. postgresql-8.3-plr - Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL 8.3 and R
  38. postgresql-8.3-plruby - Ruby procedural language for PostgreSQL
  39. postgresql-8.3-plsh - PL/sh procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  40. postgresql-8.3-postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 8.3
  41. postgresql-8.3-prefix - Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
  42. postgresql-8.3-slony1 - replication system for PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL server plug-in
  43. postgresql-client-8.3 - front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.3
  44. postgresql-contrib-8.3 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
  45. postgresql-doc-8.3 - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
  46. postgresql-filedump-8.3 - Utility to format PostgreSQL files
  47. postgresql-plperl-8.3 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  48. postgresql-plperl-8.4 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.4
  49. postgresql-plpython-8.3 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  50. postgresql-plpython-8.4 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.4
  51. postgresql-pltcl-8.3 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  52. postgresql-pltcl-8.4 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.4
  53. postgresql-server-dev-8.3 - development files for PostgreSQL 8.3 server-side programming
  54. proftpd-mod-pgsql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - PostgreSQL module
  55. ptop - PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top
  56. pure-ftpd-postgresql - Pure-FTPd FTP server with PostgreSQL user authentication
  57. python-logilab-common - useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
  58. python-migrate - Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
  59. python-pgsql - A Python DB-API 2.0 interface to PostgreSQL v7.x
  60. python-prettytable - library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables
  61. python-psycopg2 - Python module for PostgreSQL
  62. python-psycopg2-dbg - Python module for PostgreSQL (debug extension)
  63. python-psycopg2da - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2 -- zope3 version
  64. python-storm - object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python
  65. r-cran-rodbc - GNU R package for ODBC database access
  66. ratbox-services-pgsql - irc services for use with ircd-ratbox with the PostgreSQL backend
  67. request-tracker3.6 - Extensible trouble-ticket tracking system
  68. request-tracker3.8 - extensible trouble-ticket tracking system
  69. roundcube-pgsql - metapackage providing PostgreSQL dependencies for RoundCube
  70. rsyslog-pgsql - PostgreSQL output plugin for rsyslog
  71. rt3.6-db-postgresql - PostgreSQL database backend for request-tracker3.6
  72. rt3.6-db-sqlite - SQLite database backend for request-tracker3.6
  73. rt3.8-db-postgresql - PostgreSQL database backend for request-tracker3.8
  74. rt3.8-db-sqlite - SQLite database backend for request-tracker3.8
  75. ser-postgres-module - PostgreSQL database connectivity module for SER
  76. serendipity - Weblog manager with extensive theming and plugin support
  77. sgml-spell-checker - spell checker for SGML documents
  78. sisu-complete - installs all SiSU related packages
  79. sisu-postgresql - SiSU dependencies for use with PostgreSQL database
  80. skytools - Database management tools from Skype to PostgreSQL
  81. skytools-modules-8.3 - PostgreSQL modules of skytools
  82. slony1-bin - replication system for PostgreSQL: daemon and administration tools
  83. slony1-doc - Slony-I documentation
  84. snort-pgsql - flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [PostgreSQL]
  85. sqlgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
  86. sqlrelay - Database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing
  87. sqlrelay-dev - SQL Relay C and C++ APIs
  88. sqlrelay-doc - SQL Relay documentation and examples
  89. sqlrelay-postgresql - SQL Relay PostgreSQL connection daemon
  90. sympa - Modern mailing list manager
  91. tntdb-postgresql1 - PostgreSQL backend for tntdb database access library
  92. tora - A graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators
  93. trac - Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects
  94. tryton-client - Tryton Application Platform (Client)
  95. tryton-modules-account - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  96. tryton-modules-account-de-skr03 - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module - German)
  97. tryton-modules-account-invoice - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  98. tryton-modules-account-invoice-history - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  99. tryton-modules-account-product - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  100. tryton-modules-account-statement - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  101. tryton-modules-all - Tryton Application Platform (modules metapackage)
  102. tryton-modules-analytic-account - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  103. tryton-modules-analytic-invoice - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  104. tryton-modules-analytic-purchase - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  105. tryton-modules-analytic-sale - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  106. tryton-modules-company - Tryton Application Platform (Company Module)
  107. tryton-modules-country - Tryton Application Platform (Country Module)
  108. tryton-modules-currency - Tryton Application Platform (Currency Module)
  109. tryton-modules-google-maps - Tryton Application Platform (Google Maps Module)
  110. tryton-modules-party - Tryton Application Platform (Party Module)
  111. tryton-modules-product - Tryton Application Platform (Product Module)
  112. tryton-modules-purchase - Tryton Application Platform (Purchase Module)
  113. tryton-modules-sale - Tryton Application Platform (Sale Module)
  114. tryton-modules-stock - Tryton Application Platform (Stock Module)
  115. tryton-modules-stock-location-sequence - Tryton Application Platform (Stock Location Sequence Module)
  116. tryton-modules-stock-supply - Tryton Application Platform (Stock Supply Module)
  117. tryton-server - Tryton Application Platform (Server)
  118. ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
  119. ulogd-pgsql - PostgreSQL extension to ulogd
  120. vbackup - A modular backup utility
  121. webcalendar - PHP-Based multi-user calendar
  122. wzdftpd-back-pgsql - PostgreSQL backend for wzdftpd
  123. yate-pgsql - Postgresql module for yate
  124. zabbix-proxy-mysql - network monitoring solution - proxy (using PostgreSQL)
  125. zabbix-server-pgsql - network monitoring solution - server (using PostgreSQL)
  126. zope-psycopgda2 - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2
  127. bandwidthd-pgsql - Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs
  128. ora2pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
  129. pgbouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
  130. postgresql-autodoc - Utility to create a PostgreSQL database schema overview in HTML, DOT and XML
  131. php5-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php5
  132. php5-sqlite - SQLite module for php5
  133. root-plugin-pgsql - PostgreSQL client plugin for ROOT
  134. saeed@boris:~/postgis-1.5.0$ sudo apt-cache search postgresql
  135. bacula-director-pgsql - network backup, recovery and verification - PostgreSQL storage for Director
  136. bacula-sd-pgsql - network backup, recovery and verification - PostgreSQL SD tools
  137. dbconfig-common - common framework for packaging database applications
  138. exim4-daemon-heavy - Exim MTA (v4) daemon with extended features, including exiscan-acl
  139. libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql - Module for Apache2 which provides pgsql authentication
  140. libdbd-sqlite3-perl - Perl DBI driver with a self-contained RDBMS
  141. libdbi-perl - Perl Database Interface (DBI)
  142. libecpg-compat3 - older version of run-time library for ECPG programs
  143. libecpg-dev - development files for ECPG (Embedded PostgreSQL for C)
  144. libecpg6 - run-time library for ECPG programs
  145. libpg-java - Java database (JDBC) driver for PostgreSQL
  146. libpgtypes3 - shared library libpgtypes for PostgreSQL 8.4
  147. libpq-dev - header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)
  148. libpq5 - PostgreSQL C client library
  149. libpqxx-2.6.9ldbl - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL
  150. libpqxx-2.6.9ldbl-dbg - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (debugging symbols)
  151. libpqxx-dev - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (development files)
  152. libpqxx-doc - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (documentation)
  153. libqt4-sql-psql - Qt 4 PostgreSQL database driver
  154. libsasl2-modules-sql - Cyrus SASL - pluggable authentication modules (SQL)
  155. - full-featured office productivity suite -- database
  156. postfix-pgsql - PostgreSQL map support for Postfix
  157. postgresql - object-relational SQL database (supported version)
  158. postgresql-8.4 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.4 server
  159. postgresql-client - front-end programs for PostgreSQL (supported version)
  160. postgresql-client-8.4 - front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.4
  161. postgresql-client-common - manager for multiple PostgreSQL client versions
  162. postgresql-common - PostgreSQL database-cluster manager
  163. postgresql-contrib - additional facilities for PostgreSQL (supported version)
  164. postgresql-contrib-8.4 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
  165. postgresql-doc - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
  166. postgresql-doc-8.4 - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
  167. postgresql-server-dev-8.4 - development files for PostgreSQL 8.4 server-side programming
  168. python-pygresql - PostgreSQL module for Python
  169. python-pygresql-dbg - PostgreSQL module for Python (debug extension)
  170. rsyslog - enhanced multi-threaded syslogd
  171. aolserver4-nspostgres - AOLserver 4 module: Postgres connector
  172. apgdiff - Another PostgreSQL Diff Tool
  173. beancounter - A stock portfolio performance monitoring tool
  174. cedar-backup2 - local and remote backups to CD or DVD media
  175. cedar-backup2-doc - local and remote backups to CD or DVD media (documentation)
  176. cl-pg - Common Lisp library that provides a socket level postgresql interface
  177. cl-sql-postgresql - CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL via library
  178. cl-sql-postgresql-socket - CLSQL database backend, PostgreSQL via sockets
  179. cl-sql-tests - Testing suite for CLSQL
  180. collectd - statistics collection and monitoring daemon
  181. courier-authlib-postgresql - PostgreSQL support for the Courier authentication library
  182. courier-webadmin - Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend
  183. cvm-pgsql - Credential Validation Modules (PostgreSQL)
  184. dbi-link - A partial implementation of SQL/MED to PostgreSQL
  185. dbmail - base package for the dbmail email solution
  186. dbmail-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for Dbmail
  187. dspam-webfrontend - DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
  188. dsyslog-module-gnutls - advanced modular syslog daemon - PostgreSQL support
  189. dsyslog-module-postgresql - advanced modular syslog daemon - GnuTLS support
  190. eekboek - Bookkeeping software for small and medium-size businesses
  191. eekboek-db-postgresql - PostgreSQL database driver for EekBoek
  192. facturalux - ERP/CRM software for GNU/Linux
  193. facturalux-dev - Development files for facturalux
  194. ferret - CASE tool for data model editing
  195. fp-units-db - Free Pascal - database libraries units
  196. freeradius-postgresql - PostgreSQL module for FreeRADIUS server
  197. gambas2 - Complete visual development environment for Gambas
  198. gambas2-dev - Gambas compilation tools
  199. gambas2-doc - Gambas documentation
  200. gambas2-gb-chart - The Gambas charting component
  201. gambas2-gb-compress - The Gambas compression component
  202. gambas2-gb-compress-bzlib2 - The Gambas bzlib2 component
  203. gambas2-gb-compress-zlib - The Gambas zlib compression component
  204. gambas2-gb-crypt - The Gambas crypt encription component
  205. gambas2-gb-db - Gambas database access common libraries
  206. gambas2-gb-db-firebird - The Firebird driver for the Gambas database component
  207. gambas2-gb-db-form - Gambas database bound controls
  208. gambas2-gb-db-mysql - The MySQL driver for the Gambas database component
  209. gambas2-gb-db-odbc - The Gambas ODBC driver database component
  210. gambas2-gb-db-postgresql - The PostgreSQL driver for the Gambas database component
  211. gambas2-gb-db-sqlite - The Gambas sqlite3 driver database component
  212. gambas2-gb-db-sqlite2 - The Gambas sqlite2 driver database component
  213. gambas2-gb-desktop - Gambas Portland project compatibility component
  214. gambas2-gb-form - A gambas native form component
  215. gambas2-gb-form-dialog - A gambas native mdi form component
  216. gambas2-gb-form-mdi - A gambas native mdi form component
  217. gambas2-gb-gtk - The Gambas gtk component
  218. gambas2-gb-gtk-ext - The Gambas extended gtk GUI component
  219. gambas2-gb-gtk-svg - The Gambas SVG importing component
  220. gambas2-gb-gui - The graphical toolkit selector component
  221. gambas2-gb-image - A Gambas image effects component
  222. gambas2-gb-info - A Gambas information component
  223. gambas2-gb-net - The Gambas networking component
  224. gambas2-gb-net-curl - The Gambas advanced networking component
  225. gambas2-gb-net-smtp - Gambas component to use smtp protocol
  226. gambas2-gb-opengl - The OpenGL component for Gambas
  227. gambas2-gb-pcre - The Gambas regexp component
  228. gambas2-gb-pdf - The Gambas pdf component
  229. gambas2-gb-qt - The Gambas Qt GUI component
  230. gambas2-gb-qt-ext - The Gambas extended Qt GUI component
  231. gambas2-gb-qt-kde - The Gambas KDE component
  232. gambas2-gb-qt-kde-html - The Gambas KHTML component
  233. gambas2-gb-qt-opengl - OpenGL with QT toolkit Gambas component
  234. gambas2-gb-report - Gambas report component
  235. gambas2-gb-sdl - The Gambas SDL component
  236. gambas2-gb-sdl-sound - The Gambas SDL component
  237. gambas2-gb-settings - Gambas utilities class
  238. gambas2-gb-v4l - The Gambas video for Linux component
  239. gambas2-gb-vb - The Gambas to Visual Basic(tm) compatibility component
  240. gambas2-gb-web - Gambas CGI for web applications component
  241. gambas2-gb-xml - Gambas XML component
  242. gambas2-gb-xml-rpc - Gambas RPC component
  243. gambas2-gb-xml-xslt - Gambas XSLT component
  244. gambas2-ide - Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language
  245. gambas2-runtime - The Gambas runtime
  246. gambas2-script - The Gambas scripter
  247. gforge-db-postgresql - collaborative development tool - database (using PostgreSQL)
  248. gforge-shell-postgresql - collaborative development tool - shell accounts (using PostgreSQL)
  249. glom - database designer and user interface
  250. gnade-bin - GNat Ada Database Environment - embedded SQL preprocessor
  251. gnokii-smsd-pgsql - SMSD plugin for PostgreSQL storage backend
  252. gnumed-server - medical practice management - server
  253. guile-pg - Guile bindings for the PostgreSQL client library
  254. haskell-hdbc-doc - Haskell Database Connectivity, Documentation
  255. haskell-hdbc-postgresql-doc - PostgreSQL HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) documentation
  256. haskell-hdbc-sqlite3-doc - Sqlite v3 HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Documentation
  257. haskell-hsql-doc - API documentation of the HSQL library for Haskell
  258. haskell-hsql-odbc-doc - API documentation of the hsql-odbc library for Haskell
  259. haskell-hsql-postgresql-doc - API documentation of the hsql-postgresql library for Haskell
  260. haskell-hsql-sqlite3-doc - API documentation of the hsql-sqlite3 library for Haskell
  261. highlighting-kate-doc - library documentation for highlighting-kate
  262. hobbit-plugins - plugins for the Hobbit network monitor
  263. jffnms - web-based Network Management System (NMS) for IP networks
  264. libapq-common-dbg - A pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems (debug)
  265. libapq-common-dev - A pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems (development)
  266. libapq3-common - A pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems (library)
  267. libaprutil1-dbd-pgsql - The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - PostgreSQL Driver
  268. libclass-dbi-pg-perl - Class::DBI extension for Postgres
  269. libdataobjects-mysql-ruby1.8 - MySQL adapter for libdataobjects-ruby1.8
  270. libdataobjects-postgres-ruby1.8 - postgres adapter for libdataobjects-ruby1.8
  271. libdataobjects-ruby - Rewrite existing Ruby database drivers to conform to a single interface
  272. libdataobjects-ruby1.8 - Rewrite existing Ruby database drivers to conform to a single interface
  273. libdataobjects-sqlite3-ruby1.8 - sqlite3 adapter for libdataobjects-ruby1.8
  274. libdatetime-format-pg-perl - module for parsing and formatting PostgreSQL dates and times
  275. libdbd-pg-perl - Perl DBI driver for the PostgreSQL database server
  276. libdbd-pg-ruby - Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver
  277. libdbd-pg-ruby1.8 - Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver for Ruby 1.8
  278. libdbd-pg-ruby1.9 - Ruby/DBI PostgreSQL driver for Ruby 1.9
  279. libdbd-pgsql - PostgreSQL database server driver for libdbi
  280. libdbd-sqlite2-perl - Perl DBI driver with a self-contained RDBMS (SQLite2 version)
  281. libdbix-class-perl - extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
  282. libdbix-datasource-perl - Database-independent create and drop functions
  283. libdbix-dbschema-perl - Database-independent schema objects
  284. libdspam7-drv-pgsql - DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter
  285. libgda-4.0-postgres - PostgreSQL provider for libgda database abstraction library
  286. libgda3-postgres - PostgreSQL backend plugin for GNOME Data Access library for GNOME2
  287. libghc6-haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql-dev - HaskellDB support for the HDBC PostgreSQL driver
  288. libghc6-haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql-doc - HaskellDB support for the HDBC PostgreSQL driver; documentation
  289. libghc6-hdbc-dev - Haskell Database Connectivity, GHC6 package
  290. libghc6-hdbc-odbc-dev - unixODBC HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
  291. libghc6-hdbc-postgresql-dev - PostgreSQL HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
  292. libghc6-hdbc-sqlite3-dev - Sqlite v3 HDBC (Haskell Database Connectivity) Driver for GHC
  293. libghc6-highlighting-kate-dev - syntax highlighting library based on Kate syntax descriptions
  294. libghc6-highlighting-kate-prof - highlighting-kate library with profiling enabled
  295. libghc6-hsql-dev - Multi-Database Interface System library for GHC6
  296. libghc6-hsql-odbc-dev - UnixODBC driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
  297. libghc6-hsql-odbc-prof - UnixODBC driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
  298. libghc6-hsql-postgresql-dev - PostgreSQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
  299. libghc6-hsql-postgresql-prof - PostgreSQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6; profiling libraries
  300. libghc6-hsql-prof - Multi-Database Interface System profiling library for GHC6
  301. libghc6-hsql-sqlite3-dev - SQLite driver of the HSQL library for GHC6
  302. libghc6-hsql-sqlite3-prof - SQLite driver of the HSQL profiling library for GHC6
  303. libgnademysql-dbg - GNat Ada Database Environment - MySQL programming interface
  304. libgnademysql-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - MySQL programming interface
  305. libgnademysql1.6.2 - GNat Ada Database Environment - MySQL interface
  306. libgnadeodbc-dbg - GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC programming interface
  307. libgnadeodbc-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC programming interface
  308. libgnadeodbc1.6.2 - GNat Ada Database Environment - ODBC interface
  309. libgnadepostgresql-dbg - GNat Ada Database Environment - PostgreSQL programming interface
  310. libgnadepostgresql-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - PostgreSQL programming interface
  311. libgnadepostgresql1.6.2 - GNat Ada Database Environment - PostgreSQL interface
  312. libgnadesqlite-dbg - GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite programming interface
  313. libgnadesqlite-dev - GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite programming interface
  314. libgnadesqlite1.6.2 - GNat Ada Database Environment - SQLite interface
  315. libhk-classes-postgres - PostgreSQL driver plugin for libhk-classes
  316. libkaya-pgsql-dev - PostgreSQL binding for kaya
  317. liblua5.1-sql-postgres-2 - luasql library for the lua language version 5.1
  318. liblua5.1-sql-postgres-dev - luasql development files for the lua language version 5.1
  319. libnss-pgsql2 - NSS module for using PostgreSQL as a naming service
  320. libpam-pgsql - PAM module to authenticate using a PostgreSQL database
  321. libpg-perl - Perl modules for PostgreSQL
  322. libpgocaml-ocaml - OCaml type-safe bindings for PostgreSQL
  323. libpgocaml-ocaml-dev - OCaml type-safe bindings for PostgreSQL
  324. libpgsql-ruby - PostgreSQL interface for Ruby
  325. libpgsql-ruby-doc - Documentation for PostgreSQL interface for Ruby
  326. libpgsql-ruby1.8 - PostgreSQL interface for Ruby 1.8
  327. libpgsql-ruby1.9 - PostgreSQL interface for Ruby 1.9
  328. libpgtcl-dev - Tcl client library binding for PostgreSQL - development files
  329. libpgtcl1.5 - Tcl client library binding for PostgreSQL
  330. libphp-adodb - The ADOdb database abstraction layer for PHP
  331. libpostgis-java - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- JDBC support
  332. libpostgresql-gst - PostgreSQL bindings for GNU Smalltalk
  333. libpostgresql-ocaml - OCaml bindings to PostgreSQL's libpq
  334. libpostgresql-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings to PostgreSQL's libpq
  335. libpqxx-3.0 - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL
  336. libpqxx-3.0-dbg - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (debugging symbols)
  337. libpqxx3-dev - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (development files)
  338. libpqxx3-doc - C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (documentation)
  339. libqt3-mt-psql - PostgreSQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)
  340. libsequel-core-ruby - Lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby (core files)
  341. libsequel-core-ruby1.8 - Lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby (core files)
  342. libsequel-ruby - Lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby
  343. libsequel-ruby1.8 - Lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby 1.8
  344. libsimpledb-dev - C++ ODBC database API
  345. libsimpledb2 - C++ ODBC database API
  346. libsnowpg-perl - Wrapper class for PostgreSQL providing convenience functions
  347. libsoci-postgresql-gcc - C++ Database Access Library (PostgreSQL backend)
  348. libsqlxx-2.3c2a - C++ classes for database access via ODBC
  349. libsqlxx-dev - C++ classes for database access via ODBC
  350. libtntdb-dev - Development headers for tntdb
  351. libtntdb1 - C++ class library for easy database access
  352. libuser-simple-perl - Simple user sessions management
  353. libyada-pgsql4 - yet another database abstraction layer - postgresql backend
  354. ltsp-cluster-control - Web based thin-client configuration management
  355. mini-dinstall - daemon for updating Debian packages in a repository
  356. mnogosearch-pgsql - full-featured web search engine (PostgreSQL)
  357. monodevelop-database - Database plugin for MonoDevelop
  358. nanoweb - HTTP server written in PHP
  359. nuauth-log-pgsql - The authenticating firewall [PostgreSQL log module]
  360. nurpawiki - Wiki with integrated to-do list and scheduler
  361. odbc-postgresql - ODBC driver for PostgreSQL
  362. - extension for PostgreSQL SDBC driver
  363. openser-postgres-module - PostgreSQL database connectivity module for OpenSER
  364. osm2pgsql - Openstreetmap data to PostgreSQL converter
  365. papercut - simple and extensible NNTP server
  366. pdns-backend-pgsql - generic PostgreSQL backend for PowerDNS
  367. perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 Proxy server
  368. perdition-postgresql - Library to allow perdition to access PostgreSQL based popmaps
  369. pfm - PostgreSQL graphical client using Tcl/Tk
  370. pgadmin3 - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL
  371. pgadmin3-data - graphical administration tool for PostgreSQL - documentation
  372. pgagent - job scheduler for PostgreSQL
  373. pgdesigner - Graphical database designer for PostgreSQL
  374. pgdocs-pdf - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format on US letter paper
  375. pgdocs-pdf-a4 - PostgreSQL documentation in PDF format for A4 paper
  376. pgfouine - PostgreSQL log analyzer
  377. pgloader - loads flat data files into PostgreSQL
  378. pgpool - connection pool server for PostgreSQL
  379. pgpool2 - connection pool server and replication proxy for PostgreSQL
  380. pgsnap - PostgreSQL report tool
  381. pgtap - Unit testing framework for PostgreSQL
  382. php-mdb2-driver-pgsql - PHP PEAR module to provide a PostgreSQL driver for MDB2
  383. phpbb3 - A fully featured and skinnable flat (non-threaded) webforum
  384. phppgadmin - web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL
  385. pike7.6-core - Powerful interpreted programming language
  386. pike7.6-pg - PostgreSQL module for Pike
  387. pitrtools - wrapper scripts providing warm standby functionality to PostgreSQL
  388. postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL -- common files
  389. postgresql-8.3 - object-relational SQL database, version 8.3 server
  390. postgresql-8.3-debversion - Debian version number type for PostgreSQL
  391. postgresql-8.3-ip4r - IPv4 and IPv4 range index types for PostgreSQL 8.3
  392. postgresql-8.3-orafce - Oracle support functions for PostgreSQL
  393. postgresql-8.3-pljava-gcj - Java procedural language for PostgreSQL
  394. postgresql-8.3-pllua - Lua procedural language for PostgreSQL
  395. postgresql-8.3-plproxy - PL/Proxy is a proxy language used for remote database
  396. postgresql-8.3-plr - Procedural language interface between PostgreSQL 8.3 and R
  397. postgresql-8.3-plruby - Ruby procedural language for PostgreSQL
  398. postgresql-8.3-plsh - PL/sh procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  399. postgresql-8.3-postgis - geographic objects support for PostgreSQL 8.3
  400. postgresql-8.3-prefix - Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
  401. postgresql-8.3-slony1 - replication system for PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL server plug-in
  402. postgresql-client-8.3 - front-end programs for PostgreSQL 8.3
  403. postgresql-contrib-8.3 - additional facilities for PostgreSQL
  404. postgresql-doc-8.3 - documentation for the PostgreSQL database management system
  405. postgresql-filedump-8.3 - Utility to format PostgreSQL files
  406. postgresql-plperl-8.3 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  407. postgresql-plperl-8.4 - PL/Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.4
  408. postgresql-plpython-8.3 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  409. postgresql-plpython-8.4 - PL/Python procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.4
  410. postgresql-pltcl-8.3 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3
  411. postgresql-pltcl-8.4 - PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.4
  412. postgresql-server-dev-8.3 - development files for PostgreSQL 8.3 server-side programming
  413. proftpd-mod-pgsql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - PostgreSQL module
  414. ptop - PostgreSQL performance monitoring tool akin to top
  415. pure-ftpd-postgresql - Pure-FTPd FTP server with PostgreSQL user authentication
  416. python-logilab-common - useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects
  417. python-migrate - Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
  418. python-pgsql - A Python DB-API 2.0 interface to PostgreSQL v7.x
  419. python-prettytable - library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables
  420. python-psycopg2 - Python module for PostgreSQL
  421. python-psycopg2-dbg - Python module for PostgreSQL (debug extension)
  422. python-psycopg2da - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2 -- zope3 version
  423. python-storm - object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python
  424. r-cran-rodbc - GNU R package for ODBC database access
  425. ratbox-services-pgsql - irc services for use with ircd-ratbox with the PostgreSQL backend
  426. request-tracker3.6 - Extensible trouble-ticket tracking system
  427. request-tracker3.8 - extensible trouble-ticket tracking system
  428. roundcube-pgsql - metapackage providing PostgreSQL dependencies for RoundCube
  429. rsyslog-pgsql - PostgreSQL output plugin for rsyslog
  430. rt3.6-db-postgresql - PostgreSQL database backend for request-tracker3.6
  431. rt3.6-db-sqlite - SQLite database backend for request-tracker3.6
  432. rt3.8-db-postgresql - PostgreSQL database backend for request-tracker3.8
  433. rt3.8-db-sqlite - SQLite database backend for request-tracker3.8
  434. ser-postgres-module - PostgreSQL database connectivity module for SER
  435. serendipity - Weblog manager with extensive theming and plugin support
  436. sgml-spell-checker - spell checker for SGML documents
  437. sisu-complete - installs all SiSU related packages
  438. sisu-postgresql - SiSU dependencies for use with PostgreSQL database
  439. skytools - Database management tools from Skype to PostgreSQL
  440. skytools-modules-8.3 - PostgreSQL modules of skytools
  441. slony1-bin - replication system for PostgreSQL: daemon and administration tools
  442. slony1-doc - Slony-I documentation
  443. snort-pgsql - flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [PostgreSQL]
  444. sqlgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
  445. sqlrelay - Database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing
  446. sqlrelay-dev - SQL Relay C and C++ APIs
  447. sqlrelay-doc - SQL Relay documentation and examples
  448. sqlrelay-postgresql - SQL Relay PostgreSQL connection daemon
  449. sympa - Modern mailing list manager
  450. tntdb-postgresql1 - PostgreSQL backend for tntdb database access library
  451. tora - A graphical toolkit for database developers and administrators
  452. trac - Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects
  453. tryton-client - Tryton Application Platform (Client)
  454. tryton-modules-account - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  455. tryton-modules-account-de-skr03 - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module - German)
  456. tryton-modules-account-invoice - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  457. tryton-modules-account-invoice-history - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  458. tryton-modules-account-product - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  459. tryton-modules-account-statement - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  460. tryton-modules-all - Tryton Application Platform (modules metapackage)
  461. tryton-modules-analytic-account - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  462. tryton-modules-analytic-invoice - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  463. tryton-modules-analytic-purchase - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  464. tryton-modules-analytic-sale - Tryton Application Platform (Financial and Accounting Module)
  465. tryton-modules-company - Tryton Application Platform (Company Module)
  466. tryton-modules-country - Tryton Application Platform (Country Module)
  467. tryton-modules-currency - Tryton Application Platform (Currency Module)
  468. tryton-modules-google-maps - Tryton Application Platform (Google Maps Module)
  469. tryton-modules-party - Tryton Application Platform (Party Module)
  470. tryton-modules-product - Tryton Application Platform (Product Module)
  471. tryton-modules-purchase - Tryton Application Platform (Purchase Module)
  472. tryton-modules-sale - Tryton Application Platform (Sale Module)
  473. tryton-modules-stock - Tryton Application Platform (Stock Module)
  474. tryton-modules-stock-location-sequence - Tryton Application Platform (Stock Location Sequence Module)
  475. tryton-modules-stock-supply - Tryton Application Platform (Stock Supply Module)
  476. tryton-server - Tryton Application Platform (Server)
  477. ulogd - The Netfilter Userspace Logging Daemon
  478. ulogd-pgsql - PostgreSQL extension to ulogd
  479. vbackup - A modular backup utility
  480. webcalendar - PHP-Based multi-user calendar
  481. wzdftpd-back-pgsql - PostgreSQL backend for wzdftpd
  482. yate-pgsql - Postgresql module for yate
  483. zabbix-proxy-mysql - network monitoring solution - proxy (using PostgreSQL)
  484. zabbix-server-pgsql - network monitoring solution - server (using PostgreSQL)
  485. zope-psycopgda2 - Zope database adapter based on python-psycopg2
  486. bandwidthd-pgsql - Tracks usage of TCP/IP and builds html files with graphs
  487. ora2pg - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter
  488. pgbouncer - Lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
  489. postgresql-autodoc - Utility to create a PostgreSQL database schema overview in HTML, DOT and XML
  490. php5-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php5
  491. php5-sqlite - SQLite module for php5
  492. root-plugin-pgsql - PostgreSQL client plugin for ROOT
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