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Feb 24th, 2016
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  1. Reflexive pronouns
  3. hun self, selves
  4. hunan self
  5. hunain selves
  7. Must & Must Not
  9. rhaid must, have to, necessity
  10. i fi to me
  11. i ti to you (sg)
  12. i chi to you (pl)
  13. i ceri lingo to Ceri Lingo
  14. fynd to go mynd
  15. iddo fe to him
  16. iddi hi to her
  17. iddyn nhw to them
  18. i ni to us
  19. arafu to slow down
  20. gwyno to complain cwyno
  21. yrru'n araf to drive slowly
  22. lanhau to clean glanhau
  23. yrru'n gyflym to drive quickly
  24. gofio to remember cofio
  25. ddysgu to learn dysgu
  26. feddwl to remember meddwl
  27. adael to leave gadael
  28. ers since
  29. anghofio to forget
  30. amau to doubt
  31. boeni to worry poeni
  32. oes rhaid must ... ?
  33. oes yes
  34. mae rhaid must, it is necessary
  35. nac oes no
  36. does dim rhaid don't have to
  37. ffonio to phone
  38. ddweud to say dweud
  39. does dim there is not
  41. Order
  43. cael y plant to have the children
  44. dechrau to begin, to start
  45. priodi to marry
  46. symudoch chi you (pl) moved
  47. ymddeol to retire
  48. dechreuoch chi you (pl) started
  49. cyn before
  50. ar ôl after
  51. orffen to finish gorffen
  52. ar ôl dechrau gweithio after starting to work
  53. ar ôl ymddeol after retiring
  54. cyngor advice, council
  55. ar ôl iddi hi fynd after she went
  56. cyn ymddeol before retiring
  57. ar ôl i mi godi after I get up no mutation
  58. ar wyliau on vacation
  59. cyn dechrau gweithio before starting to work
  60. cyn i ni ymddeol before we retire
  61. ar ôl i fi godi after I get up mutation
  62. ar ôl i Dewi Lingo fynd after Dewi Lingo goes
  63. ar ôl i chi godi after you (pl) get up
  64. cawod shower
  65. ar ôl i chi gael after you (pl) have
  66. ar ôl i ti godi after you (sg) get up
  67. ar ôl iddyn nhw briodi after they get married
  68. gysgu to sleep cysgu
  69. eistedd to sit
  70. golli to lose golli
  71. olchi eich dwylo to wash your (pl) hands golchi
  72. daflu to throw taflu
  73. cyn i Dewi Lingo godi Before Dewi Lingo gets up
  74. bws bus
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