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Sep 23rd, 2014
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  1. Victimsofadown5: What happened to you barking with your dogs?
  2. Seeyalater:
  3. Imshizel:
  4. Millersson: hey can u use the hired gun skin?
  5. Enflayte: hello sir
  6. Johannesnn: @imaqtpie ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ANSWER DUDE!( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) What do u think about FNC REKKLES?!
  7. Ty_based_hitomi_tanaka: TEAMSPEAK
  8. Officialpurgedskill: why is dyrus in jail?
  9. Qtpie_is_a_hotgrill: 8)
  10. Zbrow: @imaqtpie favorite donut?
  11. Nopeck: 1 S E C B O Y Z
  12. Seellol: wb baby boy
  13. Garrettdavis13: Memes
  14. Maximumoverswag: @Imaqtpie ey yo bud im a resub
  15. Jitaekim00: @Imaqtpie QT! how come people dont build triforce on lucian anymore??
  16. X_socrates:
  17. Thearsenal11: <message deleted>
  18. Agairo: hey! haha
  19. Nightbot: thearsenal11 -> Terminated! [blacklisted spam] [warning]
  20. Coocher: <message deleted>
  21. Coocher: <message deleted>
  22. Veigod: GOD BLESSSSSS
  23. Guaylover: @imaqtpie :^) hiya
  24. Dengxuhs: goodbye mr cutethepie
  25. Ty_based_hitomi_tanaka:
  26. Bigm4207: Did you hear that Jinx is getting the CS skin this year
  27. Drstighd: @imaqtpie What can i do to get good at adc?
  28. Nuzzlemybosom: h e y h a h a
  29. Elgannicuh: lucian op
  30. Rightmove: Does WeedWizard420xxx still hang out here?
  31. Ogterrors: Ezreal is not weak lol wat
  32. Gabprovost: @Imaqtpie Moosebreeder has been playing again recently
  33. Yahoos2: i am brazil
  34. Thecontraaa: graves is fine imo..
  35. Toilet_meat: @Imaqtpie How many dongers do you have
  36. Cpt_r3dbeard: WeedWizard was here earlier this morning
  37. Convalence: hi
  38. Moglazor: graves suck lol
  39. Spoookey_: Moosebreeder
  40. Shakeandbake22: graves is trash
  41. Effec7x: ezreal sux
  42. Sirartin: dude have u lost weight?
  43. Vinebr0: <message deleted>
  44. Itsmetal: You're right, Ezreal is not weak, he's garbage. xd
  45. Thymeb0mb: i am brazil
  46. Lvlrsocom: ez and graves fall off hard
  47. Alexanpt: gg ggg
  48. Impliciit: ezreal is ok
  49. Blackshadows92: SPOOKY SKELETONS
  50. Godsrealjk: ezreal doesnt do shit compared to good adcs
  51. Moglazor: s
  52. Baxterbutler: ggg
  53. Yourmuslimpilot: hey guys where is qtpie living right now???
  54. Cpt_r3dbeard: WeedWizard is a legend and no one even remembers him
  55. Urb4n_shadow: How do aa as adc, click wise,, I'm learning to ad
  56. Yahoos2: ss
  57. Hsm331: wtf i have to watch some gay ads even though I'm using my phone... FUCK YOU AMAZON
  58. Heroxstunner: @Imaqtpie best duo of champs bot?
  59. Shadderzz: @qtpie are u better than christiano ronaldo and messi together ?
  60. Ironus: Graves doesn't suck, ppl suck
  61. Vinebr0: <message deleted>
  62. Nightbot: vinebr0 -> Terminated! [blacklisted spam] [warning]
  63. Fruitcrisp: graves is really weak right now
  64. Chi_globe: urgot is strong right now
  65. Jackindisguise: how can you say Ezreal is a bad ADC when Doubelift got a pentakill during all-stars with it? 8|
  66. Lukathetrickster: Graves is a worse Lucian
  67. Tron_impact: Ggg
  68. Yahoos2: brazil
  69. Impliciit: hes not as good compared to others
  70. Moglazor: and ezreal drops off HARD
  71. Orihsshiro: Why is dyrus in jail?
  72. Desvm: SO MUCH FPS?!
  73. Bigchibbin: @Imaqtpie what are your thoughts on the new graphics for Summoners Rift?? Do you think the community will see an increase or decrease?
  74. Titan3736: QT who do you think that will win the WorldChampionship and why?
  75. Thesummonerspath: oDDoNE STREAMS BYE BITCHES
  76. Effec7x: weed
  77. Acceleration3: ezreal is really slowbally but thats it
  78. Rightmove: Man, I miss those Bronze subwars
  79. Leslie_meow: Redbeard is a legend
  80. Ironus: every adc is viable
  81. Kappashoebrand: ezreal and graves prob the weakest adcs now
  82. Kraeven: WHAT
  83. Bruthicus: Graves E should remove slows
  84. Zondagshow: a2_euw yo
  85. Vinebr0: <message deleted>
  86. Chickendipper123: lol
  87. Kraeven: LOL
  88. SlimAnusDamnRightSlimAnus just subscribed!
  89. Ironus: stop complaining like a little bish
  90. Drstighd: @imaqtpie What can i do to get good at adc? Do i need to improve my farm? do i need to improve my postioning?
  91. Kraeven: THAT LEASH
  92. Incrediblyevil: @Imaqtpie why is dyrus in jail?
  93. Agairo: L:LLLL
  94. Seeyalater: EPIK KS
  95. Clownspercapita: scumbag qt
  96. Wouter420: <message deleted>
  97. Ledgendzxd: @imaqtpie if urgot had more range would you consider playing him more
  98. Hipy18: Fps drops while alt tabbed
  99. Moglazor: OddTroll
  100. Poppy7: did you see bebe on ez at worlds bro i dont think he needs a buff lol
  101. Godsrealjk: "during allstars" you mean a year ago u wot m8
  102. Moglazor: hm
  103. Jakk17: best leash ever
  104. Silentdjinn: why is lucian still good even after having his range reduced to 500?
  105. I_got_milk_on_my_keyboard: Confirmed Lucian broken
  106. Rukahe: pls qt, dopnt rub your nose like voyboy
  107. Krogansushi: @imaqtpie what needs to happen to Varus
  108. Maho25: LOL
  109. Enderunseverun: !playlist
  110. Nightbot: playlist: !spotify !pandora !youtube !soundcloud
  111. Cpt_madness: skumbag lucian
  112. Kraeven: LOL WTF WAS THAT LEASH
  113. Effec7x: SPOOKS
  114. Uselax: nice leash
  115. Cpt_r3dbeard: I'm not half the man that weedwizard was
  116. Enderunseverun: !spotify
  117. Nightbot: spotify:
  118. Dunksauceduck: @imaqtpie how can i become a big streamer like you and become a huge s e l l o u t #QTPIEsellout
  119. Ogterrors: WE DEM BOYS
  120. Ahrimailove: W E D EM B O Y Z
  121. Brownmcgee: kek
  122. Qtpie_is_a_hotgrill: !spotify
  123. Destroyer5670: Learn how to last hit
  124. Suspect1001: W E E D E M B O Y Z
  125. Errorkappa: WEDEMBOYZ
  126. Bootypoopero: LOL
  127. Cashykiss: 'Learn how to lasthit' - qtpie 3 minutes ago
  128. Lvlrsocom: W E D E M B O Y Z
  129. Supermodel1: HOLLLLA HOLLLLA
  130. Jackindisguise: what the hell
  131. Brent6780:
  132. Needmoregummies: W E D E M B O Y Z
  133. Zondagshow: W E E D E M B O Y S
  134. Teemusmus: W E E D E M B O Y ZZ
  135. Porgand29: lol
  136. Raduoz: WEDEMBOYZ.
  137. Mobiuus: W E D E M B O Y S
  138. Marrymeqtpie: S L I M A N U S
  139. Kimkim123: W E D E M B O Y Z
  140. Aquwas: W E D E M B O Y Z
  141. Mobiuus: H O L L A
  142. Milfmafiosi: WE DEM BOYS
  143. Drstighd: H O L D U P W E D E M B O Y Z
  144. Muffinmun1: qt can you teach me how to dougie
  145. R0j0_jp: うぇえでんぼいず
  146. Slimanusdamnrightslimanus: :^ )
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