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a guest
Dec 7th, 2016
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  1. require("Ainrboot")
  2. require("dickwrap")
  3. require("KOSWall")
  4. require("mega")
  5. require("HomiePass")
  7. surface.CreateFont("wireless gamer", {font = "Open Sans MS", size = 45})
  8. surface.CreateFont("visual gamer", {font = "Open Sans MS", size = 15, weight = 600, outline = true})
  9. local _R = debug.getregistry()
  10. _R["__rbackup"] = _R["__rbackup"] and _R["__rbackup"] or table.Copy(_R)
  11. local r = _R["__rbackup"]
  12. local me = LocalPlayer()
  13. ok = {}
  14. ok.cvars = {}
  15. = {}
  16. ok.ys = GetConVarNumber("m_yaw")
  17. ok.aat = nil
  18. ok.aas = false
  19. ok.atk = false
  20. ok.ld = false
  21. = false
  22. = 0
  23. ok.dc = 0
  24. ok.ct = 0
  25. ok.flt = 0
  26. ok.fltm = 0
  27. = 0
  28. = 0
  29. ok.eb = 0
  30. ok.fa = nil
  31. ok.sp = nil
  32. ok.ep = nil
  34. function ok.Log(...)
  35. MsgC(Color(5, 130, 255), "-HomieHack- ", Color(255, 190, 5), ...)
  36. MsgN("")
  37. end
  39. ok.Log("Initializing")
  41. function ok.CreateConsoleVar(name, default)
  42. local ret = CreateClientConVar(name, default)
  43. ok.cvars[name] = tostring(default)
  44. ok.Log("Created convar: ", Color(5, 255, 5 ), name, Color(15, 200, 130), " (default: " .. tostring(default) .. ", value: ", ret:GetString(), ")")
  45. return ret
  46. end
  48. ok.vars = {
  49. aimbot = {
  50. enabled = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot", 1),
  51. pointscale = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_point", 0.5),
  52. autowall = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_autowall", 0),
  53. silent = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_silent", 1),
  54. nospread = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_nospread", 1),
  55. bodyaim = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_body", 0),
  56. static = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_staticaa", 1),
  57. nextshot = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_nextshot", 1),
  58. autoshoot = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_autoshoot", 1),
  59. team = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_ignoreteam", 1),
  60. friends = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_aimbot_ignorefriends", 0)
  61. },
  63. visuals = {
  64. enabled = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp", 1),
  65. name = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp_name", 1),
  66. box = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp_box", 1),
  67. health = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp_health", 1),
  68. rank = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp_rank", 1),
  69. team = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp_team", 1),
  70. chams = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp_chams", 1),
  71. aimpos = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_esp_aimpos", 1),
  72. },
  74. hvh = {
  75. antiaim = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_antiaim", 1),
  76. edge = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_edge", 1),
  77. edgemet = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_edge_met", "forward"),
  78. jitter = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_jitter", 0),
  79. adaptive = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_adaptive", 1),
  80. adapyaw = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_adap_yaw", 450),
  81. adapmax = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_adap_max", 15),
  82. adapspeed = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_adap_speed", 1),
  83. fakeangles = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_fakeangles", 0),
  84. pitch = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_pitch", -192),
  85. yaw = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_yaw", -541),
  86. roll = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_roll", 0),
  87. yawbase = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_yawbase", 360),
  88. yawadd = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_aa_yawadd", 45),
  89. fakelag = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_fakelag", 0),
  90. flchoke = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_fl_choke", 9),
  91. flsend = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_hvh_fl_send", 4)
  92. },
  94. highjump = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_highjump", 0),
  95. thirdperson = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_thirdperson", 1),
  96. killspam = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_killspam", 1),
  97. autostrafe = ok.CreateConsoleVar("ok_autostrafe", 1)
  98. }
  100. ok.pitches = {
  101. ["-89"] = {
  102. -1.05,
  103. },
  105. ["89"] = {
  106. -5.00,
  107. 1.05,
  108. }
  109. }
  111. ok.cones = {}
  113. function _R.Entity.FireBullets(ent, bul)
  114. if bul.Spread then
  115. ok.cones[me:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass()] = bul.Spread * -1
  116. end
  118. r.Entity.FireBullets(ent, bul)
  119. end
  121. function ok.GetCone(wep)
  122. local cone = 0
  123. if !wep then return nil end
  124. if wep.Cone then cone = wep.Cone end
  125. if wep.Primary and wep.Primary.Cone then cone = wep.Primary.Cone end
  126. if wep.Secondary and wep.Secondary.Cone then cone = wep.Secondary.Cone end
  127. if cone != 0 then return Vector(-cone, -cone, -cone) end
  128. return nil
  129. end
  131. function ok.Compensate(cmd, ang)
  132. local wep = me:GetActiveWeapon()
  133. if !IsValid(wep) then return ang end
  134. local cone = ok.cones[wep:GetClass()] or ok.GetCone(wep)
  135. if !cone then return ang end
  136. return ok.vars["aimbot"]["nospread"]:GetBool() and dickwrap.Predict(cmd, ang:Forward(), cone):Angle() or ang
  137. end
  139. function ok.CheckVis(ent)
  140. local sp = me:GetShootPos()
  141. local ep = !ok.vars["aimbot"]["bodyaim"]:GetBool() and (ent:GetAttachment(ent:LookupAttachment("eyes") or ent:LookupAttachment("forward")).Pos) or ent:GetPos() + ent:OBBCenter()
  143. local tdata = {
  144. start = sp,
  145. endpos = ep,
  146. filter = {ent, me},
  147. mask = MASK_SHOT
  148. }
  150. local trace = util.TraceLine(tdata)
  151. return trace.Fraction == 1, sp, ep + ((ent:GetVelocity() * engine.TickInterval()) - (me:GetVelocity() * engine.TickInterval()))
  152. end
  155. function ok.CanWallbang(sp, ep, ent)
  156. local tdata = {
  157. start = sp,
  158. endpos = ep,
  159. filter = {ent, me},
  160. mask = 1577075107
  161. }
  163. local wall = util.TraceLine(tdata)
  164. tdata.start = ep
  165. tdata.endpos = sp
  166. local wall2 = util.TraceLine(tdata)
  167. if 17.5 > (wall2.HitPos - wall.HitPos):Length2D() then
  168. return true
  169. else
  170. return false
  171. end
  172. end
  175. function ok.GetTarget()
  176. local vis
  177. ok.sp, ok.ep, ok.aat = nil, nil, nil
  179. for k,v in next, player.GetAll() do
  180. if !ok.vars["aimbot"]["enabled"]:GetBool() or !v or !v:IsPlayer() or 0 >= v:Health() or v:IsDormant() or v == me then continue end
  181. if ok.vars["aimbot"]["team"]:GetBool() and v:Team() == me:Team() then continue end
  182. if ok.vars["aimbot"]["friends"]:GetBool() and v:GetFriendStatus() == "friend" then continue end
  183. local sp, ep
  184. vis, sp, ep = ok.CheckVis(v)
  185. ok.aat = v
  186. if vis or (ok.vars["aimbot"]["autowall"]:GetBool() and ok.CanWallbang(sp, ep, v)) then ok.sp = sp ok.ep = ep break else continue end
  187. end
  188. end
  190. function ok.DoSilent(cmd)
  191. if !ok.fa then ok.fa = cmd:GetViewAngles() end
  192. ok.fa = ok.fa + Angle(cmd:GetMouseY() * ok.ys, cmd:GetMouseX() * -ok.ys, 0)
  193. ok.fa.p = math.Clamp(ok.fa.p, -89, 89)
  194. ok.fa.y = math.NormalizeAngle(ok.fa.y)
  195. end
  197. function ok.FixMove(cmd) // credits to im friendly
  198. local viewang = Angle(0, cmd:GetViewAngles().y, 0)
  199. local fix = Vector(cmd:GetForwardMove(), cmd:GetSideMove(), 0)
  200. fix = (fix:Angle() + (viewang - ok.fa)):Forward() * fix:Length()
  202. if cmd:GetViewAngles().p > 90 or cmd:GetViewAngles().p < -90 then
  203. fix.x = -fix.x
  204. end
  206. cmd:SetForwardMove(fix.x)
  207. cmd:SetSideMove(fix.y)
  208. end
  211. function ok.GetCurTime()
  212. if IsFirstTimePredicted() then
  213. ok.ct = CurTime() + engine.TickInterval()
  214. end
  215. end
  217. function ok.CanFire()
  218. if !ok.ct or ok.ct == 0 then return false end
  219. local wep = me:GetActiveWeapon() or NULL
  220. if !IsValid(wep) then return false end
  221. return wep:GetActivity() != ACT_RELOAD and ok.ct > wep:GetNextPrimaryFire()
  222. end
  224. function ok.AutoHop(cmd)
  225. if me:IsOnGround() and cmd:KeyDown(IN_JUMP) then
  226. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_JUMP))
  227. else
  228. cmd:RemoveKey(IN_JUMP)
  229. end
  231. if ok.vars["autostrafe"]:GetBool() and !me:IsOnGround() then
  232. if cmd:GetMouseX() > 0 then
  233. cmd:SetSideMove(10^4)
  234. elseif 0 > cmd:GetMouseX() then
  235. cmd:SetSideMove(-10^4)
  236. end
  237. end
  238. end
  240. function ok.Aimbot(cmd)
  241. local autoshoot = ok.vars["aimbot"]["autoshoot"]:GetBool()
  242. local nextshot = ok.vars["aimbot"]["nextshot"]:GetBool()
  243. local silent = ok.vars["aimbot"]["silent"]:GetBool()
  244. local fakelag = ok.vars["hvh"]["fakelag"]:GetBool()
  245. local antiaim = ok.vars["hvh"]["antiaim"]:GetBool()
  247. ok.DoSilent(cmd)
  248. if cmd:CommandNumber() == 0 and !ok.vars["thirdperson"]:GetBool() and (silent or antiaim) then cmd:SetViewAngles(ok.fa) return end
  250. if !fakelag then
  251. bSendPacket = true
  252. end
  254. if ok.sp and ok.ep then
  255. local aafix = false
  256. local ap = ok.Compensate(cmd, (ok.ep - ok.sp):Angle())
  257. ap.p, ap.y = math.NormalizeAngle(ap.p), math.NormalizeAngle(ap.y)
  259. if ok.CanFire() and (autoshoot or cmd:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK)) then
  260. if ok.vars["aimbot"]["static"]:GetBool() then
  261. cmd:HomiePass_ettercap_damage
  262. aafix = true
  263. ap.p = -ap.p - 180
  264. ap.y = ap.y + 180
  265. end
  267. cmd:SetViewAngles(ap)
  268. if autoshoot then
  269. if nextshot then
  270. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_ATTACK))
  271. else
  272. if ok.atk then
  273. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_ATTACK))
  274. else
  275. cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK)
  276. end
  278. ok.atk = !ok.atk
  279. end
  280. end
  282. if silent then
  283. ok.FixMove(cmd, aafix)
  284. end
  286. if !fakelag then
  287. bSendPacket = false
  288. end
  289. else
  290. if autoshoot and nextshoot then
  291. cmd:KOSWallint
  292. cmd:KOSWallPred
  293. cmd:RemoveKey(IN_ATTACK)
  294. end
  296. if antiaim then
  297. ok.AntiAim(cmd, true)
  298. elseif silent then
  299. cmd:SetViewAngles(ok.fa)
  300. cmd:HomiePass
  301. end
  303. if !fakelag then
  304. bSendPacket = true
  305. end
  306. end
  308. return
  309. end
  311. if antiaim or silent then
  312. cmd:SetViewAngles(ok.fa)
  313. end
  314. end
  316. ok.fat = 0
  317. ok.aa_as = false
  318. ok.aa_a = 0
  319. ok.aayaws = {}
  321. function ok.AntiAim(cmd, force)
  322. if cmd:CommandNumber() == 0 and !ok.vars["thirdperson"]:GetBool() then return end
  323. if me:GetActiveWeapon() != NULL and me:GetActiveWeapon():GetClass():lower():find("knife") then return end
  324. if !force and (ok.sp != nil or ok.ep != nil) then return end
  325. if !force and cmd:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then
  326. if ok.vars["aimbot"]["static"]:GetBool() then
  327. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(-ok.fa.p - 180, ok.fa.y + 180, 0))
  328. ok.FixMove(cmd, true)
  329. end
  331. return
  332. end
  334. for i = 1, 5 do
  335. ok.aayaws[i] = (ok.vars["hvh"]["yawbase"]:GetInt() * i) + ok.vars["hvh"]["yawadd"]:GetInt()
  336. end
  338. if ok.vars["hvh"]["antiaim"]:GetBool() then
  339. local fakeangles = ok.vars["hvh"]["fakeangles"]:GetBool()
  340. local pitch = ok.vars["hvh"]["pitch"]:GetFloat() or 262
  341. local yaw = ok.vars["hvh"]["yaw"]:GetFloat() or 450
  342. local roll = ok.vars["hvh"]["roll"]:GetFloat() or 0
  344. if ok.vars["hvh"]["fakeangles"]:GetBool() and !ok.vars["hvh"]["fakelag"]:GetBool() then
  345. if ok.fat >= 3 then
  346. bSendPacket = !bSendPacket
  347. ok.fat = 0
  348. end
  349. end
  351. ok.fat = ok.fat + 1
  353. if ok.vars["hvh"]["adaptive"]:GetBool() then
  354. local adapmax = ok.vars["hvh"]["adapmax"]:GetInt()
  355. local adapspeed = ok.vars["hvh"]["adapspeed"]:GetInt()
  356. if ok.aa_a >= adapmax then
  357. ok.aa_a = adapmax
  358. ok.aa_as = false
  359. elseif -adapmax >= ok.aa_a then
  360. ok.aa_a = -adapmax
  361. ok.aa_as = true
  362. end
  364. if ok.aa_as then
  365. ok.aa_a = ok.aa_a + adapspeed
  366. else
  367. ok.aa_a = ok.aa_a - adapspeed
  368. end
  370. local adapyaw = ok.vars["hvh"]["adapyaw"]:GetFloat()
  371. local aay = (ok.aat and ok.aat != NULL) and (ok.aat:GetAttachment(ok.aat:LookupAttachment("forward") or ok.aat:LookupAttachment("eyes")).Pos - me:GetShootPos()):Angle().y + 180 or 0
  372. if !fakeangles then
  373. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, aay + adapyaw + ok.aa_a, roll))
  374. else
  375. if bSendPacket then
  376. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, aay + adapyaw, roll))
  377. else
  378. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, aay + adapyaw + 262, roll))
  379. end
  380. end
  381. elseif ok.vars["hvh"]["jitter"]:GetBool() then
  382. if !fakeangles then
  383. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, table.Random(ok.aayaws) + math.random(-2, 2), roll))
  384. else
  385. if bSendPacket then
  386. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, table.Random(ok.aayaws) + math.random(-2, 2), roll))
  387. else
  388. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, table.Random(ok.aayaws) - 125 + math.random(-10, 10), roll))
  389. end
  390. end
  391. else
  392. if !fakeangles then
  393. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, yaw, roll))
  394. else
  395. if bSendPacket then
  396. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, yaw, roll))
  397. else
  398. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, yaw + 125, roll))
  399. end
  400. end
  401. end
  403. if ok.vars["hvh"]["edge"]:GetBool() then
  404. local setp = false
  405. local edge = false
  406. local ang = Angle(0, 0, 0)
  407. local eyepos = me:GetShootPos() - Vector(0, 0, 5)
  409. for y = 1, 8 do
  410. local tmp = Angle(0, y * 45, 0)
  411. local forward = tmp:Forward()
  412. forward = forward * 35
  414. local tdata
  415. tdata = {start = eyepos, endpos = eyepos + forward, filter = me, mask = MASK_SOLID}
  416. local trace = util.TraceLine(tdata)
  418. if trace.Fraction != 1 then
  419. local negate = trace.HitNormal * -1
  420. tmp.y = negate:Angle().y
  422. local left = (tmp + Angle(0, 11.25, 0)):Forward() * 35
  423. local right = (tmp - Angle(0, 11.25, 0)):Forward() * 35
  424. tdata = {start = eyepos, endpos = eyepos + left, filter = me, mask = MASK_SOLID}
  425. local lt = util.TraceLine(tdata)
  426. tdata = {start = eyepos, endpos = eyepos + right, filter = me, mask = MASK_SOLID}
  427. local rt = util.TraceLine(tdata)
  428. local ltw = lt.Fraction == 1
  429. local rtw = rt.Fraction == 1
  431. local edgem = ok.vars["hvh"]["edgemet"]:GetString()
  432. if edgem == "regular" then
  433. if ltw or rtw then
  434. tmp.y = tmp.y + 180
  435. end
  437. ang.y = 270 - tmp.y + 360
  438. elseif edgem == "backward" or edgem == "forward" then
  439. ang.y = tmp.y + (edgem == "backward" and 180 or 360)
  440. elseif edgem == "jitter" then
  441. if ltw or rtw then
  442. tmp.y = tmp.y + 180
  443. end
  445. ang.y = 270 - tmp.y + math.random(-15, 15)
  446. end
  448. edge = true
  449. break
  450. end
  451. end
  453. if edge then
  454. if !fakeangles then
  455. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(ang.p != 0 and ang.p or pitch, ang.y, roll))
  456. else
  457. if bSendPacket then
  458. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(ang.p != 0 and ang.p or pitch, ang.y, roll))
  459. else
  460. cmd:SetViewAngles(Angle(pitch, ang.y + 25, roll))
  461. end
  462. end
  463. end
  464. end
  466. pitch = cmd:GetViewAngles().p
  467. ok.aas = !ok.aas
  468. ok.FixMove(cmd, (pitch > 90 or -90 > pitch) and true or false)
  469. end
  470. end
  472. function ok.FakeLag(cmd)
  473. if cmd:CommandNumber() == 0 then return end
  474. local choke = ok.vars["hvh"]["flchoke"]:GetInt()
  475. local send = ok.vars["hvh"]["flsend"]:GetInt()
  476. ok.fltm = choke + send
  478. if ok.vars["hvh"]["fakelag"]:GetBool() then
  479. ok.flt = ok.flt + 1
  481. if ok.flt > ok.fltm then
  482. ok.flt = 1
  483. end
  485. if send >= ok.flt then
  486. bSendPacket = true
  487. else
  488. bSendPacket = false
  489. end
  490. end
  491. end
  493. function ok.CheckAAA(ply)
  494. for f,t in next, ok.pitches do
  495. for i,p in next, t do
  496. if tonumber(string.sub(tostring(ply:EyeAngles().x), 1, 5)) == p then
  497. ply:SetRenderAngles(Angle(0, ply:EyeAngles().y + 180, 0))
  498. ply:SetPoseParameter("aim_pitch", tonumber(f))
  499. ply:InvalidateBoneCache()
  500. end
  501. end
  502. end
  503. end
  505. function ok.HighJump(cmd)
  506. if !ok.vars["highjump"]:GetBool() then return end
  507. local pos = me:GetPos()
  508. local tdata = {start = pos, endpos = pos - Vector(0, 0, 1337), mask = MASK_SOLID}
  509. local trace = util.TraceLine(tdata)
  510. local len = (pos - trace.HitPos).z
  511. if len > 25 and 50 > len then
  512. cmd:SetButtons(bit.bor(cmd:GetButtons(), IN_DUCK))
  513. else
  514. cmd:RemoveKey(IN_DUCK)
  515. end
  516. end
  518. function ok.NoSpread(cmd)
  519. if !ok.vars["aimbot"]["nospread"]:GetBool() or cmd:CommandNumber() == 0 then return end
  520. if cmd:KeyDown(IN_ATTACK) then
  521. cmd:SetViewAngles(ok.Compensate(cmd, ok.fa))
  522. end
  523. end
  525. function ok.Visuals()
  526. draw.SimpleText("HomieHackV6", "wireless gamer", 8, 60, Color(255, 15, 15), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
  528. for k,v in next, player.GetAll() do
  529. if !ok.vars["visuals"]["enabled"]:GetBool() or !v:IsValid() or !v:IsPlayer() or !v:Alive() or 0 >= v:Health() or v == me then continue end
  530. local min, max, pos = v:OBBMins(), v:OBBMaxs(), v:GetPos()
  531. local top, bottom = (pos + Vector(0, 0, max.z)):ToScreen(), (pos - Vector(0, 0, 15)):ToScreen()
  532. local middle = bottom.y - top.y
  533. local width = middle / 2.5
  535. if ok.vars["visuals"]["name"]:GetBool() then
  536. draw.SimpleText(v:Nick(), "visual gamer", bottom.x, top.y - 12, Color(255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  537. end
  539. if ok.vars["visuals"]["box"]:GetBool() then
  540. surface.SetDrawColor(me:Team() == v:Team() and Color(100, 255, 5) or Color(200, 5, 200))
  541. surface.DrawOutlinedRect(bottom.x - width, top.y, width * 2, middle)
  542. surface.SetDrawColor(Color(0, 0, 0))
  543. surface.DrawOutlinedRect(bottom.x - width - 1, top.y - 1, width * 2 + 2, middle + 2)
  544. surface.DrawOutlinedRect(bottom.x - width + 1, top.y + 1, width * 2 - 2, middle - 2)
  545. end
  547. if ok.vars["visuals"]["health"]:GetBool() then
  548. local health = v:Health()
  549. local col = health >= 101 and Color(0, 200, 0) or Color(255, 0, 0)
  550. draw.SimpleText(tostring(health), "visual gamer", bottom.x, bottom.y + 12, col, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  551. end
  553. if ok.vars["visuals"]["rank"]:GetBool() then
  554. local rank = v:GetUserGroup()
  555. draw.SimpleText(rank, "visual gamer", bottom.x, bottom.y + 24, (rank == "guest" or rank == "user") and Color(0, 255, 0) or Color(255, 0, 0), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  556. end
  558. if ok.vars["visuals"]["team"]:GetBool() then
  559. local tm = v:Team()
  560. draw.SimpleText(team.GetName(tm), "visual gamer", bottom.x, bottom.y + 36, team.GetColor(tm), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
  561. end
  562. end
  563. end
  565. ok.chams1 = CreateMaterial("wireless_gamer_material", "UnlitGeneric", {
  566. ["$ignorez"] = 1,
  567. ["$model"] = 1,
  568. ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite"
  569. })
  571. ok.chams2 = CreateMaterial("wired_gamer_loser_material", "UnlitGeneric", {
  572. ["$ignorez"] = 0,
  573. ["$model"] = 1,
  574. ["$basetexture"] = "models/debug/debugwhite"
  575. })
  577. function ok.GetChamsColor(t, v)
  578. if t then
  579. if v then
  580. return 255, 0, 0 / 255
  581. else
  582. return 0, 255 / 255, 0
  583. end
  584. else
  585. if v then
  586. return 255 / 255, 255 / 255, 0
  587. else
  588. return 255 / 255, 185 / 255, 0
  589. end
  590. end
  591. end
  593. function ok.Chams()
  594. for k,v in next, player.GetAll() do
  595. if !ok.vars["visuals"]["enabled"]:GetBool() or !ok.vars["visuals"]["chams"]:GetBool() or !v:IsValid() or !v:IsPlayer() or !v:Alive() or 0 >= v:Health() or v == me then continue end
  596. cam.Start3D()
  597. render.MaterialOverride(ok.chams1)
  598. render.SetColorModulation(ok.GetChamsColor(me:Team() == v:Team(), true))
  599. v:DrawModel()
  601. render.SetColorModulation(ok.GetChamsColor(me:Team() == v:Team(), false))
  602. render.MaterialOverride(ok.chams2)
  603. v:DrawModel()
  604. cam.End3D()
  605. end
  606. end
  608. function ok.CalcView(ply, pos, angle, fov, nearZ, farZ)
  609. local view = {}
  610. view.angles = (ok.vars["hvh"]["antiaim"]:GetBool() or ok.vars["aimbot"]["silent"]:GetBool()) and ok.fa or angle
  611. view.origin = ok.vars["thirdperson"]:GetBool() and (pos - ok.fa:Forward() * 100) or pos
  613. return view
  614. end
  616. function ok.ShouldDrawLocalPlayer()
  617. return ok.vars["thirdperson"]:GetBool()
  618. end
  620. function ok.PreDrawOpaqueRenderables()
  621. for k,v in next, player.GetAll() do
  622. ok.CheckAAA(v)
  623. end
  625. for e,a in next, do
  626. if !e or !IsValid(e) or !e:IsPlayer() then[e] = nil continue end
  627. e:SetRenderAngles(Angle(0, a.y, 0))
  628. e:SetPoseParameter("aim_pitch", a.p)
  629. e:InvalidateBoneCache()
  630. end
  631. end
  633. function ok.AAAMenu()
  634. local last = 0
  636. local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  637. frame:SetSize(350, 300)
  638. frame:SetPos(0, 0)
  639. frame:SetTitle("AAA Menu")
  640. frame:Center()
  641. frame:MakePopup()
  643. local lista = vgui.Create("DListView", frame)
  644. lista:SetPos(0, 24)
  645. lista:SetSize(250, 276)
  646. lista:SetMultiSelect(false)
  647. lista:AddColumn("Players")
  648. lista:AddColumn("Pitch")
  649. lista:AddColumn("Yaw")
  651. local ply = 0
  653. lista.OnRowSelected = function(panel, line)
  654. ply = line
  655. end
  657. local plabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", frame)
  658. plabel:SetPos(255, 26)
  659. plabel:SetText("Pitch:")
  661. local ylabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", frame)
  662. ylabel:SetPos(255, 40)
  663. ylabel:SetText("Yaw:")
  665. local ptext = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", frame)
  666. ptext:SetPos(285, 30)
  667. ptext:SetSize(30, 14)
  668. ptext:SetText("89")
  669. ptext.OnEnter = function() end
  671. local ytext = vgui.Create("DTextEntry", frame)
  672. ytext:SetPos(285, 44)
  673. ytext:SetSize(30, 14)
  674. ytext:SetText("180")
  675. ytext.OnEnter = function() end
  677. local but = vgui.Create("DButton", frame)
  678. but:SetPos(255, 66)
  679. but:SetSize(65, 24)
  680. but:SetText("Set")
  682. function but.DoClick()
  683. if player.GetAll()[ply] then
  684.[player.GetAll()[ply]] = Angle(tonumber(ptext:GetText()), tonumber(ytext:GetText()), 0)
  685. end
  686. end
  688. for i = 1, #player.GetAll() do
  689. local e = player.GetAll()[i]
  690. lista:AddLine(e:Nick(), e:EyeAngles().p, e:EyeAngles().y)
  691. end
  692. end
  694. function ok.ResetConsoleVars()
  695. for k,v in next, ok.cvars do
  696. me:ConCommand(k .. " " .. v)
  697. ok.Log("Reset convar: ", Color(255, 120, 5), k, Color(255, 0, 0), " (value: ", v, ")")
  698. end
  699. end
  701. function ok.FindPlayerWithID(userid)
  702. for k,v in next, player.GetAll() do
  703. if v:UserID() == userid then
  704. return v
  705. end
  706. end
  708. return false
  709. end
  711. function ok.PlayerHurt(data)
  712. if !ok.vars["killspam"]:GetBool() then return end
  713. local health =
  714. local id = data.userid
  715. local attackerid = data.attacker
  716. local target = ok.FindPlayerWithID(id)
  717. local attacker = ok.FindPlayerWithID(attackerid)
  718. if !target or !attacker then return end
  719. if attacker != NULL and target != NULL then
  720. if attacker == me then
  721. target.hits = target.hits and target.hits + 1 or 1
  722. if health == 0 then
  723. MEGA.TextToSpeech(" Oh No, Ur House Is On Fire, Put It Out with, Hair Spray" )
  724. me:ConCommand("say " .. target:Nick() .. " slaughtered " .. tostring(target.hits) .. " Shots. Way to kewl 4 u")
  725. target.hits = 0
  726. end
  727. elseif target == me then
  728. attacker.hitsme = attacker.hitsme and attacker.hitsme + 1 or 1
  729. if health == 0 then
  730. local pingadvantage = target:Ping() - attacker:Ping()
  731. if pingadvantage > 50 then
  732. me:ConCommand("say Well my Skin is " .. tostring(pingadvantage) .. " Lighter than yours.")
  733. elseif attacker.hitsme > 1 then
  734. me:ConCommand("say Damn " .. tostring(attacker.hitsme) .. " Shot, MonkeyMan Shootin Wild!")
  735. attacker.hitsme = 0
  736. else
  737. me:ConCommand("say Here come dat boi, o shit waddup")
  738. end
  739. end
  740. end
  741. end
  742. end
  744. function ok.CreateMove(cmd)
  745. ok.AutoHop(cmd)
  746. ok.Aimbot(cmd)
  747. ok.AntiAim(cmd)
  748. ok.FakeLag(cmd)
  749. ok.HighJump(cmd)
  750. end
  752. function ok.AddHook(htype, name, func)
  753. hook.Add(htype, name, func)
  754. ok.Log("Created ", Color(255, 5, 5), htype, Color(120, 255, 5), " hook: ", Color(80, 40, 250), name, Color(255, 0, 0), " (" .. tostring(func) .. ")")
  755. end
  757. ok.AddHook("Think", "ok.GetTarget", ok.GetTarget)
  758. ok.AddHook("Move", "ok.GetCurTime", ok.GetCurTime)
  759. ok.AddHook("DrawOverlay", "ok.Visuals", ok.Visuals)
  760. ok.AddHook("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "ok.Chams", ok.Chams)
  761. ok.AddHook("CreateMove", "ok.CreateMove", ok.CreateMove)
  762. ok.AddHook("CalcView", "ok.CalcView", ok.CalcView)
  763. ok.AddHook("ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", "ok.ShouldDrawLocalPlayer", ok.ShouldDrawLocalPlayer)
  764. ok.AddHook("PreDrawOpaqueRenderables", "ok.PreDrawOpaqueRenderables", ok.PreDrawOpaqueRenderables)
  765. gameevent.Listen("player_hurt")
  766. ok.AddHook("player_hurt", "ok.PlayerHurt", ok.PlayerHurt)
  767. concommand.Add("ok_aaa", ok.AAAMenu)
  768. ok.Log("Created concommand: ", Color(255, 60, 170), "ok_aaa", Color(255, 0, 0), " (" .. tostring(ok.AAAMenu) .. ")")
  769. concommand.Add("ok_resetcv", ok.ResetConsoleVars)
  770. ok.Log("Created concommand: ", Color(255, 120, 5), "ok_resetcv", Color(255, 0, 0), " (" .. tostring(ok.ResetConsoleVars) .. ")")
  771. ok.Log("Operational")
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