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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. 0x1815300 - G_Entity
  2. g entity ClientSize - 0x280
  3. 0x1905300 - G_Client
  4. GClient ClientSize - 0x4180
  5. 0x2EDEB4 - g_speed
  6. 0x38766C - cbuf_addtext
  7. 0x429F8C - Sv_GameSendServerCommand
  8. 0x5F8070 - R_SetFrameFog
  9. 0x20E3D10 - Client_S
  10. client_s ClientSize - 0x77A80
  11. 0x42E860 - Sv_SetClientStats
  13. 0x0176E0E8 - G_HudElems
  14. 0x0030BD1C - HECmd_SetClock (scr_entref_t entref)
  15. 0x0030B9D0 - HECmd_SetClock_Internal (scr_entref_t entref, he_type_t type, const char * cmdname)
  16. 0x003D9E68 - Scr_Error (const char *)
  17. 0x003E0A50 - Scr_GetNumParam ()
  18. 0x003DF850 - Scr_GetFloat (unsigned int index)
  19. 0x003DF584 - Scr_GetInt (unsigned int index)
  20. 0x00047210 - G_MaterialIndex (const char * name)
  21. 0x003DFCD4 - Scr_GetString (unsigned int index)
  22. 0x003DF99C - Scr_GetConstString (unsigned int index)
  23. 0x003D667C - Scr_CastString (VariableValue * value)
  24. 0x003D2374 - SL_ConvertToString (unsigned int stringValue)
  25. 0x0030B468 - HECmd_SetMaterial (scr_entref_t entref)
  26. 0x000470C0 - G_FindConfigstringIndex (const char * name, int start, int max, int create, const char * errormsg)
  27. 0x0033B910 - Scr_PrecacheShader
  28. 0x00047254 - G_ModelIndex (const char * name)
  29. 0x000472D4 - G_ModelName (int index)
  30. 0x0042B480 - SV_GetConfigstringConst (int index)
  31. 0x00047334 - G_EffectIndex (const char * name)
  32. 0x00047378 - G_ShellShockIndex (const char * name)
  33. 0x00047500 - G_RumbleIndex (const char * name)
  34. 0x0004C938 - G_LocalizedStringIndex (const char * string)
  35. 0x00309D54 - GScr_NewHudElem (void)
  36. 0x0035DD54 - Scr_AddHudElem (game_hudelem_s * hud)
  37. 0x003E1048 - Scr_AddEntityNum (entnum int, unsigned int classnum)
  38. 0x003D8AB4 - Scr_GetEntityId (entnum int, unsigned int classnum)
  39. 0x003D46EC - GetVariableIndexInternal (unsigned int parentId, unsigned int name)
  40. 0x00309DBC - GScr_NewClientHudElem (void)
  41. 0x0035DC68 - Scr_GetEntity (unsigned int index)
  42. 0x003E0098 - Scr_GetEntityRef (unsigned int index)
  43. 0x00309E24 - GScr_NewTeamHudElem (void)
  44. 0x003098B8 - HudElem_SetDefaults (game_hudelem_s * hud)
  45. 0x0030CA98 - HECmd_Reset (scr_entref_t entref)
  46. 0x00309988 - HudElem_Alloc (clientNum int, int teamNum)
  47. 0x0042E3EC - SV_SendServerCommand (client_s * cl, svscmd_type type, const char * fmt)
  48. 0x005F8070 - R_SetFrameFog (GfxCmdBufInput * input)
  49. 0x0042E860 - SV_SetClientStat (clientNum int, int index, int value)
  50. 0x00363558 - G_Spawn ()
  51. 0x0179D100 - level_locals_t
  52. 0x003A9710 - Com_Error (errorParm_t code, const char * fmt)
  53. 0x0042A598 - SV_LocateGameData (gentity_s * Gents, numGEntities int, int sizeofGEntity_t, playerState_s clients *, int sizeofGameClient)
  54. 0x00304E60 - G_ParseHitLocDmgTable (void)
  55. 0x004C4E98 - ParseConfigStringToStruct (char * pstruct, pFieldList cspField_t *, const int iNumFields, pszBuffer const char *, const int iMaxFieldTypes, int (__cdecl * parseSpecialFieldType) (char *, const char *, const int), void (__cdecl * p) ( char *, const char *))
  56. 0x003D3174 - Scr_AllocString (const char * s, int sys)
  57. 0x003D28F4 - SL_GetStringOfSize (const char * str, unsigned int user, unsigned int len, int type) 0x00165258 - BG_LoadPenetrationDepthTable (void)
  58. 0x006A6814 - memset 0x004B1074 - Com_Memset (void * dest, const int val, int count)
  59. 0x0037251C - G_VehiclesInit (int restarting)
  60. 0x0042B2A0 - SV_SetConfigstring (int index, const char * val)
  61. 0x0030399C - G_setfog (const char * fogstring)
  62. 0x0004D0A8 - Missile_InitAttractors (void)
  63. 0x0035C194 - G_InitObjectives (void)
  64. 0x003DF168 - Scr_InitSystem (int sys)
  65. 0x003D4FD4 - AllocObject ()
  66. 0x003D4E38 - AllocVariable ()
  67. 0x003D500C - Scr_AllocArray ()
  68. 0x003D9E5C - Scr_SetLoading (int bLoading)
  69. 0x003D9B08 - Scr_AllocGameVariable (void)
  70. 0x003D3F38 - RemoveRefToValue (int type, VariableUnion u)
  71. 0x0035F0F4 - G_LoadStructs (void)
  72. 0x003DE9D0 - Scr_ExecThread (int handle, unsigned int ParamCount)
  73. 0x003DEC60 - Scr_FreeThread (unsigned __int16 handle)
  74. 0x003D3E4C - RemoveRefToObject (unsigned int id)
  75. 0x00312090 - G_ParseSpawnVars (SpawnVar * spawnVar)
  76. 0x00312250 - G_SpawnString (spawnVar SpawnVar *, const char * key, const char * defaultString, const char ** out)
  77. 0x00311EB8 - G_ResetEntityParsePoint (void)
  78. 0x0037B850 - CM_EntityString () 0x0034CECC - Scr_LoadGameType (void)
  79. 0x0034D3CC - Scr_LoadLevel (void) 0x0034D3CC - Scr_StartupGameType (void)
  80. 0x004B01E4 - Com_UnloadRawTextFile (const char * filebuf)
  81. 0x003131C8 - G_InitGame (levelTime int, int randomSeed, restart int, int savepersist)
  82. 0x003C0430 - Sys_IsMainThread ()
  83. 0x004B0110 - MSG_Init (msg_t * buf, char * data, int length)
  84. 0x003126D8 - G_RegisterDvars
  85. 0x004BA5A4 - Dvar_RegisterString (const char * dvarName, const char * value, unsigned __int16 flags, const char * description) 0x004BA378 - Dvar_RegisterVariant (const char * dvarName, char type, unsigned __int16 flags, DvarValue value, DvarLimits domain, const char * description)
  86. 0x004B8F08 - Dvar_FindMalleableVar (const char * dvarName)
  87. 0x004BB1C4 - Dvar_RegisterBool (const char * dvarName, bool value, unsigned __int16 flags, const char * description)
  88. 0x004BB224 - Dvar_RegisterInt (const char * dvarName, int value, int min, int max, unsigned __int16 flags, const char * description) 0x006A19B8 - strchr
  90. EnableFPS = 0x48BD6F // Enable With 0x01 TextSize = 0x49BCC4, Position1 = 0x49BCC8, POSITION2 = 0x49BCCC, FPSText = 0x79436C, G_Spawn = 0x30DD5C;
  92. g_hudelem = 0x176E0E8, g_localizedstringindex = 0x4C938,
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