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Jan 22nd, 2017
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  1. What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?
  3. Empathy is a crucial part of effective communication. You must be capable of listening and willing to hear what someone else has to say before you can understand their prospective. On a personal level, empathy has helped me become a more compassionate person. When you really take the time to listen to someone with genuine interest you learn so much about their struggles or experiences which you would otherwise have no idea about. Empathy is important for building lasting relationships. On a professional level, empathy has resulted in positive communication which has allowed me to really identify and understand the needs of a client and the desired results of a project. Sometimes a client isn’t really sure what they want and when you can listen to them and place yourself in their position, you can help identify their true needs.
  5. • How does empathy help you build better software?
  7. Empathy will help me build better software because if I can empathize with my client, I can understand what they need my software to do. They may not envision the full capability of my software and I may not understand the full depth of their needs. By practicing empathy, I can build a relationship with the client, place myself in their shoes, and create an environment where we are working together to build something that meets their needs.
  9. • Why is empathy important for working on a team?
  11. Empathy is important when working on a team because it will help you understand how to best communicate and work with your teammates. Everyone is different and everyone responds differently. Some people have cultural or religious differences and understanding these differences will allow you to work together in a respectful and productive team. Sometimes people have personal problems that are effecting their team contribution. It’s important to create a safe and respectful environment to have a successful team.
  13. • Describe a situation in which your ability to empathize with a colleague or teammate was helpful.
  15. Coming from the oil and gas industry, I have worked with a diverse group of people. In college, about a third of my department were international students. Part of my degree requirement was two field sessions where we travel as a class to various oil fields and petroleum rich geologic sites. My roommates for both trips included a Malaysian Shiite Muslim, a Kurdish political refugee, a Bolivian, and a Nigerian. Everyday was full of surprises. We embraced our differences by asking a lot of questions, sharing our cultures, and respecting each other. Empathy and respect are so important because that is the only way you can successfully coexist with anyone who is different from you.
  17. • When do you find it most difficult to be empathetic in professional settings? How can you improve your skills when faced with these scenarios?
  19. It is difficult to be empathetic to people who prejudge others based on gender, race, sexuality, religion, etc. It’s difficult to deal with those people and it’s exhausting trying undo those preconceptions in a professional setting. I think it’s important to stand up for what’s right. I try to create the environment of change that I want to see. I can improve my skills when faced with these scenarios by being an example and enlightening others.
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