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Sohan tekura

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Jul 31st, 2014
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  129. <div id="header">
  130. <span style="font-size:50pt;color:white;">Nike Roshe Run:Everything you need to know. Website
  131. Created by Sohan Karangalpady. TEKURA ICT
  132. </div>
  134. <div id="introduction">
  135. <p style="color : white;"><span style="font-size: 30pt; font-family:Georgia;">S</span>ince I was young I have practiced meditation, so the concept of Zen and simplicity plays a big part in my life. The inspiration and name comes directly from the word “Roshi,” which is a title given to a Zen master. And to me, nothing really epitomizes simplicity better than a Zen master. For legal reasons, we had to change the “i” to an “e,” but it is still pronounced the same so it worked for me.
  136. </strong>
  137. From there, I designed the shoe to be as simple as
  138. possible by keeping only what was absolutely <em> necessary</em>. For a running silhouette.Once the unnecessary elements were removed, it was an exercise of sculpting and refinement. I pictured the Zen master meditating in his Zen garden and used the shapes and color for inspiration.<strong> The bottom of the outsole uses the Nike natural motion waffle pattern, but I wanted them to look like stepping stones in the garden. The insole was designed to mimic a freshly raked Zen rock garden. The original iguana colorway played off the natural dark green moss and leaves and the off-white rocks of a Zen garden.</strong> Even the midsole profile of the medial and lateral side is slightly different to create a juxtaposition of seriousness and playfulness.
  140. </p>
  141. </div>
  142. <hr>
  144. <div id="Content">
  145. <h2 style="color : white;">Custom Roshe Runs</h2>
  146. <p style="color : white;">Some people <em>loved</em> the
  147. Nike Roshe runs so much, that they wanted to make custom
  148. versions of the shoes them selves, and they did this by simply
  149. sourcing thier own choice of fabric pattern from thier local
  150. store, tracing out the part they want customised and cutting
  151. it out, then gluing it. If you want a detailed video of how to
  152. make custom Nike Roshe runs, Please visit <a
  153. href="">This link
  154. </a>.</p> <strong>for a How-to video.</strong>
  155. <img
  156. src=""width="250"height="240"
  157. alt="floral">
  158. <img
  159. src=""width="250"height="240"
  160. alt="flogral">
  161. <img
  162. src=""width="250"height="240"
  163. alt="flogral">
  164. <img
  165. src=""width="250"height="240"
  166. alt="flogral">
  169. <br>
  170. <hr>
  171. <br>
  172. <h2 style="color : white;">Where to buy Roshe runs?</h2>
  174. <ol style="color : white;">
  175. <li>Your local Footlocker</li>
  176. <li>Ebay</li>
  177. <li>Amazon</li>
  178. <li>Garage sale</li>
  179. <li>Sohan Karangalpady</li>
  180. <li></li>
  181. <li></li>
  182. </ol>
  183. <hr>
  184. </div>
  186. <div id="links">
  187. <a
  188. href="">Click
  189. here</a> to customise your own Nike Roshe Runs!<br>
  190. If you are interested in viewing a wide range of Nike Roshe runs,
  191. Please <a
  192. href="">Click
  193. here</a>.
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