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Oct 23rd, 2016
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  1. Period 5
  2. The Donald
  3. The year is 2016, and major changes have come to the great nation we call America. The home of freedom has chosen Donald Trump as its new President, and the US has welcomed its new wall-bringing overlord with open arms. After WikiLeaks revealed Hillary Clinton was working with Putin to rig the election in her own favor, there wasn’t really another option for president. “Crooked Hillary” was no more, and in her place stood a man of courage and questionable other traits, ready to lead instead of the “four more years of Obama” that Hillary would have been. Donald Trump gave one final speech on the day before his inaguration.
  4. “Again, we’re going to build a wall. And this time, Mexico has agreed to pay for it. It’s going to be huge! Who’s with me!”, Donald Trump exclaimed. The crowd exploded with a mixture of boos and hurrahs. “That’s not all. I have something else to show you all now that I’m going to be President.”, Trump shouted. And right after that statement what followed was...his tax returns. He was completely clean. And even after that, bombshell after bombshell of truth was revealed to the public. Obama really was the cause of ISIS. Bush really did do 9/11. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. Trump finally proved America was corrupt, and he had plans to fix it. “I’m going to make America great again, and I have several plans to do this. I’ll fix this country once and for all!” Trump boomed over the crowd. The media exploded with shock, the media that was thought to have sided with Hillary were now all for Trump. The general public finally knew America was corrupted, and they knew Trump, their new President, could fix it.
  5. Trump was inagurated, and changes followed. He rounded up illegal immigrants in a “very nice way” and booted them out. The massive deportation force he promised was all too real, and they saved thousands of American jobs by booting out illegal immigrants. Thousands of questions followed as to what Trump would do next, and Trump just replied, “I’ll surprise you.” The next couple of days went by, and the Wall was confirmed to be a reality
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