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Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Mintscream: So I remembered the conversation we had way back and watched Matt Taylor's apology for his pinup lady shirt
  3. Mintscream: and holy shit is that what you REALLY think "breaking down crying" is? Dude teared up and shed a few tears.
  4. Mintscream: You know what would happen to me if I did that over being told "you dun a bad thing?"
  5. Mintscream: I'd be told to shut the fuck up.
  6. Mintscream: To get the hell over it.
  7. Mintscream: To not be such a crybaby, over emotional bitch.
  8. Albino Cat: So, where's this going?
  9. Albino Cat: Don't take that the wrong way
  10. Albino Cat: I'm trying to figure out what you are trying to say
  11. Mintscream: There's a right way to take it? I just think it's funny that getting a little choked up is him being bullied to tears.
  12. Albino Cat: Are you saying you finally see feminism's toxic side and the affect they have on society?
  13. Mintscream: Please tell me that's a joke, because after reading the comments directed AT him FOR his apology, that's all I can see it as.
  14. Mintscream: He literally got more shit, more violent shit, over saying sorry than for wearing an inappropriate shirt.
  15. Mintscream: But yes, let's look at how hurt HIS feelings are. Clearly, it's because he was bullied, and not because he might have realized his shirt was offensive. Not because he genuinely felt bad about hurting other people's feelings.
  16. Mintscream: How do you know what was going through is head?
  17. Albino Cat: Inappropriate, maybe, but for feminists to claim he hates women because of that is ridiculous
  18. Albino Cat: That shirt was made by a female friend
  19. Albino Cat: FEMALE friend
  20. Albino Cat: how was it ostrocizing to women?
  21. Mintscream: Guess what? Only people who hate feminists are saying feminists said that. I've read dozens of different shit, and the femist side is pretty much saying, "Yeah, this is what I mean about people not realizing that something's kind of sexist and offputting."
  22. Albino Cat: he didn't say: WOMEN go home, we don't want you here
  23. Mintscream: I think the thing you don't understand about prejudice, is you don't HAVE to say it. You don't even have to realize you're doing it.
  24. Mintscream: Most of the time you don't.
  25. Mintscream: I still catch myself being racist, and I think racism is the stupidest thing ever.
  26. Albino Cat: I really don't want to lose your friendship, so let's just stop
  27. Mintscream: Also can you please tell me how "but a woman made it" is an argument? Because women can be sexist against other women.
  28. Mintscream: It's called "internalized mysoginy"
  29. Albino Cat: And the patriatchy is a real thing
  30. Mintscream: I face it every day when I wonder if my shorts are too short.
  31. Albino Cat: I'm living proodf
  32. Albino Cat: proof*
  33. Albino Cat: I just have so much privlage
  34. Albino Cat: gah I can't spell for shit
  35. Mintscream: Let me give you an example of how, yes, you do have privlidge that you don't see. (don't worry I can't spell for shit either)
  36. Mintscream: What do you think about when you leave the house for, say, an emergency trip to a convienience store at around 9pm?
  37. Albino Cat: Do me a favor and watch this video:
  38. Mintscream: Both parts of this video are ridiculous. I'm a minute in and both sides sound dumb to me. But I'll keep going.
  39. Mintscream: Feminists deny "being forced to penetrate" as rape? Uh, no they don't, but whatever. Let's keep this going.
  40. Mintscream: Yes, let's assume that the intended audience for this English speaking ad are Indian. Sure. This video is using the word "rape" to make it sound more extreme for the shock factor, but let's ignore that and pretend it's literal. Geeze. 3 minutes in and still both sides are ridiculous.
  41. Albino Cat: I really wish you would/could put in the time to listen to the hours of content from a lot of the channels I watch
  42. Mintscream: "New Study Proves that Men Don't Slut Shame Rich Women Do" should probably actually read "New Study proves that Rich Women Slut Shame More Often than Men"
  43. Albino Cat: They prove their words with facts
  44. Albino Cat: this one not so much
  45. Mintscream: Because even though I don't have to deal with catcalling constantly, I have faced slut shaming.
  46. Mintscream: From guys.
  47. Albino Cat: Ok, maybe this one might crack the shell
  48. Albino Cat:
  49. Mintscream: "Isn't it funny that it's YOUR MOTHER that is doing the slut shaming?" No because my mother slut shames constnatly and it pisses me the fuck off because she doesn't even realize she's being sexist.
  50. Mintscream: Still watching the first one. This video's point is sailing way the fuck over TL;DR's head.
  51. Albino Cat: Well, what's the point you think the original video is trying to make?
  52. Mintscream: Well that one was dumb.
  53. Mintscream: And the point of the one video is, hey, this shit's fucking awful and shouldn't be normal. Why is this shit still so fucking common? Let's associate it with something that everyone should be able to agree is fucking awful to try and shock-value them into thinking that, hey, this other shit is pretty fucking shitty and also seems ot happen overwhelmingly more often to one gender over the other.
  54. Mintscream: They bunged it up pretty bad but at last I could still see the point.
  55. Mintscream: I could see Deer's point, too, it's just his wasn't lining up with the video he was trying to make fun of.
  56. Albino Cat: You know guys love sluts right?
  57. Mintscream: You know girls fucking hate that, right?
  58. Albino Cat: I have never heard ANY guy slut shamingh
  59. Albino Cat: Mintscream: Because even though I don't have to deal with catcalling constantly, I have faced slut shaming.
  60. Mintscream: From guys.
  61. Mintscream: So? I have been slut shamed from guys. Our experiences don't mesh.
  62. Mintscream: We're different people living in different places.
  63. Mintscream: Are you trying to point out something?
  64. Albino Cat: Hey, guys get catcalled to
  65. Albino Cat: I don't becauise I don't look likje a greek god
  66. Albino Cat: so that never happaned to me
  67. Albino Cat: And what's wrong with some complaments
  68. Mintscream: Oh, yes, of course. Because guys want to be seen as sexy as nothing else. Because that's what cat calling is.
  69. Mintscream: Cat calling is not the same as a compliment.
  70. Mintscream: And it's not up to you wether or not I should take something as a compliment.
  71. Mintscream: A guy literally leaned out the window of his car and barked like a dog at me while I was walking to work.
  72. Mintscream: But yeah, I should totally think he was sweet for that.
  73. Mintscream: One guy I talked with at a stop light asked if I was 15.
  74. Mintscream: When I told him I was 25, he told me I was beautiful.
  75. Mintscream: That doesn't tell me he wants to make my day. That tells me he wants to fuck underage girls and is happy that he can fuck a lookalike legally.
  76. Mintscream: "The wage gap doesn't exist." are you kidding yes it does. I've looked up different things, they make it in nice easy to read graph forms. Women TODAY earn about 70% less than men. Women TODAY on average only make as much as men when they have 10 years more education. But okay explain to me something I've seen the BBB debunk before. Why not.
  77. Mintscream: "female privlege" holy shit are you serious
  78. Mintscream: i can't fucking leave the house after dark or get as shit-faced as i want with a group of friends but yeah an extra $10 because somebody feels sorry for me is totally worth it
  79. Mintscream: That statsitics graph is funny. "Based on 10 or fewer case samples" that's a lot of asterisks.
  80. Albino Cat: I don't claim to be educated enough in all this to accuretly debate thid
  81. Mintscream: So why do you? Why do you try to tell me I'm wrong about shit I'm telling you I deal with all the time?
  82. Albino Cat: To me, there is only 1, absolute truth: MATH
  83. Mintscream: Okay but "10 or fewer case samples" is a ludicrisly small sample.
  84. Mintscream: Small enough to be fucking pointless.
  85. Albino Cat: All I can say is: don't let that bother you
  86. Mintscream: I could find 10 guys who are in a abusive relationship with women and report it as women being more abusive than men. Doesn't make it true.
  87. Mintscream: Don't let math bother me when I Should trust it?
  88. Albino Cat: explain to me, though, why a man will get a harsher sentance for a crime that a woman also comits?
  89. Mintscream: THEY DON'T THOUGH. Give me a minute to look up this statistic, you're gonna fucking hate it.
  90. Albino Cat: I've seen it with my own eyes
  91. Albino Cat: there's video evidance
  92. Mintscream: (also feminists ALSO think that's bullshit and women nor men should be treated better because of gender)
  93. Albino Cat: VIDEO EVIDANCXE
  94. Albino Cat: I'm sorry you can't see the hypocracy of feminists, how they say one thing, and mean another
  95. Albino Cat: Don't get me started on Anita
  96. Mintscream: Here we go, here's a statistic from The Michigan Women's Justice and Clemency Project. Let me cut and paste the best part for you.
  97. Mintscream: The average prison sentence for men who kill their intimate partners is 2 to 6 years. Women who kill their partners are sentenced, on average, 15 to 17 years. A pair of Maryland cases vividly illustrates this inequality in sentencing. In one case, a judge in Baltimore County, Maryland sentenced Kenneth Peacock to 18 months for killing his unfaithful wife. The very next day, another judge in the same county sentenced Patricia Ann Hawkins to three years in prison for killing her abusive husband. Significantly, the prosecutor in the Peacock case requested a sentence twice as long as the one imposed, while the prosecutor in the Hawkins case requested one-third of the sentence imposed.”
  99. “As many as 90% of the women in prison today [2008] for killing men had been battered by those men.”
  100. Albino Cat: ...........
  101. Albino Cat: what?
  102. Albino Cat: hold on
  103. Mintscream: here's a giant pdf of Department of Health and Human Services for you to browse
  104. Mintscream: Give me a few more minutes on google and I can even find you the source for a statist I read that says that a man is 33x MORE likely to actually be raped than he is of getting fasely accused. I know that's only tangentially related to the subject but still.
  105. Mintscream: Here's a good one that's somewhat related
  106. Mintscream: Oh, and here's a little something related to our initial topic of discussion
  107. Albino Cat: Ah, here is the video I wanted:
  108. Albino Cat: If that was a man, you bet your ass he'd be in jail
  109. Albino Cat: Oh, but it gets better
  110. Mintscream: Okay. Before I watch this all the way through, lemme take a break around the 1min mark and ask you something. Do you really believe that it's because of feminism that she got a reduced sentence than what a man would get? Because I argue that it's the view that women are the weaker sex and need to be protected. Which is, surprise, not a feminist notion. Alright, continuing with this.
  111. Albino Cat: She got off scot free
  112. Albino Cat: sorry for the spoiler
  113. Mintscream: Well, zero is still less than whatever. But do you get the idea? That's like talking about that Eric Garner case, where the cops were shown putting the man in an illegal chokehold on video that directly led to his death, and getting off scot free. Actually no it's not. But let's keep going on this video.
  114. Mintscream: Okay I've kind of agreed with this guy about this case so far but it doesn't look like he's fighting for his life, it looks like he's fighting to hold her still and get her handcuffed (like police are paid to do) and she's trying to run away, taking potshots to try to get him to let go of her. But I guess that's up to her word against his since you can't really get intent when half the scuffle happens out of frame.
  115. Albino Cat: I really wish I could just check out of humanity, I really do
  116. Mintscream: I like how he's trying to paint her as some marginally rational angry person, when a quick google shearch tells me that she was homeless and a heroine addict at the time. So I can totally believe that her druggie, lonely, desperate self might have tried to start interrogating, and that he only got cut because he jumped up the second he realized there was a knife near him. I can also easily believe that she really was about to kill him. Either way it's pretty dumb that she didn't get arrested for it. Also dumb that he tried to bring up the race card in it. Yes of course she'd be killed even if she were a black woman. Hell, there was a black woman that was facing a prosecution that wanted to give her a 60+ year sentence in prison for shooting the kitchen ceiling to get her husband to not abuse her while she was pregnant.
  117. Mintscream: So the white privlage is high here. But I think she got off not because people think she should be treated better, but because people felt sorry for her, because she was a homless druggie lonely lady.
  118. Mintscream: Meaning, I think they felt sorry for her more than they thought she would ever do it again.
  119. Albino Cat: Oh yea?
  120. Albino Cat: what about the story of the woman who wanted to kill her husband
  121. Albino Cat: and hired a hitman
  122. Albino Cat: hold on, I'm not finished
  123. Mintscream: Funny because just yesterday I heard a story about a man who allegedly hired a hitman to murder his wife.
  124. Albino Cat: She got an undercover cop asking her if her husband abused her, she said no
  125. Albino Cat: they had tapped evidance
  126. Albino Cat: EVIDANCE, but she went to court, liked that her husband DID abuse her and got off
  127. Albino Cat: fucking hell
  128. Mintscream: Because people never say they've never been abused when they actually had. But using criminals as a painting for how most women are is kind of backwards.
  129. Albino Cat: she was doing it for $$$
  130. Albino Cat: insurance
  131. Albino Cat: she admited it on tape
  132. Albino Cat: on recorded tape
  133. Albino Cat: which, I assume, somehow got thrown out
  134. Mintscream: Yeah. Some people are shitty. Doesn't really matter their gender. She tried to go for pity points because pitty is the best most people can go for.
  135. Albino Cat: feminisms tries to say all men are evil
  136. Mintscream: Look at all the sex offenders who say that they were sexually molested as children, but then refuse to say so under a lie detector.
  137. Albino Cat: am I evil to you?
  138. Albino Cat: all men are rapists
  139. Albino Cat: even baby boys
  140. Albino Cat: #teachmennotorape
  141. Albino Cat: #Victimblamingiswrong
  142. Albino Cat: #givememoney!
  143. Albino Cat: You don't know about Zoey quinn trying to get a feminist game jam canceled, do tyou
  144. Albino Cat: you*
  145. Mintscream: Okay but how is teaching people what consent is or isn't, and saying that asking things like "what was she wearing?" bad?
  146. Albino Cat: You don't know her DMCA against Mundanematt for using a freely available image
  147. Albino Cat: No one asks those things. The police do for evidance
  148. Albino Cat: Again, only to make sure they have the right footage and then can find both parties involved
  149. Mintscream: If all feminists hate men, then why do you care if Zoe Quinn tried to get a feminist game jam canceled? Shouldn't you celebrate that fact of her, instead of use it as evidence of her wrongdoings?
  150. Mintscream: also
  151. Mintscream: This sums up my feelings on "all feminists hate men" pretty perfectly
  152. Albino Cat: She claims to be a feminist herself
  153. Mintscream: So if you think all feminism is bad then you should celebrate femists fighting feminists.
  154. Albino Cat: some of them have stated they hate men
  155. Albino Cat: some of them even said kill all men
  156. Albino Cat: the current gen ones
  157. Mintscream: Well, some men have said all women should stay in the kitchen and bedroom.
  158. Mintscream: Should I believe them or you?
  159. Albino Cat: the older ones hate the news ones
  160. Mintscream: Yes, because the new ones are intersectional feminists. We also believe that black, disabled, and LGBT rights should be fought for.
  161. Albino Cat: Can we.....just stop
  162. Albino Cat: you win
  163. Albino Cat: happy?
  164. Mintscream: Not really.
  165. Albino Cat: "I'm a believer!!!"
  166. Albino Cat: HALLILUAYH
  168. Mintscream: I feel like you just want me to shut up and you don't really care about any of this.
  169. Mintscream: You know, you said you don't want to lose my friendship, but when was the last time we talked about anything that wasn't "Aren't you lonely, Mint?"
  170. Albino Cat: Nope
  171. Albino Cat: I hate all women
  172. Mintscream: If I believed that
  173. Albino Cat: dispite the fact I respect them and would do anything for them
  174. Mintscream: I wouldn't waste time talking to you.
  175. Mintscream: Except listen to one of them, apparnetly.
  176. Albino Cat: And, having a lesbian as a best friend
  177. Mintscream: oh my god did you really just use the "gay friend" trope
  178. Albino Cat: I will not simply "Listen and Believe"
  179. Mintscream: But I'm supposed to?
  180. Albino Cat: these guys provide evidance
  181. Albino Cat: evidance you can check
  182. Albino Cat: and double check
  183. Albino Cat: and triple check
  184. Mintscream: I gave evidence, too! Did you ignore the links? Was RAINN and Universities studies not good enough?
  185. Albino Cat: hell, check ^ infinity if you want
  186. Mintscream: It's like when you talk stats, they should be held as the Absolute Truth, but you don't even comment on the stats I bring up.
  187. Mintscream: You use random examples like "Zoe Quinn tried to ruin a feminist game jam!" when I can shoot back with a counter example "Zoe Quinn couldn't talk about feminism at a university because of a threat of actual god damned terrorism"
  188. Mintscream: One thing is a LITTLE more severe than the other, don't you think?
  189. Mintscream: God, it's like you think a straw feminist is an accurate representation of feminism ideals.
  190. Albino Cat: I'm not saying ALL feminists are bad
  191. Albino Cat: After all, who created MLP?
  192. Albino Cat: a feminist
  193. Albino Cat: didn't know that, huh
  194. Albino Cat: Lauren Faust is a feminist
  195. Mintscream: 2:15 AM - Albino Cat: feminisms tries to say all men are evil
  196. Albino Cat: I second wave, I believe
  197. Albino Cat: would feminazies or rad fem be a better term for you?
  198. Mintscream: Straw feminist. Or boogey woman. Because I've only ever seen people complaining about those types of feminists, and never any of them, themselves.
  199. Mintscream: It's like
  200. Mintscream: Here's an overly simplified example I can think of
  201. Mintscream: A straw feminist wants to be able to use the power of being a woman to be able to abuse men
  202. Mintscream: Actual feminists want all of the abuse to stop for everyone
  203. Mintscream: And of course you got your shitheels that believe in equality for some without realizing it, but you get those in every group ever.
  204. Albino Cat: Can we....just drop this
  205. Albino Cat: You don't have time to watch everything i've seen these past few months
  206. Albino Cat: so why bother
  207. Mintscream: Why do you keep downplaying and outright ignoring my side of the conversation? You want me to believe in statistics, but you have still yet to comment on any of the statistics I've senst you. You want me to listen to the math, and the math is that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in one form or another during her life. You want me to believe that women have more power, when I keep seeing shit like laws getting passed where a man can fire a woman because he's attracted to her, even if she doesn't reciprocate that attraction.
  208. Albino Cat: those are wrong statics
  209. Albino Cat: hold on
  210. Mintscream: So the University of Surrey is lying?
  211. Mintscream: The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) is wrong?
  212. Albino Cat: Please, watch this video
  213. Albino Cat:
  214. Albino Cat: pretty much, yea
  215. Mintscream: Okay, I'm calling bullshit in the first 20 seconds. TL;DR didn't give a FUCK about sample size when he used that chart talking about how men are much more liekly to be the victims of voilent crimes than women, and there were a ton of asterisks saying "less than TEN" used.
  216. Mintscream: "You can force someone to do something in a sexual situation without commiting sexual assault or rape" uh, no? Force means without consent and without consent is rape. Just because the victim doesn't follow through with trying to stop the other person doesn't make it not sexual assault.
  217. Mintscream: But coercion IS rape? Not on putting a specific outfit, but it IS. Why the fuck point is he trying to make?
  218. Mintscream: Jesus, what they did was focus their study on sex, not completely shit all over the original study.
  219. Mintscream: Yeah, they should probably have used a higher number than anything over a 10. That part's kind of shitty. Doesn't exactly equal the "not at all" like the emailer guy says, though. That'd be like if they used a 2 or higher for the original 1-5 scale.
  220. Albino Cat: keep watchingh
  221. Mintscream: I guess the important part to them is that someone thought they might. And what you THINK you might do and what you'll actually do can sometimes be wildly different things. Carrying on with the video.
  222. Albino Cat: an actual feminists debunks the 1 in 5 myth
  223. Mintscream: Why is he using the numbers Malmuth statistics in comparison to the Think Tank video when the Think Tank video is using the numbers from the recent study?
  224. Albino Cat: Errors will happen when doing things, it happens
  225. Mintscream: But he immediately points out that he's using the Malmuth numbers and saying "hey the rate's actually gone down!"
  226. Albino Cat: But you try and point out errors in feminazie logic, they ignore you
  227. Mintscream: The only "errors" you've tried to point out in my statistics so far is the one I don't immediately have a source with.
  228. Mintscream: You've ignored everything else.
  229. Albino Cat: I really wish I had god powers to prove or disprove all the arguments humanity has
  230. Albino Cat: Can't we just all agree that life ultimately meaningless?
  231. Albino Cat: That's not depression talking, that's an observation
  232. Albino Cat: Life, especially human life, has no meanintg
  233. Albino Cat: we could easily be killed off
  234. Mintscream: "basing these sorts of hypothetical surveys is retarded" Sure but a "regular" crime (like stealing a laptop or something) and ending a life are two wildly different things and the vast majority of healthy, generally empathetic people would not be able to do the latter because that kind of fucks a person up what the hell point is he trying to make with these unequal comparisons
  235. Albino Cat: Honestly, I just don't care anymore
  236. Mintscream: "I can't wait to see those results out of Harlem" why would you even make that joke
  237. Albino Cat: Explain to me why the male suicide is higher then females
  238. Mintscream: Explain to me why the female attempted suicide rate is three times higher than males.
  239. Albino Cat: do they go through with it?
  240. Albino Cat: Are they still alive?
  241. Mintscream: Attempted means yeah, they really tried to go through with it and failed. Failed suicides happen.
  242. Mintscream: Like jumping off a bridge but just managing to catch something on the way down, so you're horribly maimed instead of dead.
  243. Albino Cat: Well, what stopped them from trying again?
  244. Mintscream: Funny thing about suicide, studdies shows it's by and large an impulse decision.
  245. Mintscream: Most failed suicide attempts don't go through another one.
  246. Albino Cat: So then, why do more males succedd?
  247. Albino Cat: patriatchy?
  248. Mintscream: >Researchers have found that gender differences in socialization is the strongest explanation for men’s relative success in suicide attempts. In the United States, for instance, it has been shown that unsuccessful suicide attempts are considered “feminine” while it is considered masculine to succeed. In other words, the fear of being labeled “feminine” or “weak” in a male supremacist culture encourages men to ensure their attempts are successfully completed.
  249. Mintscream:
  250. Mintscream: But yes, tell me how the CDC is wrong.
  251. Mintscream: And the AFSP
  252. Albino Cat: I, personally, am not qualified to do so,
  253. Albino Cat: as neither are you
  254. Albino Cat: so, let's drop it
  255. Albino Cat: please?
  256. Mintscream: You've had no problem telling me that other institutions are wrong.
  257. Mintscream: Don't like it when hard evidence contradicts what you believe?
  258. Albino Cat: Frankly my dear, I don't know what the fuck to believe
  259. Albino Cat: ok'
  260. Albino Cat: ?
  261. Mintscream: Also that 4x higher male suicide rate also includes murder-suicides, which really should be a case of their own.
  262. Mintscream: No I just want you to fucking listen and consider. I don't care if you change your whole belief system overnight.
  263. Mintscream: But you won't even do that. Every time I try and show you how something's wrong, you ignore it. Every time YOU try and show ME something's wrong, I watch it. I pay atteniton. I give you a running commentary of what I do and don't agree with. I consider it.
  264. Mintscream: When you can't ignore it, you try to shut me up.
  265. Albino Cat: I believe in nothing
  266. Mintscream: You seem to believe in TL;DR pretty strongly if you keep sending me his videos as evidence of femisim being wrong and women having more power than men.
  267. Mintscream is now Online.
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