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Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. 25.04 02:41:41 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  2. 25.04 02:41:41 [Multicraft] Received stop command
  3. 25.04 02:41:37 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  4. 25.04 02:41:37 [Multicraft] Server shut down
  5. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO CoFHCore{1.7.10R3.0.0RC7} [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.0.0RC7-211.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  6. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO Aroma1997sDimension{1.0} [Aroma1997's Dimensional World] (Aroma1997s-Dimensional-World-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  7. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO Aroma1997CoreHelper{} [Aroma1997Core|Helper] (Aroma1997Core-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  8. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO appliedenergistics2{rv2-beta-18} [Applied Energistics 2] (appliedenergistics2-rv2-beta-18.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  9. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO DCsAppleMilk{1.7.10_2.5a} [Apple&Milk&Tea!] (AppleMilkTea2-1.7.10_2.5a.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  10. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO Thaumcraft{} [Thaumcraft] (Thaumcraft-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  11. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO Baubles{} [Baubles] (Baubles-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  12. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO AppleCore{1.0.2} [AppleCore] (APPLECORE-MC1.7.10-1.0.2.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  13. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO AgriCraft{1.7.10-1.3.1} [AgriCraft] (AgriCraft-1.7.10-1.3.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  14. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO AdvancedSolarPanel{1.7.10-3.5.1} [Advanced Solar Panels] (AdvancedSolarPanel-1.7.10-3.5.1.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  15. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO IC2{2.2.711-experimental} [IndustrialCraft 2] (industrialcraft-2-2.2.711-experimental.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  16. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO debug{1.0} [debug] (denseores-1.5.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  17. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO OpenModsCore{0.7} [OpenModsCore] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  18. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO VeinMiner_coremod{null_build-null} [Core mod] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  19. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO ThaumicTinkerer-preloader{0.1} [Thaumic Tinkerer Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  20. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO PotionExtensionCore{1.0.4-forMC1.7} [PotionExtensionCore] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  21. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO NotEnoughItems{} [Not Enough Items] (NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  22. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO MobiusCore{1.2.5} [MobiusCore] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  23. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO InfiniBows{1.3.0 build 20} [InfiniBows] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  24. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  25. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO Aroma1997Core{} [Aroma1997Core] (Aroma1997Core-1.7.10- Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  26. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO appliedenergistics2-core{rv2-beta-18} [AppliedEnergistics2 Core] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  27. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO AppleMilkCore{1.0.3} [AppleMilkCore] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  28. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (custom.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  29. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (custom.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  30. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] INFO mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available
  31. 25.04 02:41:36 [Server] ERROR Fatal errors were detected during the transition from AVAILABLE to SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START. Loading cannot continue
  32. 25.04 02:41:36 [Multicraft] Skipped 106 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  33. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Order Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedOrder": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@5]
  34. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Entropy Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedEntropy": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@6]
  35. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Earth Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedEarth": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@4]
  36. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Water Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedWater": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@3]
  37. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Fire Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedFire": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@2]
  38. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Air Infused from OreDict "oreInfusedAir": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@1]
  39. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Amber from OreDict "oreAmber": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@7]
  40. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Mercury from OreDict "oreCinnabar": [1xtile.blockCustomOre@0]
  41. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Uranium from OreDict "oreYellorite": [1xtile.brOre.0@0]
  42. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Uranium from OreDict "oreUranium": [1xic2.blockOreUran@0, 1xtile.oreUranium@0]
  43. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Certus Quartz from OreDict "oreCertusQuartz": [1xtile.appliedenergistics2.OreQuartz@0, 1xtile.appliedenergistics2.OreQuartzCharged@0]
  44. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Firestone from OreDict "oreFirestone": [1xtile.railcraft.ore@5]
  45. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO 1xitem.aobd.oreIridium@0 is not an ore block, but was OreDict fetched by "oreIridium"!
  46. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Iridium from OreDict "oreIridium": [1xitem.aobd.oreIridium@0]
  47. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO No ore blocks detected for "oreNaturalAluminum"
  48. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Aluminum from OreDict "oreAluminium": [1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@5, 1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@4]
  49. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Aluminum from OreDict "oreAluminum": [1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@5, 1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@4, 1xtile.ElectriOre@4]
  50. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO DRAGONAPI: No ore blocks detected for Galena
  51. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO No ore blocks detected for "oreGalena"
  52. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Silver from OreDict "oreSilver": [1xtile.thermalfoundation.ore@2, 1xtile.metal.block.precious.ore@1, 1xtile.Ore@4, 1xtile.ElectriOre@2]
  53. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO No ore blocks detected for "orePentlandite"
  54. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Nickel from OreDict "oreNickel": [1xtile.thermalfoundation.ore@4, 1xtile.ElectriOre@3]
  55. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Lead from OreDict "oreLead": [1xic2.blockOreLead@0, 1xtile.thermalfoundation.ore@3]
  56. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO No ore blocks detected for "oreTetrahedrite"
  57. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Copper from OreDict "oreCopper": [1xic2.blockOreCopper@0, 1xtile.thermalfoundation.ore@0, 1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@3, 1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@2, 1xtile.metal.block.base.ore@0, 1xtile.ElectriOre@0, 1xtile.OreBlock@1, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0, 1xtile.null@0]
  58. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO No ore blocks detected for "oreCassiterite"
  59. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Detected the following blocks for Tin from OreDict "oreTin": [1xic2.blockOreTin@0, 1xtile.thermalfoundation.ore@1, 1xtile.tconstruct.stoneore@4, 1xtile.tconstruct.gravelore@3, 1xtile.metal.block.base.ore@1, 1xtile.ElectriOre@1, 1xtile.OreBlock@2]
  60. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 177 mods
  61. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] ERROR Skipping event FMLLoadCompleteEvent and marking errored mod ThermalCasting since required dependency ThermalExpansion has errored
  62. 25.04 02:41:34 [Server] INFO Load Complete.
  63. 25.04 02:41:34 [Multicraft] Skipped 537 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  64. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
  65. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
  66. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
  67. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
  68. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
  69. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
  70. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
  71. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
  72. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
  73. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
  74. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
  75. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
  76. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
  77. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
  78. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
  79. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalCrystallizer to the recipe list.
  80. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalWasher to the recipe list.
  81. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
  82. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalDissolutionChamber to the recipe list.
  83. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
  84. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
  85. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type ChemicalInjectionChamber to the recipe list.
  86. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
  87. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
  88. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type PurificationChamber to the recipe list.
  89. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type Crusher to the recipe list.
  90. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
  91. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
  92. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO aobd added recipe of type EnrichmentChamber to the recipe list.
  93. 25.04 02:41:33 [Server] INFO 1213ms spent registering Recipes
  94. 25.04 02:41:33 [Multicraft] Skipped 78 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  95. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect tconstruct.plugins.waila.WailaRegistrar wailaCallback
  96. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Success in registering Natura
  97. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect wailaCallback
  98. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Success in registering chisel
  99. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect com.cricketcraft.chisel.compat.WailaCompat register
  100. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Success in registering appliedenergistics2
  101. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect appeng.integration.modules.Waila register
  102. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Success in registering AgriCraft
  103. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.compatibility.waila.WailaRegistry initWaila
  104. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Success in registering ThaumicTinkerer
  105. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect thaumic.tinkerer.common.compat.TTinkererProvider callbackRegister
  106. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Success in registering rftools
  107. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect mcjty.rftools.apideps.WailaCompatibility load
  108. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Success in registering EnderIO
  109. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Trying to reflect crazypants.enderio.waila.WailaCompat load
  110. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Forge Multipart found and dedicated handler registered
  111. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Agriculture mod not found.
  112. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Statues mod not found.
  113. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO MagicalCrops mod not found.
  114. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO PamHarvestCraft mod not found.
  115. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Railcraft mod found.
  116. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO OpenBlocks mod found.
  117. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO ExtraUtilities mod found.
  118. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO ProjectRed|Integration mod found.
  119. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] INFO Engineer Toolbox mod not found.
  120. 25.04 02:41:32 [Server] WARN Error while loading FluidDuct cofh.thermaldynamics.ducts.fluid.TileFluidDuct
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