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a guest
Apr 1st, 2015
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  1. Hey all! You all know me I bet. I come here a lot and frequent your servers. Some of ya'll like me, some of ya'll hate me. Let's try and get all of ya'll liking me, shall we?
  3. Nickname: (15-6 (6 for "Crowd>") = 9 characters for a name.) swatllama
  4. Other Nicknames: Not very many.
  5. Names of the sponsors: these are members of Crowd> ( Sponsors has to confirm their sponsorship ) I wasn't sponsored. I came on my own accord.
  6. Age: 32
  7. Sex: Male
  8. lives in: Northern U.S.
  9. Speaks: I can speak a little bit of Spanish with RAMBOSPAIN the tank, but English is my main.
  10. Playing sauer since: June 2009
  11. time and day i usually play: U.S. evenings, might catch some of the Europeans as they're heading to bed. Maybe Katja as she's neglecting her accidents.
  12. servers I visit often (sauerservers); DEMO is my favorite server. It excites me to play on it. I love the map pool. I just COULD NOT decide whether to vote for bt_falls o rvalhalla this morning!
  13. website: ?
  14. do you use IRC: I do.
  15. Favored sauer modes/maps: I love myself ictf on valhalla and asgard, but ectf forge gets me going too.
  16. Clans before: Some shitty ones with gear4.
  17. Why I want to join crowd: gear4gear4gear4.
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