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Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: ya mind talkin to me babes?
  2. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: why
  3. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: just good to talk to ya
  4. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i still love you :(
  5. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: what'cha up to?
  6. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: think you're down to hang out tomorow?
  7. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor:
  8. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: shi
  9. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i might've just swallowed a tiny tiny piece of glass
  10. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: my cup broke
  11. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: idk if it was glass or a crumb
  12. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: if it was that small you'll be fine
  13. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: thank god
  14. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: did you ever play much tf2?
  15. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i spent /a lot/ of time on this fucken game
  16. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: well not that much, but i have a lot of memories with it
  17. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: i did on my old account and on kevin's, never on this one
  18. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: memories :(
  19. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: fav class? :D
  20. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: pfff tell yours first i don't wanna seem fruity
  21. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: spy & demoman
  22. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: the scots speak amuses me
  23. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: and the scout
  24. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i collected scout shit for aaages
  25. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: i was always scout or the huge black dude? haven't played this in forever but i remember there being a huge black man
  26. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: RIGHT?
  27. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: HUGE BLACK DUDE?
  28. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: DEMOMAN
  29. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: YEAAAA
  30. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: SWEET
  31. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: he's a scotish black dude
  32. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: which is hillarious
  33. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: "AYE LADS LETS GET 'UM"
  34. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: we should totally play this osmetime
  35. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i'm god awful at it now, so yae
  36. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: were you any good at it?
  37. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: hmm 10 year old me was decent, but that was 4 years ago
  38. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: so probably not anymore LOL
  39. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: then we'll make the perf team
  40. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: < 3
  41. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: we really gotta play more games, get that room
  42. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: steam hearts are gay
  43. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: ♥
  44. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: OH
  45. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: YEA
  46. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: what consoles should we put in there?
  47. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: cause i know where to get em for cheap
  48. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: you got the ps3 right? that for netflix
  49. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: and hmmm
  50. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: whatever you want
  51. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: a gamecube is a must
  52. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: cause mario kart & super smash bros
  53. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: yes!
  54. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: what else? <3
  55. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i own a nes if ya want that
  56. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: LETS JUST PUT EVERYTHING UP THERE
  57. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL OKAY
  58. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: OKAY <3
  59. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i can get one of those things spencer has
  60. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: that you can hook up like 9 consoles to
  61. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: shit
  62. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: like
  63. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: two, trhee years ago
  64. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i got an NES, with like 3 games
  65. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: hogans alley, super mario & duckhunt and castevania
  66. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: also with a zapper that works perfectly
  67. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: for $20
  68. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: aww <3
  69. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: sounds sick dude
  70. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: damnit i want that room and i want it now
  71. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL
  72. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: me too :(
  73. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: cause like
  74. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: when it's gonna be there
  75. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: it'll be /OUR/ room
  76. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: just consoles, a bed/sofa thing
  77. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: and thas it
  78. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: uh
  79. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i think like
  80. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: within a week or two
  81. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: HURRY
  82. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: WITH IT
  83. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: BUG THEM CONSTANTLY
  84. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL ALRIGHT
  85. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: shit
  86. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: there wwas a game
  87. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: on N46
  88. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: N64
  89. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: that was really really good
  90. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: zelda
  91. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: which one tho
  92. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: ORCARINA OF TIME
  93. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: BOOYAH
  94. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: that game was the shit, dude
  95. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: AH DUDE
  96. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: I PLAYED THAT CONSTANTLY
  97. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: #1 rated game in the world
  98. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: gta 5 is #2
  99. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: gta 5 was a BIT over rated
  100. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: it was fun tho
  101. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: did u play it?
  102. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: at kevins
  103. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: how was your experience with it?
  104. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: we didn't really do anything, just took turns dickin around
  105. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: driving and shooting shit
  106. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: graphics were sexy tho
  107. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: yea it looks extra-sexy on next gen
  108. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: and it has 3rd person
  109. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i mean 1st
  110. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: which is tempting
  111. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: DUDE IDK WHY
  114. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: D:
  115. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: man it's so cool having all the jealous 10 year olds watch u play it
  116. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: there was this one kid
  117. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: who i was discussing rock with
  118. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: and i told him to go home and search up the sex pistols and get hooked on punk
  119. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i hope i meet him again someday
  120. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: then again there's a chance he'll start listening to *gasp* GREEN DAY
  121. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: (puke)
  122. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: did you even know his name?
  123. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: was he hot?
  124. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: dude he was 10
  125. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL
  126. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: oh
  127. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: troy
  128. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: :(
  129. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: he was a bit pudgy
  130. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: but if he stops drinking coke like fucking crazy he'll loose weight
  131. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: dude i'll be back soon okay? it's been forever since i played ps3 and i reallly miss it
  132. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: sorry
  133. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: HEY HE SOUNDS LIKE YOU
  134. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: <3
  135. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL
  136. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: YAE
  137. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: or carter
  138. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: I SAW MYSELF IN HIM
  139. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: love you bay-beh
  140. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: have fun ps3ing! :D
  141. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: what should i play
  142. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: oblivion i think
  143. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: what do ya have?
  144. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: fuk yea
  145. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: oshi
  146. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: u should like
  147. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i'll give you the pass to my steam account
  148. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: u can like play oblivion and shit on the PC
  149. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: also whatever other games i have
  150. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: nah babes i couldn't do that <3
  151. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: yeah dude ya could <3
  152. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: are you actually getiin that room in a week or two or is this another bullshit story like the garage LOL
  153. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: WELL
  154. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: I SHOULD BE GETTING IT IN A WEEK OR TWO
  155. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: like
  156. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: worst case ontario
  157. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i just pull the mat off the bed and use that as a couch
  158. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: which that's worst case ontario
  159. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: hey dude i wouldn;t mind that
  160. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: actually that sounds good
  161. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL
  162. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: YEAH I KNOW LOL
  163. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: BETTER THAN A FUTON
  164. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: THAT SEEMS JUST GHETTO ENOUGH TO BE COOL
  165. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: so we'll do that
  166. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: YEA LOL
  168. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i can pick up a cheap box tv
  169. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: < 3
  170. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOOL
  171. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: ;)
  172. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: WINKY FACE
  173. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: NO I MEANT
  174. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: I KNOW
  175. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: OH FUCK YOU LOL
  176. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: HAHAHAHAH
  177. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: but yea
  178. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: secshit
  179. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: scout rush
  180. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: aight l
  181. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: l?
  182. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: no
  183. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: FUCKING SAWMILL
  184. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: I ALKING INTO IT
  185. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: WALKED
  186. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: ANYWAYS
  187. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i can hook up the consoles to that
  188. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: and then we can play! <3
  189. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: think about it
  190. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: no one'll bother us up there
  191. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: ya know?
  192. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: so ya can say whatever
  193. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: uh when i get into games i really get into them so
  194. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL
  195. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: screaming is a possibility :/
  197. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: THAT'LL BE TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT
  198. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: JUST SO YOU KNOW
  199. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: LOOOOOOOOOL I HOPE SO
  200. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: it's fine i'm the loudest person to play games with
  201. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: did u see ANY of my csgo videos?
  202. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: LOLNO
  203. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: MAN
  204. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: WATCH THE ONE
  205. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: CALLED NINJA DEFOOOOOS
  206. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: dude me and kevin used to play all the time, his dad /hated/ me
  207. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: LOL how come?
  208. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: cause loudness?
  209. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: SCREAMING LOL
  210. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: AHAHAHA
  211. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: ALL THE TIME
  212. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: AND "BAD WORDS"
  214. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: BUT WITH UR SHOUTING
  215. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: THEY'LL WANT IT CLOSED
  216. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: HAHAHA
  217. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: actually that's smart
  218. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: HAH GOOD
  219. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: just shout a lot and shit
  220. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: they'll be forced to shut it AHAH
  221. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: you gotta shout too, so they don't hate just me
  222. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: HAHAHA
  223. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: okay anyways be back soon ps3 is calling me
  224. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: alright baby <3
  225. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: have fun! :D
  226. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: oh i will ;)
  227. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: love you (hug)
  228. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: love you too
  230. ๖ۣۜSendeniti #NoMonitor: FUCK STEAM
  231. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: COPY AND PASTE IT INTO SKYPE
  232. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: OR PASTE BIN
  233. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: AND POST THE LINK IN SKYPE
  234. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: HAHA
  235. ๖ۣۜRush #NoMonitor: i'll do it <3
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