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Dec 21st, 2014
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  1. Letter 71:
  2. Mon Dec 22 04:57:41 2014 from Alzheni
  3. To: Sienica
  4. Subject: (forward) Festival by the Nature faith
  7. -----
  8. Original letter sent by Warg to Alzheni Sun Dec 21 23:26:18 2014:
  9. -----
  10. Your Lordship, Blessed and Brilliant Star of the Southern Sky,
  12. As Emissary, it was my duty to report to you of the efforts by the
  13. Druids and the Nature faith, per their agreement with Darmahk, in
  14. hosting a Winter festival here and embracing suden culture as
  15. they did so. This my report of my findings now that the effort has
  16. been completed.
  18. The Druids and Nature faith have performed nothing less than
  19. splendidly, hosting multiple events in and around Darmahk,
  20. and drawing the population of Ateraan to the gates of Darmahk
  21. with good times, anecdotal messages in the midst of genuine
  22. laughter, and solemn reflection upon something they find sacred
  23. and have managed to impart in a lasting way among Darmahk's
  24. populace. All attempts at conflict or disagreement, which were
  25. few but present, were stifled and swept aside without open
  26. hostility, and the Festival moved forward in an agreeable and
  27. admirable fashion. It is my finding that the Druids and Nature
  28. faith have fulfilled their word and promise to Darmahk and to
  29. the Palace in every way. It was well done.
  31. That being said, I find that there is need to recommend
  32. apologies be issued, and some be brought to account for
  33. their failings.
  35. I only report what has been observed, and mention anything that
  36. I have reason to believe might be of import to the Palace. In
  37. that spirit, I feel that the guilds of Darmahk owe the Druids and
  38. the Nature faith apologies. The city leaders were eager, for
  39. the most part, to see the Druids disciplined and brought to task.
  40. they wanted assurances and promises that their guilds would
  41. be served. They were given all of those. What I have observed
  42. since that meeting until today, the end of the required Festival,
  43. is as condemning of Darmahk's guilds as it is confirming of
  44. the Nature faith's sincerity. To my knowledge, and I would be
  45. happy to be wrong, not a single guild has accepted the
  46. repeated offers of the Druids to assist their membership or
  47. serve their guilded. The leaders have not found time to
  48. even tell the Druids how they can help, or what help is
  49. needed beyond the vague comments made at the initial
  50. meeting. To so vehemently demand action, then fail to
  51. even participate in the process when it was demanded that
  52. these things occur with the approval and participation
  53. of those being sadly disgraceful. The guilds
  54. owe the Druids and the Nature faith apology for their
  55. loud, but apparently insincere, condemnation and cry
  56. for restitution. I will say nothing further of the matter, but
  57. feel it needed to be said here, this once.
  59. I recommend that the Druids and Nature faith be found
  60. in full compliance with all promises and requirements,
  61. and that Darmahk look favorably upon them even as
  62. the Palace has done so in the past. It ahs been my
  63. deep honor and pleasure to serve the Palace in this
  64. matter, as it is ever in whatever service the Palace
  65. sends my way. My thanks to you, and richest blessings
  66. upon your noble brow and that of our beloved Overseer.
  68. Warg, servant of the Darmahk Palace
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