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a guest
Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. variables:
  2. {logoutt.%player%} = 0
  3. {sprawdzany.%player%} = 0
  4. {walka.%player%} = false
  5. {ban.%player%} = false
  6. {wejscia.graczy} = 0
  7. {wejscia.ogol} = 0
  8. {pst.%player%} = 100
  9. {zabst.%player%} = 0
  10. {smst.%player%} = 0
  11. {smhc.%player%} = 0
  12. {zabhc.%player%} = 0
  13. {phc.%player%} = 100
  14. {zabpt.%player%} = 0
  15. {smpt.%player%} = 0
  16. {ppt.%player%} = 100
  17. {} = 0
  18. on death of player:
  19. attacker is a player
  20. victim is a player
  21. if {tryb.%player%} is 0:
  22. set {_p} to random integer between 10 and 100
  23. add {_p} to {pst.%attacker%}
  24. broadcast "&7&l[&c&lSTANDARD&7&l] &c%victim% &7zostal zabity przez &c%attacker% &7(&a%{_p}%&7) &c(%health of attacker% ❤)"
  25. execute console command "god %attacker% on"
  26. execute console command "god %victtim% on"
  27. add 1 to {zabst.%attacker%}
  28. add 1 to {smst.%victim%}
  29. if {tryb.%player%} is 1:
  30. set {_p} to random integer between 10 and 100
  31. add {_p} to {ppt.%attacker%}
  32. broadcast "&7&l[&c&lPOTION&7&l] &c%victim% &7zostal zabity przez &c%attacker% &7(&e%{_p}%&7)"
  33. add 1 to {zabpt.%attacker%}
  34. add 1 to {smpt.%victim%}
  35. if {tryb.%player%} is 2:
  36. set {_p} to random integer between 10 and 100
  37. add {_p} to {phc.%attacker%}
  38. broadcast "&7&l[&c&lHARDCORE&7&l] &c%victim% &7zostal zabity przez &c%attacker% &7(&6%{_p}%&7)"
  39. add 1 to {zabhc.%attacker%}
  40. add 1 to {smhc.%victim%}
  41. command /rank [<player>] [<text>]:
  42. aliases: ranking, top,
  43. trigger:
  44. if arg 1 is set:
  45. if arg 2 is "hardcore":
  46. send "&aRanking gracza %arg 1% w trybie %arg 2%:"
  47. send "&2Zabicia: %{zabhc.%arg 1%}%"
  48. send "&2Smierci: %{smhc.%arg 1%}%"
  49. send "&2Punkty: %{phc.%arg 1%}%"
  50. if arg 2 is "standard":
  51. send "&aRanking gracza %arg 1% w trybie %arg 2%:"
  52. send "&2Zabicia: %{zabst.%arg 1%}%"
  53. send "&2Smierci: %{smst.%arg 1%}%"
  54. send "&2Punkty: %{pst.%arg 1%}%"
  55. if arg 2 is "potion":
  56. send "&aRanking gracza %arg 1% w trybie %arg 2%:"
  57. send "&2Zabicia: %{zabpt.%arg 1%}%"
  58. send "&2Smierci: %{smpt.%arg 1%}%"
  59. send "&2Punkty: %{ppt.%arg 1%}%"
  60. else:
  61. send "&a/ranking [nick] [tryb]"
  62. on rightclick holding a diamond sword on player:
  63. if {tryb.%player%} is 0:
  64. execute player command "rank %clicked player% standard"
  65. if {tryb.%player%} is 1:
  66. execute player command "rank %clicked player% potion"
  67. if {tryb.%Player%} is 2:
  68. execute player command "rank %clicked player% hardcore"
  69. on death of player:
  70. victim is a player
  71. attacker is a player
  72. add 1 to {sm.%victim%}
  73. set {_p} to random integer between 10 and 50
  74. remove {_p} from {p.%victim%}
  75. command /resetuj [<text>]:
  76. trigger:
  77. if player has permissions "rank.resetuj":
  78. if arg 1 is set:
  79. set {_} to arg 1 parsed as player
  80. send "&aZresetowales ranking gracza %arg 1%!"
  81. set {zab.%arg 1%} to 0
  82. set {sm.%arg 1%} to 0
  83. set {p.%arg 1%} to 1000
  84. else:
  85. loop all players:
  86. send "&aZresetowales ranking wszystkich graczy!"
  87. set {zabst.%loop-player%} to 0
  88. set {smst.%loop-player%} to 0
  89. set {pst.%loop-player%} to 100
  90. set {zabhc.%loop-player%} to 0
  91. set {smhc.%loop-player%} to 0
  92. set {phc.%loop-player%} to 100
  93. set {zabpt.%loop-player%} to 0
  94. set {smpt.%loop-player%} to 0
  95. set {ppt.%loop-player%} to 100
  96. else:
  97. send "&cNie jestes administratorem!"
  98. on death
  99. victim is a player:
  100. damage was caused by lava:
  101. set death message to "&7&l[&b&lHARDCORE&7&l] &7Gracz &c%player% &7utonal w lawie."
  102. damage was caused by fall:
  103. set death message to "&7&l[&b&lHARDCORE&7&l] &7Gracz &c%player% &7spadl z wysokosci."
  104. on damage of player:
  105. if {walka.%victim%} is false:
  106. set {walka.%victim%} to true
  107. create timed bar with text "&c&lANTY-LOGOUT" to victim for 20 seconds
  108. wait 20 seconds
  109. set {walka.%victim%} to false
  110. stop
  111. on quit:
  112. if {walka.%player%} is true:
  113. if player don't have permission "loganie.hehe":
  114. kill player
  115. set {walka.%player%} to false
  116. clear the player's inventory
  117. set quit message to "&7&lGracz &4&l%player% &7&lwylogowal sie podczas walki! Standardowo ban na &a&l1 godzine&7&l."
  118. stop
  119. if {sprawdzany.%player%} is 1:
  120. if player don't have permission "loganie.hehe":
  121. set quit message to "&6&l%player% &9&lwylogowal sie podczas sprawdzania!
  122. execute console command "ban %player% Wylogowanie sie podczas sprawdzania."
  123. command /sprawdz [<player>]:
  124. trigger:
  125. if player has permission "sprawdz.gracz":
  126. broadcast "&6&l%arg 1%&9&l, zapraszamy do sprawdzenia. &c&lLOGOUT = PERM."
  127. broadcast "&9&lJezeli w ciagu 1 minuty nie zglosisz sie do administratora, &c&lPERM!"
  128. teleport arg 1 to {sprawdzanie.miejsce}
  129. set {sprawdzany.%arg 1%} to 1
  130. else:
  131. send "&cNie jestes administratorem."
  132. command /sprawdzanie:
  133. trigger:
  134. send "&c/spr-ustaw &a&l- Ustawianie miejsca do sprawdzania."
  135. send "&c/sprawdz [gracz] &a&l- Sprawdzanie gracza."
  136. send "&c/czysty [gracz] &a&l- Jezeli gracz jest czysty."
  137. command /czysty [<player>]:
  138. trigger:
  139. if player has permission "czysty.gracz":
  140. broadcast "&6&l%arg 1% &9&ljest czysty!"
  141. set {sprawdzany.arg 1} to 0
  142. else:
  143. send "&cNie jestes administratorem."
  144. command /spr-ustaw:
  145. trigger:
  146. if player has permission "spr.ustaw":
  147. set {sprawdzanie.miejsce} to location of player
  148. send "&cUstawiles miejsce do sprawdzania."
  149. else:
  150. send "&cNie jestes administratorem."
  151. on rightclick with a red wool on player:
  152. send "&9Zaprosiles do walki gracza &6%clicked player%&9." to player
  153. send "&9Czekaj, az odbierze zaproszenie!" to player
  154. send "&9Zostales zaproszony do walki przez &6%player%&9." to clicked player
  155. send "&9Aby zaakceptowac, kliknij na niego PPM &bszklem&9." to clicked player
  156. execute console command "pex user %clicked player% add akceptuj.pvp"
  157. wait 2 seconds
  158. execute console command "pex user %clicked player% remove akceptuj.pvp"
  160. on rightclick with a red wool:
  161. send "&9Kliknij tym blokiem PPM na gracza, ktorego chcesz zaprosic do walki."
  162. command /akceptuj [<player>]:
  163. trigger:
  164. if player has permission "akceptuj.pvp":
  165. send "&9Za chwile rozpoczniesz walke z &4%clicked player%&9." to player
  166. send "&9Za chwile rozpoczniesz walke z &4%player%&9." to clicked player
  167. send "&9(&43&9)" to player
  168. send "&9(&43&9)" to clicked player
  169. wait 1 second
  170. send " &9(&42&9)" to player
  171. send " &9(&42&9)" to clicked player
  172. wait 1 second
  173. send " &9(&41&9)" to player
  174. send " &9(&41&9)" to clicked player
  175. wait 1 second
  176. execute console command "god %player% off"
  177. execute console command "god %arg 1% off"
  178. loop 15 times:
  179. send ""
  180. send "&a&l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ "
  181. send "&9Wystartowala walka z &4%player%&9!" to clicked player
  182. send "&9Wystartowala walka z &4%clicked player%&9!" to player
  183. send "&a&l/////////////////////////////////////// "
  184. send ""
  185. send ""
  186. else:
  187. send "&9Nie dostales zaproszenia do walki!"
  188. command /arena [<text>] [<text>]:
  189. trigger:
  190. if arg 1 is "pomoc":
  191. if player has permission "admin.arenpomoc":
  192. send "&7Poprawne uzycie komendy &c/arena&7:"
  193. send "&6/arena standard ustaw"
  194. send "&6/arena hardcore ustaw"
  195. send "&6/arena potion ustaw"
  196. send "&6/arena standard tp"
  197. send "&6/arena hardcore tp"
  198. send "&6/arena potion tp"
  199. if arg 1 is "standard":
  200. if arg 2 is "tp":
  201. clear the player's inventory
  202. execute console command "god %player% on"
  203. set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  204. set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  205. set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  206. set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  207. give player 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 named "&4&lKLEPING!"
  208. give 64 steak named "&e&lGLODNY? ZJEDZ SNICKERSA!"
  209. execute console command "god %player% on"
  210. give player 1 glass of power 10 named "&a&lZAAKCEPTUJ WYZWANIE!"
  211. give player 1 red wool of power 10 named "&b&lWYZWIJ DO WALKI!"
  212. teleport player to {arena.standard}
  213. set {tryb.%player%} to 0
  214. loop 10 times:
  215. send ""
  216. wait 0.5 second
  217. if arg 2 is "ustaw":
  218. if player has permission "standard.ustaw":
  219. set {arena.standard} to location of player
  220. send "&7&lUstawiles teleport na arene &c&lSTANDARD&7&l."
  221. else:
  222. send "&cNie jestes administratorem."
  223. if arg 1 is "potion":
  224. if arg 2 is "tp":
  225. clear the player's inventory
  226. execute console command "god %player% off"
  227. set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  228. set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  229. set player's leggins to diamond leggins of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  230. set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  231. give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 named "&4&lKLEPING!
  232. give 1 enchanted golden apple named "&6&lORAAAM!"
  233. give 64 steak named "&a&lSNICKERS"
  234. add 5 373:16421 named "&e&lUMIEM CZAROWAC." to player's inventory
  235. give 4 ender pearl named "&7&lHAHA. SIEMA!"
  236. add 27 373:16421 named "&e&lUMIEM CZAROWAC." to player's inventory
  237. teleport player to {arena.standard}
  238. set {tryb.%player%} to 1
  239. send "&7&lPrzeteleportowano Cie na arene &c&lPOTION&7&l!"
  240. loop 10 times:
  241. send ""
  242. wait 0.5 second
  243. if arg 2 is "ustaw":
  244. if player has permission "potion.ustaw":
  245. set {arena.standard} to location of player
  246. send "&7&lUstawiles teleport na arene &c&lPOTION&7&l."
  247. else:
  248. send "&cNie jestes administratorem."
  249. if arg 1 is "hardcore":
  250. if arg 2 is "tp":
  251. clear the player's inventory
  252. execute console command "god %player% off"
  253. set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  254. set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT
  255. set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  256. set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 named "&c&lFIGHT!"
  257. give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and fire aspect 2 named "&4&lKLEPING!" to the player
  258. give 3 enchanted golden apple named "&a&lNIE POLIZE!" to the player
  259. give 10 golden apple named "&4&lPOWOLI SYPAM!" to the player
  260. give 1 diamond sword of knockback 2 named "&2&lLECISZ!" to the player
  261. give 64 steak named "&e&lGLODNY? ZJEDZ SNICKERSA!" to the player
  262. give 1 bow of unbreaking 3 and punch 2 and infinity 1 named "&b&lNO TO JA LECE!" to the player
  263. give 1 arrow named "&3&lSZCZALA" to the player
  264. teleport player to {arena.standard}
  265. set {tryb.%player%} to 2
  266. send "&7&lPrzeteleportowano Cie na arene &c&lHARDCORE&7&l!"
  267. loop 10 times:
  268. send ""
  269. wait 0.5 second
  270. if arg 2 is "ustaw":
  271. if player has permission "hc.ustaw":
  272. set {arena.standard} to location of player
  273. send "&7&lUstawiles teleport na arene &c&lHARDCORE&7&l."
  274. else:
  275. send "&cNie jestes administratorem."
  276. else:
  277. send "&cNie jestes administratorem."
  278. on rightclick with a glass on player:
  279. execute player command "akceptuj %clicked player%"
  280. on rightclick with a glass:
  281. send "&9Kliknij tym blokiem PPM na gracza, ktorego zaproszenie do walki chcesz zaakceptowac."
  282. on join:
  283. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol}
  284. execute console command "god %player% on"
  285. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  286. execute console ocmmand "vanish %player% off"
  287. loop 100 times:
  288. send ""
  289. send "&4&lNa naszym serwerze bylo &e&l%{wejscia.graczy}% &4&lgraczy."
  290. send "&3&lOgolnie wejsc bylo &a&l%{wejscia.ogol}%&3&l."
  291. send "&7Witaj na serwerze &4&lPVP u Realza&7&l!
  292. send "&7&lZapewne jestes na arenie, lub nie. Wpisz /lobby!"
  293. send "&6&lJezeli posiadasz &c&lkonto premium&6&l, nie musisz sie logowac."
  294. send "&a&lNatomiast jezeli nie masz premium, wpisz &6&l/login twojeHaslo &a&l!"
  295. send "&1&lSponsor serwera: - profesjonalny hosting!"
  296. send "&5&lKup VIP: /vip"
  297. on first join:
  298. set {pst.%player%} to 100
  299. set {zabst.%player%} to 0
  300. set {smst.%player%} to 0
  301. set {smhc.%player%} to 0
  302. set {zabhc.%player%} to 0
  303. set {phc.%player%} to 100
  304. set {zabpt.%player%} to 0
  305. set {smpt.%player%} to 0
  306. set {ppt.%player%} to 100
  307. add 1 to {wejscia.graczy}
  308. add 1 to {wejscia.ogol}
  309. execute console command "god %player% on"
  310. loop 100 times:
  311. send ""
  312. send "&4&lNa naszym serwerze bylo &e&l%{wejscia.graczy}% &4&lgraczy."
  313. send "&3&lOgolnie wejsc bylo &a&l%{wejscia.ogol}%&3&l."
  314. send "&7Witaj na serwerze &4&lPVP u Realza&7&l!
  315. send "&6&lJezeli posiadasz &c&lkonto premium&6&l, nie musisz sie rejestrowac."
  316. send "&a&lNatomiast jezeli nie masz premium, wpisz &6&l/register twojeHaslo powtorzHaslo &a&l!"
  317. send "&1&lSponsor serwera: - profesjonalny hosting!"
  318. send "&5&lKup VIP: /vip"
  319. command /spectate [<text>]:
  320. trigger:
  321. if player has permission "":
  322. if arg 1 is "hc":
  323. execute console command "vanish %player%"
  324. execute console command "god %player% on"
  325. execute console command "fly %player% on"
  326. loop 7 times:
  327. send ""
  328. send "&a&lObserwujesz arene &c&lHARDCORE&a&l."
  329. teleport player to {arena.hc}
  330. if arg 1 is "standard":
  331. execute console command "vanish %player%"
  332. execute console command "god %player% on"
  333. execute console command "fly %player% on"
  334. loop 7 times:
  335. send ""
  336. send "&a&lObserwujesz arene &c&lSTANDARD&a&l."
  337. teleport player to {arena.standard}
  338. if arg 1 is "potion":
  339. execute console command "vanish %player%"
  340. execute console command "god %player% on"
  341. execute console command "fly %player% on"
  342. loop 7 times:
  343. send ""
  344. send "&a&lObserwujesz arene &c&lPOTION&a&l."
  345. teleport player to {arena.potion}
  346. else:
  347. send "&6Nie jestes VIPem."
  348. command /setlobby:
  349. trigger:
  350. if player has permission "admin.setlobby":
  351. send "&9&lUstawiles lobby serwera."
  352. set {lobby.serwer} to location of player
  353. else:
  354. send "&cNie jestes administratorem!"
  355. command /vlobby:
  356. trigger:
  357. if player has permission "vip.lobby":
  358. execute console command "speed walk 0 %player%"
  359. send "&1Jako VIP czekasz 1 sekunde na teleport!"
  360. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  361. execute console ocmmand "vanish %player% off"
  362. wait 1 second
  363. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  364. send ""
  365. execute console command "speed walk 1 %player%"
  366. loop 7 times:
  367. send ""
  368. send "&e&lWitaj na &6&lLOBBY&e&l!"
  369. else:
  370. send "&6Nie jestes VIPem!"
  372. command /lobby:
  373. trigger:
  374. execute console command "speed walk 0 %player%"
  375. send "&1Jako VIP czekasz 1 sekunde na teleport!"
  376. execute console command "fly %player% off"
  377. execute console ocmmand "vanish %player% off"
  378. wait 1 second
  379. teleport player to {lobby.serwer}
  380. send ""
  381. execute console command "speed walk 1 %player%"
  382. loop 7 times:
  383. send ""
  384. send "&e&lWitaj na &6&lLOBBY&e&l!"
  385. send ""
  386. send ""
  388. command /helpop [<text>]:
  389. trigger:
  390. if arg 1 is set:
  391. loop all players:
  392. if loop-player has permission "helpop.odb":
  393. send "&4&l[HELPOP] &c%arg 1%" to loop-player
  394. send "&a&lWyslales prosbe o pomoc!" to player
  395. command /broadcast [<text>]:
  396. aliases: bc
  397. trigger:
  398. if player has permission "admin.bc":
  399. broadcast "&6&lUWAGA: &c%arg 1%"
  400. else:
  401. send "&cNie jestes administratorem!"
  402. every 300 seconds:
  403. broadcast "&c&l[Nope..] &a&lDowiedz sie o randze VIP! &b&l(/VIP)"
  404. wait 30 seconds
  405. broadcast "&c&l[Nope..] &b&lZapros znajomych!"
  406. wait 30 seconds
  407. broadcast "&c&l[Nope..] &e&lNasz serwer stoi na AUTORSKICH pluginach!"
  408. wait 30 seconds
  409. broadcast "&c&l[Nope..] &d&lH@: &c&l"
  410. wait 30 seconds
  411. broadcast "&c&l[Nope..] &4&lNie wiesz czy administracja jest online? Wpisz &a&l/admin&4&l!"
  413. command /admin:
  414. aliases: administracja
  415. trigger:
  416. loop all players:
  417. if loop-player has permission "jestem.adminem":
  418. add player to {_}
  419. if {_} is set:
  420. send "&cAdministratorzy online:"
  421. send "&a%{_admini}%"
  422. else:
  423. send "&cBrak administratorow! A moze... sa na vanishu :)?"
  424. command /vbc [<text>]:
  425. trigger:
  426. if player has permission "vip.bc":
  427. if arg 1 is set:
  428. broadcast "&6&l(VIP BROADCAST) &e&l%arg 1% &c&l(%player%)"
  429. else:
  430. send "&6Nie podales tresci."
  431. else:
  432. send "&6Nie jestes VIPem!"
  433. command /help:
  434. trigger:
  435. send "-> /pomoc"
  436. on command:
  437. if contains "bukkit:" or "?":
  438. cancel event
  439. send "Nie ma takiej komendy!"
  440. stop
  441. on chat:
  442. if {} is 1:
  443. if player don't have permission "":
  444. cancel event
  445. send "&cChat zostal wylaczony! &6&lChcesz moc pisac? Kup VIP! (/vip)"
  446. command /chat-off:
  447. trigger:
  448. if player has permission "admin.chatoff":
  449. set {} to 1
  450. broadcast "&cChat zostal &4wylaczony &cprzez administratora %player%"
  451. else:
  452. send "&cNie jestes administratorem!"
  453. command /chat-on:
  454. trigger:
  455. if player has permission "admin.chaton":
  456. set {} to 0
  457. broadcast "&cChat zostal &awlaczony &cprzez administratora %player%"
  458. else:
  459. send "&cNie jestes administratorem!"
  460. command /cc:
  461. trigger:
  462. if player has permission "admin.chatcc":
  463. loop 100 times:
  464. send "" to all players
  465. broadcast "&cChat zostal &9wyczyszczony &cprzez administratora %player%"
  466. else:
  467. send "&cNie jestes administratorem!"
  468. command /poke [<text>]:
  469. trigger:
  470. if player has permission "vip.poke":
  471. if arg is set:
  472. send "&6Wyslales wiadomosc o tresci &a%arg 1%&6!"
  473. send "&2Twoja wiadomosc zniknie za 5 sekund."
  474. execute console command "ne prefix %player% %arg 1%"
  475. wait 5 seconds
  476. execute console command "ne prefix %player% &f"
  477. send "&2Twoja wiadomosc znikla!"
  478. else:
  479. send "&6Nie podales tresci."
  480. else:
  481. send "&6Nie jestes VIPem!"
  482. command /msg [<player>] [<text>]:
  483. aliases: pw, m, tell, t
  484. trigger:
  485. if arg 1 is set:
  486. if arg 2 is set:
  487. arg 1 is a player
  488. send "&2Wiadomosc o tresci &6%arg 2% &2zostala wyslana do &9%arg 1%&2!" to player
  489. send "&cWiadomosc od &6%player%&c: &a%arg 2%" to arg 1
  490. else:
  491. send "&6Nie podales tresci wiadomosci!"
  492. else:
  493. send "&aNie podales gracza!"
  494. command /nazwa [<text>]:
  495. trigger:
  496. if player has permission "vip.nazwa":
  497. if arg is set:
  498. execute console command "nick %player% %arg 1%"
  499. wait 0.1 second
  500. loop 3 times:
  501. send ""
  502. send "&a&l//////////////"
  503. send "&9Zmieniles swoj nick na %arg 1%"
  504. send "&a&l//////////////"
  505. else:
  506. send "&6Nie podales nazwy!"
  507. else:
  508. send "&6Nie jestes VIPem!"
  509. command /pomoc:
  510. trigger:
  511. send "&2&l///////////////////////"
  512. send "&a/lobby &7(DLA GRACZA)"
  513. send "&a/setlobby &c(DLA ADMINA)"
  514. send "&a/vlobby &6(DLA VIPA)"
  515. send "&a/resetuj &c(DLA ADMINA)"
  516. send "&a/ranking &7(DLA GRACZA)
  517. send "&a/nazwa &6(DLA VIPA)"
  518. send "&a/sprawdz &c(DLA ADMINA)"
  519. send "&a/czysty &c(DLA ADMINA)"
  520. send "&a/spr-ustaw &c(DLA ADMINA)"
  521. send "&a/vip &6(INFO O VIP)"
  522. send "&a/arena pomoc &c(DLA ADMINA)"
  523. send "&a/msg lub pw &7(DLA GRACZA)"
  524. send "&a/admin &7(DLA GRACZA)"
  525. send "&a/poke &6(DLA VIPA)"
  526. send "&2&l//////////////////////"
  527. command /vip:
  528. trigger:
  529. send "&4&l////////////////////////"
  530. send "&aFormat chatu VIP:"
  531. send "&6NICK: &awiadomosc"
  532. send "&aMozliwosc zmiany nicku:"
  533. send "&c/nazwa [nowy nick]"
  534. send "&aMozliwosc obserwowania aren:"
  535. send "&c// teleporty do obserw. są na spawn \\"
  536. send "&aSzybszy teleport na lobby:"
  537. send "&c/vlobby"
  538. send "&aMoze pisac podczas wylaczonego chatu"
  539. send "&aVIP'owski broadcast:"
  540. send "&c/vbc [tekst]"
  541. send "&aWysylanie wiadomosci pojawiajacych sie nad glowa gracza:"
  542. send "&c/poke [tekst]"
  543. send "&3Koszt: 6,15zl"
  544. send "&eKupisz tutaj! "
  545. send "&4&l///////////////////////"
  546. on walking:
  547. if block under player is anvil:
  548. execute player command "arena potion tp"
  549. if block under player is red wool:
  550. execute player command "arena hardore tp"
  551. if block under player is glass:
  552. execute player command "spectate standard"
  553. if block under player is pink wool:
  554. execute player command "spectate hardcore"
  555. if block under player is black wool:
  556. execute player command "spectate potion"
  557. on portal:
  558. execute player command "arena standard tp"
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