
Practicality of life

Apr 24th, 2024
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  1. ## Set A
  3. ## 1) Model Sampling from Cauchy and Laplace distribution
  4. > # a)
  5. > # X follows cauchy disribution with parameter theta=10 and lambda=1
  6. > #using inverse Transformation CDF
  7. > n=11 #size of random sample to be drawn from Cauchy distribution
  8. > lambda=1 #Scale Parameter
  9. > theta=10 #Location parameter
  10. > # As we Know that evry distribution cdf follows standard uniform distribution
  11. > y=runif(n) # Generating random sample of size 11 from uniform distribution
  12. > x=lambda*tan(pi* (v-0.5))+theta;x
  13. > # b) Median of the cauchy sample obtain From obove
  14. > median(x)
  15. ## Cauchy= L/2*exp(-L|x-u|)
  19. ## 2) Log normal Cancer
  20. # (1/(x-a)sigrt2pi)exp(-1/2sigsq(logx-a - u)sq)
  21. > # Fiting log normal distribution
  22. > LL=seq(0,60,10);LL #lower Limit of given data
  23. > UL=seq(10,70,10);UL #upper limit of the given data
  24. > Freq=c(20,90,52,11,6,4,1);Freq
  25. > N=sum(Freq)
  26. > x=(UL+LL)/2; #mid point of the gien data
  27. > d=data.frame("lower limit"=LL, "Upper limit"=UL,"mid point"=x, "frequency"=Freq)
  28. > d
  29. > M12=sum(Freq*x/sum(Freq); M12 # Frist sample raw Movement used for estimating mean and Sigma
  30. > M13=sum(Freq*(x^2))/sum(Freq);M13 # Second sample raw moment used for estimating mean sigma
  31. > sigma_est=log(M13,base=exp(1))-(2*log(M12,base =exp (1))); sigma_est ##estimating sigma for calculating Probabilities
  32. > mu_est=(2*log(M12,base=exp(1)))-(log(M13,base=exp(1))/2); mu_est ##estimating mean for calculating probabilities
  33. > a=plnorm(UL,mu_est,sqrt(sigma_est));a #calculating cumulative Probabilities
  34. > px=с()
  35. > px[1]=a[1]
  36. > for (i in 1: (length(a)-1)){
  37. + px[i+1]=ali+1]-a[i]
  38. +}
  39. > ExFreq=round(N*px,2);ExFreq
  40. > sum(ExFreq)
  41. > D1= data.frame(d, "expected"= Exfreq)
  46. # 3) literates 2 year Ratio and Regression mthd
  47. #Ratio and regression method of estimation Comparsion with SRSWOR
  48. > x=с(109,101,125,254,559,359,427,481);X
  49. > y=c(99,112,111,278,634,355,399,489); Y
  50. > N=170
  51. #No observation of given data X.
  52. > n=length(y)
  53. > Xt=21288000 #population total of given data X
  54. > Х_bar_N=xt/N;X_bar_N #Population Mean of given data of X
  55. > y_bar_n=mean(y)
  56. > x_bar_n=mean(x)
  57. > #Ratio method.
  58. > Rn=y_bar_n/x_bar_n;Rn #ratio of sample mean of y and x
  59. > Y_bar_N=Rn*X_bar_N;Y_bar_N #Estimate of Population mean of Y
  60. > sy_sq=var(y);sy_sq #sample mean square of y
  61. > sx_sq=var(x);sx_sq #sample mean square of x
  62. > sxy_sq=var(x,y);sxy_sq #sample mean square of xy
  63. > SE_Y_totalhat=N*sqrt(((1/n)-(1/N))*(sy_sq+Rn^2*sx_sq-(2*Rn*sxy_sq)));SE_Y_totalhat #Estimate of SE of population total of Y
  64. > #Regression method:
  65. > byx=sxy_sq/sx_sq;byx #regression coefficient of Y on X
  66. > Y_hat=y_bar_n+(byx*(X_bar_N-x_bar_n));Y_hat #Estimate of Population mean of Y
  67. > Y_hat_total=N*Y_hat;Y_hat_total #Estimate of Population total of Y
  68. > SE_Y_total1=N*sqrt((N-n)/(N*n))*(sy_sq+(byx^2*sx_sq)-(2*byx*sxy_sq)));SE_Y_total1 #Estimate of SE of population total of Y
  69. > #comparison between SRSwor
  70. > var_y_bar=((1/n)-(1/N))*sy_sq;var_y_bar #variance of sample mean under SRSWOR
  71. › SE_Y_hat=N*sqrt(var_y_bar);SE_Y_hat #S.E of sample mean under SRSWOR
  72. > #conclusion- SE(Y_hat)SRSWOR>SE(Y_hat)RATIO>SE(Y_hat)REGRESSION
  73. ># This implies that variation of regression estimator is minimum and use supplementary information increases the precision.
  78. ## SET B
  79. ## 1. B
  80. > #que no 4
  81. > mu=5
  82. > sigma=sqrt(4)
  83. > set.seed (8)
  84. > u=runif(8,0,1)
  85. #where u and v follows U(0,1)
  86. > U
  87. > v=runif (8,0,1)
  88. > V
  89. > z=sqrt(-2*log(x=u)) *cos(2*pi*v)
  90. #random sample from N (0,1)
  91. > Z
  92. 1>x=mu+(2* sigma)
  93. #random sample from N(5,4)
  94. > X
  95. > mean (X)
  96. > #conclusion-Hence our sample mean is close to population mean but sample variance shows some deviation but as the sample size tends to infinity it will close to population variance
  99. #1.C
  100. > #Weibull distribution with alpha=15 and beta=10
  101. > alpha3=3
  102. #parameter values of weibull distribution
  103. > beta3=1
  104. > x=seq (-0.01,15,0.1);x
  105. > px4=dweibull(x,shape=beta3,scale=alpha3);px
  106. > plot(x,px4,col="pink",xlab="variable", ylab="probability", lwd=4,type="1", ylim=c(0,0.92))
  108. > #а)
  109. > alpha=1
  110. > beta=2 #parameter values of weibull distribution
  111. > x=seq(-0.01,15,0.1);x
  112. > px=dweibull(x,shape=beta,scale=alpha);px
  113. > lines(x=x,y=px,lty=3,col="yellow", lwd=3)
  114. >#D)
  115. > alpha1=5 #parameter values of weibull distribution
  116. > beta1=1
  117. > px1=dweibull(x,shape=beta1,scale=alpha1);px
  118. > lines(x=x,Y=px1,col="blue", lwd=4,Ity=2)
  119. > #C)
  120. > alpha1=1 #parameter values of weibull distribution
  121. > beta1=1
  122. > px2=dweibull(x,shape=beta1,scale=alphal);px
  123. > lines(x=x,y=px2,col="green", lwd=3,Ity=2)
  124. >
  125. >#d)
  126. > alpha2=10 #parameter values of weibull distribution
  127. > beta2=5
  128. > px3=dweibull(x,shape=beta2,scale=alpha2); px
  129. > lines(x=x,y=px3,col="violet", wd=4,Ity=2)
  130. legend (locator(1), legend=c("W(alpha=3,beta=1)", "W(alpha=1,beta=2)", "W(alpha=5,beta=1)", "W(alpha=1,beta=1)", "W(alpha=10, beta=5)") fill=c("pink", "yellow","blue", "green", "violet"))
  131. > #conclusion-As we we increase the values of both the shape parameter it slowly becomes symmetric from strong negatively skewed.
  136. ###proportional and neyman allocation
  137. > N1=80 #population
  138. > N2=60
  139. > N3=40
  140. > N4=100
  141. > N5=100
  142. > Ni=c(80,60,40,100,120); Ni #population of each strata
  143. > N=sum(N1,N2,N3, N4, N5);N
  144. > y_bar_i=c(82.3,161.5,139.2,239.1,200);Y_bar_i #Popn mean of each strata
  145. > Si=c(21.3,17.7,14.7,15.3,18.9);Si
  146. > n=40
  147. > # Obtain the size of the sub sample from each stratum
  148. > # for population allocation
  149. > ni=(n/N)*Ni;ni
  150. > n1=ni[1];n1
  151. > n2=ni|2];n2
  152. > n3=ni[3];n3
  153. > n4=ni[4];n4
  154. > n5=ni[5];n5
  156. ># for Nayman's allocation
  157. > ni=(n*Ni*Si)/sum(Ni*Si)
  158. > n1=round(ni(1],0);n1
  159. > n2=round(ni[2],0);n2
  160. > n3=round(ni[3],0);n3
  161. > n4=round(ni[4],0);n4
  162. > n5=round (ni[5],0);n5
  163. > # To obtain S.E of the estimate of population mean and population total
  164. > # under population allocation
  165. > pi=c(N1/N,N2/N,N3/N, N4/N,N5/N);pi
  166. > S_E_est_ Ybar1=sqrt(((1/n)-(1/N))*sum(pi*Si^2));S_E_est_Ybar1
  167. > S.E_est_Yt1=sqrt(N*S_E_est_Ybar1);S.E_est_Yt1
  168. # Under Nayman's allocation
  169. > S.E_est_ Ybar2=sqrt((1/n)*(sum(pi*Si))*2)-((1/N)*sum(pi*Si^2)));S.E_est_Ybar2
  170. > S.E_est_Vt2=sqrt(N*S.E_est_Ybar2);S.E_est_Yt2
  171. > #UNDER SRSWOR
  172. > Y_bar_N=sum(Y_bar_i*Ni)/N;Y_bar_N
  173. > S.E_est_Ybar3=sart((N-n)/(N*n))*(1/(N-1)) *(Isum(Ni-1) *Si^2)+(sum((Y_bar_i-Y_bar _N)*2*Ni));S.E_est_Ybar3
  174. > S.E_est_Yt3=sqrt(N*S.E_est_Ybar3);S.E_est_Yt3
  175. # conclusion:since varience of ybarst of population mean under SRSWOR is more than the varience under population allocation and Neyman's allocation
  179. SET C
  180. Q1. A(i)
  181. > x=sort(c(24,38,61,22,16,57,31,29,35));x
  182. > length(x)
  183. > LL=seq(1,9,1);LL
  184. > UL=sort(seq(1,9,1), decreasing = TRUE); UL
  185. > d=data.frame(LL,UL);a
  186. > d1=subset(d,LL<UL); d1
  187. > d2=data.frame(d1,LB=x[d1$LL],UB=[d1$UL]);d2
  188. > con_Fin=pbinom(d2$UL-1,9,0.5)-pbinom(d2$LL-1,9,0.5)
  189. > data.frame(d2,con_Fin)
  190. > #Median would lie within 24,38 confidence interval with 82% confidence coefficent.
  192. Q1. C
  193. > #Q 2: 6 students mark out of 50
  194. > L=c(42,18,25,35,20,30);L
  195. > N=length(L);N #L is total no of sampling unit IN population
  196. > n=2;n
  197. > 0b1=1:6
  198. > 002=1:6
  199. > m=merge(ob1,0b2);m
  200. > sub=subset(m,m$x>m$y);sub #position of observation in SRSWOR sample
  201. > d=data.frame(ob1=L|sub|,11],ob2=L[sub|,2]]);d
  202. > d1=data.frame(d,m=apply(d,1,mean),sv=(apply(d,1,var))*((n-1)/n));d1
  203. > n1= length(d1$sm)
  204. > #verify(E(y_bar)=Y_bar)
  205. > est_y_bar=mean(d15sm);est_y_bar
  206. > #conclusion:population mean is unbiased estimator of sample mean
  207. > ybar=mean(L); ybar
  208. > #veryfy (var(ybar)=((N-n)/Nn)s^2)
  209. > n=length(d1$sv);n
  210. > var_y_bar-var(d15sm)*(n1-1)/(n1);var_y_bar
  211. > RHS=var(L)*((N-n)/(N*n)); RHS
  213. > #confidence interval for population mean
  214. > alpha=0.05
  215. > z_alpha_2=gnorm(1-(alpha/2));z_alpha_2
  216. > sigma=sqrt(d1$sv);sigma
  217. > d2-data.frame(d2, L_cl-d15m-(z_alpha_2*sigma), U_CL=15sm+(z_alpha 2*sigma));d2
  218. > d3=data.frame(d2,T_L_cl=N*(d1$sm-(z_alpha_2*sigma)), T_U_CL=N*(d1$sm+(z_alpha_2*sigma)));d3
  220. ## list of 3100 , 41 wrong .. Find SE and CI
  221. > N=3100;N # where N is Population size.
  222. > n=200;n #where n is random sample size from population.
  223. > a=41 #No. of names and address which are wrong and need to be corrected in list in sample of 200.
  224. > р=а/п;р #where p is proportion of sample which is unbaised estimator of population proportiona
  225. > q=1-p;9
  227. > #To find estimate for standard error for population Proportion
  228. > est_S.E_est_P=sqrt((N-n)/(n*N))*(n/(n-1))*p*q);est_S.E_est_P
  229. > #To find 95% confidence interval for population proprotion
  230. > #for n>30
  231. > alpha=0.05
  232. > Z_alpha=qnorm (1-(alpha/2),0,1);Z_alpha
  233. > L_CI=p-(Z_alpha*est_S.E_est_P);L_CI
  234. > U_CI=p+(Z_alpha*est _S.E_est_P);U_Cl
  236. > #To find 95% confidence interval for population Total
  237. > L_CI=N*(p-(Z_alpha*est_S.E_est_P));L_Cl
  238. > U_CI=N*(p+(Z_alpha*est_S.E_est_P));U_Cl
  242. Sale_last_year=c(50,35,12,10, 15,30,9,25, 100,250,50,50,150,100,40);Sal e_last_year
  243. 111 50 35 12 10 15 30 9 25 100 250 50 50 150 100 40
  244. > Sale_this_year=c(56,48,22,14,18,26,11,30,165,409,73,70,95,55,83);Sale _this_year
  245. > N=300
  246. #No observation of given data X
  247. > n=length(y)
  248. > Xt=21300
  249. #population total of given data X
  250. > X_bar_N=Xt/N;_bar_N
  251. [1] 71
  252. #Population Mean of given data of x
  253. > y_bar
  254. _n=mean (y)
  255. > x_
  256. bar_n=mean(x)
  257. #sample mean of y #sample mean of y
  258. > #Ratio method.
  259. > Rn=y_bar_n/x_bar_n;Rn
  260. #ratio of sample mean of y and
  261. sample meanof x
  262. [1] 0.9622642
  263. > Y_bar_N=Rn *X_bar_N;Y_bar_N
  264. #Estimate of Population mean of
  265. Y
  266. [1] 68.32075
  267. > sy_sq=var(y);sy_sq
  268. #sample mean square of y
  269. [1] 88.1
  270. > sx_sq=var(x);sx_sq
  271. #sample mean square of x
  272. [1] 100.6778
  273. > sxy_sq=var(x,y);sxy_sq
  274. #sample mean square of xy
  275. [1] 79.63333
  276. _Y_totalhat=N*sqrt(((1/n)-(1/N))*(sy_sq+Rn^2*sx_sq-
  277. (2*Rn*sxy_sq)));SE_Y.
  278. _totalhat #Estimate of SE of population total of Y
  279. [1] 494.1418
  280. > #Regression method:
  281. > byx=sxy_sq/sx_sq;byx
  282. #regression coefficient of Y on X
  283. [1] 0.7909723
  284. > Y_hat=y_bar_n+(byx*(X_bar_N-x_bar_n));Y__hat
  285. Population mean of Y
  286. [1] 66.14535
  287. > Y_hat_total=N*Y_hat;Y_hat_total
  288. mean of X
  289. [1] 19843.6
  290. #Estimate of Population
  291. > SE_Ytotal1=N*sqrt((N-n)/(N*n))*(sy_sa+(byx^2*sx_sa)-(2*byx*sxy_sq)))
  292. > #The Standard error of estimator from Ratio and regression method is494.1418 and 467.4147
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